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RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop (J) vs CF (A)

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RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/24/2013 7:31:51 PM   

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Post #: 2131
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/24/2013 7:45:55 PM   

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Thanks for the kind words, Sqz and Temagic! Banzai indeed!


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Post #: 2132
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/24/2013 9:19:46 PM   
Mike Solli

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     Units destroyed 5
Defending units:
   3rd Australian Division
   4th Australian Division
   2/2nd Heavy AA Regiment
   2/16th Field Regiment
   3rd RAAF M/W Sqn

Holy cow! That's gotta hurt. Two Aussie divisions in a POW camp!


Created by the amazing Dixie

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Post #: 2133
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/25/2013 12:49:30 AM   

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Yeah, that's what, a quarter of the AIF? Big loss of capability and probably no fun to rebuild, either. A nice win for the Empire.


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Post #: 2134
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/25/2013 1:42:06 PM   

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One last comment on Broome. Notice how the garrison was so starved and bombed that it only took two second line garrison units and two small armored units to take the base. The Allied troops were in bad shape.


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Post #: 2135
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/25/2013 9:07:06 PM   

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OK, I am getting close to the George (can't remember when they come but it's sometime this summer). I have two 30 point research factories humming along. I want to keep the R&D factories working on later models. What do I do and when do I do it? I have the factories set so they won't go into production, but when do I tell them to move to the next model?


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Post #: 2136
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/25/2013 9:38:06 PM   
Mike Solli

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Allegedly there's a way to get the R&D factories to not convert to operational factories, but I'm too chicken to do it (whatever it is). I wait until the model is due the next month and then upgrade the R&D factories to the next model. You can then convert some operational factories to the new model on the 1st of the next month.


Created by the amazing Dixie

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Post #: 2137
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/25/2013 9:54:01 PM   

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OK, I am getting close to the George (can't remember when they come but it's sometime this summer). I have two 30 point research factories humming along. I want to keep the R&D factories working on later models. What do I do and when do I do it? I have the factories set so they won't go into production, but when do I tell them to move to the next model?

When faced with an R&D decision such as yours, it's the first thing I address when loading up a saved turn. If something happens that I didn't anticipate, I simply close the game and reopen without the risk of possibly having to redo a mountain of orders.

To answer your question though, as long as the R&D factories are 100% repaired it doesn't matter when you switch to the next model in the path. If you are happy with the current arrival date for that airframe simply switch to the next model you'd like to research. I'm already researching the Tojo IIc in October 42 prior to the Tojo IIb even entering production.

Just don't skip a model. If you go from A to C and skip B you will damage the factories. If fully repaired you should be able to select B then C and have no issues.

< Message edited by SqzMyLemon -- 10/25/2013 10:44:08 PM >


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Post #: 2138
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/26/2013 4:01:55 AM   

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Awesome. Thanks. I did that with Tojo as well. My brain is top down and this game is often bottom up interface wise, so stuff like this doesn't stick with me easily.


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Post #: 2139
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/26/2013 9:47:13 PM   

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Stared at the map while entering the last orders and had a brain wave. We may have an answer to the kamikaze shock attack from Shwebo. The last replay seems to confirm this might work and trap the enemy in the Mandalay hex for far longer. Stay tuned!


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Post #: 2140
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/27/2013 12:02:57 AM   

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Awesome. Thanks. I did that with Tojo as well. My brain is top down and this game is often bottom up interface wise, so stuff like this doesn't stick with me easily.

I feel you there. I've screwed it up twice even knowing this is true, and had to go back to redo the entire turn!

The really hard one is right at the beginning of the month if a plane is just becoming eligible to start research or be switched over. If you don't catch it the blue goes away in a day or two and you're out of luck.


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

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Post #: 2141
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/27/2013 3:24:07 AM   

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Yeah, I noticed the George factories were purple and want to make sure I get it right.


