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[] Updated Bug List

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[] Updated Bug List - 7/6/2014 4:10:02 PM   


Posts: 306
Joined: 6/4/2014
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Galaxy Editor:
- FIXED - Editing pirate factions will remove the pirate flag in the upper left corner
- FIXED - Editing pirate faction flags will not properly update the flag shown on pirate space ports in the galaxy map
- Deleting planets/moons sometimes does not properly update the system planet/moon counts, sometimes it will show more planets/moons than actually exist
- Certain types of ruins cannot be placed
- The character editor does not properly import valid PNG files when changing character avatar

- Pirate Automaton will not build troops on owned colonies
- Empires cannot build in pirate-owned systems
- Pirates do not get most racial modifiers for the dominant race
Note: Bonuses from assimilated races work, it is only the initial race pick that does not work
- Smuggler/Mercenary facility defense bonus does not seem to work at all
- FIXED - Pirates cannot build normal planetary structures unless they build them through the colony screen
- Independant planets acquired by Criminal Network are not properly transferred to the Pirate faction
Note: There are differences in population growth, income, and the planet is ignored when it comes to assimilated race benefits, might be other differences
- Pirate Leaders, Intelligence Agents, and inactive Fleet Admirals are not transferred to a new Pirate Home Base
- New intelligence agents and researchers will still spawn at the old pirate home base
- Pirates gain no benefit from research wonders
- Pirates are unable to acquire Colonial Governors, even if they possess colonies
- Pirates are unable to build Pirate Bases/Fortresses on colonies they gain through colonization
- Pirates can get racial assimilation bonuses from independant colonies they have facilities on
- Pirate racial assimilation bonuses do not update over the course of the game, once the bonuses are applied they are permanent and do not change
- FIXED - Pirates currently pay 0 maintenance for infantry troops trained
- Pirates can build spaceports beyond the maximum size without needing a colony
- Pirates do not get most events, including planetary disaster events and racial events, rendering them immune to disasters
- NEW - Pirate Resort Bases are not properly cleaned up after destroyed, they continue to cost maintenance even though they are destroyed.

- FIXED? (MORE TESTING NEEDED) - Low counterespionage skill is too strong, I have had a 20% Counterespionage agent regularly capture a 70% Espionage agent in tests
- FIXED? (MORE TESTING NEEDED) - Catching espionage agents are far too easy, I noticed that espionage missions either ended in 100% success (no detection), or the agent got cought

- FIXED? (MORE TESTING NEEDED) - AIs with access to corporate nationalism may commit suicide by constantly switching governments
Note: A human government with Way of the Ancients reduced itself from a 30-colony major power to only a ~10 colony minor power
- Empire AIs are a little too eager to cancel protection agreements, especially when they will accept a higher-costing one right after

- Ship Captains will never have their skills revealed, even after countless battles and smuggling operations
- Stations are not considered valid assignments for Ship Captains and Fleet Admirals even though their skills work onboard them
Note: This one has a workaround through the right-click 'transfer character' drop down menu. This is also the only way to move Intelligence agents

- Wonder Development bonus does not stack for multiple wonders, ruins development bonus count as wonders so wonder + ruins will not stack
- Private/Smuggler stations will not defend themselves against space creatures until the creatures get within melee range
- On creating a new game, Colony Influence range is not stored properly. It will always subtract the stored value by 1% (100% > 99% > 98% etc)
- Fighters are far too effective in 'Out of Sector' combat calculations. I have had a single construction ship with 3 fighter bays manage to hold off an entire Human fleet, so long as I kept out of sector. As soon as I zoom into sector, the construction ship is killed very quickly.
- NEW - Planets will not export any resources unless a starport is built over it

< Message edited by Nanaki -- 8/28/2014 2:26:51 AM >


I ate the batter of the bulge at Hans' Haus of Luftwaffles
Post #: 1
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/6/2014 4:35:40 PM   


Posts: 39
Joined: 6/6/2014
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- Low counterespionage skill is too strong, I have had a 20% Counterespionage agent regularly capture a 70% Espionage agent in tests
- Catching espionage agents are far too easy, I noticed that espionage missions either ended in 100% success (no detection), or the agent got cought

Agreed, the problem is still there, regardless of what other people are saying.

