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Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really

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Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 2:39:10 AM   

Posts: 3283
Joined: 8/28/2003
From: arkansas
Status: offline
why is it, when playing the Allieds....that when your subs do launch a torpedo and if and I mean IF, it exsplodes why is it usually against a PB, or a type similiar to that. Once in a great while they will work against a AK, and if your really lucky a TK. And if your really, really lucky A DD, CL. But almost NEVER when against a CV Hull.....why is that. Thats happened three times just in this pbem game. Since 2004 I can remember one torpedo strike working against the Hull of a Japanese CV Hull in all of my Pbem games.

I would say from memory at least 12 to 15 Japanese CV's have been hit (all pbem games) from Witp to WitpAe and only one has worked, one time against the Hull of a Jap CV. That was against Roger awhile back. Trying not to complain to much, enjoying our pbem game, but this just continues and continues. When a American sub launchs against a Japanese CV hull I alreay know the out come=no guess work there. Come guys you know that can't be correct. I don'y want a padded game, just a game with the historical chances. In my opinion this part of the game is deficient.....Right now subs being trained up...commander/leaders with decent rating and its still awaste...then torps that only seem to work against less important. Game is now in Mid Dec 42.

Note: Dog, if you read this, its not you....its the game......overall I am enjoying our game but this just knocks the life out of me game after game.

< Message edited by Titanwarrior89 -- 8/1/2012 2:52:44 AM >


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"
Post #: 1
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 2:44:00 AM   

Posts: 4132
Joined: 12/3/2007
From: Kansas
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Life is tough. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.

Currently chasing three kids around the Midwest.

(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 2
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 2:44:50 AM   

Posts: 3283
Joined: 8/28/2003
From: arkansas
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You must be a jap player.

ORIGINAL: jeffk3510


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to jeffk3510)
Post #: 3
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 3:06:40 AM   
Dan Nichols

Posts: 863
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Mid December 1942, Mk 14 dud rate still 80%. Come back when you have passed 1 September, 1943 and tell us how many duds you got since then.

(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 4
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 3:09:50 AM   

Posts: 3283
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From: arkansas
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Dan, I have been into late 43 and still the same thing in other pbem games. At least two that I can think of. I maybe wrong but seems off for some reason on CV hulls....maybe its just weird luck.

ORIGINAL: Dan Nichols

Mid December 1942, Mk 14 dud rate still 80%. Come back when you have passed 1 September, 1943 and tell us how many duds you got since then.

< Message edited by Titanwarrior89 -- 8/1/2012 3:10:36 AM >


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to Dan Nichols)
Post #: 5
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 3:17:54 AM   

Posts: 3283
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From: arkansas
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By the war Jeff, I am looking at the game system Ive played probley as long as your self and maybe longer...its not a Allied or a Japanese player issue against one to the other...I am speaking of the system that maybe in historical error. But I am Not looking for your or anyone else's approval/disaproval. I am just stating something thats happening in my pbem games -game after game from Dec 42 until late 43. So like you said

ORIGINAL: jeffk3510

< Message edited by Titanwarrior89 -- 8/1/2012 3:18:29 AM >


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to jeffk3510)
Post #: 6
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 3:24:41 AM   

Posts: 3836
Joined: 7/3/2006
From: Christiana, TN
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It is Japan's secret anti-sub-torp de-gauss field. It causes magnetic torps to not detonate.

And, yes, I am a JFB. Although, I am currently dabbling in the allied cause and am cursing the same device.


(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 7
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 3:34:57 AM   

Posts: 3283
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From: arkansas
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Really and it works..... It gets some what better into late 43'-44'. I am still not up to speed on the Japanese production system. But I do understand it basics. I am not really worried about winning or losing-I mean how many pbem games really get to the end that are started. To me, its the play(historically possiable) on the road to get there.

ORIGINAL: nashvillen

It is Japan's secret anti-sub-torp de-gauss field. It causes magnetic torps to not detonate.

And, yes, I am a JFB. Although, I am currently dabbling in the allied cause and am cursing the same device.


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to nashvillen)
Post #: 8
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 6:05:15 AM   

Posts: 6793
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From: Chattanooga, Tennessee
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If you stick it out until late 1943 and manage to retain a good portion of your boats then your submarine fleet will begin to decimate the Japanese.

Most players however are way too aggressive and lose a good portion of their early submarine fleet.
Also players under utilize their S-Boats. Early in the war they have dud rates of only 10% and can inflict significant damage.
They are just hampered by their short legs and slow speeds. But Formosa and Vietnam are good places for them in the first year.

