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Fatal Years 1.085 provisional version available

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Fatal Years 1.085 provisional version available - 12/2/2012 8:57:21 PM   

Posts: 964
Joined: 3/21/2010
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Provisional: this version is offered for testing purpose. I'm going to play it a bit in the next days. The more reports I will get, the quicker the improvements.

1.085: this version is yet lacking some of the features I wish to implement for the 1.09 version. The date of the 1.09 version is tied to the reports I will get :-)
What's new:

- the AJE terrain filter is now present, as is the F1/F10 buttons at the top of the screen

- Berto's weathers mod 1.2 has been integrated

- Siberian AI, Poland AI has been modified to fix some poor behaviours

- The AIl should lower faster

- the Czech withdrawal should fire sooner

- Siberian IDL should raise faster

- more leader pictures

- 100 events deleted ( one more step toward a sort of diplomatic system for the 1.09 version).

Downloable from my blog ( see my sig)


Post #: 1
RE: Fatal Years 1.085 AI - 12/3/2012 12:09:05 AM   

Posts: 964
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I’m playing a quick and dirty test game as Southern Whites to fix more deeply the AI. I’ve added a few tweaks for Siberian naval AI to cancel its strange love for the Pacific Box.

On land, the AI is … surprising.

Red AI: this turn ( August 18), Red has captured in my back AZOV :-)

Siberian AI: the Siberian AI advance on Volga against Red AI ( same turn)

Not that bad :-)

I’m playing with historical attrition for me and AI, BTW, and the Siberian AI suffers from the same penalties than a human player for activation ( read the manual).

For those ignoring it, FY and SVF pack an improved AI, rather able to put a creditable opposition. That’s not to say they are AI mod, as they ‘re intended to be played in PBEM too.

You’re now 15 to have downloaded FY 1.085. Thanks :-)

EDIT: next turn:

I beat severely Reds at Azov. However, the Reds are mounting from Tzaritsyn a larger counterstrike:

Never underestimate the AI in FY…


(in reply to Chilperic)
Post #: 2
RE: Introducing White Spy - 12/3/2012 11:36:31 PM   

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One of the most undervalued question in FY has been the spying activity of some of the former tzarist officers enrolled in Red Army. So Colonel Liundkvist, chief of staff of the Army defending Petrograd sent to Yudenich details of Bolshevik defense of the city.

After a few hours of work, I' ve built a system allowing at last to depict such spying help for Whites.

Whites will get a free but rare regional decision: spying

Here the decision is played on Moscow. Playing the decision costs nothing, but the pool will be very low.

This regional decision will create a leader having a very high spy ability, and so will reveal all enemy forces in the area:

This spy will be removed in the next turns ( from 1 to 5). This leader has too a very high hide value, rendering him invisible to Reds.

This new feature will only work for new games ( that's why I've lost 3 hours tonight).

Gfx are yet under work of course :-)


(in reply to Chilperic)
Post #: 3
New version of Fatal years released - 12/7/2012 11:21:52 PM   

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Version available from my blg ( see my sig)


1) New White regional decision: Spy

each turn there's a random chance Southern or Siberian Whites factions gets 1 Spy regional decision. The percentage is very low, especially if the nM is under 105.

This regional decision may be played in area controlled by Red player.

Effects: one leader with very high Hide value will be created in this area. This leader has the Spy ability and will reveal enemy forces.

Duration: randomized. This represents the time needed by Cheka to arrest your spy ;-)

2) Maximum NM for Reds, Southern Whites and Siberian Whites lowered to 130 ( ie for these 3 factions NM will not go beyond 130). This decision will avoid side effects created by very high NM. A 130 level delivers sufficient bonuses ans isn't very easy to reach.

3) Added an AI Agent for Miller at Murmansk. experimental measure to evaluate how this new tool, yet unexploited in official AGE game, allows to strengthen the AI.

4) a few tweaks for other AIs

5) added some gfx from the gfx mod from Koval85, located here:

6) Armored trains will now have 2 new abilities, improving slightly supplies and morale for other troops, in order to portray these 2 roles of this arm during Civil War without creating micromanagement. Giving a higher supply load for Armored train would force to cope with the work of a logistician : an ability improving supply situation in the region where the armored train is gives the same results without hassle.

7) Southern Whites will start without Armored Trains. They didn't had such units until they captured some at Tikhoretskaya. SO the capture of Tikhoretskaya, Ekaterinodar and Armavir will offer to Southern Whites several armored trains.

To balance the game, Southern Don will get too some armored trains in August 1918 at Azov, month of the formation of the Don armored brigade, these units having being under work since May 1918.

