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War of the Loros

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War of the Loros - 2/13/2013 3:05:37 AM   

Posts: 41
Joined: 12/7/2012
From: vermont
Status: offline
Welcome to the "War of the Loros". First got the idea reading about the War of the Roses since this title sounded similar but this won't a re-telling of that story. Hope you enjoy it.

1. Spoiler Alert - I'm playing with several storylines enabled. I'm a relative newbiew and this is my first time getting this far in the game so even I do not know what will happen. If you do not want any story elements spoiled for you, then stop reading.

2. You will see a few mods in effect, mostly cosmetic. Many thanks to all modders.

3. Be patient with story line & progress as I will be juggling still learning along with wanting to *just* play the game, telling you a story and creating an AAR. Also, I play slowly since I'm used to TBS and infrequently due to the RW. Ignore any typos.

Some background...

The Melniboneans are long lived technocracy. Although Zenox are rodents, I will be playing as feline, which are appropriate for melnibonean. Read the Elric books to find out more. We mostly like learning new things even the not so good. We research for research sake and will undertake any such to obtain the knowledge. We don't know what it will lead to but we want it. So far, it has kept us safe. We strive for aloof, but neutral relations with our neighbors primarily through strength.

There are many "others" in the galaxy that we know so far. We believe we know of most. Sometimes new ones appear who either join us or the others. I may not tell about each empire unless it pertains to the story or for clarity in a screenshot.

Very close by, always near, always present, always watching are the annoying old cybernetic entities. All in the galaxy refer to them as Ancient Guardians. They are worse then we are in terms of being melnibonean. At least, they don't have some of our other bad habits such as expansion and mostly stay to themselves. They do get involved but that is another tale. It is a sad tale about losing all of your ships and bases. We resent them but always do we slink away when they pass by.

To our western border are the reclusive squid-faces which are known as Wekkaru Hegemony. Never do they want to want to trade and always want to stay in their pods. We are glad for their shortage as many a cat has cough up a furball trying to parley with them. Their facial appendages are always flapping and usually several cats will have to dart away at the sight of such. We leave them be as long as they do the same plus they make a good fence. Other than that, they look to be good eatings.

Further west, and south-west are the greedy ape-men. They call themselves the Zygirea Conferderacy. They are never satisfied. Always they take over more worlds. More than all others in the galaxy. Most of time, they have been far away from us but now we are neighbors-see spider story below. They fought a long time with the squid-face and took much from them. It seems quiet lately between them. They continue to drive east-wards. When we removed the spider threat, they gobbled up their worlds and added them to their northern border and denying us of our rightful prize. Mostly we try to forgive and forget this but a growl always is heard & felt when the apes are mentioned.

The water men call themselves the Acdarian Territory and are somewhat south of our homeworld. They have remained very quiet and isolated for long time. We tried to talk but never did they answer. We peek often and see them persecuted by the ant-sectoids often. They look good to eat and so we don't want them to disappear. We also feel bad so we aid them when we can which was hard in the beginning as we were beset on two sides. After much aid, lately they wish to trade and are starting to swim more aggressively in the galaxy and against the ant-sectoids. Many feel it is because of our help which we provided in order to keep a fence strong.

Next, to the east and south-east are the ant-sectoids are the Gizurean Consciousness and are always swarming as if at a picnic. Often they came to our worlds and carried off our kittens. We fought many wars with them. Many lives and ships were lost. Never did worlds change from us to them or vice-versa. Often they also kept busy with the water-men so their full attention was never fully on us which was lucky. As often, both the ant-sectoids and the nasty spiders would both seek kitten meat. Lately it has been too quiet. Always we keep an eye and ear open for the chittering ant sounds.

To the north-west were the ravenous spiders. As bad as the ant-sectoids were, the spiders were doubly so. War started long ago, with early memories of them invading from the north. They came often and ate many times. The Tukan system bore the brunt of the assaults and even fell to the spiders but attacks also came to other systems. Ancient ships were recovered, aggressive research and constant armaments building eventually prevailed to tip the tide of the war. In punishment, many spider eggs and hatchlings were put to the torch. Even to the point, that some feline said, "Too much". Secretly the Imperial Marines purred with the thought of putting the spiders on the troop landing pods to fight on the front-line and so they supported the pacifists to ensure that the spiders were "spared" extermination. We stripped them of their sovereignty. We erased their name from history but near total genocide was too much... or maybe not enough. We absorbed Terak Monda & Gundagale and the ape-men grabbed the other 4 systems to the west like low hanging bananas. When the blood growl fury had subsided, peace was restored and any spiders seeking peace was allowed freedom. Time passed, peace flowed and settled like warm sunshine. Many in the region curled, slept and slowly forgetting, little did we remember that there's a reason a spider spins a web...

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< Message edited by arioch -- 2/22/2013 1:18:20 AM >


DW+ROTS+Legends+ update+GEM 2.3+Sirian mods
Post #: 1
RE: War of the Loros - 2/16/2013 1:14:42 AM   

Posts: 41
Joined: 12/7/2012
From: vermont
Status: offline
The Melnibonean Empire is made up of the four major noble panther house clans which consist of Lyon, Tiger, Jaguar and Leopard and the four minor noble feline clan houses of the Cougar, Cheetah, Lynx and Ocelot. The Lyon clan is the ruling clan and has always been, due to their physical size, power and pride. The females perform the ruling duties. The males being too large, unsophisticated and uninterested are assuming such a boring chore. The males do however singly make up the royal guard which are not large but fiercely loyal to the throne.

