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¡¡¡tugsten for the love of good!!!

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¡¡¡tugsten for the love of good!!! - 3/11/2001 7:45:00 PM   

Posts: 52
Joined: 2/28/2001
From: Alicante. España.
Status: offline
Hi SPWAW friends. I have a hot question to collect oppinions in the forum. I think the APCR ammo numbers in USA Shermans and TD units in game are too bigers. To ilustrate my question I´m going to put here a serie of articles about the use of APCR/HVAP ammo in armored forces during WWII. --------------------------------------------- Brigadier General Isaac D. White, Commanding General Second Armored Division U.S. Army A.P.O. 252 20 March 1945 Supreme Commander Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force My dear General Eisenhower: In this letter I am setting forth my personal convictions as to the quality of our tanks and certain other items of equipment in comparison with the German, as you requested in your letter of 18 March 1945. I have enclosed a separate document giving a digest of the opinions of officers and enlisted men who have had much experience and in whom I have great confidence. I have also included a large number of the actual statements made by them. Allowing for the traditional enthusiasm displayed by the American soldier when he is given (or takes!) the opportunity to express himself in regard to any possible shortcomings in his rations, clothing and equipment, I think they are sincere, reasonably factual, indicate considerable thought and knowledge of the subject, and above all, they are most refreshing. I have not edited them in any way and I believe they are a true cross-section of opinion of the command. I feel that many criticisms made by tank crews would not appear had we been equipped with a larger proportion of M4A3E8 tanks for Operation "Grenade." Only two or three tanks of this type actually saw combat. During this operation only twenty-nine percent of our medium tanks mounted 76-mm guns, and only four rounds of HVAP ammunition per 76-mm gun was available. Incidentally, rounds of this type expended in this operation have not been replaced. However, the 76-mm gun, even with HVAP ammunition, is not effective at the required ranges at which we must be able to effectively engage enemy armor. THE ENTIRE ARTICLE WAS POSTED IN THIS DIRECTTION. VERY, VERY INTERESTING. ----------------- ANOTHER. Jeff Heidman Member posted 10-10-2000 01:50 PM quote: Originally posted by Tiger: I agree but at the same time, you shouldn't expect to see much tungsten available in 1944. -john I agree totally. Prior to the last few months of the war, T should be very rare in anything other than AT units. However, most (but not all) dedicated AT assets (TDs, AT guns) should have a couple of rounds, and it would not be unheard of for a Sherman here or there to have a round or two. As a rought guesstimate, I would say your typical AT asset should have 0-7 rounds witha median of 3, and most 76mm armed Shermans 0-3 rounds with a median of 0. Not nearly as much as they currently have. Tiger Member posted 10-11-2000 02:27 ----------- I'll quote this again for the tungsten advocates: "In August a few rounds of the new 76mm HVAP (APCR) ammunition was rushed to France and tests were conducted near Isigny against six captured Panthers. The tests showed that the new ammunition was extremely accurate and a great improvement over the old APC M62, but it could not penetrate the Panther's front plate at ranges over 300 yards. Production of the new ammunition was also limited to only 10,000 rounds per month which meant that it could only be used on an emergency basis." from R.P. Hunnicutt's book "Sherman" -john ------------ Paul Lakowski Member posted 11-13-2000 06:53 PM "The 90mm gun was credited with penetrating the Panther's front from 600 yards .But even this was disputed in a later test. The 703rd Tank Destroyer Battalion with M-36 Tank Destroyers firing in early december 1944 was only able to make penetration about half the time at ranges of 150-300 yards . In addition , the commander of the 703rd concluded that the 90mm was ineffective against the King Tigers frontal armor". --------------- [pp 106-107 FAINT PRAISE Charles M Bailk.] It also points out that supplies of HVAP ammo in the fall of 44 was limited to 2 rounds per month supply to all users, so having 3-4 per tank per engadgement sounds like a 'pipe dream'. THIS ALL 3 OPPINIONS AND MANY MORE MUST BE SEEING IN THIS DIRECTION. ANOTHER. This 76 mm gun had another advantage: it could use the special armor piercing ammunition, the Hypervelocity Armor Piercing (HVAP) rounds. These rounds used a superhard core to punch through enemy armor. The disadvantage of this type of type of ammunition: very expensive and extremely short in supply. Most supply was given to tank destroyers. ------------------------------------------- Adding to this in the Osprey book number 6 "the Sherman medium tank" you can find in pages 14-15 the oppinion of Steve Zaloga about this question. He sayed the same... only 2-3 round for tank it´s so much. In my personal oppinion the 10 to 16 APCR stoks in Shermans are very excessive... the normaly was 2-3 rounds, the most luckys 5 rounds. Not more. In the case of AT units, no more than 6 rounds. Sorry for this long post, but I think it was necesary, and for my bad english :confused: I hope you send me all the information you have and your oppinion. Thanks for all. Pascual Navarro. :) PD: I titled this post ¡¡¡ Tugsten for the love of good!!! , because I know very well the sensation to be in front of Tigers and Panters (like gamer) without a long ration of APCR. ¡Terrific!