8) Starting position of Southern Whites have been fixed to display the historical situation as best as possible. A few hindsight of REAL historical situation: the 6th June a Red force landed at Taganrog against Germany ( yes) and was beaten. The main Red force in Kuban had then to face Rostov to oppose a possible German retaliation. Germany ccupied since a few months Bataisk, a few kilometers from the rallying point of Southern Whites force, that were more or less protected here by Germany from Bolsheviks.As you may understand it, the current ap of FY will not allow to portray as accurately the real situation. let's say the new setup is imo as close as possible from the historical situation.

9) Last , Southern White AI has been modified to fit with the new setup ( at first, Denikin was running to Azov ;-) ).

Comments: the version has been delayed a few days first because of real life, then because I needed to update the Southern White AI to the new setup. This AI work is the main culprit of my slow rate of release, because it requires long test time. It's too my main satisfaction, as FY is delivering a very valuable AI opponent. One my my little pleasure is to look at the Anarchist situation when I get a save by a player. This small AI faction, surrounded by potent enemies, is generally doing rather well, by its own, something I was almost sure to be unreachable results 2 years ago. The Anarchist AI is among my modding one of the features I'm really proud.

This version is beginning to tackle with OOB problems. Others changes will follow. The next will be Zinoviev ' who shouldn't stay on the field all the game) and Armored cars. My sources are stating only Petrograd was equipped for Armored cars productions, even if other cities were centers of repair and refitting.

The correct solution would be to allow construction of armored cars only at Petrograd. However, this would force player to move from this region armored car new units all across the huge map, a task confining to micromanagement....I would prefer a middle solution: armored cars could be built in several regions, but the loss of Petrograd would disallow Red player to build new cars. This compromise seems to me rather satisfactory.

Last, I've at last achieved to define the "diplomatic system " I wish to use in FY. For long, I've been unable to avoid a major risk tied to the cost of diplomacy for players: if this cost was in EPs, NMs or money, I needed to rise the pools. But nothing would have prevented players to use new EPs on any matter but diplomacy...The balance would have been endangered.

So diplo will be bought by....VP. This solution offers another advantage: winning side is more attractive than the losers :-). So the winning side will have more diplo activity than the losers.

How it will work: each small faction will be rated from -3 to +3. -3 signifies an alliance with Red, +3 with Whites, 0 being hostility to both. -1 and +1 will be preliminary talks without ceasing combat, -2 and +2 neutrality ( ie suspension of the war situation). each player will pay options to move the level and some situation , possession of key regions will influence independent shift of the level ( let's say if Reds are occupying Vilnius, Poland level could be lowered).

Don't expect this new system soon however. I will introduce it only when Fy 1.085 will have reached stability. And SVF 2.0some progress.


(in reply to Chilperic)
Post #: 4
RE: New version of Fatal years released - 12/18/2012 9:07:02 PM   

Posts: 2013
Joined: 2/1/2001
From: Terra
Status: offline
What patch version of RUS is needed for this mod?


(in reply to Chilperic)
Post #: 5
RE: New version of Fatal years released - 12/20/2012 6:01:39 AM   

Posts: 2013
Joined: 2/1/2001
From: Terra
Status: offline
At least the installation readme points to 1.05 but since 1.06a is already a while out(12th November) and the quickfix(20th November) for it too I wonder if 1.085 will run with it, anyone tried it?


(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 6
RE: New version of Fatal years released - 12/23/2012 7:11:08 AM   