But really, hold out until 43 and when the subs are rolling off the line every week and they have radar you will start to have some significant victories with them.


(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 9
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 7:07:24 AM   

Posts: 4776
Joined: 1/26/2003
From: Vienna, Austria
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ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89
[...]In my opinion this part of the game is deficient.....Right now subs being trained up...commander/leaders with decent rating and its still awaste...then torps that only seem to work against less important. Game is now in Mid Dec 42.[...]

Every allied player knows the feeling when hitting major combatants early war.

You are suspecting a CV hull conspiracy? Please don´t tell me that was meant in earnest.

Also you chose a weird time to complain. You only got a couple of days to go until it gets better. My sink (not hit) rate with MK14s is probably one ship
every 2-3 days in late ´43, for about a year already, and I don´t consider myself the best silent service player.

Besides damageing fleet CVs 3-4 times, we sank a CVL, a CVE and a BB with sub launched torps.


(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 10
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 7:24:03 AM   

Posts: 1737
Joined: 11/30/2008
From: Finland
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ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89
[...]In my opinion this part of the game is deficient.....Right now subs being trained up...commander/leaders with decent rating and its still awaste...then torps that only seem to work against less important. Game is now in Mid Dec 42.[...]

Every allied player knows the feeling when hitting major combatants early war.

You are suspecting a CV hull conspiracy? Please don´t tell me that was meant in earnest.

Maybe I should tell him that in my PBEM game allies have torpedoed CV Hiyo 3 times now. That ship have spent more time in repair yard than actually sailing with rest of the KB. Once she took 3 torpedo hits, and saving that ships was a miracle.

At the moment Zuikaku is also in repair yard, because of sub's torpedo.

So and are probably right...

(in reply to LoBaron)
Post #: 11
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 9:56:12 AM   

Posts: 556
Joined: 7/14/2004
From: Swindon,Wilts. UK
Status: offline
Sounds like bad luck. I've been playing the RA 4.6 mod as the Allies and I sunk 2 of their CVL's and got 3 hits on Zuikaku whilst they were busy supporting their forces invading the DEI


(in reply to Puhis)
Post #: 12
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 10:34:28 AM   


Posts: 7979
Joined: 4/17/2005
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I think you need to read my AAR, its Oct 43...........and how many CVs have I had hit and damaged now as Japan.........too bloody many (4, or is it 5 now)
cantona's SS fleet is literally terrorising me........... I cant go anywhere with out being spotted, hunted, attacked, harrassed.
Half the merchant fleet is gone.............
If you get into 43 or later, believe me, SS are lethal.

(in reply to moonraker65)
Post #: 13
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 11:11:23 AM   

Posts: 6750
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ORIGINAL: 1275psi

I think you need to read my AAR, its Oct 43...........and how many CVs have I had hit and damaged now as Japan.........too bloody many (4, or is it 5 now)
cantona's SS fleet is literally terrorising me........... I cant go anywhere with out being spotted, hunted, attacked, harrassed.
Half the merchant fleet is gone.............
If you get into 43 or later, believe me, SS are lethal.

Q-Ball is doing the same with me in Jan least 30 merchants have already been hit and sunk by his subs (and, most of them by those with duds torps!), plus 1 AO, 1 AMC, 2 DDs, several PBs and one DMS!!!!!

(in reply to 1275psi)
Post #: 14
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 11:39:40 AM   

Posts: 7704
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From: United States
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They are all Jap apologists.

The Dutch, who don't have the US dud rate to contend with, almost invariably expeience their few duds against combatants, not against merchants.

If it's a Dutch dud you can bet it hit a destroyer or a cruiser.

That's not to say that the Dutch don't get exploding hits against combatants as I have sunk plenty of CVEs and CVLs with them, it's just that their duds almost never seem to happen against anything BUT a combatant ship.

Why exactly is that?

It's because a only a few, even if it seems like many, iterations will almost always give skewed results and we like to read some mysterious intent into them to satisfy our need to understand why.

None of that changes the fact that they are all Jap apologists......



(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 15
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 1:15:23 PM   

Posts: 2358
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I've torpedoed IJN CVs and had them torpedoed so it can happen. I think most can understand the frustaration from a potential easy kill not to happen one of my PBEM opponents told me he had a lot of dents to fix from sailing into a line of sub infested waters.

It will happen keep plugging away.


