Posts: 2576
Joined: 5/9/2000 From: Leeuwarden, Netherlands Status: offline
ORIGINAL: wodin It is something I've thought about what with the boom of indy developers, however like everything else it's down to things that are out of your hands whether you get successful. You need a good game, and be in the right place at the right time and a big dollop of luck. Like Notch and the others who have made a small fortune of an indy game, yet there are thousands others who never make a penny. Kickstarter is a good idea once you have the skills and idea down, however check out how many projects never get any funding at all...loads. Make a Steel Panther kind of game and show your capable of pulling it off you may make a prety penny. Well exactly. I find the business tough, many studios have come and gone, loads and loads of skilled folks have been hired... and sacked again. I've seen great game developers create great games, only to fail on the next ones until they fade away into anonimity. I've seen great games of outstanding quality never getting the audience it earned, only to end up in the salesbin. So yeah, throughout the years the business has somewhat left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, it can be cruel. Still, having said that, I'm glad with the indie boom, some serious nice games out there, and it doesn't even cost you an arm and a limb to buy. Sometimes I compare it with the modelling industry (adult and fashion), where all too many girls think a pretty face and cute ass guarantees big money. Well think again. So yeah you have to have something that's different, or the "golden nugget" as Iain says. And folks tend to be choosey indeed. There's *way* more choice than 10-15 years ago. When the original Panzer General was released there was nothing even similar on the market, it was an instant hit. Take for instance the work that Jason Petho or Shannon O'keets have been doing for their games.... years and years of commitment and hard laobr, will it pay off? I hope so.