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RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 26 January 2013

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> Tech Support >> RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 26 January 2013 Page: <<   < prev  16 17 [18] 19 20   next >   >>
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RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/1/2013 9:04:41 PM   

Posts: 3858
Joined: 7/9/2011
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ORIGINAL: Numdydar

Does the below mean that Allied ships that are overdue to withdraw can withdraw from ANY port now versus having to go to a specific port? I never understood why a ship had to sail to a special location to withdraw. Just allow it to be taken OOT from whatever port is happens to be in. Like the Navy really cared that the ship was in OZ or Pearl when they needed it elsewhere?

Allow overdue ship groups to withdraw from ship in base hex rather than move ashore

Navy: "We need you for DDay so sail to Pearl ASAP."
Capt: " I'll just sail directly to England around South Africia"
Navy: "No we have to have you sail to Pearl before we can send you there."
Capt: "But we are currently docked in Darwin!!"
Navy: "Sail to Pearl of be relieved of command."

Pretty silly no?

Reality has very little to do with this .. simply the Allied player has to preplan the withdrawal of naval platforms or pay a tremendous price in some circulstances as much as a division or two ..

My .02 .. Checking the withdrawal schedule every turn is probably a better effort than trying to convince the powers to be to change the system ..

IN your case BTW you would probably sail to Sydney to report in ..


"What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so"

(in reply to Numdydar)
Post #: 511
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/2/2013 1:12:21 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Numdydar

Does the below mean that Allied ships that are overdue to withdraw can withdraw from ANY port now versus having to go to a specific port? I never understood why a ship had to sail to a special location to withdraw. Just allow it to be taken OOT from whatever port is happens to be in. Like the Navy really cared that the ship was in OZ or Pearl when they needed it elsewhere?

Allow overdue ship groups to withdraw from ship in base hex rather than move ashore

Navy: "We need you for DDay so sail to Pearl ASAP."
Capt: " I'll just sail directly to England around South Africia"
Navy: "No we have to have you sail to Pearl before we can send you there."
Capt: "But we are currently docked in Darwin!!"
Navy: "Sail to Pearl of be relieved of command."

Pretty silly no?

The list of valid withdrawal ports is quite extensive. Furthermore it is not nationality specific. By making it easier to withdraw ships than was the original design intention, it in fact fudges history.

Besides the historical angle, to just allow ship withdrawal with no conditions to be met, would allow players to "cheat". The devs have always been quite clear on this point; the ship withdrawal mechanism is not to provide a means for saving a too damaged ship or magically getting it out of harm's way.

Here is a good exposition of the intent from Don Bowen on 32 Oct 2009.

"The original concept of ship withdrawal required that the ship first be moved off map. This was to prevent any exploits where a player might avoid risks of enemy action between the base and the map. However this caused players some problems and it was decided (over my objections) to allow ships to be withdrawn from a few select on-map bases. Karachi is the base in the Indian Ocean.

It continues to be a problem for players and we will be loosening this even more in the next patch. Ships will be able to be withdrawn from any port in the historical "off to Atlantic" regions - US/Canadian West Coast, South Australia and Perth, and Ceylon/Western India. Port size restrictions will be used to ensure withdrawal only from a major base, and that base can not be under enemy threat. The ship itself may not be withdrawn from on-map if it is so badly damaged that it could not reasonable make the trip to an off map port The intent is to emulate the historical ports from which ships departed the theatre, but no block use of withdrawal as a way of escaping enemy action or imminent sinking."


(in reply to Numdydar)
Post #: 512
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/2/2013 10:07:30 AM   

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Some more little visual problems with longer names:

I swear, that this Kosomethingsomethingima was there from the beginning.

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(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 513
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/2/2013 10:24:16 AM   

Posts: 13500
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From: Melbourne, Australia
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The extra codes getting added to the 'name' are doing this. Can't keep with the names changing length. Name use to be displayed as a max of 20 or 25 characters, but limit removed in order to get in the extra codes.