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Post #: 2142
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 10/29/2013 6:54:33 PM   

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We got held up because I was busy getting the house ready for some remodeling this weekend but are now back at it. Here is the plan - now that Mandalay has enough troops to be secure, on the 16th we ordered 1/3rd of an armor division to march over the river into Shwebo. They should arrive tomorrow with a painful shock attack, but in so doing should beat the Indian forces moving SW from Shwebo into Mandalay to open a hex side to the punch. This action will close the SW hex side of Shwebo and buy us 6 or even 7 days to beat up on the enemy army, which we can begin to do on the 18th as the bulk of the army arrives tomorrow. Meanwhile, a small armored unit is moving into the hex just West of Shwebo to delay any effort by CF to hook around from Shwebo and open the NW hex side into Mandalay. The main enemy army can't do anything about this as all Mandalay hex sides are closed - they have no valid moves. This could get very interesting soon. I hope this description makes sense. The only weird possibility - what happens if both my tanks and his infantry accumulate enough miles to cross the river on the same day moving in opposite directions? Anyone had this happen before?

As for the George, they come online June 1 and I successfully upgraded the R&D factories to the next model without damage. Thanks for the advice.

< Message edited by Cribtop -- 10/29/2013 6:58:26 PM >


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Post #: 2143
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/3/2013 4:40:30 AM   

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From: Lone Star Nation
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May 16, 1943


Japanese ASW twice DCs Pogy near Amami Oshima with minimal effect. We should at least force the sub to move.

Flying Fish duds on a PC near Aogashima.


Our LRCAP over Mandalay is disjointed, with the top cover Tojos late to arrive against P-40K sweeps. This leaves our Nicks down low exposed and they suffer badly. Then the Tojos arrive and do better for a while before multiple sweeps exhaust and degrade them. Overall a bad day in the air with 2:1 losses against us. We are fortunate that no enemy bombers follow up and that we only lose 4 pilots KIA. However, the Nick group in Burma will have to pull off the line for a while.

The bulk of our army will (finally) arrive in Mandalay tomorrow. CF has missed the chance to fight his way out and must rely on opening a hex side from Shwebo now.

Mandalay goes to forts 2, which is excellent.

The UK 2nd Division is still chasing our RTA guerrilla unit toward Bhamo. Nice.


Shaoyang goes to airfield 2.


A new Air Fleet HQ arrives in Hakodate. This will be a great addition to the defenses of the Kuriles.

< Message edited by Cribtop -- 11/3/2013 4:41:26 AM >


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Post #: 2144
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/3/2013 4:56:04 AM   

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May 17, 1943


Grouper misses a DD southwest of Nagara.

Southeast Fleet

With a nearly full moon, we order night raids at Ndeni and Cooktown, but bad weather scrubs them.

Southern Army

We are reorganizing and resting our forces. The aircraft take a break at Kendari and Lomblen while transports prepare to re-deploy the two garrison units that fought at Broome. One will go to Java while another will guard our key air base at Lomblen.


Air battles galore over Mandalay. Hurricane sweeps from Imphal are dealt with pretty roughly by two Tojo Sentai despite the presence of several British aces. Then enemy P-40 sweeps do better, but not great. The sweeps leave 20 Tojos on station when a mixed 4E/2E raid, escorted by Beaufighters, shows up. We shred the escorts but are too tired to do much to the bombers. Encouraging to see those Beaufighters as that may be a sign that the strain on Allied fighter pools is forcing CF to resort to second rate escorts. Total A2A results are about 1:1, which is a win for Japan.

The IJAAF hits Allied troops in Shwebo troops hard. It is critical that we slow the enemy's movement and win the race to control Mandalay's NE hex side. We are disappointed that our armor doesn't cross the river today. The race may be a tie. Will we close the barn door or will the Allies slip away?

17th and 18th Armies arrive in the Mandalay hex in full today. Mass DA is scheduled for tomorrow.

< Message edited by Cribtop -- 2/8/2014 2:38:14 AM >


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Post #: 2145
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/3/2013 5:16:32 AM   

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From: Lone Star Nation
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May 18, 1943

A key day - I think we've got the enemy army in Burma trapped for real now.