The ruler is her Royal Empress Queen Shahkeyrah MCMLXII of the Lyon Clan. She is on her 1st of nine lives so is relatively young, naive and inexperienced. Imagine a beautiful lioness (picture does no justice), combined with a pure ray of sunshine and add in an unexplainable exoticness unrelated to heraldry or royalty and that is what she would be like. Note, when one of the feline dies naturally or otherwise, they return via reincarnation to a new life, until their ninth life. Following this, they have attained oneness with Mheerklarh, the supreme feline. Her empress assumed the throne from her mother the Royal Empress Queen Nhalaah MMDCCL at the height of the internal discord over the spider extermination. Her mother wanted all of the spiders charred and extra crispy, Shahkeyrah is somewhat of a pacifist and felt that after so much time had passed that perhaps it was time to calm the “beast”. Several generations of spiders have come and gone, and there had not been any uprising, secession or rebellions. For their part, they have assimilated into being citizens of the Melnibonean Empire.

In addition to numerous personal servants, often close by the Queen is Lady Royalspaw, House of Jaguar, who carries out her orders, and Tanglebones, the queen’s personal bodyguard. It is unknown what clan she belongs to. She is quiet, solemn and menacingly large. The nickname is because she suffered something horrible long ago. No one can remember or will speak about what that something is including herself. Even being reincarnated has not eased the effect or burden. She’s faithfully served for 7 lifetimes to both the former queen Nhalaah and now to the current queen empress.

The council to the queen is made up of first, Her Honorable Lead Scientist Ahzraesh, Marquess of Leopard (fourth life) of the royal clan of Leopard, which predominately controls all matters related to Research. Due to the importance of said, the Leopard clan has almost equal importance to the ruling clan of Lyon. This clout is evident in having been able to procure large sums of money to build expensive research facilities along with funding the scientist extremely well to focus and produce results quickly. This was crucial during the spider-ant wars when the phasers, enhanced shields and increased ship-size helped turn the tide of the war. Mostly Ahzraesh is quiet about the spider debate and did not participate in the council discussions, due to the fact that she made sure to secretly save many specimens for learning and research.

Second in the council is the Royal Space Lord Zhoorin, Duke of Cougar (sixth life) and is the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy in charge of all fleet admirals, ship captains and personnel. The Imperial Navy consists of mostly of the minor clans of Cougar, Cheetah and Lynx. He is a military strategist of the highest caliber and ascended the ranks quickly during the Spider-Ant wars. Due to the losses suffered during the wars including his own life twice, Zhoorin was close and influential to her highness Nhalaah and was very vocal in advocating that all spiders be exterminated. His counsel is no longer effective with the current empress queen which results in him personally commanding the High Panther Fleet and being absent from many council sessions. Second in command of the Imperial Navy is his equal and blood brother Fleet Admiral Hhermes, Viscount of Cougar.

Third in the council is the High Field Marshal Shearkhan, Archduke of Tiger (eighth life) and is Troop General of the Imperial Marines. Responsible for all ground forces consists mainly of the Tiger clan and small percentage of the Lyon clan who are always appreciated in the ranks. Any clan would be accepted, as recruitment is infamously low as most felines favor catnaps to harsh combat conditions especially when it involves fighting against five foot tall formidable spiders! Shearkhan is always out front, personally leading the troops and was responsible for the re-taking and securing of Tukan planets where he was killed four times over the many battles. Despite this and losing his feline siblings during the war, he advocated for accepting and assimilating the spiders into the empire as he admired their fighting strength and wanted them to be part of the ground troop forces since he has a hard time recruiting from the other noble house clans.

Fourth on the council is His Royal Executive Director Bahgherah, Earl of Jaguar (third life) of the Galactic Intelligence Agency (GIA) and is of the Jaguar clan specifically the black panther lineage, which has long held the GIA under its paw. There are not many in the intelligence community. It is a dark and dirty work physically as well as morally, and often means working alone in the shadows. This results in too few felines wanting to slink up and join the GIA. See note 1 below. During the wars, they were responsible for many acts of sabotage on the enemies’ space stations. Bahgherah also wished for not eliminating the spiders for his own purposes, as a spider is sometimes better for getting to where a tabby can’t! He knows about the Ahzraesh’s secret cache of spiders but has not revealed this to anyone.

The last and of least importance in the council is His Royal Ambassador Khatrwhaul, Viscount of Ocelot (fourth life) of the Diplomatic Bureau. The bureau is made up of various rejects of the minor clans. They are disdainly considered "declawed" which is sometimes how the diplomats are referred to. The saying goes, “Those that can, do and those that can’t become diplomats.” Many feel that the empress should be able to give orders to the diplomats similar to the intelligence agents but so far that has not been implemented. See note 2. The diplomats were a limited use and not able to influence the Spiders during the war. They've become somewhat more successful at influencing the Ant-sectoids after the war.

Note 1. Would like to see the recruitment and economic maintenance of intelligence agents that was in ROTS, added back in to Legends! The only limitation to the number of agents should be how much you want to spend on recruiting and maintaining the agents. Maybe also an option on the game start screen, limiting the percentage anyone can spend on intelligence just in case they don’t want to play with a lot of subterfuge in their game.

Note 2. I feel that diplomacy is an under developed element in the game. It should be on the same level as the intelligence agents. The only difference being intelligence agents are covert and diplomacy is overt. "Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way." ~Daniele Vare. I’m sure diplomacy is a good part of the game but would like to see it become a more active, hands-on role like being able to assign diplomatic missions in the game. Also the same idea above with intelligence agents in terms of only being limited in the number of diplomats by the cost, would also be ideal.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 2/22/2013 1:17:35 AM >

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Post #: 2
RE: War of the Loros - 2/20/2013 1:55:38 AM   

Posts: 41
Joined: 12/7/2012
From: vermont
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A staff of three... can you imagine? thought Khatrwhaul. I'm dealing with 10 major empires plus pirates and any emerging races that pop up. Three including myself!?!. Consisting of a harkonish, Kuut Fushti currently assigned to placate the Apes and a spider, urDugchiknarkulshaban (or Dug for short) is assigned to bat-faced Ikkuros, and not even a single member of the feline which meant that he had to personally perform the major diplomatic missions along with managing the bureau. It truly was the bureau of the declawed. He got no respect on the council and certainly none of the perks like the personal scratching post, high grade catnip, and certainly not a nice budget to attract and hire more diplomats. Research, military, and intelligence divisions are getting the lyon share and scraps left over for diplomats.