Posts: 2013
Joined: 2/1/2001
From: Terra
Status: offline
Well tried and it crashed when I tried to separate a division from a stack, here the log:
07:44:15 (Reporting) Loading general settings
07:44:15 (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 686 settings loaded, out of 7 settings files.
07:44:15 (Reporting) Loading Localized Strings
07:44:21 (Reporting) System local strings loaded from D:\Revolution under Siege mod\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings__AGE.csv
07:44:21 (Reporting) Loading Display Options
07:44:21 (Reporting) Entering DirectX Initializations
07:44:21 (Reporting) LocalStrings & Settings 6770 ms
07:44:22 (Reporting) Cursors 24 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) DirectX Initializations 68 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) Fonts 10 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TTerrainDefs.Create 112 Terrains definitions loaded, out of 56 terrains files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) Terrains Definitions 731 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) Areas 235 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) Theaters 0 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) Particles I 0 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TAbiDefs.Create 196 Abilities loaded, out of 196 abilities files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) Units Abilities 104 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TStrucDefs.LoadFromFile 10 StrucDef loaded, out of 10 StrucDef files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) Structures 23 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TUIDObjectList.IsRedundant on UID 42
07:45:20 (Reporting) TFactionDefs.LoadFromFile 47 FactionDef loaded, out of 48 FactionDef files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) Factions 77 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) Application.Initialize OK
07:45:20 (Reporting) TSplash.Create OK
07:45:20 (Reporting) TSplash.Show OK
07:45:20 (Reporting) TSplash.Repaint OK
07:45:20 (Reporting) Starting Media Librarian
07:45:20 (Reporting) Max Texture size: 16384 x 16384
07:45:20 (Reporting) TAgeAudio Initializing Audio Engine
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeSounds 230 sounds loaded.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeMusics 20 Musics loaded.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeVoices 4 Voice Languages loaded.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Finished loading images in 11.201 seconds Memory usage: 607560 kb
07:45:20 (Reporting) Media Librarian 13485 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TParticlesDef.Create 4 particles definitions loaded, out of 4 particles files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) Particles II 29 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TDoodadDefs.Create 0 doodads definitions loaded, out of 0 files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) Doodads 0 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TListRegionDefs.Create 1983 Regions definitions loaded.
07:45:20 (Reporting) Regions & the Map 3515 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TListButtons.Create 58 buttons definitions loaded, from 26 frontend files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) Buttons 305 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TAgeDxComponentList.Create 16 frontend definitions loaded, from 16 frontend files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: ledger_back
07:45:20 (Reporting) TFrontEnd.Create 26 frontend definitions loaded, from 38 frontend files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) Frontends Initializations 6713 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) Starting Game World
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMerchandises.LoadFromFile 22 Merchandises loaded, from 22 Merchandises files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TModels.Create 1909 (Cached) Models loaded in 1266 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TListUnitDefs.Create 1856 (Cached) Units loaded in 444 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TWeather.Create 16 Weathers patterns loaded, from 16 files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TEthnics.LoadFromFile 0 Ethnics loaded, from 0 Ethnics files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TReligions.LoadFromFile 0 Religions loaded, from 0 Religions files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TAgendaDefs.LoadFromFile 37 AI Agendas loaded from 37 AI Agendas files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMapAleaDefs.LoadFromFile 8 TMapAleaDef loaded, from 8 files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TAIAgentDefs.LoadFromFile 3 AIAgentDefs loaded, from 3 aia files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TFactionMods.LoadFromFile 0 Faction Modifiers loaded, from 0 files, in 0 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TFacAttribDefs.LoadFromFile 0 Faction Atttributes loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TFacAttribsOverride.LoadFromFile 0 F.A. Overrides loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) TRgnDecisionDefs.LoadFromFile 11 Region Decisions loaded, from 11 Decisions files.
07:45:20 (Reporting) No sprite found to calculate standard
07:45:20 (Reporting) Game World & attached DBs 1033 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) Starting Data Parser
07:45:20 (Reporting) Data Parser 0 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) Starting Renderer
07:45:20 (Reporting) Rendering Engine 55 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) Starting Game ...
07:45:20 (Reporting) Global Load Time: 35419 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMain, CreateForm OK
07:45:20 (Reporting) Application.Run Starting app...
07:45:20 (Reporting) Game Engine version: RUS Fatal Years 1.085 provisional version
07:45:20 (Reporting) TGameSim.OnLoadGame_FilePicked D:\Revolution under Siege mod\RUS\Saves\Grand Campaign0\Grand Campaign~WHI.trn :Turn file loaded, # of entries: 134991
07:45:20 (Reporting) All gamesim data loaded in: 1526 ms
07:45:20 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Plate_180.png
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: plate_180
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image:
07:45:20 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image:
07:45:20 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: 1024_Back.png
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: none
07:45:20 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: None
07:45:20 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: mdl_soldierback
07:45:20 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: mdl_SoldierBack.png
07:54:04 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: mdl_navalback
07:54:04 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: mdl_NavalBack.png
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 Pokrovsky' Column
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 1st Cavalry Division
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 1st Cavalry Division
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 1st Cavalry Division
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 1st Cavalry Division
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 1st Cavalry Division
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 1st Cavalry Division
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 1st Cavalry Division
07:58:26 TGroup.CanBuildStruc Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0) Step: 0 1001526 1st Cavalry Division
07:58:26 [Critical ] TGameSim.UnifiedDrop Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0)

Before that crash something strange was already there, I move a cossack unit into another stack but when I checked that the unit wasn't there but one square was empty and the unit was still in the old stack, did it again and it worked after that I tried to pull the division out from the stack from where I moved the cav unit away and got that crash.

Running with latest patch.


(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 7
RE: New version of Fatal years released - 12/30/2012 6:31:10 AM   


Posts: 22
Joined: 4/15/2011
Status: offline
Installed the latest patch. I'm not getting any foreign ministry options anymore, and although I did some requisitions, my war supply went to zero.

Files attached.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 8
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