Sallys report a hit on a sub near Singers.

SE Fleet

The night raid at Cooktown comes off this time and damages 7 B-24s.


Helens bomb the enemy in Shwebo. Bad weather over Mandalay scrubs air Ops by both sides for the entire turn.

The absolutely critical development is that 1/3rd of the IJA Second Armored Division storms into Shwebo before the Allies can move into Mandalay from the NE. This ensures IJA control of a key hex side and prevents the "escape hatch kamikaze shock attack" discussed by a few readers several posts back. Better yet, the enemy in Shwebo consists of a wrecked element of an Indian Division and two base forces. Thus, we are unlikely to be ejected from our bridgehead there anytime soon. The SA nets 1:1 odds and drops forts to 2. Casualties are 254(1) vs 232(4). The enemy forces show about 5 AS in the replay and are in no position to counterattack. The cherry on top is that another IJA armored unit enters the hex due West of Shwebo and will move on into Shwebo in due course. In the opinion of Cribtop HQ, this otherwise small action has probably doomed 130,000 Allied troops in Mandalay. It is very unlikely that CF can bring any other forces to bear in time to avert disaster. Banzai!

DA in Mandalay itself results in a satisfying 7:1 odds, with casualties of 4748(301) vs 6104(28). The enemy has supply and preparation minuses, and the raw AS values shown in the replay indicate that he only has three or four units with any punch at all left. Total adjusted Allied AV is only 337 for 21 LCUs. Many enemy units have clearly crossed the dreaded 50% effectives threshold and they should begin surrendering after only one or two more attacks. Add this to the fact that the closest relief is in Lashio, probably 10 days or more away, and things look exceedingly grim for the Commonwealth. I'll post a screenshot to show the current situation. I have to say I'm a bit proud I thought to shove that armored unit into Shwebo to cut off the "cheap" escape route. That plan worked well.


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Post #: 2146
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/3/2013 5:23:05 AM   

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The situation in Central Burma. Knock on wood, but it appears that victory is imminent.

Attachment (1)


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Post #: 2147
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/3/2013 2:43:12 PM   


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May of 1943 and the Allies are on the run in a Scenario 1 game?!  Excellent work there Admiral Yamamoto.  Admirals running land campaigns with mucho gusto.  Amazing work, my friend.  Keep up the pressure.

As an Allied player (too lazy to learn the IJ economy/production system), I'd be considering concession if I were in Cuttlefish's shoes.  However, he is such a gentleman and worthy opponent, I'd hate to see a concession.  Reading other AARs, it is not uncommon to see players in very rough situations whining loudly about the game system or, worse, unfair trickeration by the opponent.  I'd bet a lot that Cuttlefish is never whiney and if he has a problem with something, he approaches you with the most gentlemanly comments.  A better opponent is hard to find.

Personal note: Keeping an eye on J Patterson's run.  Are you involved?  Anyone but D Patrick.  As to our Horns, I stopped watching them on TV after the Iowa St near disaster and swore I'd never watch them again as long as Brown is coach.  Of course they have played much better since, but I have held true to my promise.  Maybe I was the jinx, not Brown's inability to prepare a team for games., he is really that bad.  No Horns on TV until there is no Brown as coach.

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Post #: 2148
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/3/2013 3:37:40 PM   

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Thanks, Princep! I have to say the mood at Cribtop HQ is pretty high now. We are beginning to consider what's next, in fact. Suggestions on that score are welcome.

Cuttlefish is indeed a noble opponent, with nary a complaint or whine. We have very few issues over HRs and mechanics, all quickly resolved. His only mentions of the situation are a few efforts at gallows humor after the disaster at Exmouth and upon the isolation of the Burma Army. I have no idea whether he will continue if we pull this off. Should be interesting either way.

As for Patterson, I'm not actively engaged but might become so. Jerry's public pronouncements often are designed to catch the attention of the press, but at heart he's a rarity these days - a reasonable, moderate politician.