Well, I have to do the best I can with what I have. Kuut is actually a very good diplomat but unfortunately he will never be recognized as such by the council. In the council sessions, Kuut is ridiculed and is interrupted or not allowed to speak. And Dug tries hard but his inability to speak in front of large groups is hindering his natural presence from coming through. His robotic translator voice doesn’t help the matter but it is probably due to him being "accidentally" tail-lashed. When the royalty of the council sessions pass him, often their tails will lash out at him. Not the soft kitten tail-lash but the sharp knife or dirk hit of their armored ornamental tail coverings. Never does he retreat, complain or retaliate which in turn infuriates and even scares the royalty. How fearsome a legion of arachnid phalanx must have been? With all the council members, aides and entourages, it can get out of paw so to speak.

The queen on the whole is accepting of Kuut and is getting more and more accustomed to Dug and actually talking with him. She often inquires about other empires, cultures and customs and Dug is happy to have a curious and unhostile listener. Rumor has it that Dug reminds her of a pet keratov she used to have. It nipped one of the hand-tabbies and was never seen again. Maybe sent to a "farm" up-system, maybe not... Anyways perhaps with improved relations with the queen, she might be more amenable to providing more funding to the bureau...

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< Message edited by arioch -- 3/17/2013 11:59:06 PM >

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Post #: 3
RE: War of the Loros - 2/22/2013 1:13:43 AM   

Posts: 41
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From: vermont
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Shahkeyrah had been asking for years to see a galactic map and all the denizens that inhabit it. All she got were excuses or deflections. Ahzraesh didn't have it and was much too busy to worry about it. Shearkhan was condescending and told her not to worry her pretty little whiskers. Zhoorin was away to south and Hhermes was at the western colonies both fighting pirates. Neither ever indicated that they would provide a map being too busy keeping space safe for all felines. Bahgherah would not answer one way or another. Now she was seeing that although her mother was the ruler, it was the council that seemed to do the ruling, which they all seemed to prefer and rather liked. Longevity in one’s position was not conducive to helping her in this case. Finally she resorted to Khatrwhaul who would at least “see what he could do”. Some while later, it actually surprised her when Dug provided her with the map.

Hmm, as bad as the Apes were, the Pack-rats and the Bat-face were looking quite large on the map. The Ant-sectoids although quiet now, have long had a taste for kittens and would surely be back. Also disconcerting was how far and splintered the western colonies were. Hhermes was heading up the defense fleet in that area. No news was good news, if she was privy to getting news. Maybe if she was more learned or assertive, she could get control over the empire.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 3/17/2013 11:58:49 PM >

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Post #: 4
RE: War of the Loros - 2/27/2013 3:20:38 AM   

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From: vermont
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Dealing with the pirates, was like playing ‘Whack-a-Mouse’ © as he used to do as youngling, thought Hhermes, at least on the western front. As soon as he finished with one group of pirates, another group pops up and starts attacking the trade and tourist. Last communiqué from Zhoorin indicated he was dealing with pirates on the eastern front, though it didn’t seem as often as he was dealing with. There were 4 systems currently on the western front. These come about when a new race agreed to join the Melnibones when they were approached and diplomats met. Once they joined, then other worlds were open to colonization by more adventuresome felines. There never seemed to be a shortage of curious cats that wanted new litterboxs, er.. worlds to explore. So far, the pirates were nothing that the western fleet couldn’t handle. However some legendary pirates had popped up and were wreaking havoc with all nearby empires and systems. Hhermes’ initial recon proved ineffective and was driven back. Not only did the new pirates have a medium spaceport but also 3 defensive bases. The western fleet was taking damage and had to make a hasty retreat. He did not want to risk losing any of the older ships that were salvaged. More ships in terms of both quantity and quality would be needed. Time to meet with the bean-counters to get more funding.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 3/17/2013 11:58:34 PM >

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Post #: 5
RE: War of the Loros - 3/2/2013 7:51:55 PM   

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From: vermont
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All the explorer ships, although designed by the Imperial Navy, were under the jurisdiction of Bahgherah and the GIA. They were his eyes and ears about what was going on in the galaxy. The nubile securan he had sent to Ahzraesh was well worth it to get the Long Range Scanners research project completed quickly. He then made sure that the scanners were incorporated into the explorer ship design and all existing explorer ships were retrofitted. This also was easy to accomplish considering all of the lost ancient ships Bahgherah had found and “given” to the Navy. Ahzraesh would have loved to pull them apart for the ancient technology but he did not even get the choice. Once the ancient ships were discovered and made space worthy once more, Zhoorin & Hhermes made sure a large fleet appeared and then conscripted (old nautical term of highjack people into the navy) the ancient ship into service. If the ship was a frigate or smaller, it would be released to the researchers but anything larger was kept by them. But the latest find, was too incredible. It was a ship of immense size and power. Found in the lower right quadrants of the galaxy. Even he would not allow Ahzraesh’s scientists to pull it apart for learning new technology. This ship could be the key to seize power away from the Lyon House. In early times, the House of Leopard had ruled Melnibone via a technocracy. This had been forcibly taken from them and the House of Lyon had ruled via Matriarchy ever since. Bahgherah liked working behind the scenes in intelligence and did not crave the power others lusted for like Ahzraesh. What should he do with this new ship? Was it time for the technocratic power to be restored to the House of Leopard? What would Ahzraesh pay for something this powerful? Should the Imperial Navy have it for the welfare of Melnibone? Choices, choices...