"There’s no such thing as a bitter person who keeps the bitterness to himself.” ~ Erwin Lutzer

(in reply to HansBolter)
Post #: 16
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 2:02:34 PM   

Posts: 2320
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From: Jacksonville Fl
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I bet if somebody did a spread sheet it would clear this up, but like the OP, I can't tell you how many surface combatants I have hit with no explosion vs hits with explosions on auxiliary's in the first 1 year of the war. I am pretty sure its just a perception but it sometimes seems like a dark conspiracy.


(in reply to SuluSea)
Post #: 17
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 2:50:30 PM   

Posts: 3283
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From: arkansas
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NO, I am not saying there is a CV Hull conspiracy.....I am saying if and when my subs launch a torpedo and it exsplodes it usually against a lesser target...that is all nothing more nothing less. But 99% of the time if a Japanese CV pop's into the picture and sub launches the torpedo will not fire. I know the answer before I see played out. I no what I see, and I KNOW what happens into 43' and 44'.



ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89
[...]In my opinion this part of the game is deficient.....Right now subs being trained up...commander/leaders with decent rating and its still awaste...then torps that only seem to work against less important. Game is now in Mid Dec 42.[...]

Every allied player knows the feeling when hitting major combatants early war.

You are suspecting a CV hull conspiracy? Please don´t tell me that was meant in earnest.

Also you chose a weird time to complain. You only got a couple of days to go until it gets better. My sink (not hit) rate with MK14s is probably one ship
every 2-3 days in late ´43, for about a year already, and I don´t consider myself the best silent service player.

Besides damageing fleet CVs 3-4 times, we sank a CVL, a CVE and a BB with sub launched torps.


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to LoBaron)
Post #: 18
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 2:56:37 PM   

Posts: 3283
Joined: 8/28/2003
From: arkansas
Status: offline
Ok, maybe I should tell you in my last 3 or 4 pbem only ONE torpedo worked against 8-9 sighting(CV) and zero against 3 sighting in my current pbem.





ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89
[...]In my opinion this part of the game is deficient.....Right now subs being trained up...commander/leaders with decent rating and its still awaste...then torps that only seem to work against less important. Game is now in Mid Dec 42.[...]

Every allied player knows the feeling when hitting major combatants early war.

You are suspecting a CV hull conspiracy? Please don´t tell me that was meant in earnest.

Maybe I should tell him that in my PBEM game allies have torpedoed CV Hiyo 3 times now. That ship have spent more time in repair yard than actually sailing with rest of the KB. Once she took 3 torpedo hits, and saving that ships was a miracle.

At the moment Zuikaku is also in repair yard, because of sub's torpedo.

So and are probably right...


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to Puhis)
Post #: 19
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 2:58:23 PM   

Posts: 3283
Joined: 8/28/2003
From: arkansas
Status: offline
Thanks Moonraker, that's probley all it is....but game after game I feel like I am butting my head against a wall.

ORIGINAL: moonraker

Sounds like bad luck. I've been playing the RA 4.6 mod as the Allies and I sunk 2 of their CVL's and got 3 hits on Zuikaku whilst they were busy supporting their forces invading the DEI


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to moonraker65)
Post #: 20
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 3:04:49 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
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It must be you and your game / game settings. My experiences (as a Japanese player) re: Allied torpedo efficacy mirror those described above already. There were a few hits (on a CV too) prior to 1943. January 1, 1943 has resulted in a steady improvement in Allied dog torpedo efficacy. I'm probably losing a ship of some sort every other day now. If my CVs were unfortunate enough to stumble into an undetected Allied dog submarine, I'd get stung.


(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 21
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 3:09:34 PM   

Posts: 3283
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From: arkansas
Status: offline
For the guys who gave positive reinforcement I thank you.......and all was noted......for the guys who just don't want to hear it but would like to be listen too when they run a thread  Have a nice day.  I am done crying!


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 22
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 4:54:02 PM   

Posts: 7937
Joined: 7/24/2007
From: The Big Nowhere
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You are as frustrated as the real life sub commanders were with the defective torpedo fuses. This is the reason that they had to completely redesign the fuses during 1942...more often than not the torpedo would just bounce off the hull of the target with no detonation.


Distant Worlds Fan

'When in doubt...attack!'

(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 23
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 5:24:24 PM   

Posts: 9590
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From: Maryland
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This has all been said before. There are a few things about the sub war for the Allies that are not right. However, it is as it is and there will not be a fix in stock. The good folks at Da Babes have made some fixes and I think JWE retrofitted some of them to the stock scenarios and you can download them. Mostly these fixes have to do with Japanese ASW and the way Japanese escorts fire off DC in the late game.

