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A world divided

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A world divided - 12/18/2013 2:38:45 PM   
Sir Walter


Posts: 24
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I got the game and updates ok. But- I cannot get the game to max the screen. it just wont? am I missing something or did I do something wrong. I have all updates including 1040


Post #: 1
RE: A world divided - 12/18/2013 5:30:15 PM   


Posts: 3630
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From: Portugal
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Hi, please try the following:

Open the folder where you've installed the game. Locate a folder named "dat". Open that folder and create a folder named "save". To play in full screen mode, click on "Game Preferences" in the game main menu. Take a look at the screenshot attached, and check the two arrows. You can now set the screen resolution (Window Size) and the screen mode. In the screen resolution insert your native screen resolution. Please note that this will only take effect after restarting the game again.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by VPaulus -- 12/18/2013 6:30:57 PM >

(in reply to Sir Walter)
Post #: 2
RE: A world divided - 12/18/2013 8:58:44 PM   
Sir Walter


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well, I tried to do as you suggest I was able to go to game preference after I opened the game for play and changed the screen size but it will not stay. I did find dat in another place where files are and I put a save folder there but I did not find preference in that section so that is why it probably did not work. I am not computer savy as you can see and I do appreciate your help.


(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 3
RE: A world divided - 12/19/2013 12:13:28 AM   


Posts: 3630
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From: Portugal
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You need to create a save folder like the screenshot.

Attachment (1)

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Post #: 4
RE: A world divided - 12/19/2013 1:59:41 AM   
Sir Walter


Posts: 24
Joined: 11/24/2002
Status: offline
on my desk top is a save folder. I am unable to transfer the user preference box to the save folder after I change the windows size . How do you do that?thank you again


(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 5
RE: A world divided - 12/19/2013 10:29:45 AM   


Posts: 3630
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From: Portugal
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You have a save folder in your desktop? Why?
Where's the game installed?

(in reply to Sir Walter)
Post #: 6
RE: A world divided - 12/19/2013 2:27:06 PM   
Sir Walter


Posts: 24
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in order to get to the game I went to documents then I erased that by putting in C:\Matrix Games and then it took me to a list of which was was a world divided. I went to desk top to create a save folder and I moved it under dat it sits there empty. I went to preferences and changed the settings but it will not let me move that to the empty save folder under dat. I am a novice I guess. Please help if you can.


(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 7
RE: A world divided - 12/19/2013 2:31:10 PM   


Posts: 3630
Joined: 6/23/2011
From: Portugal
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Do you receive an error message?

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Post #: 8
RE: A world divided - 12/19/2013 7:45:19 PM   
Sir Walter


Posts: 24
Joined: 11/24/2002
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it will not let me move the saved preferences to the save folder on the desk top


(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 9
RE: A world divided - 12/20/2013 8:59:51 PM   


Posts: 3630
Joined: 6/23/2011
From: Portugal
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I'm confused. Please do this:
1. Uninstall the game
2. Install the game in C:\Matrix Games\Gary Grigsby's World at War A World Divided
3. Download the last patch:
4. Unzip the downloaded file. Run the extracted file to update the game
5. Open the folder C:\Matrix Games\Gary Grigsby's World at War A World Divided\dat
6. Create a folder named save

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by VPaulus -- 12/20/2013 10:01:50 PM >

(in reply to Sir Walter)
Post #: 10
RE: A world divided - 12/21/2013 7:17:10 PM   
Sir Walter


Posts: 24
Joined: 11/24/2002
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OK I did what the info on your last suggestion said. My screen looked just like what you showed in your picture except I had more gb available. I then downloaded the update and i tried the preference deal again. I created a folder on my desk top and there is one under dat also. when I tried to move the changed preference 1920x 1080 into either folder I got a diamond shaped thing with 4 little boxes inside. but when I look into the folders either one nothing. sorry I failed again


(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 11
RE: A world divided - 12/23/2013 8:13:43 PM   


Posts: 3630
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From: Portugal
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Why do you create a folder in your desktop? Why do you have to move the preferences? The game will only save the preferences in C:\Matrix Games\Gary Grigsby's World at War A World Divided\dat\save.
Do you have any file inside C:\Matrix Games\Gary Grigsby's World at War A World Divided\dat\save?

< Message edited by VPaulus -- 12/23/2013 9:14:16 PM >

(in reply to Sir Walter)
Post #: 12
RE: A world divided - 12/24/2013 12:23:54 AM   
Sir Walter


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Post #: 13
RE: A world divided - 12/24/2013 12:30:32 AM   
Sir Walter


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Post #: 14
RE: A world divided - 12/24/2013 12:35:53 AM   
Sir Walter


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I created a folder on the desk top because it is the only way I know how to create a save folder. I changed the preference for the game from the game on my desk top after you start the game. if I open dat there is a save folder under it with nothing in it.


(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 15
RE: A world divided - 12/24/2013 12:42:14 AM   
Sir Walter


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I created a save folder on the desk top because it is the only way I know how to create a save folder. I changed the preference for the game on my desk top by opening the game and starting it and when I got to preference I changed it and then tried to move it to the save folder on my desk top. then I tried to move it to the save folder under dat it will not move to either. under the game in C:\Matrix Games World at War Divided I have a dat folder. If I open it there is a save folder which I think I put there from the desk top with nothing in it.


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Post #: 16
RE: A world divided - 12/27/2013 11:25:44 AM   


Posts: 3630
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From: Portugal
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What's your desktop screen resolution?

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Post #: 17
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