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Distant Worlds: Shadows Update Available

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Distant Worlds: Shadows Update Available - 5/24/2013 7:31:11 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
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Hi everyone,

If you are experiencing issues getting Distant Worlds: Shadows to run, please give this update a try.

Please make sure you have first gone through the Tech Support FAQ here:

The update may be downloaded by clicking "Check for Updates" on your game menu or through a FTP link here:

Please unzip it and run the included file to install it.

Please let us know ASAP if this resolves the issue for you.

This build has the following changes from version to

- fixed bug where mining stations marked to not auto-retrofit were still retrofitting
- fixed bug where assigning fleet retrofit would sometimes not work (fleet would simply refuel)
- fixed bug where fleets would sometimes not attack space creatures

- added civilian ships (freighters, mining ships, passenger ships) to Build Order screen when playing as a pirate faction
- fixed bug where Build Order screen was building new pirate construction ships at controlled (but unowned) colonies

- pirate factions now build more freighters and less military ships
- pirates now more likely to build new mining stations
- slightly reduced pirate income from controlled colonies
- improved willingness of pirate fleets to engage enemies near controlled colonies

- improved distribution of mining station build locations for AI controlled construction ships
- slightly decreased Steel usage in components

- fixed problems with battles at colonies with pirate raiders and standard troops (invasions sometimes being mistaken for raids, etc)
- reduced population losses during colony invasions, especially at smaller colonies

- fixed bug where ringed planets and stars would sometimes not be drawn when near edge of screen

- improved damage from Ion Weapons against Bombard weapons and Vectoring engines
- captured ships now consider whether hyperdrive is merely disabled (instead of destroyed) before scrapping at capture point (instead of sending to disassemble at yard)
- slightly increased difficulty of 'Destroy Base' intelligence missions

Full Change List for from

- fixed various crashes

- fixed bug where some pirate games would often 'stall' on some hardware configurations
- fixed bug where pirate relations would sometimes get mixed up
- corrected bug where pirates were offering negative pirate protection amount when normal empire cashflow was negative
- fixed bug where pirates could not manually change tax rate at colonies where they build Criminal Network
- fixed bug where pirate colonizing planet where already have spaceport would cause spaceport to be removed
- fixed bug where a pirate faction raiding a colony where they already have a pirate base or fortress resulted in them battling against their own troops who defend the base
- fixed bug where galactic storms would often get 'lost' when reload game

- fixed Ion Pulse weapons to properly disable weapons and engines
- fixed bug where normal components were getting damaged before Armor was completely destroyed

- when retrofitting damaged ships or bases, damaged components are now first repaired
- Troop loadouts for ships are now reviewed when the ships is retrofitted to a new design
- pirate construction ships no longer retrofit or repair at controlled (but unowned) colonies
- fleets will no longer go to retrofit when no ships in the fleet have newer designs available

- AI ship design process no longer creates unbuildable new designs (too large) for a ship subrole when there is an existing buildable design for the same subrole

- added some filters at the top of the Pirate Missions panel in the Empire Navigation Tool at screen left: attack/defense/smuggling mission types, accepted/open missions
- fixed Design Detail screen warnings panel so that text wraps and scrolls
- increased text size in Research screen

- altered "Random" proximity setting in Game Startup to distribute starting empires *EVENLY* across the galaxy
- now exclude space creature appearance Shadows events if space creatures are completely disabled in game setup

- characters no longer have skill increases until skills and traits are revealed
- fixed bug where Demoralizing and Inspiring character traits were sometimes not working

- pirate and diplomatic offers now ensure that offered empire has *excess* money to purchase (not just enough)
- weak pirate factions (no spaceport, weak military, negative cash and cashflow) now join stronger nearby pirate factions
- added new Engagement Stance settings for *manually* controlled ships and fleets (Game Options > Empire Settings). These settings default to 'no change', so that Engagement Stance does not change when a player manually assign missions to ships and fleets. Existing Engagement Stance settings now apply to auto-controlled ships and fleets
- military ships will now 'gang-up' on enemy targets better, assigning many attackers to take on a target

Full Change List for from

- fixed various crashes

- fixed bug where pirate colonies sometimes showed up twice in Colonies Screen

- improved willingness of pirate freighters to fulfill smuggling missions
- smuggling missions properly expire when resource requirements fulfilled at colony
- slightly lowered number of freighters that AI builds

- increased prices for pirate defend missions
- an empire will assign a maximum of 3 pirate defend missions per system
- raids on a colony that is being protected in a pirate defend mission do not fail the mission unless that raid is successful