However some other things are not going to change.

Your experiences with duds is both frustrating and accurate. But if you read the AARs you will see that many Alled players have had successes against major Japanese warships. In my own campaign, by late 44 I have probably torpedoed a dozen or more Japanese CVs and BBs (but never sunk any) and have sunk a few CA and CLs as well. You will get some hits.

Most annoying thing to me is the targeting formula. If the enemy has an escorted convoy then my subs tend to target the escort over the valuable cargo ships. And, my subs almost aways miss the escorts.

So, bottom line is sub play is fun but you really should not expect to win the war with your subs. When you do nail an important ship, it sure does feel good.


I am the Holy Roman Emperor and am above grammar.

Sigismund of Luxemburg

(in reply to Shark7)
Post #: 24
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 5:35:18 PM   

Posts: 4845
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From: Denver
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I thought the same thing.  Then I hit the Hiryu with 2 between Canton & Baker in Aug. 42.  It 'can' happen, just doesn't very darned often :P

(in reply to crsutton)
Post #: 25
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 5:43:52 PM   

Posts: 2226
Joined: 9/14/2004
From: Ashington, England.
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I lost 3 CVs to Allied subs in my last game and 2 so far and others damaged in my current game, so it does happen.

(in reply to Lecivius)
Post #: 26
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 5:57:42 PM   

Posts: 24520
Joined: 6/29/2002
From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: crsutton
Most annoying thing to me is the targeting formula. If the enemy has an escorted convoy then my subs tend to target the escort over the valuable cargo ships.

This was explained by a Dev a year or so ago and is intentional. Sub captains high in aggression will tend to 'press the attack' through the screen to get to the juicy targets beyond the escort. Captains lower in aggression will give up earlier in the hunt and fire a few shots at the escort instead. The higher speed of the escorts (relative to the juicy xAK, xAP, TK, AO etc. being escorted) makes a hit less likely.


(in reply to crsutton)
Post #: 27
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 6:11:51 PM   

Posts: 4776
Joined: 1/26/2003
From: Vienna, Austria
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ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89

NO, I am not saying there is a CV Hull conspiracy.....I am saying if and when my subs launch a torpedo and it exsplodes it usually against a lesser target...that is all nothing more nothing less. But 99% of the time if a Japanese CV pop's into the picture and sub launches the torpedo will not fire. I know the answer before I see played out. I no what I see, and I KNOW what happens into 43' and 44'.



ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89
[...]In my opinion this part of the game is deficient.....Right now subs being trained up...commander/leaders with decent rating and its still awaste...then torps that only seem to work against less important. Game is now in Mid Dec 42.[...]

Every allied player knows the feeling when hitting major combatants early war.

You are suspecting a CV hull conspiracy? Please don´t tell me that was meant in earnest.

Also you chose a weird time to complain. You only got a couple of days to go until it gets better. My sink (not hit) rate with MK14s is probably one ship
every 2-3 days in late ´43, for about a year already, and I don´t consider myself the best silent service player.

Besides damageing fleet CVs 3-4 times, we sank a CVL, a CVE and a BB with sub launched torps.

The issue in this case is not game-mechanic but perception related. I will try to show you why.

Ask yourself what the relation is between major combatants and what you call "lesser targets". This relation is directly
proportional to your chances to get into an attack position on the respective vessels. It is probably around 1:75+ Major Targets:Lesser Targets.

Consider that warships, even large ones as fleet CVs are usually much harder to hit than the 24/7 prey.

The IJN CVs have a mvr value between 22 (poor Shinano) and 33 (Hyriu/Soryu class), a topspeed lowest at 24, but
usually ranging from 28-33kts. And they probably need an average of 3-4 torps for an assured kill.

Now compare this to the average IJN xAK max speed usually about 12kts, at best those few 18kts Kyushu Cargo runners,
and add to that mvr values not an inch better than the carriers. Close to all of them can be sunk with 1-2 torps or
deck gun.
Then think about the CVs driven by high exp and high skill commanders - no Japanese player neglects his carriers, while the usual
AK captain runs around with 15-20 naval skill. In addition the crew exp delta between those two classes is usually extreme.

Now take into account that it is in hindsight very difficult to discern if you just missed the target in a specific instance, or whether
the torpedo was a dud. It is not so easy to discern as one might think, at least I made this experience while bitnin into my keyboard
after another failed attack on a IJN warship...

And finally consider the difference in excitement when you see the crosshairs pointed at a CV compared to the usual AK or PB.

