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Making friends

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Making friends - 6/7/2014 11:17:30 PM   


Posts: 140
Joined: 5/29/2014
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I haven't been able to do very well diplomatically. If I want to set a goal to war pact someone, how do I achieve that? I've given money over and over, lots! But that doesn't seem to help much. It just seems random on who likes me and who doesn't and it goes down as I grow.
Post #: 1
RE: Making friends - 6/8/2014 12:04:31 AM   

Posts: 2529
Joined: 8/17/2010
From: The Briar Patch Nebula
Status: offline
Sending an Ambassador to their homeworld will help (once you know where their homeworld
is located ~ Achieved by sending an Agent on a Steal Territory Map Assignment).


Shields are useless in "The Briar Patch"...

(in reply to Fleshbits)
Post #: 2
RE: Making friends - 6/8/2014 3:22:49 AM   


Posts: 140
Joined: 5/29/2014
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ORIGINAL: ehsumrell1

Sending an Ambassador to their homeworld will help (once you know where their homeworld
is located ~ Achieved by sending an Agent on a Steal Territory Map Assignment).

Yea, I do that. Doesn't seem to help.
Has anyone tried to make allies and keep them in this game or does everyone just simply steam roll militarily?
My last game I just wiped everyone out by supreme stolen technology on superior numbers. This game I wanted to try a more diplomatic victory.

(in reply to ehsumrell1)
Post #: 3
RE: Making friends - 6/8/2014 4:41:55 AM   


Posts: 345
Joined: 5/28/2013
From: United States of America
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i play nice a lot throw money,techs,maps for way under there worth this will make ai like you as well as give them military refueling right, mining rights. having rare luxury resources will help them want to be your friends. also having friends that have friends helps a lot as well.

diplomats help by giving bigger bonuses for trading and agreements when they have the + diplomacy modifier, now a diplomat with demoralizing is interesting.

< Message edited by pycco -- 6/8/2014 5:45:38 AM >

(in reply to Fleshbits)
Post #: 4
RE: Making friends - 6/8/2014 7:25:43 AM   

Posts: 345
Joined: 5/14/2012
Status: offline
What I really like about this game is that you can actually make friends that will stay with you for the entire game if you wish. I do it all the time, because of the fun, and they'll join into wars as well if I'm attacked.

Go for the races that naturally like you. Insectoids tend to like insectoids, humanoids like humanoids and so on. There's a lot of information on the different diplomatic modifiers in the Diplomacy overview of each civilization. Go for the one who has the most green modifiers. Give them refuelling rights in your empire, and possibly mining rights.

Some races are not friendly at all either and not really meant to make friends. But it's not impossible. Check your leader. Does he have a negative diplomatic modifier? Then it might be harder to get close to the others.

< Message edited by Antiscamp -- 6/8/2014 8:27:09 AM >


(in reply to pycco)
Post #: 5
RE: Making friends - 6/8/2014 7:35:21 AM   


Posts: 51
Joined: 6/8/2014
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Similar government types also attract each other. Also, keep an eye on traits like aggression and reliability.

(in reply to Antiscamp)
Post #: 6
RE: Making friends - 6/8/2014 7:45:19 AM   

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If you get a colony close to them and build a bunch of mines near it you can get the +15+ relationship bonus from being a big trading partner. The only factions that can't be your friend for ever (depending on the victory requirements) are the pirates, they are so easy to piss off. You probably don't want anyone that hates your government type or has a huge - that isn't to do with your strength or your looks (yeah they can be jealous).

(in reply to UnitedFreelancers)
Post #: 7
RE: Making friends - 6/8/2014 7:54:46 AM   


Posts: 140
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Well I was trying to make friends with the Queemo. We were both technocracies and I wanted to eventually trade techs with them. I got them up to +20 and then it plumeted into the negative as they are jelous of my colonies. They have 5x as many...Those dicks. But this is what always happens. I start making friends and then they get jealous of me. I don't see how to keep a friend :(

(in reply to AnddyiRaynor)
Post #: 8
RE: Making friends - 6/8/2014 4:59:40 PM   


Posts: 345
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From: United States of America
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try being friends with someone not next to you, this happens with most races if they are close to you.

(in reply to Fleshbits)
Post #: 9
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