I've tested it today on in three different, separate games. 89-92% of chance to perform the "steal research" mission, and they've all got captured while they were preparing themselves, BEFORE they even had a chance to perform the mission


- On creating a new game, Colony Influence range is not stored properly. It will always subtract the stored value by 1% (100% > 99% > 98% etc)

Same here

< Message edited by deathnoise -- 7/6/2014 5:37:08 PM >

(in reply to Nanaki)
Post #: 2
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/6/2014 4:47:43 PM   


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- Low counterespionage skill is too strong, I have had a 20% Counterespionage agent regularly capture a 70% Espionage agent in tests
- Catching espionage agents are far too easy, I noticed that espionage missions either ended in 100% success (no detection), or the agent got cought

I do agree with that too. My two agents get caught even in 94% success chance steal research missions.

(in reply to deathnoise)
Post #: 3
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/6/2014 7:55:25 PM   


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Updated OP with some additional pirate bugs.


I ate the batter of the bulge at Hans' Haus of Luftwaffles

(in reply to Sindri)
Post #: 4
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/7/2014 2:42:29 AM   


Posts: 59
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I just want to remark that with a super-spy character the game feels a little unbalanced. I once had a intelligence agent with greater than 100 espionage, and I was able to steal any tech I wanted, even from the Ancient Guardians, it just felt a little too easy. It could be that spies are not supposed to get that high, I don't know but I think there should always be some minimum chance of a spy getting caught. Maybe like 10%.

(in reply to Nanaki)
Post #: 5
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/7/2014 8:41:16 AM   


Posts: 19
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Can you add theres only one autosave in win 8.1 pro(my turkish version)?And its only save once when you begin the game,i also posted this threat and bugs continue on and going list...

< Message edited by Burocktr -- 7/7/2014 9:42:06 AM >

(in reply to Euler)
Post #: 6
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/7/2014 9:52:38 AM   


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I just want to remark that with a super-spy character the game feels a little unbalanced. I once had a intelligence agent with greater than 100 espionage, and I was able to steal any tech I wanted, even from the Ancient Guardians, it just felt a little too easy. It could be that spies are not supposed to get that high, I don't know but I think there should always be some minimum chance of a spy getting caught. Maybe like 10%.

Okay, but there has to be some logic/reason behind what actually happens. If the game tells me that I've got 92% chance of success then that's what it should be, instead - it feels now like 8%.

It's quite easy to fix.. The developers may add an additional modifier (with a negative impact on the chance of success of the intelligence missions) to every empire, that would increase its value slightly (a little bit more, if they will manage to detect your agent, while he still succeeds with his mission), every time the successful intelligence mission has been performed against that particular empire. Of course - the value of that modifier needs to decrease over time and it should be reflected in a information about the chance to perform the mission.

It makes sense. Whenever they steal something from you - you are going to tighten up your security. Over time, if nothing is happening - you are going to relax security checks more and more, until something happens again..

That would provide a counter-balance for hammering "steal research" missions against the same empire, over and over again..

this idea, if implemented right - will be backward-compatible with the saved games..

< Message edited by deathnoise -- 7/8/2014 3:38:45 PM >

(in reply to Euler)
Post #: 7
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/8/2014 2:16:54 PM   


Posts: 306
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Updated original post with 3 new bugs:

- Ship Captains will never have their skills revealed, even after countless battles and smuggling operations
- Stations are not considered valid assignments for Ship Captains and Fleet Admirals even though their skills work onboard them
Note: This one has a workaround through the right-click 'transfer character' drop down menu. This is also the only way to move Intelligence agents
- Fighters are a far too effective in 'Out of Sector' combat calculations. I have had a single construction ship with 3 fighter bays manage to hold off an entire Human fleet, so long as I kept out of sector. As soon as I zoom into sector, the construction ship is killed very quickly.


I ate the batter of the bulge at Hans' Haus of Luftwaffles

(in reply to deathnoise)
Post #: 8
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/8/2014 3:03:35 PM   


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Spy Balancing.

Before 1955 Spies were a game breaker for me as well. Too easy to steal or sabotage everything.