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< Message edited by arioch -- 4/8/2013 10:14:54 PM >

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Post #: 6
RE: War of the Loros - 3/8/2013 12:27:19 AM   

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From: vermont
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We, the Ikkuro Enclave were well aware of the Melnibonean nickname and maybe the ears and nose didn’t help but that’s not very neighbor-like. Also we’re aware that they are repairing the large death star ship. We are monitoring the ship and its progress as have the Teekans. As we expanded and we made sure to expand over to this ship, the ship had fallen into our domain. When the ship is almost operational, we would fly in with a fleet and snatch the ship from the pretentious felines’ paws. That would teach them to call us bad names. The ship is ours and we will make sure that we possess it. Other than the demeaning nickname, relations had been relatively cool though not bad with the Melnibones. Relations with the other empires like the Sistuueni Syndicate Teekans and Naxxilian Empire were slowly deteriorating and the death star would be invaluable to scaring our neighbors away from violence. It will be ours.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 3/17/2013 11:58:06 PM >

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Post #: 7
RE: War of the Loros - 3/13/2013 4:13:21 AM   

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From: vermont
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Zhoorin knew about Bahgherah and his repairing of the giant capital ship. Which was fortunate for Bahgherah since the Ikkuros were casing the ship with a powerful fleet nearby to take it over. Was he aware of that? Zhoorin wasn’t sure and didn’t really care because like the Ikkuro and Bahgherah, he also wanted that ship for his own purpose. Yes, he designed the Ocelot explorer class ships for the GIA so this allowed him to know where all the ancient ships were via a hidden tracking device. He knew about the ships before the information even got back to Bahgherah. To ensure that he got that ship, he assembled 9 of the ancient ships into a powerful fleet. He was going to get that ship. A Lyon class resupply ship was deployed at Raydon to provide fuel, logistic and backup. Now it was time to catnap and wait, hoping no new emergencies popped up until the death star ship was operational and ready for him to take.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 3/13/2013 4:14:57 AM >

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Post #: 8
RE: War of the Loros - 3/17/2013 11:56:01 PM   

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From: vermont
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“They all look alike.” How many times had the Dhayut Rikthermordtisetsin (Rik for short) heard that from those racist Melniboneans?!? Too many to count. So, he decided to impersonate Dug when he is gone on diplomatic mission to the home capital Ikkuro 2 of the Ikkuros. How funny that Dug was a diplomat as diplomacy for the past Dhayut Empire used to consist of announcing that we were invading to feed on your peoples. Now Dug was keeping peace with the Ikkuros.

It was easy to hack his vocal translator code signal to match Dug. I mean it’s just a robotic voice, which come on, all sound alike, right. Although each translator does send out its own coded signal. But with the modifications done, he’d look and sound the same as Dug for all those fur-brains are concerned. Being an intelligence agent in GIA, certainly had its benefits for him such as access to surveillance & intel to say the least. He had risen up in the GIA ranks from doing all the dirty missions the other feline agents wouldn't or couldn't do. He just learned that the precious resource Zentabia Fluid was located at Lambda1 close to the Melnibonean planet Undirun, which the felines didn't seem to known about. It was time for that to change. The queen should learn about this from Dug and Rik was ready to play the tabby the fool.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 3/18/2013 12:02:25 AM >

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Post #: 9
RE: War of the Loros - 3/18/2013 5:34:19 PM   

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Heh, good bit there arioch. Keep it coming!


"Evil is easy, and has infinite forms." -- Pascal

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Post #: 10
RE: War of the Loros - 3/21/2013 3:29:44 AM   

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From: vermont
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The scent was intoxicating and the feeling from one sniff was euphoric. The queen was in the council room and Dug had approached which was curious since he had just left for Ikkuro 2 a few weeks ago and was already back. He didn't look well or hadn't been taking care of himself, mostly thinner than usual. Shahkeyrah sent the hand-tabbies servants away as they can't stand to be anywhere round the spiders. Tanglebones, her she-hulk bodyguard would never leave her even when ordered to do so. Dug was often away on diplomatic missions but when he returns to Imrryr, the dreaming planet, they would talk. The robotic voice was odd as usual but she’d gotten used to it and she really enjoyed when he tells her about other cultures, places and legends. She soaks up everything, longing to go, see and experience it for herself. He’s given her a small vial of liquid called the "Scent of Zentabia" which was a gift from the Ikkuros to her. One whiff and she was purring.

Rik finally got to laugh at how well it went with Shahkeyrah. He had to stifle some snicker when they met. Besides a glaring look and a soft growl from Tanglebones, they got along rather well. He tried to keep the visit short and sweet. Present her with the gift and then skitter away. Some excuse about needing to prepare to go back to Ikkuro 2, worked well. The gift, diluted Zentabia fluid, had cost him several months salary of galactic credits but it was worth it. The human Zygirea Confederacy were mining the Zentabia fluid right under the feline noses and not trading it which Rik forced to find it on the black market.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 3/24/2013 12:08:36 AM >

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Post #: 11
RE: War of the Loros - 3/24/2013 2:09:01 AM   

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From: vermont
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Another pirate base had appeared and so Hhermes and the Western fleet was enroute to whack it. More play time. While en-route the scanners had also picked up another pirate fleet passing by Urtu and on course for the Iphimira Arm, which just a cluster of nitrogen & oxygen gas clouds. Pretty much worthless so why did the pirates keep going there. Was it worth submitting a requisition to have a mining facility built to keep them away? Also they seemed to be originating from the legendary pirate base that he had failed to squash and now it was coming back to bite him. Hhermes had designed some new versions of the Cougar class destroyer (nice balanced ship; 30 speed, 10 Phaser Cannon, 2 torps & 2 conc missiles w/ firepower 168), Leopard class cruiser (similar but more shields & armor, 6 phaser cannon 4 torps w/ fp 174) and also the Lyon class resupply ship (figher bay, 6 shockwave torps, 12 phaser cannons w/ fp 252). The latter was due to Ahzraesh in research not providing a capital ship design that could be built so Hhermes tried a workaround with the resupply ship. There were limitations but it did provide more firepower then he currently could get. He was going to need it on the next assault on the legendary pirate base.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 3/24/2013 2:16:40 AM >

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Post #: 12
RE: War of the Loros - 3/26/2013 7:57:09 AM   

Posts: 174
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What a wonderful read! Please continue!