So to sum it up:

- A CV is rare, the relation attacks on CVs to attacks on AKs is probably worse than 1:50, and this is a conservative guess.
- It has a much higher chance to evade attack as the ship is faster, the commander is better, the crew has more exp.
- In case of a single hit an AK has a rough 50% chance to sink, a CV might just laugh and shrug it off.
- If you dud on a CV you might want to throw something at something. If you dud on an AK you don´t care to much,
usually you have forgotten it pretty soon, and theres a nice chance that the second torp hits as well and sinks it.

Your enemy CVs are much tougher to find, engage, hit, and sink than your enemy AKs. With torps at 90% dud rate even more.
This is what you see. Thats neither news nor is it mysterious.


(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 28
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 6:19:12 PM   

Posts: 3283
Joined: 8/28/2003
From: arkansas
Status: offline
I see your point LoBaron.....I would probley have to agree. Its just PB hull(BOOM!)......CV hull(thud!). and its frustrating



ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89

NO, I am not saying there is a CV Hull conspiracy.....I am saying if and when my subs launch a torpedo and it exsplodes it usually against a lesser target...that is all nothing more nothing less. But 99% of the time if a Japanese CV pop's into the picture and sub launches the torpedo will not fire. I know the answer before I see played out. I no what I see, and I KNOW what happens into 43' and 44'.



ORIGINAL: Titanwarrior89
[...]In my opinion this part of the game is deficient.....Right now subs being trained up...commander/leaders with decent rating and its still awaste...then torps that only seem to work against less important. Game is now in Mid Dec 42.[...]

Every allied player knows the feeling when hitting major combatants early war.

You are suspecting a CV hull conspiracy? Please don´t tell me that was meant in earnest.

Also you chose a weird time to complain. You only got a couple of days to go until it gets better. My sink (not hit) rate with MK14s is probably one ship
every 2-3 days in late ´43, for about a year already, and I don´t consider myself the best silent service player.

Besides damageing fleet CVs 3-4 times, we sank a CVL, a CVE and a BB with sub launched torps.

The issue in this case is not game-mechanic but perception related. I will try to show you why.

Ask yourself what the relation is between major combatants and what you call "lesser targets". This relation is directly
proportional to your chances to get into an attack position on the respective vessels. It is probably around 1:75+ Major Targets:Lesser Targets.

Consider that warships, even large ones as fleet CVs are usually much harder to hit than the 24/7 prey.

The IJN CVs have a mvr value between 22 (poor Shinano) and 33 (Hyriu/Soryu class), a topspeed lowest at 24, but
usually ranging from 28-33kts. And they probably need an average of 3-4 torps for an assured kill.

Now compare this to the average IJN xAK max speed usually about 12kts, at best those few 18kts Kyushu Cargo runners,
and add to that mvr values not an inch better than the carriers. Close to all of them can be sunk with 1-2 torps or
deck gun.
Then think about the CVs driven by high exp and high skill commanders - no Japanese player neglects his carriers, while the usual
AK captain runs around with 15-20 naval skill. In addition the crew exp delta between those two classes is usually extreme.

Now take into account that it is in hindsight very difficult to discern if you just missed the target in a specific instance, or whether
the torpedo was a dud. It is not so easy to discern as one might think, at least I made this experience while bitnin into my keyboard
after another failed attack on a IJN warship...

And finally consider the difference in excitement when you see the crosshairs pointed at a CV compared to the usual AK or PB.

So to sum it up:

- A CV is rare, the relation attacks on CVs to attacks on AKs is probably worse than 1:50, and this is a conservative guess.
- It has a much higher chance to evade attack as the ship is faster, the commander is better, the crew has more exp.
- In case of a single hit an AK has a rough 50% chance to sink, a CV might just laugh and shrug it off.
- If you dud on a CV you might want to throw something at something. If you dud on an AK you don´t care to much,
usually you have forgotten it pretty soon, and theres a nice chance that the second torp hits as well and sinks it.

Your enemy CVs are much tougher to find, engage, hit, and sink than your enemy AKs. With torps at 90% dud rate even more.
This is what you see. Thats neither news nor is it mysterious.

< Message edited by Titanwarrior89 -- 8/1/2012 6:23:09 PM >


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to LoBaron)
Post #: 29
RE: Seriously Now.......I mean Really....Really - 8/1/2012 6:51:43 PM   


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This is one thread where Don Bowen comments on the targetting routines.�

Ironic that there the complaint was that the subs concentrated on capital ships and were overlooking merchantmen.


(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
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