Erik Rutins
Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000 From: Vermont, USA Status: offline
Available by clicking "Check for Updates" on your game menu and also here: Please unzip it and run the included file to install it. This build has the following changes from version to BUG FIXES - fixed bug where mining stations marked to not auto-retrofit were still retrofitting - fixed bug where assigning fleet retrofit would sometimes not work (fleet would simply refuel) - fixed bug where fleets would sometimes not attack space creatures BUILD ORDER SCREEN - added civilian ships (freighters, mining ships, passenger ships) to Build Order screen when playing as a pirate faction - fixed bug where Build Order screen was building new pirate construction ships at controlled (but unowned) colonies PIRATES - pirate factions now build more freighters and less military ships - pirates now more likely to build new mining stations - slightly reduced pirate income from controlled colonies - improved willingness of pirate fleets to engage enemies near controlled colonies MINING AND RESOURCES - improved distribution of mining station build locations for AI controlled construction ships - slightly decreased Steel usage in components COLONY RAIDS AND INVASIONS - fixed problems with battles at colonies with pirate raiders and standard troops (invasions sometimes being mistaken for raids, etc) - reduced population losses during colony invasions, especially at smaller colonies GRAPHICS - fixed bug where ringed planets and stars would sometimes not be drawn when near edge of screen OTHER - improved damage from Ion Weapons against Bombard weapons and Vectoring engines - captured ships now consider whether hyperdrive is merely disabled (instead of destroyed) before scrapping at capture point (instead of sending to disassemble at yard) - slightly increased difficulty of 'Destroy Base' intelligence missions Full Change List for from CRASH FIXES - fixed various crashes BUG FIXES - fixed bug where some pirate games would often 'stall' on some hardware configurations - fixed bug where pirate relations would sometimes get mixed up - corrected bug where pirates were offering negative pirate protection amount when normal empire cashflow was negative - fixed bug where pirates could not manually change tax rate at colonies where they build Criminal Network - fixed bug where pirate colonizing planet where already have spaceport would cause spaceport to be removed - fixed bug where a pirate faction raiding a colony where they already have a pirate base or fortress resulted in them battling against their own troops who defend the base - fixed bug where galactic storms would often get 'lost' when reload game WEAPONS AND ARMOR - fixed Ion Pulse weapons to properly disable weapons and engines - fixed bug where normal components were getting damaged before Armor was completely destroyed RETROFITTING - when retrofitting damaged ships or bases, damaged components are now first repaired - Troop loadouts for ships are now reviewed when the ships is retrofitted to a new design - pirate construction ships no longer retrofit or repair at controlled (but unowned) colonies - fleets will no longer go to retrofit when no ships in the fleet have newer designs available SHIP DESIGN - AI ship design process no longer creates unbuildable new designs (too large) for a ship subrole when there is an existing buildable design for the same subrole USER INTERFACE - added some filters at the top of the Pirate Missions panel in the Empire Navigation Tool at screen left: attack/defense/smuggling mission types, accepted/open missions - fixed Design Detail screen warnings panel so that text wraps and scrolls - increased text size in Research screen GAME SETUP - altered "Random" proximity setting in Game Startup to distribute starting empires *EVENLY* across the galaxy - now exclude space creature appearance Shadows events if space creatures are completely disabled in game setup CHARACTERS - characters no longer have skill increases until skills and traits are revealed - fixed bug where Demoralizing and Inspiring character traits were sometimes not working OTHER - pirate and diplomatic offers now ensure that offered empire has *excess* money to purchase (not just enough) - weak pirate factions (no spaceport, weak military, negative cash and cashflow) now join stronger nearby pirate factions - added new Engagement Stance settings for *manually* controlled ships and fleets (Game Options > Empire Settings). These settings default to 'no change', so that Engagement Stance does not change when a player manually assign missions to ships and fleets. Existing Engagement Stance settings now apply to auto-controlled ships and fleets - military ships will now 'gang-up' on enemy targets better, assigning many attackers to take on a target Full Change List for from CRASH FIXES - fixed various crashes BUG FIXES - fixed bug where pirate colonies sometimes showed up twice in Colonies Screen SMUGGLING AND FREIGHTERS - improved willingness of pirate freighters to fulfill smuggling missions - smuggling missions properly expire when resource requirements fulfilled at colony - slightly lowered number of freighters that AI builds DEFEND MISSIONS - increased prices for pirate defend missions - an empire will assign a maximum of 3 pirate defend missions per system - raids on a colony that is being protected in a pirate defend mission do not fail the mission unless that raid is successful PIRATES - normal planetary empires more willing to form protection agreements with pirate factions, especially when pirates are stronger than them - pirate protection agreement costs better matched to empire cashflow (i.e. ability to pay) - pirate factions now better handle tourism, resort bases and passenger ships - pirates cannot build bases at colonies of other empires (e.g. spaceports) RAIDS AND INVASIONS - raids on a colony now inflict less casualties on population at the colony - troops defending a colony during an invasion regenerate health/readiness at half usual speed, new troops also recruited at half-speed. This makes colony invasions easier to achieve BOARDING AND CAPTURE - captured bases at colonies of other empires will now self-destruct - fighters now better at handling boarding and capture missions SHIP DESIGNS - improved function of 'Auto Upgrade' button in Designs screen - now properly preserves weapon types (e.g. phasers, rail guns) - can now alter 'Auto Retrofit' dropdown setting for Mining Stations in Design Detail screen OTHER - tractor beams now push creatures away when they are attacking a ship - further improved performance, especially in large games Full Change List for from CRASH FIXES - fixed various crashes BUG FIXES - further