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Post #: 13
RE: War of the Loros - 3/27/2013 3:51:07 AM   

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From: vermont
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Shahkeyrah's head was pounding. Why were the ant-sectoids stirring up trouble... Years had gone by. Peace had reigned. We had squashed their attacks. Shown mercy to them, not exterminating them... letting them live... in peace. Now they weren't content to live in peace. <sniff> Just one small whiff... No... to ease help the pain. It didn't make any sense. They were blockading our mining station. Why?!? A fleet was stationed around every system. The Bisteni fleet was there and reporting no ant-sectoid ships in the area. How were they stopping resources from moving with no ships to enforce the blockade?!? She wanted the Zhoorin's Eastern Fleet up here now to, to, stop them. He wasn't responding to her repeated orders. Why wasn't her council listening to her? Why weren't they obeying her orders? Who is running this empire!?! <SNIFF> Just one to help. Stop. No more. Put it away. Send another message to Zhoorin.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 4/19/2013 9:56:31 PM >

(in reply to Sirian)
Post #: 14
RE: War of the Loros - 3/27/2013 11:19:24 PM   

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From: England
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Note 1. Would like to see the recruitment and economic maintenance of intelligence agents that was in ROTS, added back in to Legends! The only limitation to the number of agents should be how much you want to spend on recruiting and maintaining the agents. Maybe also an option on the game start screen, limiting the percentage anyone can spend on intelligence just in case they don’t want to play with a lot of subterfuge in their game.

Note 2. I feel that diplomacy is an under developed element in the game. It should be on the same level as the intelligence agents. The only difference being intelligence agents are covert and diplomacy is overt. "Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way." ~Daniele Vare. I’m sure diplomacy is a good part of the game but would like to see it become a more active, hands-on role like being able to assign diplomatic missions in the game. Also the same idea above with intelligence agents in terms of only being limited in the number of diplomats by the cost, would also be ideal.

Agreed on both.A.I intelligence use is non existent in Shadows due to lack of agents.

Nice AAR btw.


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Post #: 15
RE: War of the Loros - 3/30/2013 3:53:04 AM   

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From: vermont
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What The F... feline was the problem with the Queen!?! Every time Zhoorin tried to curl up for a nap there was a new message to contact her. "Bring the fleet home.", "The Ant-sectoids are preparing to attack", "The stars are falling, the stars are falling..." He was hoping her drama would subside so he let it pass. No such luck. This had become a common scenario or story with the Ant-sectoids, replaying every couple of months or so. We have no one in charge of trade. Crazy, huh. It was automated long ago so now periodically the Queen or Royalspaw receives a message from the system, suggesting we should stop trading with the Ant-sectoids. Up until a few years ago, we declined the suggestion as we didn't even know why the automated system was making the suggestion. Now it seems, the Queen? is accepting and implementing the suggestion, which angers the ant-sectoids who retaliate with a blockade. They have never appeared with a fleet. After about a month, we resume trade, then they remove the blockade. Everyone is placated. Besides Zhoorin had the HOME fleet stationed at Imrryr, the Dreaming planet, which had twice the ships and more firepower than his Eastern fleet. He's the Grand Admiral, and what's got her all whacked out. He didn't like dealing with her due this kind of inexperience, preferring instead just to deal with her right paw, Royalspaw. She was balanced, even tempered and his royal "port" when he traveled home! He'll reassure her and hope that helps calm the queen down. Not going anywhere without the death star which looks like it's about half way ready for his... <cough><cough> damn hairball... procural.

Royalspaw was happy to hear from her GA, missing him so, waiting for him to return. Until then she would do as he commanded... try to calm the queen down, which was not easy lately. She had grown moody and volatile of late. She was always clutching something in her paw but she couldn't quite see it. She tried to hold that paw in order to get a look at what it was but the queen would not allow it like in the past. Talking to the hand-tabbies only revealed that occasionally the queen appeared to bring whatever it was to her face. Should she get the royal physicians involved? How far should she go to find out what it was and what it might be doing to the queen... She needed to keep a better eye on her from now on.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 3/30/2013 4:09:26 AM >

(in reply to ASHBERY76)
Post #: 16
RE: War of the Loros - 4/6/2013 9:48:50 PM   

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From: vermont
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The queen had ordered it so Bahgherah must go as commanded. He couldn't find Rik and the only other agent was Randul Gachuz. He was just about worthless and only good for counter-espionage so it was decided that he must go. Him and Khatrwhaul were in the same situation. They had no budget which meant they could not pay their agents which meant it was a volunteer only organization and for GIA that meant him, Randul and Rik. They've done good work but it was never enough. Bahgherah could hardly use Randul but you don't turn away free help no matter how bad as it was all he had.

Due to the recent tensions with the ant-sectoids, the queen wanted intel on their fleets and whereabouts. This usually came from Zhoorin or Hhermes but now the queen wanted in. He'd hop a freighter to their capital Aargao and find out what he could. With all the long range scanners in play, they knew a lot but never hurts to know it all. Would she act on what she found out... that was the question. There was an on-going war still between the ant-sectoids and the water-men. She'd gotten more vocal with the ant-sectoid fleets, which kept moving on the perimeter of our eastern borders. The HOME fleet had been transferred from the Imperial Navy to the Royal Corp so it was now under the queen's direct control. Other fleets would assist if necessary so it remained to be seen if the queen would use the HOME fleet?