- normal planetary empires more willing to form protection agreements with pirate factions, especially when pirates are stronger than them
- pirate protection agreement costs better matched to empire cashflow (i.e. ability to pay)
- pirate factions now better handle tourism, resort bases and passenger ships
- pirates cannot build bases at colonies of other empires (e.g. spaceports)

- raids on a colony now inflict less casualties on population at the colony
- troops defending a colony during an invasion regenerate health/readiness at half usual speed, new troops also recruited at half-speed. This makes colony invasions easier to achieve

- captured bases at colonies of other empires will now self-destruct
- fighters now better at handling boarding and capture missions

- improved function of 'Auto Upgrade' button in Designs screen - now properly preserves weapon types (e.g. phasers, rail guns)
- can now alter 'Auto Retrofit' dropdown setting for Mining Stations in Design Detail screen

- tractor beams now push creatures away when they are attacking a ship
- further improved performance, especially in large games

Full Change List for from

- fixed various crashes

- further improvements to ensure that civilian ships do not become idle
- fixed bug where design templates that specify phaser weapons would instead sometimes produce designs with pulse blasters or rail guns (even when phasers available)
- fixed bug where Resort Bases could sometimes not be built at scenic locations if already had mining station built there

- improved performance, especially for large games
- can now toggle auto/manual retrofit for private base designs (i.e. mining stations) in designs screen
- added troop type labels (Infantry, Armored, etc) to hover message for troop recruitment action buttons when colony selected

Full Change List for from

- fixed crash when edit planet with Warp Field Precursor tech ruins
- fixed various other crashes

- fixed problem where research progress sometimes stops
- fixed bug where owned pirate colonies would often not earn tax income
- fixed bug where recruited Cloned troops were too strong
- further fixed Build Order advisor suggestions so that the construction price is constantly updated to reflect current economic conditions
- fixed bug with colony upkeep costs, so that this is now properly calculated and displayed
- fixed bug where the ship design AI would not properly obsolete old ship and base designs if they were above the current construction size limit
- Bombard weapons are now properly added to designs when in a design template

- pirates no longer build new spaceports or other bases at a planet where they already have a spaceport
- fixed description of pirate corruption at colonies to show correct value (Colonies screen, Population tab)
- reduced reputation level increases from destroying pirates, destroying pirate spaceports is the most significant factor counting towards reputation
- now properly show extra settings in Empire Policy screen once a pirate faction builds the Criminal Network and has owned colonies
- pirates now cannot raid a colony when the same pirate faction is already invading colony (with standard troops)

- fixed Selection Panel so that it properly displays bases and ships with many fighters (200+)
- changed hotkey for taking screenshots to PrntScrn (was "/" on numeric keypad)
- auto-controlled military ships without hyperdrives now do not attempt to escort ships with hyperdrives
- added further improvements to refuelling for independent freighters and civilian pirate ships
- can no longer board and capture abandoned ships or bases (e.g. planet destroyers, debris fields, etc)

Full Change List for from

- fixed crash when start new prewarp game with very few pirates
- fixed crash when last ship in fleet is destroyed while fleet selected, and then click next fleet button
- fixed various other crashes

- fixed bug where private sector ships would sometimes stop working
- Improved bug (work in progress) where Build Order screen has zero values for ship construction amounts
- fixed bug where construction ship repairing a damaged ship at a planet would separate from damaged ship being repaired
- pirate faction manually scrapping ships and bases now properly earns looting income
- ensure money obtained as loot from raid is never negative

- fixed bug where sometimes could not build Criminal Network except via advisor suggestion
- pirate facilities are now much less likely to be destroyed in raids
- destroying pirate facilities at colonies of normal empires is now harder, as more pirate raider troops are generated to defend pirate bases at colony. Pirates also receive a combat bonus when defending their controlled colony with a Pirate Base or Fortress
- enemy raids against colonies with pirate facilities will usually only damage the facilities instead of completely destroying them
- pirate control level at colonies now does not drop below thresholds when have pirate base or fortress present (50% or 100%), even when planet population passes cap where pirate control would normally decrease
- pirate military ships do not raid own controlled colonies when control level is above 50%
- raids against controlled colonies where you have own pirate facilities will not destroy these facilities
- pirate factions will now defend against enemy raids on their controlled colonies with pirate facilities
- pirate facilities are now faster to build at controlled colonies
- colony corruption level is now higher when pirates control the colony, and especially when pirate facilities are present

