Shannon V. OKeets
Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005 From: Honolulu, Hawaii Status: offline
ORIGINAL: paulderynck This may be a misunderstanding based on the differences in scale beween the board game WiF and MWIF which uses the European scale everywhere. We might need Steve to confirm whether the Admin Groups follow WiF which indeed would mean only a 20% chance for Papeete to go FF. (It's on the Americas map in WiF and thus in the "others" category.) As for the set-up, when you play WiF with the Africa map, it is considered part of Europe for set-up purposes. (It says this in the set-up rules somewhere or other.) However Madagascar appears on the original Asia map too, and because of this I think it must be regarded as on the Asia map, not the Africa map, for set-up purposes. I think you can figure out what the following mean. The first group are the labels the program generates for the various setup locations mentioned in WIF FE Section 30. The second group are little more verbose warning messages - these correspond roughly with the first set.
// ****************************************************************************
// Descriptions for setup locations.
// ****************************************************************************
rsAfrica = 'Africa';
rsAnywhere = 'Anywhere';
rsAnywhereNotEnemyZOC = 'Any controlled hex not in enemy ZOC';
rsEurope = 'Europe, Mid-East, Africa';
rsComChineseSetup = 'China, within 9 hexes of a Communist city.';
rsEuropeNotRumania = 'Europe, Mid-East, Africa (NOT Rumania)';
rsEuropeUSSR = 'Europe';
rsEuropeAsia = 'Europe, Mid-East, Africa, W. Asia';
rsEuropeExcept = 'Eur, Mid-East, Afr (NOT Med/Black Sea/Persian G.)';
rsEuropeMed = 'Europe, Mid-East, Africa: within Med';
rsEuropePacificUSA = 'USA, Europe, Mid-East, Africa, Pacific';
rsEuropeUSAEastCoast = 'Europe, Mid-East, Afr, USA East Coast';
rsFascistTideReinforcement = 'Suez or Cape Town';
rsOccupiedFrance = 'Occupied France';
rsOccFrance = 'Occ. France';
rsPacific = 'Western Pacific';
rsAmerica = 'America, W. Atlantic, E. Pacific';
rsPacificAmerica = 'Pacific or America';
rsPacificAsia = 'Asia or Western/Central Pacific';
rsPacificUSA = 'Pacific or USA';
rsPacificUSAChina = 'Pacific, USA, or China';
rsPacificUSAWestCoast = 'Pacific or USA West Coast';
rsSpecHex = 'Must set up in (%d, %d)';
rsUSAEastCoast = 'USA East Coast';
rsUSAWestCoast = 'USA West Coast';
rsVichyFranceCorsica = 'Vichy France (includes Corsica)';
rsWarlordHex = 'Within 6 hexes of (%d, %d)';
// ****************************************************************************
// Setup warning messages.
// ****************************************************************************
rsSetupAfrica = 'You must place the units in Africa (includes Madagascar).';
rsSetupAligned = 'You must place the units in their home country or in an ' +
'aligned minor country.';
rsSetupCommunist = 'Units must set up within 9 hexes of a Communist Chinese' +
' controlled city, but not in a Nationalist Chinese city.';
rsSetupControl = 'You must control the hex or cooperate with its controller ' +
'to place a unit in a hex.';
rsFactoryNeedsCity = 'You must place the factory in a city.';
rsFactoryCityCapacity = 'The city cannot hold another factory.';
rsOneFactoryOnly = 'You may only place one factory at a time.';
rsSetupCountryCity = 'You must place the units in %s.';
rsSetupEnemyUnit = 'You cannot place units on enemy units.';
rsSetupEurope = 'You must place the units in Europe, the Mid-East, or Africa.';
rsSetupEuropeNotRumania = 'You must place the units in Europe, Mid-East, or ' +
'Africa, but not Rumania.';
rsSetupEuropeUSSR = 'You must place the units in Europe.';
rsSetupEuropeAsia = 'You must place the units in Europe, the Mid-East, ' +
'Africa, or Western Asia.';
rsSetupEuropeMed = 'You must place the units in a Mediterranean port.';
rsSetupEuropeNoMed = 'You must place the units in Europe, Mid-East, or ' +
'Africa, but NOT Med./Black Sea/Persian Gulf ports.';
rsSetupEuropeUSAEastCoast = 'You must place the units in Europe, Mid-East, ' +
'Africa, or on the USA East coast.';
rsSetupOK = 'OK to set up.';
rsSetupPacific = 'You must place the units in the Western Pacific.';
rsSetupAmerica = 'You must place the units in America, Western Atlantic, ' +
'or Eastern Pacific.';
rsSetupPacificAmerica = 'You must place the units in the Pacific or America.';
rsSetupPacificAsia = 'You must place the units in Asia or the ' +
'Western/Central Pacific. See Setup Rules.';
rsSetupPacificUSA = 'You must place the units in the Pacific or in the USA.';
rsSetupPacificUSAChina = 'You must place the units in the Pacific, the ' +
'USA, or China.';
rsSetupPacificUSAWestCoast = 'You must place the units in the Pacific or ' +
'on the USA west coast.';
rsSetupPartisan = 'Set up in enemy-controlled home country hex: %s';
rsSetupPorts = 'You must place the units in a port on the specified sea ' +
'areas (%s).';
rsSetupSeaArea = 'You cannot place these units in a sea area.';
rsSetupSpecificHex = 'This unit must be placed in the specific hex %s.';
rsSetupWarlordHex = 'This unit must be placed in a hex controlled by the ' +
'warlord''s major power and within 6 of %s.';
rsFranceOnly =
'Units must be placed in a hex controlled by Free France or Vichy France.';
rsSetupTerritorial = 'Territorial units must be set up in their home ' +
'country or territory.';
rsSetupThisSeaArea = 'You cannot place these units in this sea area.';
rsSetupUSAEastCoast = 'You must place the units on the USA east coast.';
rsSetupUSAEuropePacific = 'You must place the units in the USA, Europe, ' +
'Mid-East, Africa, or the Western Pacific.';
rsSetupUSAWestCoast = 'You must place the units on the USA west coast.';
rsUnitToConstructionPool = '%s has been placed in the Construction Pool.';
rsUnitToRemomvedPool =
'%s can never arrive as a reinforcement and has been removed from the game.';
Steve Perfection is an elusive goal.