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< Message edited by arioch -- 4/8/2013 9:18:25 PM >

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Post #: 17
RE: War of the Loros - 4/11/2013 5:13:29 PM   

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From: vermont
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Although the Melniboneans used to ruled by the technocrats, it was Queen Nhalaah's grandfather Joelric MCMIV of the Lyon house who seized control of the throne from them. He quickly grew tired of ruling and his wife Meorriam MDCCLXXVI took up the duties resulting in the current matriarchy. The Lyon's powerful troops were too much for the Leopard house. This did not stop Ahzraesh from wanting to seize the throne back from the Lyon house but he knew his house would never be able to do so as the Leopard house would never have the numbers or strength of the Lyons. Until he had a game changer that is... His stash of Dhayut legionnaires in stasis was not enough. He needed some other catalyst. Best just continue to wait and be patient. Bahgherah had been wanting to talk but whenever other cats were around, he would delay and postpone talking. He was more secretive than usual.

Research also did not have a line item in the budget but it made no matter. He never lacked for money or resources to do his research. His approach was very balanced to slowly work up the research tree. Also he had free access to monetary budget surplus which he used without restraint to crash to accelerate progress. No one ever questioned or complained so he kept right on doing it. One of the benefits of not having an actual living Economic Advisor. Currently they were working on faster torpedoes, larger ships and the ability to scan ships. For weapons, his favorite, his plan was to go with the new phaser technology, better point defense and star fighters. In Energy & Construction, there were so many interesting choices. Imperial Navy would not stop roaring about bigger ships so he acquiesced and started on that next. He was intrigued the energy technology and faster engines as well as the Massive Shield project just to protect his hide. For HighTech, he provided the Colony Governors with lots of options but was scratching for stealth and the holy grail, Archival Facilities.

Besides himself, he had one other chief scientist Jundo Okel, who was so needy that Ahzraesh wanted to show Jundo the insides of a space lock. Was he even worth keeping around?!? Maybe as a body double. The resemblance was uncanny. But he seemed to bring down everyone around them like most of the royal leaders...he he. If he let him go, would anyone else want to work in research? Probably not with the space walk retirement plan! How long would it take to get new scientists in? Without the ability to recruit and pay for scientist, there was no incentive to bring in other leading scientist. He'd like the covert agents to bribe other empire scientist to join up with them but GIA would have no part of this.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 4/19/2013 9:32:21 PM >

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Post #: 18
RE: War of the Loros - 4/15/2013 5:02:45 PM   

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From: vermont
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<sniff> No one thought she'd do it but Shahkeyrah showed them. Not only was she capable but she was decisively quick. Trade sanctions had been implemented against the ant-sectoids and the HOME fleet was sent to blockade their key planet Dhayu1 in their northern sector. The blockade was exciting. She enjoyed sending the fleet. Chatter over the wire indicated that they were furious but so far they had done nothing about it. A fleet showed up only monitoring the HOME fleet. <sniff> Did she just want to show them she could match their actions or was she trying to provoke them into hostilities? Royalspaw had warned against this action as the Melnibones were currently admired among it's neighbors and this may hurt relations especially with the holier-than-thou mechanoids. Since the ants had started it then surely they were responsible for the outcome. Weren't they?!?

<snifffff>The headaches and dizziness had continued despite the best medicine & efforts of the royal physicians. Shahkeyrah did not show or mention her little vial from Ikkuro. It was only through the fragrance that she eased her pain and returned to the bliss. The vial was about halfway to empty. How long would it last? What would happen to her when it ran out? She also felt older, less afraid now with the vial and more at ease with her royal duties. She was aging, faster than normal. In bright light, it almost looked like she had a very light stripe. She wasn't sure if she was imagining it. Maybe her fur just needed a good brushing...

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< Message edited by arioch -- 4/16/2013 2:36:12 AM >

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Post #: 19
RE: War of the Loros - 4/19/2013 9:30:33 PM   

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From: vermont
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You can't say the Ant-sectoids don't have a sense of humor, thought Royalspaw. Once Queen Shahkeyrah had blockaded the planet, the first thing the Ant-sectoids did was to make funny joke. If we gave them the Luxury Encounter resort base, they would lift their trade sanctions against us. HA! This had made many laugh even the queen who was not in a good mood. She was looking for action, blood or whatever was inside those bugs.

Then second, they had demanded that we remove the HOME fleet from the Dhayu system. This is what the queen wanted to hear and made her purr. They had 2 defensive bases, a cruiser, 2 destroyers and a frigate that the queen was eagerly wanting to engage. It looked like they were also working on a star-base. Royalspaw cautioned against rash actions before and fortunately the queen still listened though it was taking more time to convince her. Finally the Ant-sectoids removed the blockade of the Bisteni 4 GMS. With that, the queen was disappointed and reluctantly gave the order for the HOME fleet to stand down and return home with no incidents. Diplomacy and cool heads had prevailed.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 4/23/2013 11:33:09 PM >

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Post #: 20
RE: War of the Loros - 4/19/2013 10:38:20 PM   

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After several years on the western front battling the pirates, Hhermes decided on a little R&R back at home on Imrryr. He had heard new enhancements had been developed for the velocity shard torpedoes and wanted to sit down and take a thorough look at all the current ship designs. His replacement on the WEST fleet was a frickin spider, Wokku Vretok. He actually had some good traits but Hhermes just couldn't let go of the past... the hard-fought battles and wanted all the bugs shot.

