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Auto split for damaged ships

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Auto split for damaged ships - 12/19/2002 1:26:11 AM   

Posts: 50
Joined: 12/19/2002
From: Southern California
Status: offline
Okay, here is another one that gets my goat.

The task force dumps my damaged ships out of my TFs every turn. For various reasons I don't want that to happen for that time, location, or mission.

Can this be disabled?

Maybe in a patch we can set under preferences the level of system damage that has to be reached before this happens?

Just a thought.

Is this bugging you guys too?


"May your sword be wet as a woman in her prime."
Post #: 1
- 12/19/2002 2:16:32 AM   

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Yes, it can be annoying. But no, there's very little you can do about it.

My own situation was Yorktown was injured, and I wanted to have Lex fly CAP for her. I even tried re-merging Lex into Yorks TF, but a turn later, Lex split off again.

You can take your good TF and have them "follow" your cripple tho. You MAY be able to shove in a bunch of DDs or smaller into your cripple TF for AAA defense. I had a CL that was crawing away, and managed to successfully merge 4 more DDs with the 1 that had paired off with her. By following the cripple TF, your good TF will likely remain in the same hex. Set all your fighters to Long Range CAP, and they should fly over your good TF or your cripple if she's attacked. And if you can "stuff" extra DDs into your cripple TF, you've got the AAA covered too.

Yes, I'd like to see "solid" TFs, and allow for my own cripple handling. Trust me, I take ALOT better care of my cripples than the computer does.


(in reply to m0ngoose)
Post #: 2
- 12/19/2002 2:53:38 AM   

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From: Southern California
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I like the idea of adding extra DDs. But let me tell you the situation that I am running into.

I tend to keep damaged ship active until the low 30's in SYS damage. Where this is a problem is my Bombardment TFs. My BBs are being split out at the mid 20's in damage and this is driving me nuts. EVERY TURN I have to remerge them.

Also, I like to keep my bombardment TF on station and shell the place until we basically run out of ammo. The tendancy to sprint away upon completion of a mission also bugs me. I'd like to be able to set an enemy base or empty sea hex as my home port so maybe they retire to the hex adjacent which I could work with (and keep under CAP).

I'm going to experiment more with the follow command also. That might solve some of my problems. Maybe have the Bombardment TF follow the split off TF? Hmmm.......


"May your sword be wet as a woman in her prime."

(in reply to m0ngoose)
Post #: 3
- 12/19/2002 3:38:59 AM   

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You need to remember that the game is functioning correctly, in that it's simulating reality as opposed to game-like. Game-like, we might want a damaged ship to stick around and take more damage, but in reality this behavior would be unexpected and undesired. A ship that is damaged that much is expected to get home and fix itself, prepare for another day. I think the AI is right on here. There is another thread in here somewhere that discusses the opinions and views on this in detail.

And, for adding more DDs as escort -- I don't think it works. I've tried that and the others will probably split off the next turn.

(in reply to m0ngoose)
Post #: 4
- 12/19/2002 11:25:42 PM   

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From: Romford, England
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I accept the game is working correctly but I too would like something to be done about this if possible. The reason being that often a damaged ship is very valuable (OK I am talking about a damaged CV here). It may be one of only two in the theatre. It gets damaged and it is very hard to get the other to escort it back to base. Putting a CV force to follow the other force does not always work.

In a recent PBEM game I had the Yorktown damaged but she stayed in her task force (but with no ability to fly planes). I put the Lexington to follow her TF (for CAP purposes), but overnight Yorktown deteriated and dropped out of the TF. Lexington escorted the destroyers and cruisers to port leaving Yorktown with just one guard! Fortunately the weather intervened and no new strikes hit.

The problem is worse really when playing the AI. If I had thought of the worst case scenario I may have avoided the PBEM problem (?). But against the AI you know that if you hit a CV or BB bad enough you've got her. Even the Jap 'super CV' force happily abandons a damaged CV or two even if there is little remaining threat, greatly helping the human opponent who can convert the damaged CV to a kill. It is as if the damaged ship routine is too eager to abandon damaged ships. I cannot remember having seen either naval assets (especially CVs) or LRCAP being put over even the most valuable of damaged ships. While abandoning Transports and Destroyers may pay off, leaving CVs - especially when in your own sphere of influence (LBA range) - makes little sense.

(in reply to m0ngoose)
Post #: 5
- 12/20/2002 12:19:59 AM   


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Everyone here is focusing on the protection of the damaged ship. Don't forget that leaving escorts with a heavily damaged ship makes them more vulnerable to attack as well, in the sense that they can't get out of range as fast.

Taking the example of a heavily damaged CV, which was originally part of a two CV Task Force. If the cripple can't operate planes and is down to, say 10 knots; If you keep the two CVs together in order to protect the cripple, you are exposing the undamaged CV to attack -- and with half the original compliment of AC to protect it! Unless you equally damaged the enemy group, I suspect that in many cases you will end up with a second damaged/sunk CV rather than protecting the cripple. If you had let the undamaged ship withdraw, it might very well have moved out of range of the enemy CVs.

Not that I would argue if the option were given to the player (due to the nature of the game, it would probably have to be a setting toggle: split off/do not split off damaged ships). I just think people are focusing on only half the equation (protecting the cripple) and ignoring the other half (higher risk to the escorts).

(in reply to m0ngoose)
Post #: 6
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