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Which races are the "good" and "evil" ones?

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Which races are the "good" and "evil&quo... - 12/2/2013 11:51:33 PM   


Posts: 58
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Which races in the game do you consider to be the good and bad guys?

I know there are some obviously evil races like the Sluken but there are also some races where I am not really sure, like the Naxxilians who look more ruthless rather then outright evil.

Which races would you define as bad or good?
Post #: 1
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/3/2013 12:21:27 AM   


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Bugs are evil, the humans and other humanoid races are good. Sounds a little racist to me, those poor bugs!!

(in reply to hardcoregamer)
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RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/3/2013 7:47:10 AM   


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Hmm i allways thought Humans are Evil, Bugs are neutral because a swarm don't know a moral.

(in reply to Lucian)
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RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/3/2013 9:57:56 AM   


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Didnt all the bugs side with the Shakturi?

(in reply to Canute0)
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RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/3/2013 11:37:24 AM   


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Bugs are evil, the humans and other humanoid races are good. Sounds a little racist to me, those poor bugs!!

But there are races in the game that are neither humanoid or bug.

(in reply to Lucian)
Post #: 5
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/3/2013 3:55:02 PM   

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Are you asking this because I said evil/good races care about bombarding differently?

Anyhow, I was thinking that it isn't a matter of the good/evil races which care about the diplomatic reputaion, I remember reading somewhere that it is the government types that care. So a democracy would care, whilst the military dictatorship would not care that you have been bombarding.

As for good/evil in the game philosophically, there is no good/evil.

Storywise, anything that isn't a bug/shakturi are the "bad guys", everybody else was seemingly in an alliance to prevent the shakturi from invading tha galaxy. Then again the "good guys" were developing and sent out biological weapons to wipe out the shakturi. And commonly, whether or not you are playing as a "good" or "evil" race, you would normally try to rule the galaxy by conquest.

(in reply to hardcoregamer)
Post #: 6
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/3/2013 4:18:57 PM   
Tree Dog

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ORIGINAL: hardcoregamer

Which races in the game do you consider to be the good and bad guys?

My allies are the good guys.
My enemies are the bad guys.
They say so on space-future-state-owned TV stations.

That usually makes Naxxilian good guys, my alliances often hold for long with them.

(in reply to hardcoregamer)
Post #: 7
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/3/2013 6:03:57 PM   


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ORIGINAL: hardcoregamer

Which races in the game do you consider to be the good and bad guys?

My allies are the good guys.
My enemies are the bad guys.
They say so on space-future-state-owned TV stations.

That usually makes Naxxilian good guys, my alliances often hold for long with them.

Speaking of Naxxilian, I just turned them into a dominion in my game. When a race has been turned into a dominion can it break free later with force? And how likely is it to do so if it can?

(in reply to Tree Dog)
Post #: 8
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/3/2013 8:23:38 PM   

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The Naxxilian; how can they do anything with those tiny little arms?

(in reply to hardcoregamer)
Post #: 9
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/3/2013 9:04:55 PM   


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ORIGINAL: shinobu

The Naxxilian; how can they do anything with those tiny little arms?

I wondered about that as well. The Galacticpedia says their arms makes them powerful fighters, but I just laughed when I read that.

(in reply to shinobu)
Post #: 10
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/5/2013 8:15:27 PM   


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Naxxilians look much better, as do all the races, with the extended mod on. Like rock skinned lizard people

AS to evil I play extended mod and the Keskudions (?spelling) are giving me a nasty sense of foreboding in my current game with their "way of darkness" gov trait and massive military on my doorstep.

(in reply to hardcoregamer)
Post #: 11
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/5/2013 10:55:18 PM   


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ORIGINAL: letmein

Naxxilians look much better, as do all the races, with the extended mod on. Like rock skinned lizard people

AS to evil I play extended mod and the Keskudions (?spelling) are giving me a nasty sense of foreboding in my current game with their "way of darkness" gov trait and massive military on my doorstep.

What is this extended mod you speak of and what does it do? I haven't checked out any mods for this game yet.

EDIT: Never mind I have checked out the mod's page. It looks interesting, I might check it out after my current game.

< Message edited by hardcoregamer -- 12/6/2013 12:52:26 AM >

(in reply to buncheesy)
Post #: 12
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/6/2013 3:18:50 PM   

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Personally I don't like the mod pictures. Mostly angry, ugly faces staring at you with oddly juxtaposed necks. The normal character faces are more characterful.

(in reply to hardcoregamer)
Post #: 13
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/6/2013 3:33:39 PM   

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From my point of view....

The only good bug, is a dead bug. My fleets and troops have made a lot of good bugs during my games.


Distant Worlds Fan

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(in reply to Plant)
Post #: 14
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/6/2013 3:44:32 PM   

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Oh Shark7, why are you so racist!

(in reply to Shark7)
Post #: 15
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/6/2013 3:51:14 PM   

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Oh Shark7, why are you so racist!

Unless he's a bug, no.


(in reply to Plant)
Post #: 16
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/7/2013 3:32:19 PM   

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Well, if he is a bug, he must be a very self-loathing bug.

(in reply to ASHBERY76)
Post #: 17
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/8/2013 2:07:37 AM   

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Oh Shark7, why are you so racist!

Actually, wouldn't 'speciesist' be more descriptive? I have no problems with other humans, its just bugs I don't like.


Distant Worlds Fan

'When in doubt...attack!'

(in reply to Plant)
Post #: 18
RE: Which races are the "good" and "evil... - 12/8/2013 2:21:12 AM   

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Actually, wouldn't 'speciesist' be more descriptive? I have no problems with other humans, its just bugs I don't like.

Here Shark.....don't say I've never given you anything!
Now you'll feel secure!

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Shields are useless in "The Briar Patch"...

(in reply to Shark7)
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