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Joined: 5/17/2000 From: Dallas, Texas, USA Status: offline
Wild Bill/David Heath: My mistake. I was generalizing and wasn't trying to stir up a ruckus; if it can't be done, it can't be done. I did, however, go through the trouble of saying it was "basically" rejected by Wild Bill, not so much because he was being allegedly cold or anything, but because the use of the word, 'basically', was meant to show to generalization of the chances of that request being executed. My failure lied in not being more specific in mentioning any details apart from the fact that Wild Bill was the messenger (though I didn't say 'messenger'), or indeed that it's something he got from others. It's one of the few times I cut to the quick, and now you can see why I don't do it very often. I figured what WB said was accessible and current enough, and that there was no reason to get specific.
No, if I haven't made it clear enough by now, WB, was the messenger only, and not the rejector. It doesn't matter to me who rejected the idea, and I didn't think generalization would lead to this, though I certainly could've worded it better. The rejection, in whole or in part by anyone doesn't matter to me, I didn't even post a frowny face to the post. No attempt to complain, really, just another post on my part. I could've just as easily have been talking about turret traverse.