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RE: Return of the Sheep!

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RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/15/2014 1:20:20 PM   

Posts: 18046
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From: Winnipeg, MB
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ORIGINAL: obvert


ORIGINAL: Lokasenna

Not if the goal is strategic delay rather than "victory."

It's the two or three hexes deep along an entire line thing that I think is wrong and a wasted allocation of forces. Really, it's the concept of a line as an enormous defensive unit. My first/only attempt at installing SLs wasn't successful, but I intend to rectify this and if I can figure out how to set up a test game... I can quickly demonstrate, with the units available to both sides, exactly what I'm talking about.

That, or prove myself wrong.

Delay is all I'm after.

I finally see what you're up against here, but it seems you're basing this all on an assumption that a 'line' means two or three deep all along it's length. It certainly doesn't to me. Not sure why we're even having this discussion as I think we're advocating the exact same thing. You can look in my AAR and see good examples of this in the recent map I posted. Won't go farther into that here though.

This all started as I was trying to figure out exactly what Alfred's objections are to the defense in this game, not mine. I'm still interested in those specifics.

What is the correct concept if an MLR isn't it? Is MLR such a clearly defined term that it has to mean deep defense all along the line? I'm not a military historian so I may just be using a more specific term for a more vague concept myself. What is a better concept for Jocke in this game? Or for anyone playing the Allies in China?

The only interpretation that I could come up with for Alfred's remarks was that a mobile defence is the most effective way to stymie the Japanese.
This worked well for Canoerebel (or was it Cap Mandrake and Sprior?) when he was defending China and had secure LOC on the rail line from Changsha to the south and west.
IIRC there were no stacking limits in that game.
If the Chinese do not have the rail lines they cannot outmaneuver or outpace the Japanese except in +3 terrain. Stacking limits complicate their movement and concentration further.
I don't know if Alfred has tried out stacking limits but he's very good at strategic thinking and analysis so he must have some workable idea in mind.
Perhaps a full scale Chinese offensive into a weak sector of the Japanese lines with the goal to take key ports?


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to obvert)
Post #: 421
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/15/2014 1:55:56 PM   

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Can't see that working. The only key ports are Shanghai and Port Arthur. If the Chinese get close to them then you've probably got other way more important things to worry about.

You can threaten Hong Kong/Canton fairly easily, but then the flanks are weak as hell.

Must be something to do with defending the road/rail junctions with large reserves, which is close to impossible against a determined attack.


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 422
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/16/2014 6:49:07 AM   

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Take Alfred's comments as advice, not gospel.
Not every game proceeds the same way and what might be a better defence tactic in one case could fail against a different attack strategy in another.

One thought, and I am in no way suggesting it as a world beater, is to play as if its Napoleonics, who needs a defensive line BUT this was before SL.

I'm playing using SL now as the evil empire, not entirely happy about some decisions they made, but am trying moving 2-3 stacks and merging them when I reach the objective then spreading out after. (I think Mr Buonaparte tried this first)

Dont get too cocky, any thoughts about a major offensive should be kept for later.


Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

(in reply to Encircled)
Post #: 423
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/22/2014 1:51:12 AM   

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Page 2 save *whistles*

(in reply to JeffroK)
Post #: 424
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/25/2014 5:42:14 PM   


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1.  The Allied player is panicking.

2.  The MLR is a flawed concept used by Allied players in China.  Against a competent Japanese player who energetically prosecutes their offensive, it will always fail.

3.  The roadblocks were, and still are, not placed in the correct positions.

4.  The two recent Japanese successes at 85,39 and 86,41 are not important.

5.  Sian should be held with the strongest units, not with the weakest.

6.  A strategic reserve can still be created out of the many units occupying useless dirt in the countryside.

7.  Handled properly, Ankang is not the fatal dagger which it is being presented as.


I started writing you a long reply but I realized it will just be a waste of time. I will just say this instead: You are wrong on all accounts but you have some merit on point 2 and 3.

(in reply to Alfred)
Post #: 425
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/25/2014 5:47:14 PM   


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Had to return home two days early. The heatwave that hit Sweden was getting too much to handle for Alexander so we headed home early. Was pretty nice to spend the heat of the day in comfortable AC in the car during the 5 hour drive!

Sent Tom a mail I was back. Hope we can get a couple of turn in before he starts his vacation.

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 426
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/25/2014 6:05:45 PM   


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Well, the mlr as Joc drew it will guarantee that the entire southern line is cut off from supply and and basically out of the game for a long time as it tries to move south.

I think defense in depth along the road, avenues of approach, make him fight each hex of the way dug in troops. And try to get some units threatening his line of supply. Trashed Chinese units head back, fresh ones perhaps forward, but make him fight heavily on the roads.

Defending Sian...tough, but I think the effort needs to be made if for no other reason than to slow the Japanese down. Tienshuie, north along the railway, can be built to a level 1 airbase allowing you to use fighters in Sian for CAP traps until the rail line is cut.

It is hard to keep the IJA supplied in this area. I would be looking to make the IJA eat as much supplies as possible.

Supply is pretty much already gone in most places. Every unit outside Chungking and Changha are already in the red. So whatever I do supply will be gone. I don´t have the troops to put up any real MLR. Its will just be a "imaginative" line where I hope to get troops in time in case he goes that way.

I would love to defend or hold on to Sian. But its simply not possible. I´m losing about 1000-1500 troops each turn due to the IJAAF. Anything left at Sian will be bombed from the air until supply is gone and disruption has risen and then it will be destroyed. Even if I threw everything I have at Sian I could not hope to hold on longer then 15-25 days. And after that I would have nothing more to throw at him.