Right now the capture rate is particularly high, depending on the defending agent. I would like to see larger chances of failure without detection, and failure with detection. Spies should be harder to capture/kill than detect. Otherwise there is no point in taking any risk below 90% success and there are very few opportunities to do that with a starting agent.

< Message edited by Efaferal -- 7/8/2014 4:22:54 PM >

(in reply to deathnoise)
Post #: 9
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/10/2014 12:42:54 AM   

Posts: 217
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I'm not sure if this counts as a pirate bug per se, but since you have this big list of pirate stuff...

-Automated Pirate fleets using the Attack stance do not actually attack things, despite how very useful this would be. Presumably this is because pirates are never actually at war.

(in reply to Efaferal)
Post #: 10
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/10/2014 9:08:21 PM   


Posts: 30
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-Fighters are a far too effective in 'Out of Sector' combat calculations. I have had a single construction ship with 3 fighter bays manage to hold off an entire Human fleet, so long as I kept out of sector. As soon as I zoom into sector, the construction ship is killed very quickly.

This bug has me concerned the most.

(in reply to DeadlyShoe)
Post #: 11
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 7/10/2014 9:36:24 PM   


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Yeah, it is rather bizzare how fighter bays become such a huge force multiplier in OOS calculations... I am currently playing pirate and, oddly enough, my fighter equipped stations and construction ships are holding off entire fleets. Though it would be nice if pirates had real diplomacy, trying to play the peaceful smuggler almost always ends up anything but as I end up having to vaporise entire armadas trying to defend myself against empires whom have nothing better to do but attack my stations and ships just because.


I ate the batter of the bulge at Hans' Haus of Luftwaffles

(in reply to mxmissile)
Post #: 12
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 8/28/2014 1:19:09 AM   


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Decided to bump this as opposed to making a new thread, since most of the bugs have not been listed as fixed. I marked the bugs fixed in the latest patch as fixed, as well as added two new bugs that I reported elsewhere.


I ate the batter of the bulge at Hans' Haus of Luftwaffles

(in reply to Nanaki)
Post #: 13
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 9/11/2014 9:19:30 PM   


Posts: 194
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Please oh please fix it so that Pirates can build pirate bases on colonies. You have no idea how game breaking that is.

Also, not sure if bug or design: Even with a truce, rival pirate factions will continue raiding planets that you have bases on and attack the facilities there. For whatever reason this not considered to be breaking the truce.

< Message edited by NephilimNexus -- 9/11/2014 10:36:02 PM >

(in reply to Nanaki)
Post #: 14
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 9/18/2014 1:37:18 PM   


Posts: 209
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Just want to add one (probably general bug, but more frustrating as a pirate):
- Boarding pods get stuck in space and don't recharge.


- Pirates are unable to acquire Colonial Governors, even if they possess colonies

In one of my game as a pirate, I have a governor. Maybe the chance of them acquiring governor is just too small?

Besides, pirate-owned colonies don't seem to generate any cash at all, so I'm not sure how useful they are except as a place to build troops / large ships.

(in reply to NephilimNexus)
Post #: 15
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 9/19/2014 12:34:13 AM   


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ORIGINAL: johanwanderer
In one of my game as a pirate, I have a governor. Maybe the chance of them acquiring governor is just too small?

Some races (Haakonish, for example) start with a governor.


Besides, pirate-owned colonies don't seem to generate any cash at all, so I'm not sure how useful they are except as a place to build troops / large ships.

They do. I ran some tests on it, it does not appear in the pirate ledger at all but I tested it by acquiring a 10+ billion planet with 100% quality level and I saw my bottom line jump substantially. A good way to find out how much your colony is making is looking at the planet info box. The income displayed in the info box does NOT include pirate base/fortress income so you will know exactly how much taxed income you are getting.

A tip, make sure you tax them. Pirate automation will not tax any colonies under any circumstances, so you will either have to adjust the empire automation settings or you will have to control tax rates manually.


I ate the batter of the bulge at Hans' Haus of Luftwaffles

(in reply to johanwanderer)
Post #: 16
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 9/19/2014 3:09:03 AM   


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They do. I ran some tests on it, it does not appear in the pirate ledger at all but I tested it by acquiring a 10+ billion planet with 100% quality level and I saw my bottom line jump substantially. A good way to find out how much your colony is making is looking at the planet info box. The income displayed in the info box does NOT include pirate base/fortress income so you will know exactly how much taxed income you are getting.

