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Acronyms - 3/7/2001 12:21:00 AM   


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Hey this might be a good place to put all the acronyms people know - then we can search on the word and get them all. Plus - I have answers to ruxius' questions. First the acronyms I know: ROTFL = Roll On The Floor Laughing IIRC = If I Recall Correctly LOL = Laugh Out Loud or Lot's Of Laughing I'm sure there are more - so please - feel free to add to the list. Now ruxius - here are your answers: 1. Which is the capital of Italy ? ----Rome 2. Where do I come from ? ----From your mother's womb 3. Which is Caput Mundi ? ----You mean "Roma Caput Mundi" which is "Rome - the Eternal City" 4. and 5. - Of course - that goes without saying!!! -How did I do? Figmo


"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, f
Post #: 1
- 3/7/2001 12:24:00 AM   
Larry Holt


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IRL: In Real Life RTFM: Read the fine (or otherwise) manual SNAFU: Situation normal, all fouled up. ------------------ An old soldier but not yet a faded one. OK, maybe just a bit faded.


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Post #: 2
- 3/7/2001 1:19:00 AM   
Lars Remmen


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JANFU = Joint Army Navy Foul Up TUIFU = The Ultimate In Foul Up's IMHO = In My Humble Opinion ------------------ Lars Nec Temere - Nec Timide


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Post #: 3
- 3/7/2001 2:59:00 AM   


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AFAIK - as far as I know murx


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Post #: 4
- 3/7/2001 4:29:00 AM   
Don Doom

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LOL = Lot of Luck ------------------ Doom


Vet of the Russian General Winter
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Post #: 5
- 3/7/2001 6:28:00 AM   


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BOHICA-Bend Over, Here It Comes Again DILIGAS-Does It Look Like I Give A S*** WAFWAT-What A F****** Waste Of Time When I was in OCS the staff got upset with us because we knew the above, but not the stuff they were teaching!! Semper Fi Randy


Semper Fi

The United States Marines: America's 911 Force-The Tip of the Spear

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Post #: 6
- 3/7/2001 7:07:00 AM   


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Let's not forget a few critical military ones. FIIGMO - (F*** It, I Got My Orders) Usually used around the time of your EAS (End of Active Service) and not the guy in the posts. AMF - Also called Alpha Mike Foxtrot. Used to end a radio conversation when you just got the short end of the stick. Stood for Adios Mother F***ers. Have to agree with Randy, BOHICA was one we used a lot. Some other common USMC ones in no particular order are: FAP - Fleet Assistance Program (Getting assigned as an MP, range coach, etc) TAD - Temporary Additional Duty BC - Battalion Commander UA - Unauthorized Abscence (USMC version of AWOL) UDP - Unit Deployment Program (6 month overseas tour) FNG - F***ing New Guy AO - Area of Operations BIOYA - Blow It Out Your A** FMF - Fleet Marine Forces MEB - Marine Expeditionary Brigade MEU(SOC) - Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) MEF - Marine Expeditionary Force BAS - Battalion Aid Station FAC - Forward Air Controller STA Platoon - Surveillance and Target Acquisition Platoon (Battalion Sniper Teams) ANGLICO - Air/Naval Gunnery LIason COmpany SRIG - Special Reconnaisance/Intelligence Group CIT - Counter Intelligence Team FDC - Fire Direction Center (For plotting arty) SAW - Squad Automatic Weapon ATG - Anti-Tank Gun ATGM - Anti-Tank Guided Missile LAAW - Light Anti-Armor Weapon SMEAC - (aka the 5 Paragraph Order) Situation, Mission, Equipment, Admin/logostics, Command/signals (This was used when writing warning orders in preparation for an operation.) BAMCIS - (Used when operation planning) Begin planning, Arrange recon, Make recon, Continue planning, Implement, Supervise BST/EST Book - (aka the Green Monster) The Marine Corps Battle Skills Training/Essential Subject Training manual. (Everyone got one and most lost them when they could manage) and finally J.J. DID TIE BUCKLE (This was used to remember the 14 leadership traits.) Let's see if anyone can guess what they are. Bonus points for naming the most important one. (This was a standard question on any Meritorious Promotion Board that I sat on.) ------------------ USMCGrunt -When it absolutely, positively, has to be destroyed overnight. [This message has been edited by USMCGrunt (edited March 06, 2001).] [This message has been edited by USMCGrunt (edited March 06, 2001).]


