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Fighter Sweeps, to fly or not to fly that is the question?

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Fighter Sweeps, to fly or not to fly that is the question? - 1/3/2014 12:55:00 AM   

Posts: 1960
Joined: 2/23/2013
From: C-eh-n-eh-d-eh
Status: offline
Ok I am having a real problem with this part of the game, basically I have no idea how to handle them. Soooo I would be happy to hear from you your ideas, concepts, whys and wherefores on how to conduct them.


< Message edited by warshipbuilder -- 1/3/2014 2:37:25 AM >



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ED/BTR Ressurection Project
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RE: Fighter Sweeps, to fly or not to fly that is the qu... - 1/3/2014 1:47:32 AM   


Posts: 445
Joined: 12/28/2007
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A good start is to send them along the path of bomber streams and on the flanks. You will have to work on the timing to try to get them in the right space at the right time to meet enemy fighetrs. Arriving just after the Germans begin breaking off is what you ultimately want to aim for.

Another option is to set a patrol point between the bomber formation's route and the bases of likely interceptors to try to ambush on the way back to base.

(in reply to warshipbuilder)
Post #: 2
RE: Fighter Sweeps, to fly or not to fly that is the qu... - 1/3/2014 3:55:58 AM   


Posts: 218
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It's definitely "to fly". The sweep gives you capabilities that no other mission type provides. However, as implemented it also has severe limitations that you have to work around.

One of the most important functions of the sweep for me is to get aircraft from additional commands into a fight. 11 group can't escort bombers from 8AF or from 2 Tac Air. They can however fly sweeps up the bombers path or as Dobey points out, to the sides, to engage targets of opportunity. If 9AF isn't flying you can use their fighters for sweeps also.

Also, a sweep is the only way to make a strafing attack. Strafers get a large bonus against ready and fueling aircraft. That makes it an important part of airfield attack strategies.



The Vociferously Verbose

(in reply to Dobey455)
Post #: 3
RE: Fighter Sweeps, to fly or not to fly that is the qu... - 1/3/2014 11:29:56 PM   

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I use RADAR sites as target points so the fighters dont get into the weeds and suffers heavy FLaK losses.


Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

(in reply to TaggedYa)
Post #: 4
RE: Fighter Sweeps, to fly or not to fly that is the qu... - 1/4/2014 10:26:06 PM   

Posts: 1960
Joined: 2/23/2013
From: C-eh-n-eh-d-eh
Status: offline
Is the FS at the same altitude as the bombers or somewhat higher?



Any ship can be a minesweeper, once.
ED/BTR Ressurection Project

(in reply to JeffroK)
Post #: 5
RE: Fighter Sweeps, to fly or not to fly that is the qu... - 1/5/2014 2:59:36 PM   


Posts: 445
Joined: 12/28/2007
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It depends on the timing.
If you think the sweep will hit the enemy at the same time or earlier than the bombers then probably a couple thousand feet above.
For those that will try to catch fighters breaking off, you'll want to be well BELOW the bombers, fighters loose alt over time as they dogfight.

(in reply to warshipbuilder)
Post #: 6
RE: Fighter Sweeps, to fly or not to fly that is the qu... - 4/11/2014 7:26:47 AM   


Posts: 5
Joined: 4/22/2010
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Fighter sweeps can be very effective as they allow you to catch enemy fighters whilst landing, creating a turkey shoot.


1) Endurance: In the BoB scenarios fighter sweeps are difficult as you Bf109 has short legs and the Bf110 cannot make fighter sweeps.

2) Flak: Attacking fighter bases directly as part of a sweep means that you will suffer losses which can be heavy in BoR as German flak is much heavier.

Solutions: 1) Fly some test strike missions and see where and when fighters land and then plan fighter sweeps to hit the fighters as they land. While doing this rest fighters based closest to UK for BoB. For (2) avoid plotting fighter sweeps on airfield but offset it to within 1/2cm of the airfield and set a patrol pattern that is short and doesn't touch airfield. This mean you will not get hit by flak but will hit any aircraft landing whilst your sweep is patrolling the area. Finally avoid any rail/urban areas with the fighter sweep plot otherwise the fighters will hit those targets taking losses on the way in.

For BoR use same approach but use aircraft with longer endurance (P38L, Mustangs etc). Operating from Europe P38 will cover an airfield for almost two hours with fuel tanks. You can also be smart an place the fighter between two airfield and hit aircraft landing on both. Just finished Turn 430 on 1943 campaign and slaughter 225 German fighters (Including 21 Me262) for 30 lost fighters.

Finally set fighter sweeps at high altitude as this also allows you to bounce aircraft that wonder into your patrol zone.

Have played BoB several times and fighter sweeps are the best way to shoot down RAF in numbers. Note you should also hit air factories as soon as possible as RAF has a lot of fighters in reserve.

All the best

(in reply to warshipbuilder)
Post #: 7
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