(in reply to inqistor)
Post #: 514
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/2/2013 2:00:47 PM   


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how do you download it
not a computer geek

do they have way for idiots

(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 515
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/2/2013 11:00:40 PM   

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MichaelM what can i say, this is like art. thanks for all your support.

(in reply to EdM)
Post #: 516
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 4:53:37 AM   


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< Message edited by AlanBrooke -- 2/4/2013 4:54:16 AM >

(in reply to btd64)
Post #: 517
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 5:00:53 AM   


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I have a problem with a DMS which has 62 float damage (all major) and is in a level 5 port. It originally had more damage but all the other minor damage is repaired now leaving only the major float damage which won't repair without a repair yard. The ship can still make 6 or 7 kts so I have tried several times to form it into an escort TF and send it to a port with a yard for repair. It keeps on auto-disbanding back into the origin port though and so is essentially trapped there. Is there anyway to work around this or is it working as designed?

(in reply to AlanBrooke)
Post #: 518
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 5:09:12 AM   

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ORIGINAL: AlanBrooke
I have a problem with a DMS which has 62 float damage (all major) and is in a level 5 port. It originally had more damage but all the other minor damage is repaired now leaving only the major float damage which won't repair without a repair yard. The ship can still make 6 or 7 kts so I have tried several times to form it into an escort TF and send it to a port with a yard for repair. It keeps on auto-disbanding back into the origin port though and so is essentially trapped there. Is there anyway to work around this or is it working as designed?

Have you set the home port and destination to where you want to go ? Also, this may not be a tech q - better to ask the forum regulars first before over-burdening Michael.


(in reply to AlanBrooke)
Post #: 519
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 5:13:02 AM   


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I have done both those things. I asked Michael the question becuase I think this may be causing the issue
9/12/12: 1120f - Auto-disbanded Escort TF with heavy damage (>50 float or >70 system) in port 3+ goes into Pierside repair
The ship is auto-disbanding before it can get on its way.

(in reply to n01487477)
Post #: 520
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 9:35:49 AM   

Posts: 13500
Joined: 5/5/2001
From: Melbourne, Australia
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Have you set the TF to "No auto disband"? It should not disband by itself if set.
If you still think there is a problem, zip up the save and attach here



(in reply to AlanBrooke)
Post #: 521
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 10:23:24 AM   


Posts: 937
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A question regarding political points- now that we can buy back destroyed LCU's- why is the cost of buying these units back so much lower than buying back a destroyed air group? I can buy back a division for <20pts but an air wing of 30 or 40 planes will cost >100 points?

(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 522
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 11:52:25 AM   


Posts: 6249
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how do you download it
not a computer geek

do they have way for idiots

Look at the very first post of this thread. There you will find a downloadable attachment, click it then download the visible zip. Instructions on what, where etc are in the first post.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to EdM)
Post #: 523
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 6:02:16 PM   


Posts: 1166
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And another patch? I don't think Michael ever sleeps.

(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 524
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 8:11:08 PM   

Posts: 2013
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From: Terra
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Don't you know his favorite track?

Any chance for those:
-Could the messages for minefield be removed? It is really strange to get messages of ships hit and/or sunk by a minefiled were I should have a clue if it does any thing at all
-Could the 1/4 pp cost be shown on the HQ change screen? Still the full price is shown.
-Could plane tender use supplies(just like bases) when planes they support fly missions in an 0 supply base? I find it strange that I could simply outsource those tenders with some airunits and they can fly al day and all night for months without me having to provide any supply at all. The classical setup is patrol planes at a forward base being supplied by those tenders and I'm sure even the small tenders would make some weeks of service possible even when there supply is used.
-Any chance to list the attacking air groups just like the defending air groups in the combat report? Would help to make a clue out of those reports as the way it is now the attacker doesn't know what units at all did participate in the attack, the defender usually has a list of the cap that is going in.

< Message edited by BigDuke66 -- 2/4/2013 8:26:04 PM >


(in reply to pws1225)
Post #: 525
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 8:19:33 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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Don't you know is favorite track?

