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Fleet Formation on Ship Order

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Fleet Formation on Ship Order - 5/25/2013 9:11:35 PM   


Posts: 31
Joined: 4/30/2013
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Probably the most annoying thing for me as a "manually form fleets" user is forming a fleet from newly constructing ships.

I pull up the build order panel, order let's say 20 frigates, 2 destroyers, and a few carriers, and now I want to make them into a fleet. To do this, I have to open the "ships" panel, sort by "name" and I can usually assign all of the orderly-named frigates and destroyers. For the capital ships and carriers I have to manually find them due to their unique name and add them.

What I have really wanted is some way to form a fleet automatically with all of the ships you put in a build order. This would make it MUCH easier to build new fleets and would literally save me cumulative hours trying to find the ships to add from the ship list.

Maybe there is an easy way to do this, but I have not found it yet! Also, I don't use auto-fleet formation because I'm not sure I trust it yet....anyone with a good experience with auto-fleet formation?

Thanks for any help guys.
Post #: 1
RE: Fleet Formation on Ship Order - 5/25/2013 9:52:47 PM   


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There are a couple of ways.

Should the 20 frigates and 2 destroyers be two equal fleets? Use the build order screen to order one at a time 10/1. Then 10/1 more.

Then open the ship list, and filter military. Your new ships should be at one of the ends (front or back) with each batch. So the first (or last) 11 is the first fleet, the next 11 the last fleet. StarLab (I think) gave a nice demo of this in his first very manual lets play.

The thing I do is sorting military ships on firepower. The newly ordered ones have 0, and no other military ship has this. This is not so practical if you order many fleets at once, though. Since I use almost no non-fleeted ships, sorting the military on fleet is also handy. If you have carriers with no weapons, and like the military strength sorting, give the poor carriers a gun ;-)

Sometimes I can do massive orders, and abusing system sorting and looking for the orange ones kind of works too. I may order multiple fleets at different spaceports, but all fleet members at the same one, and the sort by system method is only a mess if there is a whole lot other military ships in the system.

(in reply to Mesthione)
Post #: 2
RE: Fleet Formation on Ship Order - 5/25/2013 11:00:14 PM   


Posts: 39
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You can also sort by fleet under military ships so that you can see which ones aren't assigned, specially if your only making one fleet at a time.

(in reply to Bingeling)
Post #: 3
RE: Fleet Formation on Ship Order - 5/25/2013 11:04:48 PM   

Posts: 75
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You can also sort by fleet under military ships so that you can see which ones aren't assigned, specially if your only making one fleet at a time.


You can also sort by fleet under military ships so that you can see which ones aren't assigned, specially if your only making one fleet at a time.

That's exactly what I do.

(in reply to Scrove)
Post #: 4
RE: Fleet Formation on Ship Order - 5/25/2013 11:46:31 PM   


Posts: 31
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You can also sort by fleet under military ships so that you can see which ones aren't assigned, specially if your only making one fleet at a time.

This one works fairly well, except I use automated escort and frigate ships heavily to patrol my spaces. Makes this technique a bit less useful.

Bingeling's method of sorting by firepower might be useful, I will have to try it. I just think, overall, this is a task that could be made easier instead of requiring menu surfing (which gets harder the larger and later the galaxy is).

(in reply to Scrove)
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