It was also his chance to try and spend some time around the queen. He had heard strange rumors of her somewhat new abnormal behavior but the people and the economy were responding very well to her leadership. He made up any excuse to try to be in her company. Interracial marriages were forbidden and romances were frowned on. This just seemed to make him want to be around her more. It was better to be away with the fleet than to be anywhere around her but while he was home, he couldn't stop himself.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 4/23/2013 11:29:06 PM >

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Post #: 21
RE: War of the Loros - 4/24/2013 12:12:41 AM   

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From: vermont
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Year 2800 and the colony of Lumabo 2 was colonized. It was an ocean planet of decent, not great quality on the southern border of the northeastern systems. Better to claim it for Melnibone than to have one of the other inferior races setting up to close. Many of them were about the same proclivity as teekan pack-rats, colonizing anything short of a rock. Shahkeyrah ordered the usual colonization procedure; small starbase, troops and eventually a defensive base. <sniff> It bordered the ackdarian water-men's Uguth Teer system but the pack-rats and ant-sectoids were relatively close. Pirate activity had started up as well. Better safe than sorry.

Despite our continual trade and periodic covert assistance to the water-men, they continued to barely survive their on-going war with the ant-sectoid bugs. The bugs sent regular fleets against their homeworld of Kyphar. <sniff> While the water-men sent their fleets to our star-bases for supplies, repaired and then back to the war front to protect or retaliate back. The queen was irritated by the water-men draining our resources on their futile war. We had offered the protectorate treaty and they refused. Better to leave them to their fate... However, the queen longed to smash the HOME fleet against the bugs. <sniff> For one who used to love peace and all relations with the other empires, she was not liking her galactic neighbors much anymore. They either kept fighting like the bugs, the ape-men, bat-faces or they slowly expanded into our territory.

Latest intelligence report just in. The water-men's system of Akthul just fell to the bugs. They were down to two systems and slowly losing their swimming grounds. Soon, it would be their spawning home. Fleet Admiral Hhermes was ordered to report for the HOME fleet. <sniff> He had been hanging around the palace complex a little too much and too long, always finding something to talk about. Annoying and he was meant to be commanding fleets, not discussing his pirate problems. The HOME fleet was then ordered to take up station at the Lumabo system. Without the Zhoorin's EAST fleet responding and the WEST fleet so far away, Shahkeyrah ordered a new fleet, QUEEN fleet to be created of the latest designs. She also wanted a defensive fleet created for Lumabo. The ant-sectoids were not going to stop dining on their fish neighbors so we best be ready to greet them properly.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 4/24/2013 10:53:32 PM >

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Post #: 22
RE: War of the Loros - 5/1/2013 2:58:54 AM   

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From: vermont
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Shearkhan was starting to like the twit queen. She was already inexperienced and infantile and was now bordering on erratic and xenophobic. So close... With how the ant-sectoids can't discuss diplomacy without trying to eat the diplomats, it shouldn't be long before we were at war again. It didn't matter who they battled but the bugs were as good as anyone. He was tired of waiting for the war to happen. With recent events at Lumabo, he was going to Tukan to plan & recruit more troops per the preparations requested by the queen. Ha. Sure beat the recruiting, training, drilling that the generals were wasting time while waiting for the action to start. Any battle is where Shearkhan wanted to be part of. Hopefully soon he'd be able to test his mettle against the ant-sectoid armies.

For his fellow generals, Iko had been with him for couple hundred years and was a great general. Faz and Rek were relatively new. Getting them some experience was another reason he wanted battle. They could only get better from actual battle. The training was no substitute for actual combat. Hopefully soon.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 5/1/2013 3:00:12 AM >

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Post #: 23
RE: War of the Loros - 5/6/2013 5:26:56 PM   

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"Dug the diplomat!", "Dug the doormat!". Sometimes the feline taunting was insufferable. Fortunately he was away from them more than around them. Just home returning from his diplomatic mission to the Ikkuro, he was re-assigned to liaison with the Teekan syndicate (packrats) and most importantly keep the free trade agreement active. There had been some anti-packrat unrest at the Jaimos system due to proximity to the Teekans. Relations had declined slightly as they had colonized northward adjacent to our southeast colonies. Nothing major yet but diplomacy was needed more with them now then the Ikkuro. Dug was nowhere near as seasoned as Kuut (which he also heard as "Dug, you're no Kuut", sounding like you're no good) who was still assigned to keep the peace with the Zygirea Confederacy (apemen) whom we currently had a free trade agreement, along with the Teekans and Ikkuro.

While on his short leave between missions, the queen had requested his attendance. In a few years that had passed since he had last seen her, she had lost some of her innocence and purity. Dug like everyone else was awed and captivated just to look upon her. She was certainly more noble and regal now but her presence was now so pure and joy-like and may never come back. She had wanted to discuss getting more the "Scent of Zentabia" from the bat-face men. His initial reaction did not please her as he did not know what she was talking about. She did not care that he did not remember giving her the gift some time ago. She would "like" another gift and soon. His only answer was, yes, he would speak to the Ikkuro about another gift. He took his leave, sweating how he was going to do that.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 5/13/2013 10:20:48 PM >

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Post #: 24
RE: War of the Loros - 5/6/2013 8:35:48 PM   

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From: vermont
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Ah, Bahgherah was tired but he had gotten what the queen had commanded. He was feeling quite "Top Gun" for his successful mission and evasion. For a short time, the queen, GIA and the Imperial Navy knew all the composition and plans of the Gizurean Ant-sectoid's empire. Which showed that the ant-sectoids were not content with just Akthul. They were also going after the ackdarian aquamen's Uguth Teer system. Two fleets with troop transports were enroute. Twilight was approaching for the aquamen.

Upon hearing the delightful news, Shahkeyrah had redesigned Hhermes Lyon class resupply ship. It already had the HyperDeny GW1000 system and 1 Fighter Bay. She removed all the torpedoes & 2 fusion reactors and was able to replace them with 9 Heavy Rail Guns and 9 Phaser Cannons along with the Intimidator Surgewave & some additional enhanced armor. Finally she wanted the engagement stance to 'Point Blank' so it would get up nice and close. he he Then she ordered 5 new Lyons, 5 Leopard Cruisers and 5 Cougar Destroyers to make up the new fleet Queen's CLAW. The HOME fleet was ordered to Lumabo in case the new fleet was not ready.