Any chance for those:
-Could the messages for minefield be removed? It is really strange to get messages of ships hit and/or sunk by a minefiled were I should have a clue if it does any thing at all Better FOW is always good.
-Could the 1/4 pp cost be shown on the HQ change screen? Still the full price is shown.
-Could plane tender use supplies(just like bases) when planes they support fly missions in an 0 supply base? I find it strange that I could simply outsource those tenders with some airunits and they can fly al day and all night for months without me having to provide any supply at all. The classical setup is patrol planes at a forward base being supplied by those tenders and I'm sure even the small tenders would make some weeks of service possible even when there supply is used. AFAIK seaplane tenders do use supplies when the base has none. IIRC Michael had fixed that some time ago. Do you have save games showing them not using supplies?
-Any chance to list the attacking air groups just like the defending air groups in the combat report? Would help to make a clue out of those reports as the way it is now the attacker doesn't know what units at all did participate in the attack, the defender usually has a list of the cap that is going in. For parsing reports (like with Intel Monkey) it is always helpful when a report says 'Allied' or 'Japanese' too.


(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 526
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/4/2013 9:12:43 PM   

Posts: 2013
Joined: 2/1/2001
From: Terra
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Save from a PBEM, end of turn save from t22 I think. Are the passwords needed?
The tender was there from t10 on with some Catalinas flying naval search, thinking that the tender would sooner or later need supplies a brought in 504 supplies some turns later in, by t23 I had to move the tender and AG back and up until then no supply was used by the tender nor from the dot base, at least according to what the numbers from the tracker say.
Oh and at the first turn there a plane was damaged and next turn repaired but even that didn't use any supplies.
Beware that save is I think still of 1223c.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by BigDuke66 -- 2/4/2013 9:15:34 PM >


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 527
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123 updated - 2/4/2013 11:55:07 PM   

Posts: 4779
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ORIGINAL: michaelm

03/02/13: 1123d - ...
CV groups should retain resize capability when moved back to ship

Hi Michael -
I just downloaded the beta and the zip shows it as 1123c. I'm taking a stab that it is just a version number thing ..

Like Seille, I moved my airgroups off while upgrading and forgot about the 7/42 resize. Some retained the ability to resize others didn't (it came down to if I'd set "not resize"). I've already moved them back before this beta - Am I now fried or should I move them off and back on again ?

PM sent with password.

edit: the two CV's in question are in Hiroshima/Kure

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by n01487477 -- 2/4/2013 11:59:36 PM >


(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 528
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123 updated - 2/5/2013 3:27:39 AM   


Posts: 1399
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Could anybody please send me the 1123c update?
My opponent updated but the latest to 1123c but this version is no longer on this thread.



If you gained knowledge through the forum, why not putting it into the AE wiki?

(in reply to n01487477)
Post #: 529
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123 updated - 2/5/2013 3:56:12 AM   
Cpt Sherwood


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ORIGINAL: Mistmatz

Could anybody please send me the 1123c update?
My opponent updated but the latest to 1123c but this version is no longer on this thread.


It is available in post #2 of this thread.

(in reply to Mistmatz)
Post #: 530
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123 updated - 2/5/2013 4:20:39 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Cpt Sherwood


ORIGINAL: Mistmatz

Could anybody please send me the 1123c update?
My opponent updated but the latest to 1123c but this version is no longer on this thread.


It is available in post #2 of this thread.

Oh, never noticed that. Thx Cpt Sherwood.


If you gained knowledge through the forum, why not putting it into the AE wiki?