"Un soldado, es el hombre que se interpone entre el enemigo y su familia"
"A soldier is a man between enemy and his family"
Greek Words 1500bc
Pascual Navarro.
Post #: 1
- 3/11/2001 8:59:00 PM   
Gallo Rojo

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Hola nuevo amigo!! Bienvenido a Panteras de Acero Mundo en Guerra! Tenemos una comunidad hispano hablante muy importante en el foro. Así que si te da pereza escribir en inglés dale al castellano sin miedo! :D No tuve mucho tiempo de leer tu post. Pero en cuanto lo haga te escribo al respecto. Por ahora sólo quería darte la bienvenida :) Saludos


The bayonet is a weapon with a worker on each end

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Post #: 2
- 3/11/2001 9:06:00 PM   


Posts: 1002
Joined: 10/21/2000
From: Redstone Arsenal Al
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Not to start a hugh long thread about history and balance and and and .....BUT A decsion was announced over on the OOB page about giving all the GERMAN armor APCR instead of just TD's like the jagdpanther but not the King Tiger as it had been since they both had the same gun ... and even thought it is very rare ...anyway the German players complained ..the decision made was to supply all german tanks with APCR due to German Player Complaints because they MIGHT have had it .... NOT Good Enough they are asking for the Allies supplies to be cut ...based on the very historical grounds they argued against to get it added to their vechiles.. it simply doesn't end....I didn't say anything back when they were lobbying for more APCR for German Vechiles .. because i didn't think the staff would fall for it ..but they did ..lets watch and see how this goes ...


"For Americans war is almost all of the time a nuisance, and military skill is a luxury like Mah-jongg. But when the issue is brought home to them, war becomes as important, for the necessary periods, as business or sport. And it is hard to decide which

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Post #: 3
- 3/11/2001 9:24:00 PM   


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From: Redstone Arsenal Al
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I believe the US Armor is only equiped with the older APCR not the improved stuff that came in late in the war since the Penetration for the 76mm APCR doesn't increase after August we may be talkin Apples and oranges here anyway .. If we are talking about 2 different versions ..i don't suppose it is going to be possible to get the late war APCR in limited quanities for the American tanks after it's intro date ?? oh ok i see yes that would be a problem ...


"For Americans war is almost all of the time a nuisance, and military skill is a luxury like Mah-jongg. But when the issue is brought home to them, war becomes as important, for the necessary periods, as business or sport. And it is hard to decide which

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Post #: 4
- 3/11/2001 9:57:00 PM   


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From: Redstone Arsenal Al
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Did a little checking the US Armor seems to be carrying something that seems to corespond to the M62 APCR/HVAP round while the above complaints about US being too strong are based on letters about the T-4 APCR/HVAP round which was about 50% better in pentration and that the US doesn't get to use anyway in the game .. the T-4, from the 76mm, out penetrating conventional AP from the 90mm by about 20% ..I think as rare as this ammo might be all the US Tanks should have it because ..."it was possible" :)


"For Americans war is almost all of the time a nuisance, and military skill is a luxury like Mah-jongg. But when the issue is brought home to them, war becomes as important, for the necessary periods, as business or sport. And it is hard to decide which

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Post #: 5
- 3/11/2001 11:01:00 PM   


Posts: 1002
Joined: 10/21/2000
From: Redstone Arsenal Al
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Ok did a little further research for the 76mm you had M62 AP which seems to corespond to the Regular AP in the game for this gun ( hard to tell exactly due to the formula caculating all this in the game being a mystery to me and most folks .... M79APCBC being the standard HVAP/APCR Used in the Game by this Gun and the HVAP M93 Shot being capable of about 160mm at 500 yards and the M93 being described as being the one that was rare and quoting the same 10,000 rounds manifactured in my sources (data appears to be US Army standards of Penetration ) so before we go taking away apples because Oranges are rare maybe we ought to be talking about the Americans getting some Oranges to start with ?


