Posts: 46
Joined: 8/25/2011 From: Canada Status: offline
Hello. Some of you might remember me as the guy who was constantly complaining about lag issues in the game. That was my number 1 gripe with the game, and kept me from playing it very much at all, definitely far less than I would have liked. I have put off buying Shadows until now, I saw that it was supposed to have performance improvements, but Legends said that too, and didn't deliver in that department (at least for me.) After playing many a space 4x and avoiding DW, (StarDrive, Sins Rebellion, Endless Space, Sword of the Stars II,etc) But none of the other games measure up (in my opinion) to Distant Worlds, so I finally decided to take the plunge. After starting up the game I could immediately tell the difference. Scrolling around the map is (nearly) perfect, the game runs close to silky smooth; and I am very excited. So far I've only put a couple hours so far but the difference is very noticeable, it feels like a whole new game in the way it runs. And I highly doubt anyone will hear anymore complaints from me around here, unless some serious bug pops up or something. So basically even if my word doesn't mean much, I just wanted to thank the devs and anyone else who might have had a hand in this, since it really means a lot to me, indescribably so, even, to be able to play lag free, even on the largest galaxy size now. Since it honestly means the difference between me playing or not playing; and since this is such an epic game I really am very happy to be able to play. I know it probably took a lot of work, and I dont' know if my thanks comes close to any kind of gratification for that, but thank you again. And anyone else who was curious if the performance fixes measure up, so far they really do, at least on my pc. Vince