Regarding the Horns, I almost regret the OU win as Mack was on the brink then. It's encouraging to see the marked improvement in defensive fundamentals since Greg Robinson took over - a real indictment of Manny Diaz. Still, the rot at the core of the program remains, and I suspect the remaining games are a series of 50/50 affairs until we hit a buzz saw in Baylor. Say we go 2-2 versus the remaining schedule, we probably still see a Mack resignation at year's end, per my inside sources close to the "Big Cigars," the money boosters that really run the show. Still, if we win out, who knows? Mack may declare "I fixed it, time to go" or he may say "I'm back, baby! Four more years!" Time will tell.


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Post #: 2149
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/3/2013 6:38:28 PM   

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The next orders are away. DA and a max ground attack effort at Mandalay. We hope to start seeing the most degraded enemy units begin to surrender tomorrow. Just to avoid any rescue, we ordered the rather battered 38th Division to march one hex East of Mandalay to block the Lashio road in a jungle rough hex.


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Post #: 2150
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/3/2013 7:38:26 PM   

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I have to say the mood at Cribtop HQ is pretty high now. We are beginning to consider what's next, in fact.

I agree - fantastic turn at this point in the time line!

As for what's next, have you considered a big helping of victory disease?


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Post #: 2151
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/3/2013 7:47:37 PM   

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It's always a danger as Japan. We control the seas, but the USN is no doubt sporting Hellcats, which can change things. CF won't have sufficient numbers of CVs until July to do much on the attack, we don't plan to fight them except on the defensive with LBA support. Our choices are basically try to take enough bases to get a 4:1 auto vic or hold out for a 3:1 in early '44. We'll investigate the options, it's possible NE India will be back on the menu if there are enough VPs to be harvested. Going all out to finish China is another option, and those three tank divisions would come in handy there. Failing that, we may just stay defensive. Lots of thinking to do after things shake out in Burma.


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Post #: 2152
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/4/2013 4:12:18 AM   

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Quick alert - enemy adjusted AV at Mandalay fell to 137 in the latest replay. Approx 633 Allied squads destroyed in the last 48 hours. Cribtop HQ estimates it will take 2 or 3 more attacks to finish this. Banzai!


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Post #: 2153
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/6/2013 4:04:09 AM   

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Enemy adjusted AV down to 75 at Mandalay. No hope of relief. Surrender of enemy army imminent. Signs from Allied GHQ that terms may be offered.



(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 2154
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/7/2013 12:53:34 AM   
Capt. Harlock

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Signs from Allied GHQ that terms may be offered.

Impressive work. What's the VP count?


Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men, between brothers?

--Victor Hugo

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Post #: 2155
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/7/2013 4:10:40 AM   

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Roughly 3:1. CF's problem is twofold. First, India has been laid bare as soon as the Burma Army surrenders, which is now a foregone conclusion. Second, even if I sit back, he will have to risk something big to avoid a 3:1 auto victory on Jan 1, 1944.


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Post #: 2156
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/7/2013 4:20:57 AM   

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PS - work has been nuts this week, but I owe you guys two full updates. To clarify a bit, CF expressed despair after the last replay and it is clear that the 130K Allied Army at Mandalay is doomed. One more attack should drop them to 0 adjusted AV. Then the mass surrenders will begin. Enemy supply situation is poor enough that we are no longer taking significant damage on our deliberate attacks so we are just grinding in every day. Further, we are moving hordes of AA and aviation support into Mandalay itself and plan to put 200+ Tojos on CAP over the hex in a few days. That should be fun.


(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 2157
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/8/2013 8:52:10 PM   

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From: Lone Star Nation
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May 19, 1943

Catching up with full reports for the two days I owe the readers. This week has been slow due to work but tonight we will send out another set of orders that should put the Allied Burma Army on the brink of surrender.


ASW harasses Pollack near Hong Kong. I think CF is figuring out how prominently HK features in my convoy system at the moment.