A tip, make sure you tax them. Pirate automation will not tax any colonies under any circumstances, so you will either have to adjust the empire automation settings or you will have to control tax rates manually.

Oh, I micro that alright :) Trying to squeeze out every percentage point I can without making the people too upset. But my colony-based income is abysmal (< 70K a year) and I *own* a few planets with 6-7+ billion people on it. That does not include the 10's of planets that I control. I'll have to look at the colony screen more closely and see why the income is so bad (and see if it adds up to the information displayed in the empire screen.) Maybe having pirate facilities on my own planets hurt my income? We'll find out.

(in reply to Nanaki)
Post #: 17
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 9/20/2014 11:26:41 AM   


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Okay, attached is my pitiful pirate empire summary.

Here are the numberss:
Colony            Type       Ctl(%) Value(K) Rev(K) Tax(%) Tax(K)  Corr(%)   Notes  Less corr
--------------    ---------- ------ -------- ------ ------ ------  -------  ------  ---------
Egreynan          Controlled    100     1863    272     13     32       12              28.16
Blodo             Owned         100     1650     62     30     13       80               2.6
Ylisea 2          Owned         100     1162     36     15      3       80               0.6
Lambda 3          Owned         100      937     33     10      2       80               0.4
Endilean 2        Owned           0      752     28      0      0       78               0
Imnodeud          Owned          10      734     26      0      0       80               0
Ermeyoa           Controlled    100       80     18     39      5       13               4.35
Thoudata          Controlled     41       68     17     38      6        6               5.64
Bita Dasolun 1    Owned          50      853     17     20      1       80               0.2
Loros             Owned           0      731     16      0     -1       80    Fruit     -0.2
Utaf              Controlled     81       52     12     22      1       11               0.89
Otie              Controlled    100       51     12     50      5       13               4.35
Anuat 2           Owned           0      489     12      0      0       80               0
Ryeyt             Owned         100      453     12     20      0.6     80               0.12
Fyudus 4          Controlled     94       90     11     50      4       13               3.48
Esdi Naha 2       Owned           0      128      7      0     -1       63              -0.37
Baratsen 2        Controlled    100       23      5     35      0.6     12               0.53
Druwocoa          Owned          50      227      3      0     -1       80              -0.2
Aar 1             Owned          60       10      0      0     -3        7    Spice     -2.79
Brivust 1         Controlled     87       10     -1      0     -2       10              -1.8
Silunea 6         Owned           0       61     -5      0     -1       29    Torak     -0.71
Total                                                          64.2                     45.25

Given that the previous year's income was about 40K, it looks like that tally well with the last column, which is tax minus corruption. That's just a guess though.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Nanaki)
Post #: 18
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 9/30/2014 12:27:43 AM   


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That screenshot looks curious, it seems to indicate that pirates can gain the benefits of wonders even though they cannot discover them...

Might also need to do more testing to see if research wonders really work for pirates or not.

< Message edited by Nanaki -- 9/30/2014 1:28:41 AM >


I ate the batter of the bulge at Hans' Haus of Luftwaffles

(in reply to johanwanderer)
Post #: 19
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 9/30/2014 6:29:27 PM   


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I don't know about research wonders, but the +800% boost (from 4 hidden fortresses) are kicking. At that point I probably get more research done than any empires in the game. The economy is another story though :(

I started a new pirate game with, and the economy seems better (I'm currently sitting on 2.5 million cash, positive), but the problem with detached stations (posted in a separated thread) really bothers me, so I'm not sure how far I'll keep playing with that.

< Message edited by johanwanderer -- 9/30/2014 7:34:18 PM >

(in reply to Nanaki)
Post #: 20
RE: [] Updated Bug List - 10/13/2014 11:06:47 AM   

Posts: 378
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I don't see that bug in the list :

Losing Generals to own troops during pirate-facility attack
-> Troop generals side with the pirates if landing after the attack.

(in reply to johanwanderer)
Post #: 21
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