Posts: 145
Joined: 8/20/2013 From: Brisbane, Australia Status: offline
I've been thinking about a way to deal with this. Starting in mid 1942, so will have time to monitor and adjust if need be. I understand the way the bug arises is players refill their air groups to replace casualties, building the total number of pilots used, until they hit the combined number of pilots provided in the data base. My solution is first to allocate some share of the 30k between the two sides, so each has something to aim at. I've seen 18:12 proposed and that seems reasonable. Second, manage the available pilot pool by reducing the number of air groups through the game. Using the Mogami method of air group management, I have been rebuilding front line groups by training, then stripping, "training" groups. I can see this is where it leads to trouble, as the training groups then get refilled from the pool or from untrained pilots. So, I now propose to disband the training air groups on occaision, so they are not available to be refilled. So, for example, if a A6M2 group is down to 15 from 27, I would presently seek to break that down to manageable chunks, of 3-4 pilots, to allocate to other air groups, then, when there is only 4 or 5 left, I would refill the group and start them training somewhere safe. Under the proposed method, I would break them down to the smaller chunks as before, but then disband the core element as well, saying "no" to the reform question. A problem that might arise is that this approach would reduce the flexibility of the player, particualrly in the late war, by reducing the number of available air units. Not having been there, is this likely to be a significant problem for the Japanese player, given the alternatives are a purge of trained pilots (via the bug) or a larger number of air groups, which are kept understrength to avoid the bug?