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Joined: 1/18/2010 Status: offline
ORIGINAL: n01487477 quote:
ORIGINAL: DHRedge quote:
ORIGINAL: Amoral I really like the idea of having some choice in what your navy looks like. The only problem I see is that building ships at regular speed is very cheap. Even if the queue was three times as large it would be doable to come up with those HI points. Consider that many people accelerate 5-6 carriers. That's the same as building 18 carriers at normal speed. The current restraint is 'only ships listed can be built' HI factor is not used as a constraint. If more ships were added, the constraint would move from 'listed ships' to 'ability to afford to build ships based on HI available' If more ships were added, you might have to make a realistic comparison of the HI cost to manufacture a CV, versus the manufacturing of a few planes. The ability to make a CV would probably be many 100s times more then the cost of a plane construction. That would probably have to be addressed and would add a difficulty of rebalancing the entire HI system to creating such a scenario. Then that would skew the system where instead of building ships, many hundreds of fighters or bombers could be built, although pilot constraints would make that less effective. I can see a problem there where, although based on production capabilities that are possible, it could create a much different situation where not building ships would add many planes to the system. Or as you note, many ships could be built to cheaply compared to actual industrial capabilities and cost. Some limitation could exist based on home island port sizes, where only some amount of total tonnage could be constructed for every point of port size over size 4 for naval construction, and some other limit over port size 2 for merchant construction, as an example, but again that gets complicated again. That could stop heavy ship production by using port sizes as the building constraint. Then to build all those carriers, ports would have to also be expanded, or a choice of other ships not built that were historically built. Note the lack of historical accuracy of more carrier builds, would be the intent, if the Japanese player was exploring outcomes of different decisions, and those decisions were accurately modeled on potential production that could occur, instead of production that did occur. HI is already the constraint. The durability of the ship effects the build time and cost. Each ship yard produces points which have a multiplier of 6 HI. I don't think you understand the mechanics here. Read my doc below. Also there are a number of mods that do this as well as my empty hull idea. Edit: sorry dont mean to come off badly but it needs more thought. you mention that if there were 18 carriers on the list, people would be able to find the HI to build 18 carriers. Currently regardless of how many HI points or Naval points those HI's build, a person can not build 18 carriers. That means the constraint on building carriers is not HI, it is what is on the list. Right now, the constraint is not about finding the HI to build the ships, the constraint is you can only build what is on the list. Then you comment, but it would be to cheap to build many carriers. So if many carriers were added to the list, the 'list as a constraint' would be removed.(people could build lots of carriers if they wanted to) That could create the problem you mentioned, to easy to build carriers. If building 18 carriers was unbalancing, by being beyond production possible, that would require a new element to be introduced to constrain what could be built, or a rebalancing of HI to Naval points, to spending on the list. (the rebalancing of HI cost would create the question does that allow for to many airframes) Since you mentioned HI is not the constraining factor(even thou HI is spent) adding some 'max production factor' at any time based on some 'factor' besides HI to Naval points could add another constraint. If you could only be constructing 1 carrier or maybe later 2 at a time, in naval production, and production time was long enough. Then your comment about 18 carriers would not be an issue. I understand that is not the current system, thinking about other ways to work on such things for something to think about. I think I understand the system. Naval points are accumulated by the formula shown in the tracker graph, and those come from spending HI points. Those points are then spent to build ships. However no matter how many Naval points you have, or merchant ships points, you can only build what is on that list, hence the constraint is the list. The issue you commented about is 'if more ships were added, would that allow for unrealistic builds 18 carriers'. to fix that issue, (it is possible that instead of using port size, naval shipyard size could be used) but you already mentioned it would be to easy to build 18 carriers if more ships were added. So to avoid that problem, some constraint based on the 'physical size' of ship yards or port size the yard is at, not production put into them, if added, could add options, and have another constraint. It is only an idea, and is not about 'how the system operates' but about thinking about different ways systems could be modeled, while I am waiting for a lap top to arrive where I will then be playing the game and posting less to occupy extra time. And I don't think you came off badly, although a few posts sometimes are required to figure out what is being discussed. Your comment is fine to help try to better understand the conversation. I hope my post is clear in what it is saying, I tried to repeat and say it as clearly as possible, if you were saying something else, you could explain what is different, however knowing how it works now is not the issue in understanding the conversation.
< Message edited by DHRedge -- 6/25/2013 2:09:26 AM >