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Joined: 12/29/2000 Status: offline
Disney was once a nobody. But through his efforts, he is now a mega somebody. Well actually he is dead now. But if he were still alive, what right do i or anyone have to say, sorry but I want to be a somebody too, but with your hard work paying for it. Capitalism is about making money (last time I looked). Most of today's mega rich were schmucks that thought being poor sucked (and it does). So they embarked on becoming unpoor. That is the beauty of the system, you can be poor if you insist (but the rich will insist on being rich, not surprisingly). If I come up with a cool idea, and in the process I become filthy rich, cool. But I should at least have to put out the same effort the other rich dudes did ie think up something and let it make me rich. I hate Bill Gates for many reasons, but I don't resent him for being rich. Nor do I resent him for playing the money game. He is a nasty guy, but capitalism is a game that uses no protective gear. It's not for those that don't want to get roughed up. Tomorrow I could be the next inventor of something as revolutionary as Windows, or just someone that creates some dumb junk toy called Rubiks cube. That is what capitalism is about. Making money, and nothing else. You can be a nice guy capitalist or a mean nasty one. But if you are playing by the official rules, then you can't say you have to care if some don't like your game. You could always go live somewhere like Russia eh. Wonderful country from a terrain standpoint. The people are likely the same as people everywhere. But most of a century of Communism sure showed what good there is to some of the alternatives to capitalism. If someone doesn't want to share their patent or copywrite, who am I to say it is wrong. If in doing so they have harmed the race, well I guess that just means their greed was ill advised. If I made a device that could better mankind, odds are I would like some profit, but in the end I would just give it away (if I could). But to bitch and whine because someone won't let me exploit someone else's efforts at a later date, over an item that has nothing o do with the safety or betterment or protection of manind, that is just lazy. I say go and make yer own damned inventions.
I LIKE that my life bothers them, Why should I be the only one bothered by it eh.