(in reply to Cpt Sherwood)
Post #: 531
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/5/2013 4:55:40 AM   


Posts: 1673
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ORIGINAL: Itdepends
A question regarding political points- now that we can buy back destroyed LCU's- why is the cost of buying these units back so much lower than buying back a destroyed air group? I can buy back a division for <20pts but an air wing of 30 or 40 planes will cost >100 points?

well if you buy back an LCU, typically it will show up w/ a VERY low %age of its O/B & v. low morale/Xp. it will require months to rebuild into an effective fighting unit, meanwhile it's a drain on your device pools or veh/arm points production.

conversely, if you buy back an airgroup, you can populate it w/ planes'n'trained pilots from the pools & have the unit back at the front in a week after it arrives.

for me, it makes sense to buy a lot of the Commonwealth/British battalion-sized units that were destroyed in Malaya/Burma, they are cheap, refill reasonably quickly, & can be used to provide garrison troops in rear areas. any kind of base-force or HQ would also be worth buying, as support & engr devices are usually readily available from the pools. i'd be loathe to buy a rgt- or div-sized unit, it might be 12-18 months before the thing is up to snuff.

(in reply to Itdepends)
Post #: 532
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/5/2013 12:56:06 PM   


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It doesn't take too long to rebuild divisions- particularly if you split them into regiments while rebuilding. It just seems a little off kilter with the relative costs of LCU's vs air units- although point taken- the air units can be rebuilt quickly assuming you have sufficient pilots/planes.

(in reply to jmalter)
Post #: 533
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/5/2013 4:44:37 PM   


Posts: 8683
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This is a very minor complaint and may have been taken care of already: my PBEM is using the latest official patch and one thing that keeps tripping me up is the "show ships due upgrades" button on a port screen. What it shows are ships that have their "allow upgrade" button set to "yes", not ships that have reached their upgrade date, making it a fairly useless button.

< Message edited by bradfordkay -- 2/5/2013 4:45:22 PM >


fair winds,

(in reply to Itdepends)
Post #: 534
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/5/2013 4:55:32 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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ORIGINAL: bradfordkay

This is a very minor complaint and may have been taken care of already: my PBEM is using the latest official patch and one thing that keeps tripping me up is the "show ships due upgrades" button on a port screen. What it shows are ships that have their "allow upgrade" button set to "yes", not ships that have reached their upgrade date, making it a fairly useless button.

No, there are two additional selections that you must be unaware of. After you click the 'show ships due upgrades' button, up at the top are selections for 1) ships that have upgrades allowed versus ships that do not have upgrades allowed, and 2) just to the right of that, one that cycles through 'all upgrades/overdue/this month/next month/>2 months'. That's IIRC, meaning the precise terminology of the selections might vary.


(in reply to bradfordkay)
Post #: 535
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1123c updated 2... - 2/5/2013 7:58:04 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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These two yellow colored text areas are the toggles to click on.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 536
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1117 updated 22... - 2/6/2013 5:25:53 PM   

Posts: 9973
Joined: 1/23/2010
From: Mass. USA. now in Lancaster, OHIO
Status: offline
HI ALL. im sure if i had the time to search this thread i would find it but, just downloaded a week ago and today i installed. problem is; I have a 2"margin on both sides when i open the beta and the task bar is blocking part of the bottom. windows 7 laptop. o whoever responds, Thankyou very much.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 537
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1117 updated 22... - 2/6/2013 10:54:48 PM   


Posts: 8683
Joined: 3/24/2002
From: Olympia, WA
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Thanks, guys.


fair winds,

(in reply to btd64)
Post #: 538
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1117 updated 22... - 2/7/2013 12:21:39 AM   

Posts: 4779
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ORIGINAL: General Patton

HI ALL. im sure if i had the time to search this thread i would find it but, just downloaded a week ago and today i installed. problem is; I have a 2"margin on both sides when i open the beta and the task bar is blocking part of the bottom. windows 7 laptop. o whoever responds, Thankyou very much.

Look at your switches in the properties of the shortcut. Remove the -w, add others (can be found in the what'snew.pdf

The most recent of many many threads on this topic...


(in reply to btd64)
Post #: 539
RE: Patch 07 - Unofficial Public Beta - 1117 updated 22... - 2/8/2013 4:11:28 PM   

Posts: 9973
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From: Mass. USA. now in Lancaster, OHIO
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Thankyou Damian, The info on those pages didnt initially work but it did lead to the solution. Here comes the blizard. if your in new england, happy snow. Cheers

(in reply to n01487477)
Post #: 540
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