USMCGrunt Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?" But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll! -Rudyard Kipling-

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Post #: 7
- 3/7/2001 7:23:00 AM   

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We all forgot the most important one!!!! FUBAR!!! Fu**ed up beyond all reallity!!(or recognition)


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Post #: 8
- 3/7/2001 8:30:00 AM   


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Hey USMCGrunt, the ones they used to get upset at cause we didn't know were BAMSIS, SMEAC! I forgot all those while in the Wing. Like they always said: "Swing with the Wing!" Semper Fi Randy


Semper Fi

The United States Marines: America's 911 Force-The Tip of the Spear

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Post #: 9
- 3/7/2001 8:48:00 AM   


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Originally posted by Randy: Hey USMCGrunt, the ones they used to get upset at cause we didn't know were BAMSIS, SMEAC! I forgot all those while in the Wing. Like they always said: "Swing with the Wing!" Semper Fi Randy
That's why we NCO's were around Randy. To make sure everyone remembered them. ------------------ USMCGrunt -When it absolutely, positively, has to be destroyed overnight.


USMCGrunt Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?" But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll! -Rudyard Kipling-

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Post #: 10
- 3/7/2001 8:50:00 AM   


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Originally posted by USMCGrunt: FIIGMO - (F*** It, I Got My Orders) Usually used around the time of your EAS (End of Active Service) and not the guy in the posts.
Ya - I got the nick from a Vietnam Vet. He said it without the extra "I". It was used when they had to go into the bush - same meaning. I loved the nick - especially when Wild Bill needed me to do something - I could say: Will Do - FIGMO!!


"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, f

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Post #: 11
- 3/7/2001 10:04:00 AM   
Jeff Norton

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USMCGrunt, Here goes: Justice (MP's know this by heart...) Judgement Dependability Initiative Decisiveness Tact Integrity Enthusiam Bearing Unselfishness Courage (Some also say Candor or Confidence - also known as the other 3C's) Knowledge Loyalty Endurance My favorite was Decisiveness - Firm conviction in what you do and your course of actions will carry you through on the battlefield Thanks SSG Fletcher (my BNCOC Small Group Leader/ Sqd Ldr. 95B20 track.) Ah, those were the days... -Jeff


Veritas Vos Liberabit
"Hate America - love their movies" -Foos Babaganoosh - Anchor - Jihad Tonite

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Post #: 12
- 3/7/2001 2:34:00 PM   


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Okokok ! Now I am Perfectly equipped for the first phase...common abbreviations...the next topic should be dedicated to typical english ways of speaking...and so finally I can understand you more ! People from other countries thanks you a lot! Now Just add about AFV-armored f??? vehicles As for Mr. Figmo's test here is the votation: 1) correct 2) not complete...the exact was mother Rome's ecc.ecc. 3)correct with a bonus 4-5) diplomacy achieved ! So unseasoning spaghetti and good wine are waiting for you ! (that means quite well student !) :-))


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

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Post #: 13
- 3/7/2001 4:36:00 PM   

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ROFLMAO Rolling On Floor Laughing My A** Out ------------------ Federico "Resisti" Doveri If you cannot defeat your enemy,join him.


Federico "Resisti" Doveri

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Post #: 14
- 3/7/2001 7:35:00 PM   


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Originally posted by ruxius: Okokok ! Now I am Perfectly equipped for the first phase...common abbreviations...the next topic should be dedicated to typical english ways of speaking...and so finally I can understand you more ! People from other countries thanks you a lot! Now Just add about AFV-armored f??? vehicles As for Mr. Figmo's test here is the votation: 1) correct 2) not complete...the exact was mother Rome's ecc.ecc. 3)correct with a bonus 4-5) diplomacy achieved ! So unseasoning spaghetti and good wine are waiting for you ! (that means quite well student !) :-))
COOL - I passed!! Thank You - figmo bows - Thank you - figmo bows again!!! AFV = Armored Fighting Vehicle POW or PW = Prisoner of War MIA = Missing In Action SATCOM = Satallite communication R&R = Rest & Relaxation - or Recuperation VIP = Very Important Person KP = Kitchen Patrol Figmo


"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, f

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Post #: 15
- 3/7/2001 8:45:00 PM   


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Per Delta32's PW'ed - PW or PW'Ed - **** Wipped or Panty Wipped Figmo P.S. I hope this survives the editors cut!!


"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, f

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Post #: 16
- 3/7/2001 11:11:00 PM   
Larry Holt


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OK, another test. Who knows what MOOSE MUSS is? ------------------ An old soldier but not yet a faded one. OK, maybe just a bit faded.


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Post #: 17
- 3/7/2001 11:51:00 PM   


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MOOSE MUSS is of course referring to the principles of war: Maneuver Objective Offensive Suprise Economy of force Mass Unity of Command Simplicity Security Pretty good for an aviator!


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Post #: 18
- 3/8/2001 12:01:00 AM   


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Originally posted by Figmo: POW or PW = Prisoner of War Figmo
For some ungodly reason, what we all know as POWs are called "EPWs", Enemy Prisoners of War. I guess that is to avoid confusing them with friendly prisoners of war.



