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Joined: 3/10/2007 From: Mordor Illlinois Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Morlante I have sand a e-mail to the jap players if is allow me to put you in contac i have to wait is aknowlegement first. But i will love to finish this game. So Steve you quit the Belle province de Québec, but it's a stategie to sand many people at the beach of New-England. We begin wit the beach, after we wil invade the forest, after the town, to be honest it's a reverse take over and in some years from now, New-England will disapeard to let the place to the New-New-France. I have to stop to dring that... Actually I didn't quit, my great,great grandfather did. I'm afraid we have not spoken French at all for 3 generations. And as far as invasions go, it's pretty lack-luster. They find the beach, and the motel and occupy a patch of sand for about two weeks. The most dangerous thing about them is their driving , but their "invasion" coincides with two other groups invading from the south. The "NEWYAKKERS" and the "people from BASTUN". Both those groups then to be so dangeous in their driving , that they wipe out the invaders from the north. Natives know to lay low till fall when they have a "Goodbye, GD (green dollar) tourist" party. A lot of invaders from the north stay, but within a generation or two you really can't tell them from the natives or "southern invaders" (except they have funny hard to pronounce names ---like me! )
< Message edited by AW1Steve -- 7/26/2012 9:32:53 PM >