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game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do

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game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do - 8/1/2008 3:07:20 AM   


Posts: 2134
Joined: 9/22/2004
From: GMT-8
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A common problem is that old saves in an incompatible format (i.e. generated before some kind of file format change took place in a patch) cause the game to crash.

This can happen even without you opening the file, because the game tries to open it to display the map image and dates in the file interface screen. It can also happen even if you've never saved a game, because the basic game actually ships with a very old (development timeframe) save file included! (that is, of course, an "oops!")

What to do?

If you have crashes that look like this, then go to the dat/save directory and delete all save files (*.psv, *.sav). Try again and see if it works better now.
Post #: 1
RE: game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do - 1/29/2009 5:14:45 AM   


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Specifically, delete all *.psv and *.sav from the save directory. On a typical installation this would be

C:\Matrix Games\Gary Grigsby's World at War A World Divided\dat\save

If you install it in a funny place or copy things around, then it might be


(in reply to WanderingHead)
Post #: 2
RE: game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do - 8/9/2009 10:30:34 AM   

Posts: 3
Joined: 8/9/2009
From: Nîmes (south of France)
Status: offline
Hi everybody,

I am a newbie on this forum, and on WAW game too.

I apologize if this question has been raised several times before, but I encounter this problem of game crashing, without having any *.psv or old *.sav files copied in my save folder.
However, there are *.tsv and *.dat files.

The game crashes only if I try to load a previous file. But, if I launch a new game and save it with a new name, the problem disappear. So, everytime I want to play, I must in a first time generate a new game.

Please, what can I do to solve this problem ?



(in reply to WanderingHead)
Post #: 3
RE: game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do - 8/20/2009 6:02:35 PM   

Posts: 3
Joined: 8/9/2009
From: Nîmes (south of France)
Status: offline
Finally I found out that a save file dated from 2006 had been installed while installing the software.
I have deleted it, and the problem disappeared.



(in reply to frogpedros)
Post #: 4
RE: game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do - 12/25/2010 10:01:45 PM   


Posts: 37
Joined: 9/8/2002
From: Upstate New York
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I just received an email from rjh1971 in response to my inquiry about not being able to save a file...and I have attached a screenshot to show that I DON'T HAVE A SAVE FILE IN THE DEFAULT GAME it up TO ME edit that directory and try to ADD A SAVE in the data file....seems to me the save ought to be there. In any regard all that I was told was that I apparently didn't read the sticky in the support now I need to know....that I think I am reading the sticky and I still don't know what the problem is. How about being a little more specific...I don't have any old save file to delete. I don't have a save folder off the C:\Matrix Games\Gary Grigsby's World at War A World Divided\dat\ you can see in the screenshot...and I didn't install the game or move anything to "whatever or wherever" what do I do now?

Attachment (1)


Major General Tom Ciampa

(in reply to WanderingHead)
Post #: 5
RE: game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do - 12/25/2010 10:17:15 PM   

Posts: 4919
Joined: 12/13/2005
From: Madrid, Spain
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Wow that looks ugly, why don't you try creating a save folder and see if it works.
You could also try a clean install if the above does not work.
Last you can try emailing Wanderinghead and tell him about your problem but as I said he's been off for more than a year.
Let me know if you were able to fix it.


GG's AWD, GG's WBTS, GG's WitE Beta Tester
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(in reply to ReconTom)
Post #: 6
RE: game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do - 4/9/2012 2:32:20 PM   


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I found I couldn't save at all. Had to create a save folder in /dat and that fixed it.

(in reply to rjh1971)
Post #: 7
RE: game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do - 7/25/2013 12:55:59 AM


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A heads up on installation for new players (like me). The save function didn't work on install but now fixed. Thankyou for this forum post as it helped me troubleshoot that a directory called save needed to be created in the dat directory to allow the save function to work. Hope this post may be of assistance.
Looks a great game even if graphics a little hard to see (be good to get them to Panzercorp level at least). Agree it's like Axis and Allies with greater realism without excessive detail.

Enjoying the strategy posts elsewhere,


(in reply to WanderingHead)
Post #: 8
RE: game crashes in file load/save screen, what to do - 3/4/2016 2:51:56 AM   


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Windows 7 64-bit fix as well.

I thought I would add that on my Windows 7 64-bit PC I could not get the game to save any settings like turning music off or changing screen resolution or going full screen. Adding the Save folder under the dat directory fixed those issues for me. After creating the folder and starting & closing the game it created a couple of preferences .dat files in the Save folder. Upon opening the game the next time all settings were saved.

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