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Post #: 19
- 3/8/2001 7:08:00 AM   


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Originally posted by Jeff Norton: USMCGrunt, My favorite was Decisiveness - Firm conviction in what you do and your course of actions will carry you through on the battlefield -Jeff
Very good Jeff, but you didn't make the bonus round. The answer to which is most important is an actual test question at NCO school. Anyone one else want to take a stab? Just a hint, it's also known as the "building" block of leadership. ------------------ USMCGrunt -When it absolutely, positively, has to be destroyed overnight.


USMCGrunt Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?" But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll! -Rudyard Kipling-

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Post #: 20
- 3/8/2001 11:20:00 AM   


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USMC: Uncle Sams Misguided Children U.S.Army: Uncle Sam Ain't Released Me Yet Navy: Never Again Volenteer Yourself


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Post #: 21
- 3/8/2001 1:41:00 PM   


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Hey, some of this is like OCS all over agin!! SIR, YES SIR!! Semper Fi Randy


Semper Fi

The United States Marines: America's 911 Force-The Tip of the Spear

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Post #: 22
- 3/8/2001 8:29:00 PM   


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Originally posted by Randy: Hey, some of this is like OCS all over agin!! SIR, YES SIR!! Semper Fi Randy
This reminds me - there are few people are using and not defining. Now I'm no expert on all of these so correct me if I'm wrong or if there is more than one defininition. OCS = Officer Candidate School NCO = Non Commissioned Officer Figmo


"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, f

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Post #: 23
- 3/8/2001 10:31:00 PM   


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MMFD - Miles and Miles of "Fine" Desert. (Used by the RAF in the mideast, when asked for their position.)


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Post #: 24
- 3/9/2001 12:59:00 AM   


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Originally posted by Figmo: This reminds me - there are few people are using and not defining. Now I'm no expert on all of these so correct me if I'm wrong or if there is more than one defininition. OCS = Officer Candidate School NCO = Non Commissioned Officer Figmo
That's correct Figmo, and don't forget SNCO - Staff Non-Comissioned Officer otherwise you might be assigned: EPD - Extra Police Duty (Punishment assigned for small infractions usually in time increments of an hour or more a day. Usually such tasks as cleaning barracks common areas, mowing/raking lawns, painting rocks, etc.) ------------------ USMCGrunt -When it absolutely, positively, has to be destroyed overnight.


USMCGrunt Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?" But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll! -Rudyard Kipling-

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Post #: 25
- 3/9/2001 10:21:00 PM   
Larry Holt


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Here is another test: What is C3CM & what are its four D's? ------------------ An old soldier but not yet a faded one. OK, maybe just a bit faded.


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Post #: 26
- 3/9/2001 10:23:00 PM   
Larry Holt


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Yet another test of your military historial knowledge. Why are sergeants, who are not officers, called Noncommissioned Officers? ------------------ An old soldier but not yet a faded one. OK, maybe just a bit faded.


Never take counsel of your fears.

(in reply to Figmo)
Post #: 27
- 3/10/2001 11:03:00 AM   
Jeff Norton

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Larry, Commissioned Officers obtain their athority/power from, in the case of the US, the Commander-in-Chief (President), to carry out the buisness of the Army, support and defend the Constitution, and perform duties/actions that are in the interests of the US until a time that they resign or forfet their commissions. Non-Commissioned Officers obtain their authority from these Commissioned Officers to better carry out duties, support the Chain of Command, and uphold discipline, training, and the day-to-day buisness of the Army (usually in smaller groups). They act as agents, in a way, but do not hold such powers intitled by Commissioning. (Gosh, and to think I've been outa the 'tree suit' for almost 3 years... I gotta get a life...) Good to know that BNCOC (Basic Non-Commissioned Officers Course) did SOME good, becides club-hopping and beer-guzzeling.. (Oh, the money I used 'renting' beer while there...) -Jeff


Veritas Vos Liberabit
"Hate America - love their movies" -Foos Babaganoosh - Anchor - Jihad Tonite

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Post #: 28
- 3/11/2001 8:49:00 AM   
Major Ed


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How about SFODA -> Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha (the A Team) and the reason all us grunts feel like mushrooms -> KITDAFLOS "Always remember, tracers work both ways."


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Post #: 29
- 3/12/2001 8:47:00 PM   
Larry Holt


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Originally posted by Jeff Norton: Larry, Commissioned Officers obtain their athority/power from, in the case of the US, the Commander-in-Chief ... Non-Commissioned Officers obtain their authority from these Commissioned Officers.. They act as agents, in a way, but do not hold such powers intitled by Commissioning. (Gosh, and to think I've been outa the 'tree suit' for almost 3 years... I gotta get a life...)
Close but the terms go way back, long before the US Army. Originally rich nobles would buy an officership to lead a unit from their king (or whatever). They would get a commision from the king to be an officer and do this. They in turn would create officers within their units. These officers would not hold a commission.


Never take counsel of your fears.

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Post #: 30
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