"For Americans war is almost all of the time a nuisance, and military skill is a luxury like Mah-jongg. But when the issue is brought home to them, war becomes as important, for the necessary periods, as business or sport. And it is hard to decide which

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Post #: 6
- 3/11/2001 11:03:00 PM   
Paul Vebber

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Which OOBs are you looking atAmmoSgt? The current beta I have still ahs the APCR restricted to German AT guns and TD units, not line tanks at high calibers. Please don't dredge up posts from January and quote them as "news" - time marches on aroound here and just becasue something was posted 3 months ago, doesn;t neccesarily mean it still holds. Also the only US HVAP shot for the 76mm avialable in any quantity was the M93 (per Hunnicutt's Sherman: A History of the American Medium Tank) THere were several experimental replaced tried, but to my knowledge were never avaliable in quanity. Also Figure 15 Perforation of homogeneous armor by Tungston carbide cored projectiles from OSRD Report No 6053 Weapon data: fire, impact,explosion, Division 2 NDRC only lists the M93 projectile. M79APCBC is ballistically capped, not APCR/HVAP. The Game APCR is M93. THe quoted penetration is for 0m vs 0degrees of slope. THe book penetration numbers of xmm at such and such a range are interesting for comparison but are not good indicators of performace, except in trials. That does not imply others didn't exist, but that they were not available in quantity and research did not involve them as "standard projectiles" of interest. One can split hairs for ever on whether a given type should get 4.6.8. or 12 rounds. The latest OoBs standardize on 8 , but Reduced ammo "on" will make that base of 8 very from 10 ( a few seem to haorde it) while a few get none - most get 4 or 6.


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Post #: 7
- 3/11/2001 11:18:00 PM   


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From: Redstone Arsenal Al
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Paul i am looking at what was said for coming changes for 4.6/5.0 about the german APCR and what the Offical response is/was ..thats all i have to go on .. I have no insights to unposted changes or reversals ..the post is over in the OOB thread from a while back .. last known word on the subject ... The OOB's i am looking at are the ones that come with the game with 76mmL54 which i have always assumed was a sorta M5/M7/M1/M1A1/M1A1C/M1A2 comglomerate since the different versions used the same ammo and were L53's to L55's ( and none are listed at L54 in my sources ) and has a APCR round that starts in late 42 with the Wolverine and the APCR penetration shows no improvemnt as ammo improved over the course of the war .. Honest i don't want to get flamed or put down again for posting against a german request to further reduce Allied capablilties , and i know when I interfer with German requests to do so i piss off a lot of folks ...but it shouldn't be like that when anybody says anything about the Germans continual requests to reduce the combat effectiness of the Allies ..both sides should be able to post without upseting folks so much , not just the german players


"For Americans war is almost all of the time a nuisance, and military skill is a luxury like Mah-jongg. But when the issue is brought home to them, war becomes as important, for the necessary periods, as business or sport. And it is hard to decide which

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Post #: 8
- 3/11/2001 11:23:00 PM   
Paul Vebber

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From: Portsmouth RI
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I'm not trying to put you down, just trying to keep you and others from getting spun up looking at posts from back in January! Ask and I will try to clarify - but try to stay calm! Also for th e "Record" no response is an "official response" unless it comes from one of the board moderators. Other folks who may be involved or helping out can say what they wish, but only the moderators speak with an "official response" voice...And that often changes as time goes on, so it is reasonable to assume that a request for clarification is in order for any posts greater than about 6 weeks. I can't go back and amend every post as things change... And please note "your sources" helps a lot to follow up where you have a valid point... The latest OOBs do call out the different gun types, though they share the same cahracteristics. If you have any sources on differeces that would be appreciated.