- Gizurean alien race now has lower population growth from periodic race change event
- bombardment can now sometimes destroy planetary facilities
- construction ships no longer incorrectly load retrofit resource cargo when repairing damaged ships
- added message to player when foreign intelligence agent successfully sabotages construction at a base, colony or construction ship
- patrolling fleets now more likely to engage enemy targets in same system
- colony ships now always check whether colonization target is within range

Full Change List for from

- fixed crash at game startup on some PCs (ManagementObject)
- fixed another rare crash

- fixed bug where could have two smuggling missions for a colony if both manually request and then also accept advisor suggestion
- fixed problem where certain races do not start with Resupply Ship when playing as pirate
- fixed colors of pirate bonuses (Empire Summary screen) so that penalties are red and bonuses are green

- Construction Ships now also deliver initial retrofit resource cargo to bases they build, thus mining stations have retrofit resources without freighters needing to deliver them afterwards
- bases present at game startup (e.g. mining stations, etc) now have retrofit resource cargo presupplied
- now have less freighters built by private economy, especially in large empires
- now use less Carbon Fibre in components

- Mining Station list in Empire Navigation Tool now shows resources mined instead of cargo
- remapped Screenshot key to "/" key on numeric keypad (instead of "0")
- added hotkey for opening/closing Ground Report screen ("[", open bracket)
- added pirate stats to *own empire* when selected in Diplomacy screen
- now properly adjust size of Ground Report screen so that edges are not off-screen when enlarged
- altered default values for scroll and zoom speed in Game Options so that zooming and scrolling is slower and smoother

- AI is now properly sending advisor suggestion to player before sending a pirate fleet to carry out an assigned Defend mission - i.e. not overriding manual control of fleets


- Erik

< Message edited by Andrew Loveridge -- 7/1/2013 11:24:23 PM >


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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Post #: 1
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:35:49 PM   


Posts: 27
Joined: 5/23/2013
Status: offline
link seems to be broken.. or is it just my connection? :(

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 2
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:38:06 PM   

Posts: 556
Joined: 7/14/2004
From: Swindon,Wilts. UK
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No it's broken. I get the same error message


(in reply to Beelzial)
Post #: 3
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:40:30 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
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Link works for me - what error message are you getting?


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to moonraker65)
Post #: 4
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:41:41 PM   


Posts: 27
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550 no such file or directory it says for me =/

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 5
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:42:13 PM   

Posts: 556
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From: Swindon,Wilts. UK
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Error 601 (net::ERR_FTP_FAILED): Unknown error.


(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 6
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:43:13 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
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Ah, it may need to sync with the mirrors, hang on.

Yep, sorry the European FTP mirror is still syncing with the US FTP. The file should show up shortly if you keep tying.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to moonraker65)
Post #: 7
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:47:28 PM   

Posts: 556
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From: Swindon,Wilts. UK
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Many thanks Eric


(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 8
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:47:29 PM   


Posts: 389
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I see the change list for and the statement about hot fix

Is the one I should be downloading? I do not see a link. Plus I do not have crash problem, so is included in Or should I be using, and not the hotfix?

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 9
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:49:25 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
Status: offline
The change list is for the changes in from, which was the release version. You should want to install the update on top of Just download, unzip and run to update to and see if the hotfix works for you.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to Gargoil)
Post #: 10
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:50:33 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
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From: Vermont, USA
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We're forcing a sync with the mirrors now to speed things up. The hotfix should be available on all of our servers worldwide within 10 minutes or so.


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

For official support, please use our Help Desk:

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(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 11
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 7:51:13 PM   


Posts: 404
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Looks nice, but is there save game compatibility? Have a good game going, patch can wait if it's not compatible.

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 12
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 8:02:08 PM   

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Looks nice, but is there save game compatibility? Have a good game going, patch can wait if it's not compatible.

I installed this patch earlier and played a saved game for a while with no ill effects.

I believe Elliot makes a point of stating if patches are NOT compatible with previous version saves.


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(in reply to Raap)
Post #: 13
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 8:02:51 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Saved games from should be fine based on my testing as well.


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to StarLab)
Post #: 14
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 8:05:49 PM   


Posts: 404
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Thanks, and Europe mirror seems to be up.

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 15
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 8:22:09 PM   


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I have made everything you say install patch reinstall games, drivers, NET. it still crash at the start of the game. I'm disappointed. Thank you for helping me

(in reply to Raap)
Post #: 16
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 8:26:45 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
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Hi Arnaultdes,

Please post a DxDiag for us in a new thread. Have you already gone through the Tech Support FAQ here?