Now to wait, if Uguth Teer falls, then she was ready to declare war against the ant-sectoids and stop the encroachment of the ants. They are already too close for comfort. Still waiting to hear back on Shearkhan's Troop fleet preparations. Last reported a troop fleet ready with 38 troops which should be enough. Prepare them for an assault of the ants at the Uguth Teer system.

The picture of Bahgherah, or any character for that matter looking like someone from the movie Top Gun, makes me laugh. Can these be made to be race specific? ;-)

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< Message edited by arioch -- 5/13/2013 10:32:42 PM >

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Post #: 25
RE: War of the Loros - 5/13/2013 10:57:24 PM   

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From: vermont
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GIA relayed the new information to the queen and then the Imperial Navy as requested. The Gizurean ant-sectoids arrived at Uguth Teer and killed everything around Uguth Teer 4. Their troops then arrived and the planet fell. Meanwhile 6 fleets of the Ackdarian waterman are visiting our various star-bases. They are pathetic and not worth saving any longer. Shahkeyrah declared WAR through Khatrwhaul's diplomatic channels and sends HOME fleet and the troops to take Uguth Teer 4 from the ants before they can establish of foothold. It currently has 36 Securans who are lovely beyond belief and need to be part of our empire.

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Post #: 26
RE: War of the Loros - 5/14/2013 1:31:45 AM   

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From: vermont
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Hhermes' HOME fleet and Shearkhan's troop fleet had engaged the ant-sectoids at Uguth Teer 4 and taken the planet for the Melniboneans. The queen had sent her congratulations. In quick retaliation, a small ant-sectoid fleet attacked the dreaming planet Imrryr. It was quickly destroyed. Other small conflicts occurred all over shared space though nothing to worry over. The war, along with taxes, had caused several colonies to be unhappy. It was not Hhermes' problem but he did want to let the dust settle a little bit. The queen however already had her eye's set on the Had Abbadun system. It had a ruin and she wanted it. All Melniboneans were entranced with the old ruins and desirous of controlling them. Currently the Sistuueni packrats claimed the most ruins in the galaxy.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 5/14/2013 1:32:14 AM >

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Post #: 27
RE: War of the Loros - 5/24/2013 5:25:30 PM   

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At first it was great. Zhoorin was content and peaceful. He had gotten plenty of R&R. His lead ship cruiser Fearless Horizon was well outfitted and he had been enjoying his sabbatical. Now after several years, he was bored stiff and feeling alienated from his duties. He was pretty much just Grand Admiral in name only. Queen Shahkeyrah was commanding all the fleets around the homeworld now. Additionally, the bat-faced Ikkuros' influence & sensors were expanding out and as a result he had to keep inching away from the death star. Estimates from the construction ship were that the repair work was about 75% completed. Zhoorin had also detected that the bat-faces had colonized a planet in the same system as the death star, which meant they were fully aware of the ship and it's progress. He had wanted to return home and assist with the 2nd ant war but dared not leaving this to a smaller, less prepared fleet. He also wanted command of this ship. If he was gone, who knows what would happen to it in the Melnibonean bureaucracy or the mad queen's paws. Best to continue maintaining the vigil.

I installed DW Legends and hopefully that will not alter the game dynamics too much. Also purchased DW Shadows but I figured the save games would not be compatible so this AAR/story will continue with DW Legends. Hope people are enjoying it? It's been slow but I've been traveling quite a bit for work.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 5/24/2013 10:01:07 PM >

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Post #: 28
RE: War of the Loros - 6/11/2013 1:22:19 AM   

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From: vermont
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Hhermes was still 2nd in command of the Imperial Navy in name only. The queen was not into positions and titles. She assigned him to HOME fleet and ordered him to take the Continental planet Ewoy in the Akthul system from the ant-sectoids. Shearkhan had cleaned up the planets with his troops and another, mostly Gizureans unfortunately planet added to the empire. Despite his title, there was a definite shift in the empire. Clearly Shahkeyrah was taking over. His power and influence was waning. At least he still had his command of the HOME fleet. Despite the success of the military with the battles, the war was not going as planned. Despite taking over the ant-sectoids planets, the queen's scheme to have the ant-sectoids take out the water-men, it wasn't happening. The longer the war raged, the more the ants ignored the water-men and counter-attacked. Advisors were suggesting peace due to poor reputation and war weariness. Royalspaw got the queen to accept, hopefully getting her to see that if the ants were NOT battling us, then they would continue to war against the water-men.

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< Message edited by arioch -- 6/11/2013 2:22:16 PM >

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Post #: 29
RE: War of the Loros - 6/11/2013 4:25:32 AM   


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Note 1. Would like to see the recruitment and economic maintenance of intelligence agents that was in ROTS, added back in to Legends! The only limitation to the number of agents should be how much you want to spend on recruiting and maintaining the agents. Maybe also an option on the game start screen, limiting the percentage anyone can spend on intelligence just in case they don’t want to play with a lot of subterfuge in their game.

Note 2. I feel that diplomacy is an under developed element in the game. It should be on the same level as the intelligence agents. The only difference being intelligence agents are covert and diplomacy is overt. "Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way." ~Daniele Vare. I’m sure diplomacy is a good part of the game but would like to see it become a more active, hands-on role like being able to assign diplomatic missions in the game. Also the same idea above with intelligence agents in terms of only being limited in the number of diplomats by the cost, would also be ideal.

Agreed on both.A.I intelligence use is non existent in Shadows due to lack of agents.

Nice AAR btw.

Yeah, I feel the same way. Characters are not bad as rulers or admirals (until the get acquire annoying traits), but I'd much rather pay for my spies instead of rely on spies that join your empire based on random chance.

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Post #: 30
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