5th Fleet

Shimushiri Jima goes to forts 5. Nice.

4th Fleet

Our program to provide credible garrisons to all defended Islands in the Marshalls is now complete. We don't have anything so large it will be wasted if bypassed, but each atoll now has a good mix of troops, CD guns, base forces and fort levels at or near six. Each is a tough nut to crack.

SE Fleet

Betties raid Ndeni at night and do well, damaging or destroying numerous P-38s, Cats and Corsairs for no loss.

Guam goes to airfield 3.

Southern Army

We decide to begin reconning bases around Exmouth. In part this is just to make CF nervous, in part it is to begin establishing a feint for a cunning plan we are considering.


Big air battles - surprise! Major Allied fighter sweeps over our armor regiment advancing toward Shwebo from the West at first are pasted by leaking Tojo LRCAP, but subsequent sweeps do very well. Our total A2A is a disappointing 2:3. Still sustainable, but not the victories we are used to. Time to get some aviation support into Mandalay and go for massed CAP instead of inevitably attenuated LRCAP.

Large Helen bombing raids at Mandalay show the weakening enemy situation, causing total losses of 628(74). That's a lot of destroyed squads for a 2E raid.

Enemy 2E/4E raid runs into 21 Tojos despite the successful morning sweeps. We don't down a lot of bombers outright, but we ruin their aim and inflict Ops losses. Cribtop HQ is more than willing to let the enemy hit our peripheral armor unit advancing on Shwebo. We will stand down tomorrow in hopes CF goes there again.

DA Mandalay achieves 8:1 odds with casualties of 2978(249) vs 3022(34). The enemy continues to show minuses for preparation and supply. The 8:1 odds is nice given the fact that we are now rotating our attacking forces and allowing some units to rest.

Magwe goes to forts 1. Mandalay goes to forts 3 and will halt for now to conserve supply.

Allied adjusted AV at Mandalay is down to 172. At the current rate of decline, they will be at 0 in two days. We have them, it is a matter of time now.

< Message edited by Cribtop -- 11/8/2013 9:54:27 PM >


(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 2158
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/8/2013 9:06:17 PM   

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From: Lone Star Nation
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May 20, 1943


Searaven duds on a PC on picket duty near Great Nicobar. Gar misses an ASW DD sent to chase her off near Toyohara. Return DC attacks start a fire on the sub.


As we hoped the Allies sweep our armor regiment marching on Shwebo from the West. We rested and let them hit air. As a bonus, the enemy doesn't launch his bombers.

We bomb Mandalay as usual. I forgot to note the casualties but they were good.

DA Mandalay achieves 11:1 odds, casualties are 3361(219) vs 1515(18). The men in khaki are now showing minuses for DIS, FAT, prep and supply. Given all that we are a bit surprised not to see the first surrenders, but with adjusted Allied AV of only 76, we expect this to end in another 3 or 4 attacks at most. There is a bit of concern as our own adjusted AV fell to 889, but a review of the units shows we are still in good shape, probably just a bad die roll or two.

The UK 2nd Division arrives in Bhamo and will no doubt see off our RTA guerrillas, but this is fine by Cribtop HQ. No sign of the other British Division at Lashio making any move, whether to rescue his forces or withdraw. In the final analysis, I think CF will regret his use of these two strong LCUs in this campaign.


Hengyang goes to forts 4. Shaoyang goes to airfield 3.

We are maneuvering reinforcements to Tienshui for another attack.


(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 2159
RE: Wait, I can't read Cuttlefish's new AAR? - Cribtop ... - 11/9/2013 5:17:18 AM   

Posts: 3890
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From: Lone Star Nation
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The orders are away. Cribtop Intel predicts that the next attack takes the enemy in Burma to zero AV (or functionally to zero). Then two more attacks to destroy the majority of the Army. Call it 23rd or 24th May for the successful conclusion of Operation Scorpion.

< Message edited by Cribtop -- 11/9/2013 6:17:48 AM >


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