Posts: 224
Joined: 9/23/2002 From: Terrapin Station Status: offline
If this suggestion has been made before, I apologize for the redundancy. One thing that would help me would be to have on the TF display a listing of how far the TF could move before the next chance for me to give it orders. Currently at the top left, there is a place that reads something like "Moves (m/c) 10/5..." However, since I'm currently playing one day turns, the ship actually moves twice in the time till I again have the opportunity to give it orders. Thus in the above example, the 'c=5' means my TF can actually move 10 hexes in what seems to me to be one turn. I'd imagine if I was playing longer than 1 day turns (like in WITP perhaps?), the difference between the number displayed and what I can actually move becomes greater. So I think it would help me out, and I'm pretty sure it would help a new player out if the TF display had another line added just below this one which gave the actual number of hexes the TF could move until the next orders phase. "Moves in Turn (m/c) 20/10" or maybe "Turn Cruise Range: 10" or something along those lines. Also, the TF Range circles could either be changed, or the player given the option to change, such that they also reflect the total distance a TF could move 'till the next Orders Phase. Again they currently seem to reflect the movement in one phase, but I can move further than the range circles before my next Orders Phase. And while I'm on the topic, perhaps the 'circles' could be replaced by a different graphic. A 'range circle' drawn on top of a 'hex map' has some obvious inconsistancies. Perhaps we could see either a colored outline drawn around the limits of the hexes I can reach, or some sort of shading applied to the hexes I can reach. Thanks!