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Post #: 9
- 3/12/2001 7:06:00 PM   

Posts: 52
Joined: 2/28/2001
From: Alicante. España.
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Originally posted by Gallo Rojo: Hola nuevo amigo!! Bienvenido a Panteras de Acero Mundo en Guerra! Tenemos una comunidad hispano hablante muy importante en el foro. Así que si te da pereza escribir en inglés dale al castellano sin miedo! :D No tuve mucho tiempo de leer tu post. Pero en cuanto lo haga te escribo al respecto. Por ahora sólo quería darte la bienvenida :) Saludos
Hi Gallo Rojo. Thanks for your wellcome. I appreciate your salute, but in this forum I prefer to speak in english ;) ... By other way I will send you a private e-mail in spanish. Thanks. Pascual Navarro From Spain. :D


"Un soldado, es el hombre que se interpone entre el enemigo y su familia"
"A soldier is a man between enemy and his family"
Greek Words 1500bc
Pascual Navarro.

(in reply to Inuil)
Post #: 10
- 3/12/2001 7:19:00 PM   

Posts: 52
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From: Alicante. España.
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Originally posted by AmmoSgt: Ok did a little further research for the 76mm you had M62 AP which seems to corespond to the Regular AP in the game for this gun ( hard to tell exactly due to the formula caculating all this in the game being a mystery to me and most folks .... M79APCBC being the standard HVAP/APCR Used in the Game by this Gun and the HVAP M93 Shot being capable of about 160mm at 500 yards and the M93 being described as being the one that was rare and quoting the same 10,000 rounds manifactured in my sources (data appears to be US Army standards of Penetration ) so before we go taking away apples because Oranges are rare maybe we ought to be talking about the Americans getting some Oranges to start with ?
Hi AmmoSgt. Thanks for your oppinion, but I think like Paul the APCR amno I mentioned was the M93. I apreciate a lot your commentary, because I didn´t known nothing about APCR ammos... only the basical datas. I have spoken only by references to the fonts I discovered and trying to do the SPWAW more realistic according to historical commentaries. Bye :) Pascual Navarro.


"Un soldado, es el hombre que se interpone entre el enemigo y su familia"
"A soldier is a man between enemy and his family"
Greek Words 1500bc
Pascual Navarro.

(in reply to Inuil)
Post #: 11
- 3/12/2001 7:32:00 PM   

Posts: 52
Joined: 2/28/2001
From: Alicante. España.
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Originally posted by Paul Vebber: I'm not trying to put you down, just trying to keep you and others from getting spun up looking at posts from back in January! Ask and I will try to clarify - but try to stay calm! Also for th e "Record" no response is an "official response" unless it comes from one of the board moderators. Other folks who may be involved or helping out can say what they wish, but only the moderators speak with an "official response" voice...And that often changes as time goes on, so it is reasonable to assume that a request for clarification is in order for any posts greater than about 6 weeks. I can't go back and amend every post as things change... And please note "your sources" helps a lot to follow up where you have a valid point... The latest OOBs do call out the different gun types, though they share the same cahracteristics. If you have any sources on differeces that would be appreciated.
Hi Paul. Thanks for your faster response. I don´t know nothing about other commentaries about this theme in the forum. I´m a new member in it. ¿Can you say me tittle and time dates please? I will try to find it. :rolleyes: About the option "reduced ammo on" i think this will be a possible solution, but in my oppinion, the amount of APCR ammo in stock will be excesive too. The historical fonts say it clear... by shermans, a top level of 2-3 round with a medium rate of ¡0! and in the case of TD units a top of 7-8 with a medium rate of 3-4. With this proportion, if you apply the "reduced ammo on" option, you can obtained the historical rate of ammo stocked in shermans and TD units. Thanks and bye my friends. Pascual Navarro.


"Un soldado, es el hombre que se interpone entre el enemigo y su familia"
"A soldier is a man between enemy and his family"
Greek Words 1500bc
Pascual Navarro.

(in reply to Inuil)
Post #: 12
- 3/12/2001 8:29:00 PM   
Paul Vebber

Posts: 11430
Joined: 3/29/2000
From: Portsmouth RI
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I would bring this up at the OOB section! There is lots of ways to enterpret how many rounds of what type should be carried and we ahve to pick a single loadout for a given unit. Since this ammount increased in general as time went on, and varied widely across units its difficult to come up with a single number valid for all periods. Also since the quantity of this ammunition avialble factor into point cost, it would mean a fair bit of work at this stage to change it significantly.


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Post #: 13
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