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Training officer trait.

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Training officer trait. - 10/1/2013 12:16:41 PM   


Posts: 10
Joined: 9/30/2013
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Playing as union i have generals mcClellan, Halleck and Sickles? with that trait and they are training troops from militia to regulars in one turn ( from conscript to regular too). They "skip" the miltia =>conscript step that was needed in AACW 1. Dunno if thats working as intended or a bug.


PD: Is there a bug thread or something? to write these kind of things there. If a forum mod thinks this post should go somewhere else, please move it there 8)

< Message edited by melvi -- 10/1/2013 5:23:23 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Training officer trait. - 10/1/2013 7:02:08 PM   


Posts: 162
Joined: 4/6/2000
From: Covington, KY, USA
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I've noticed that they train some militia to regular, but not all. I need to check tonight, but wonder whether some militia are also categorized as conscript, and hence get trained where others don't? Seems the training of militia also stops at a certain point (again, could be related to the above?).

(in reply to melvi)
Post #: 2
RE: Training officer trait. - 10/1/2013 7:55:54 PM   

Posts: 2930
Joined: 7/23/2002
From: Murderous Missouri Scum
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I thought they trained a specified amount of militia elements per turn, depending on the level of the trait. For instance, I believe Halleck's rating is 2 and if you keep a steady supply of militia units there, he'll train two elements up per turn, so it's an ongoing thing. Nice to keep some militia rotating in and back out after trained up.

Maybe also train conscripts up to regulars after that?


(in reply to Toro12)
Post #: 3
RE: Training officer trait. - 10/2/2013 12:23:30 AM   


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IIRC in AACW 1 the steps to get a regular troop from a militia were 2:
- First from militia to conscript, a ramdom stuff you couldnt help, the generals with training officer trait did NOT made that step.
- The second step was from conscript to regular troops, that could be achieved with ramdom event or with the generals with the training officer trait, all of those generals could train up to 2 conscript troops to regular ones ( that mean that if you had 2 or more regiments of conscript troops under their comand ( the trait didnt work if the general wasnt the leader) one turn later they could train 0 or 1 or 2 of those conscripts to regular troops), i dont know if the general had the trait at lvl 2 could train more than 2, i think i never got one of the generals to level that trait to 2.
That was in AACW 1.
So you couldnt just buy a zillion militias and send them to those generals to get up to 2 regular troops per general with trait per turn.
You could buy a zillion militias, park them somewhere with a depot and check every turn if you had some of them upgraded to conscript with a ramdom event. Then send those conscript troops to the generals with the trait. That you could do ( i usually had like 20k or 30k men worth militias brigades with 2 regiments each parked in Boston under Halleck command playing as the Union, arround the beggining of 1863 that way i usully got 2 or even 3( McClellan and Sickles? werent far from Halleck) brigades of 2 militias ( upgraded to conscript with a ramdom event) upgraded to regular troops per turn).

So that was with AACW 1 if I remember correctly. Now with AACW2 you can just buy zillion militias and send them to Halleck, McClellan or Sickles? to get 3 brigades of 2 regular regiment troops a turn from milia troops. Well.... or you can upgrade allllll voluntier brigades you get at the beggining of the game as the Union to regular troops 3 brigades per turn ( erhhh... till Sickles? appears 2 brigades per turn).

I am playing a long campaign with 1.01 patch as the union and at the end of 1861 almost all Indiana, Ohio , Michigan volunteers and MO militia/volunteers troops are upgraded to regular troops ( upgraded from militia to regulars 4 per turn without the milita => conscript step). I have only left the PA and NVA brigades left to upgrade since they are fighting in the front. Halleck and McClellan are working a whole lot :-P

< Message edited by melvi -- 10/2/2013 12:28:32 AM >

(in reply to NefariousKoel)
Post #: 4
RE: Training officer trait. - 10/2/2013 11:16:49 AM   


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PD: Is there a bug thread or something? to write these kind of things there. If a forum mod thinks this post should go somewhere else, please move it there 8)

There is a Tech Support subforum for bug reporting. Probably no need to duplicate this thread there now.


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(in reply to melvi)
Post #: 5
RE: Training officer trait. - 10/2/2013 2:21:28 PM   

Posts: 4132
Joined: 12/3/2007
From: Kansas
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It appears to me all officers with the Training Officer trait will take two units per turn from either militia to regulars or conscipts to regulars. This doesn't matter rank, raiting..etc It just appears to be the trait.


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(in reply to elmo3)
Post #: 6
RE: Training officer trait. - 10/4/2013 10:17:24 PM   


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What it is Melvi?

(in reply to jeffk3510)
Post #: 7
RE: Training officer trait. - 10/5/2013 5:28:41 AM   
Jim D Burns

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Based on some forum posts I think militia now retain their militia penalties for leaving their home state even after training up. So yea training is now streamlined to simplify things, but you can no longer completely remove the militia traits from regiments as you could before. I may be wrong about this though, as I gathered this understanding from forum discussions I’ve read. A dev would need to confirm if I’m right about this.



(in reply to melvi)
Post #: 8
RE: Training officer trait. - 10/5/2013 8:49:24 AM   


Posts: 4778
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Based on some forum posts I think militia now retain their militia penalties for leaving their home state even after training up. So yea training is now streamlined to simplify things, but you can no longer completely remove the militia traits from regiments as you could before. I may be wrong about this though, as I gathered this understanding from forum discussions I’ve read. A dev would need to confirm if I’m right about this.


Jim, a clarification about volunteers/militias and their 'penalties' after training would be smashing. I still don't seem to notice any substantial disadvantages; using 1.01RC3 atm... I just love the militia lads securing NM, AZ, CO, IT and the KS/MO border for me ;)

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