improvements to ensure that civilian ships do not become idle - fixed bug where design templates that specify phaser weapons would instead sometimes produce designs with pulse blasters or rail guns (even when phasers available) - fixed bug where Resort Bases could sometimes not be built at scenic locations if already had mining station built there OTHER - improved performance, especially for large games - can now toggle auto/manual retrofit for private base designs (i.e. mining stations) in designs screen - added troop type labels (Infantry, Armored, etc) to hover message for troop recruitment action buttons when colony selected Full Change List for from CRASH FIXES - fixed crash when edit planet with Warp Field Precursor tech ruins - fixed various other crashes GENERAL BUG FIXES - fixed problem where research progress sometimes stops - fixed bug where owned pirate colonies would often not earn tax income - fixed bug where recruited Cloned troops were too strong - further fixed Build Order advisor suggestions so that the construction price is constantly updated to reflect current economic conditions - fixed bug with colony upkeep costs, so that this is now properly calculated and displayed - fixed bug where the ship design AI would not properly obsolete old ship and base designs if they were above the current construction size limit - Bombard weapons are now properly added to designs when in a design template PIRATES - pirates no longer build new spaceports or other bases at a planet where they already have a spaceport - fixed description of pirate corruption at colonies to show correct value (Colonies screen, Population tab) - reduced reputation level increases from destroying pirates, destroying pirate spaceports is the most significant factor counting towards reputation - now properly show extra settings in Empire Policy screen once a pirate faction builds the Criminal Network and has owned colonies - pirates now cannot raid a colony when the same pirate faction is already invading colony (with standard troops) OTHER - fixed Selection Panel so that it properly displays bases and ships with many fighters (200+) - changed hotkey for taking screenshots to PrntScrn (was "/" on numeric keypad) - auto-controlled military ships without hyperdrives now do not attempt to escort ships with hyperdrives - added further improvements to refuelling for independent freighters and civilian pirate ships - can no longer board and capture abandoned ships or bases (e.g. planet destroyers, debris fields, etc) Full Change List for from CRASH FIXES - fixed crash when start new prewarp game with very few pirates - fixed crash when last ship in fleet is destroyed while fleet selected, and then click next fleet button - fixed various other crashes GENERAL BUG FIXES - fixed bug where private sector ships would sometimes stop working - Improved bug (work in progress) where Build Order screen has zero values for ship construction amounts - fixed bug where construction ship repairing a damaged ship at a planet would separate from damaged ship being repaired - pirate faction manually scrapping ships and bases now properly earns looting income - ensure money obtained as loot from raid is never negative PIRATES, CONTROLLED COLONIES, FACILITIES AND RAIDS - fixed bug where sometimes could not build Criminal Network except via advisor suggestion - pirate facilities are now much less likely to be destroyed in raids - destroying pirate facilities at colonies of normal empires is now harder, as more pirate raider troops are generated to defend pirate bases at colony. Pirates also receive a combat bonus when defending their controlled colony with a Pirate Base or Fortress - enemy raids against colonies with pirate facilities will usually only damage the facilities instead of completely destroying them - pirate control level at colonies now does not drop below thresholds when have pirate base or fortress present (50% or 100%), even when planet population passes cap where pirate control would normally decrease - pirate military ships do not raid own controlled colonies when control level is above 50% - raids against controlled colonies where you have own pirate facilities will not destroy these facilities - pirate factions will now defend against enemy raids on their controlled colonies with pirate facilities - pirate facilities are now faster to build at controlled colonies - colony corruption level is now higher when pirates control the colony, and especially when pirate facilities are present OTHER - Gizurean alien race now has lower population growth from periodic race change event - bombardment can now sometimes destroy planetary facilities - construction ships no longer incorrectly load retrofit resource cargo when repairing damaged ships - added message to player when foreign intelligence agent successfully sabotages construction at a base, colony or construction ship - patrolling fleets now more likely to engage enemy targets in same system - colony ships now always check whether colonization target is within range Full Change List for from CRASH FIXES - fixed crash at game startup on some PCs (ManagementObject) - fixed another rare crash BUG FIXES - fixed bug where could have two smuggling missions for a colony if both manually request and then also accept advisor suggestion - fixed problem where certain races do not start with Resupply Ship when playing as pirate - fixed colors of pirate bonuses (Empire Summary screen) so that penalties are red and bonuses are green FREIGHTERS AND RESOURCES - Construction Ships now also deliver initial retrofit resource cargo to bases they build, thus mining stations have retrofit resources without freighters needing to deliver them afterwards - bases present at game startup (e.g. mining stations, etc) now have retrofit resource cargo presupplied - now have less freighters built by private economy, especially in large empires - now use less Carbon Fibre in components USER INTERFACE - Mining Station list in Empire Navigation Tool now shows resources mined instead of cargo - remapped Screenshot key to "/" key on numeric keypad (instead of "0") - added hotkey for opening/closing Ground Report screen ("[", open bracket) - added pirate stats to *own empire* when selected in Diplomacy screen - now properly adjust size of Ground Report screen so that edges are not off-screen when enlarged - altered default values for scroll and zoom speed in Game Options so that zooming and scrolling is slower and smoother OTHER - AI is now properly sending advisor suggestion to player before sending a pirate fleet to carry out an assigned Defend mission - i.e. not overriding manual control of fleets Regards, - Erik
< Message edited by Andrew Loveridge -- 6/22/2013 5:31:53 AM >