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Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over and over...

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Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over and ov... - 7/2/2013 1:22:36 AM   


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I conquered a Boskaran planet with a population of 2 billion. Literally days after I began to pull my troops out, they rebelled against my rule and spawned about 7 infantry divisions... okay, fine, inevitably they're going to be unhappy. I put down the rebellion.

15 days later, they rebelled again, mere weeks after crushing the first revolt. 7 divisions again. I put down the rebellion again.

After another ~2 weeks, they rebelled a third time... and a fourth time... and a fifth time...

What am I supposed to do about this and why is there no rebellion cooldown and how do they keep getting weapons? Constant rebellions over and over is silly, I'm getting ready to just let them win and then bombard the planet back to the stone age. I understand that they're pretty pissed about being a conquered species, but being able to rebel back to back to back to back to back?
Post #: 1
RE: Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over an... - 7/2/2013 3:07:25 AM   

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Build a bare bones space port with the medic and recreation facilities to get a few positive factors going. Reduce taxes to zero (if you haven't - you probably have.) I don't know if it helps, but a few ships kept in orbit might give your defending troops 'space' advantage. If none of this helps, ya, glass em.

(in reply to Aszh)
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RE: Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over an... - 7/2/2013 6:36:17 PM   


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Well, I had no trouble suppressing the rebellions... I had vastly more firepower than any rebels could hope to match, but it takes a good chunk of time to put them down, and it was more annoyance at the fact that they re-rise ad nauseum every time I put them down and were in open rebellion 6 out of every 8 weeks, despite getting crushed every time.

I conquered the homeworld, which caused the empire to cease to exist, and magically all the rebellions stopped and all their fleets became docile and joined my empire. The homeworld never rebelled once, despite having 20 billion population--as soon as the empire was destroyed, the homeworld and the rebellious colony both went into positive happiness.

(in reply to elanaagain)
Post #: 3
RE: Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over an... - 7/3/2013 2:07:08 AM   

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I conquered a Boskaran planet with a population of 2 billion. Literally days after I began to pull my troops out, they rebelled against my rule and spawned about 7 infantry divisions... okay, fine, inevitably they're going to be unhappy. I put down the rebellion.

15 days later, they rebelled again, mere weeks after crushing the first revolt. 7 divisions again. I put down the rebellion again.

After another ~2 weeks, they rebelled a third time... and a fourth time... and a fifth time...

What am I supposed to do about this and why is there no rebellion cooldown and how do they keep getting weapons? Constant rebellions over and over is silly, I'm getting ready to just let them win and then bombard the planet back to the stone age. I understand that they're pretty pissed about being a conquered species, but being able to rebel back to back to back to back to back?

You have to leave some troops on the planet to suppress anger and rebellions...


(in reply to Aszh)
Post #: 4
RE: Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over an... - 7/4/2013 12:45:34 PM   


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Time to start shifting the populace off to slave camps I would say.

(in reply to Tanaka)
Post #: 5
RE: Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over an... - 7/5/2013 1:03:14 PM   


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well i feel that the game Needs more finetuning in the population managment.
I would like to be able to enslave only one race (normally those which i have compleetly conquerd) maybe even only on one planet. But as it is now i only can enslave all races which are not from my species which sometimes is bad cause of Immigration of races which i do not want to enslave.


Viva los tioz! Helden Leben lang, Legenden sterben nie! Böhse Onkelz

(in reply to Fenrisfil)
Post #: 6
RE: Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over an... - 7/14/2013 2:57:24 PM   

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Well, I had no trouble suppressing the rebellions... I had vastly more firepower than any rebels could hope to match, but it takes a good chunk of time to put them down, and it was more annoyance at the fact that they re-rise ad nauseum every time I put them down and were in open rebellion 6 out of every 8 weeks, despite getting crushed every time.

I conquered the homeworld, which caused the empire to cease to exist, and magically all the rebellions stopped and all their fleets became docile and joined my empire. The homeworld never rebelled once, despite having 20 billion population--as soon as the empire was destroyed, the homeworld and the rebellious colony both went into positive happiness.

It sounds like they gave up when they no longer had an empire to defect to. If you looked at the happiness factors I think it said that they were angry about the war with their own race, that they yearned to be ruled by their own race and that they were unhappy at being conquered. It adds up to a lot.

Overall I think it's fine that they show willingness to fight for their freedom, there is just one thing I think would improve realism/challenge significantly from this aspect of the game:
Add a degree of pacification from the presence of enough soldiers to obviously win, then perhaps have their dissatisfaction be expressed through sabotage invoking a tax penalty without chance of rebellions, then have them wait until the time the empire weakens (or troops leave at least) and then do a violent uprising.

The problem with the way things are now is that they fight so much that they cripple their own population and prevent eventual freedom. I've sometimes ended up killing billions simply because I INSISTED that they pay taxes, so they kept rising up and dying futilely.

A fun option would be having a big world like that join an opponents invasion with a full uprising added to the other empire's troops.

< Message edited by Tehlongone -- 7/14/2013 2:58:50 PM >

(in reply to Aszh)
Post #: 7
RE: Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over an... - 7/15/2013 7:11:07 PM   


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You have to leave some troops on the planet to suppress anger and rebellions...

I had more troops there than they had population.


It sounds like they gave up when they no longer had an empire to defect to. If you looked at the happiness factors I think it said that they were angry about the war with their own race, that they yearned to be ruled by their own race and that they were unhappy at being conquered. It adds up to a lot.

You're right. I think I eventually figured it out... aside from the maluses "you're fighting our race" and "we were recently conquered" and "we want to be part of our race", there was one pretty big one I didn't notice at the time--planets will become more rebellious if they're close to well-developed enemy planets of empires they want to join. In this case, the planet I conquered first was a moon of the homeworld, so it was as close to a hugely developed planet as anything could be, so I imagine the negative opinion modifier for that was huge. :)

(in reply to Tehlongone)
Post #: 8
RE: Conquered planet rebelling and re-rebelling over an... - 7/15/2013 7:17:53 PM   

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In my opinion it is too easy to pacify dirty alien races in general.I do not think pop a mole rebellions should not happen all the time but unrest should be a factor and mechanics to support it.

< Message edited by ASHBERY76 -- 7/15/2013 7:18:09 PM >


(in reply to Aszh)
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