Does the game launch at all and if so, is there a crash log?


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

For official support, please use our Help Desk:

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(in reply to arnaultdes)
Post #: 17
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 9:29:30 PM   

Posts: 352
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No more accidental screenshots! Talk about answered prayers :)


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(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 18
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 10:34:21 PM   


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Hello Erik and Elliot,

as the one who reported the "rare crash" related to the EvaluateThreatLevel() function, I tested the same savegame I sent to you via ftp yesterday, fast forward the next two years without the crash reappearing, so we can say that crash has indeed been solved. If that changes in further gameplay, I will let you know asap. Also, for the other players, this proves the hotfix is clearly savegame compatible.

Good work!

(in reply to Mansen)
Post #: 19
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 10:36:48 PM   


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ORIGINAL: arnaultdes


I have made everything you say install patch reinstall games, drivers, NET. it still crash at the start of the game. I'm disappointed. Thank you for helping me

Just in case, try and download the most up-to-date DirectX redistributable from MS website, as far as I know it is from June 2010 (while the one shipping with Shadows is from June 2009). It might be your cause...

(in reply to arnaultdes)
Post #: 20
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 10:38:29 PM   


Posts: 39
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<.< Wait I'm supposed to have a resupply ship? This makes it so much easier to start! Thanks for the quick hotfix!

(in reply to ricanuck)
Post #: 21
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 11:26:02 PM   

Posts: 329
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I do wonder what exactly this means:

"- now have less freighters built by private economy, especially in large empires"

Were there just too many useless freighters built in those large empires, so that it bogged down the economy unnecessarily without any added transportation effect (e.g. some freighters uselessly sat down and did nothing)?



(in reply to Scrove)
Post #: 22
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 11:44:41 PM   

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<.< Wait I'm supposed to have a resupply ship? This makes it so much easier to start! Thanks for the quick hotfix!

A supply ship armed to the teeth no less.


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(in reply to Scrove)
Post #: 23
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/24/2013 11:49:31 PM   


Posts: 56
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Hmmm....downloaded the patch off the play screen check update button....worked fine except for that when I went to load a saved game all my saves were gone? Did I do something wrong?

(in reply to Mansen)
Post #: 24
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/25/2013 1:22:01 AM   

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ORIGINAL: rahamundo

Hmmm....downloaded the patch off the play screen check update button....worked fine except for that when I went to load a saved game all my saves were gone? Did I do something wrong?

Nope - But the patch changed the savegame folder. :)

%appdata%\Roaming\Code Force Limited\Distant Worlds


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(in reply to rahamundo)
Post #: 25
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/25/2013 1:50:51 AM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
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Each new version has its own folder for saved games, but you can load games from previous versions by navigating down a folder, finding the previous version's folder and loading a game from there.


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to Mansen)
Post #: 26
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/25/2013 2:21:19 AM   


Posts: 56
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Thanks for the harm done, just started a new game. My congrats to Matrix for this outstanding addition to an already great game.

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 27
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/26/2013 10:07:14 AM   


Posts: 227
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ORIGINAL: ricanuck
fast forward the next two years without the crash reappearing, so we can say that crash has indeed been solved.

The bug probably is not fixed (unless the change log is incomplete), it's probably just the IA behavior leading to the crash that changed enough so it does not trigger it. But you did well to warn of the change, so that the developer can know how to trigger it. Better yet (if you did not already) you can warn them in the original post.

(in reply to rahamundo)
Post #: 28
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Hotfix Available - 5/26/2013 8:19:10 PM   


Posts: 162
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ORIGINAL: Florestan


ORIGINAL: ricanuck
fast forward the next two years without the crash reappearing, so we can say that crash has indeed been solved.

The bug probably is not fixed (unless the change log is incomplete), it's probably just the IA behavior leading to the crash that changed enough so it does not trigger it. But you did well to warn of the change, so that the developer can know how to trigger it. Better yet (if you did not already) you can warn them in the original post.

No, it has been solved. I have played for 20 more years now, without any single problem, plus Elliot himself answered the original post stating that the savegame I sent them helped in tracking down and solving the crash (it was an OutOfIndex Exception), so I am completely sure now the issue is solved.

(in reply to Florestan)
Post #: 29
RE: Distant Worlds: Shadows Available - 5/28/2013 4:02:26 AM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
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From: Vermont, USA
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Updated to


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

For official support, please use our Help Desk:

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