I have basically been doing what you describe. Hold at defensible terrain on roads. Problem is that he wears me down slowly but surely. He can rotate troops in and out while I can´t (due to lack of troops). And on the road towards Ankang where I actually had troops he turned his air force on any units trying to move back. As soon as they started moving I lost 15-30 squads per turn to bombings.

I need to decide pretty soon what to do with 2600 AV that arrived. Basically this will be what I have to fight with. Due to retreats and bombardments all the roadsblocks are pretty much shot at this stage.

I can´t put the 2600 at Sian. Its a clear hex, its easily surrounded and he will just use his AF to grind them down in a couple of weeks. When/if I lose them its a clear way all the way to Chungking (where only 400 AV is defending). I should add here that I have already started pulling more troops from the Changsha sector towards Chungking.

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 427
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/25/2014 6:06:10 PM   


Posts: 8262
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ORIGINAL: catwhoorg

Page 2 save *whistles*

Much appreciated !

(in reply to catwhoorg)
Post #: 428
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/25/2014 7:53:12 PM   

Posts: 22133
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ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Supply is pretty much already gone in most places. Every unit outside Chungking and Changha are already in the red.

Why is it so bad? The burma road is open, right?

Did you shut off all factory, resource, manpower repairs?

Did you limit very exclusively reinforcements? Are you stockpiling artillery pieces?

Did you ground most of your air force?

Are you building only very selective forts?

Are you resting all rear echelon troops?

I have to admit that I haven't had that problem like you have, but I have only played against AndyMac's nasty nasty Japanese and not another person, especially of the caliber of Mr. Kane. And I have no experience with this mod either, so I am probably all wet.

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 429
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 5:37:27 AM   


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ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Supply is pretty much already gone in most places. Every unit outside Chungking and Changha are already in the red.

Why is it so bad? The burma road is open, right?

Did you shut off all factory, resource, manpower repairs?

Did you limit very exclusively reinforcements? Are you stockpiling artillery pieces?

Did you ground most of your air force?

Are you building only very selective forts?

Are you resting all rear echelon troops?

I have to admit that I haven't had that problem like you have, but I have only played against AndyMac's nasty nasty Japanese and not another person, especially of the caliber of Mr. Kane. And I have no experience with this mod either, so I am probably all wet.

Yes on all points. I think the problem is the relentless attacks both from the ground and air. Tom is doing probably 1 Deliberate attack and 3-5 bombardment attacks each turn. Then add the supply burn from the aerial bombings every turn. I also lost some supply when I suffered retreats in unwanted directions that caused overstack.

Tom is surely burning insane amounts of supply to achieve all this and if he fails the AV he may be in trouble in 44 and onward. But he is not bombing Chinese industry so I can only assume he hopes that it will cover some of the losses once they are in Japanese hands.

I also did a quick summery of raw Japanese AV and Chinese. Right now he has only 300 less AV then what I have around Sian. 3600 Japanese AV vs 3900.

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 430
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 10:40:19 AM   

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Tough. It will be interesting to watch. Between your game and Obverts two wildly different China strategies.

I suspect there really isn't much you can do ultimately against a motivated Japan that wants China other than slow him down and perhaps take opportunities elsewhere as the opportunity presents.

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 431
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 11:46:36 AM   


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Tough. It will be interesting to watch. Between your game and Obverts two wildly different China strategies.

I suspect there really isn't much you can do ultimately against a motivated Japan that wants China other than slow him down and perhaps take opportunities elsewhere as the opportunity presents.

That is my feeling too. In most PBEMs we see today China gets steamrolled by the Japs pretty fast. While the allied player obviously can effect the outcome some, in the end I think it comes down to Japanese commitment.

This is from last turn. Against this there is nothing you can do.


Ground combat at 85,39 (near Sian)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 36979 troops, 266 guns, 733 vehicles, Assault Value = 1330

Defending force 22936 troops, 147 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 535

Japanese adjusted assault: 924

Allied adjusted defense: 195

Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
670 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 70 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Vehicles lost 16 (1 destroyed, 15 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
10342 casualties reported
Squads: 379 destroyed, 207 disabled
Non Combat: 383 destroyed, 47 disabled
Engineers: 14 destroyed, 10 disabled
Guns lost 45 (32 destroyed, 13 disabled)
Units retreated 4

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
17th Division
15th Tank Regiment
9th Tank Regiment
3rd Tank Regiment
8th Armored Car Co
5th Tank Regiment
10th Tank Regiment

6th Ind.Mixed Brigade
5th Armored Car Co
12th Tank Regiment
23rd Tank Regiment

15th Division
11th Tank Regiment

Defending units:
42nd Chinese Corps
8th Route Army
47th Chinese Corps
84th Chinese Corps

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 432
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 1:13:03 PM   

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ORIGINAL: JocMeister
This is from last turn. Against this there is nothing you can do.

Have another drink?

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 433
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 1:20:16 PM   

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ORIGINAL: JocMeister
This is from last turn. Against this there is nothing you can do.

Have another drink?

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 434
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 1:36:43 PM   


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I´ll drink to that!

(in reply to EHansen)
Post #: 435
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 2:51:46 PM   

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From: Iowan in MD/DC
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"Insane amounts of supply" is relative. Japan can afford to spend (say) 5,000 per day in China because it's literally right next door, and the VP gains justify the expenditure because of what it does to the Chinese. 5,000 supply per day for the Chinese, on the other hand, is an enormous usage.

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 436
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 3:29:23 PM   

Posts: 3890
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It does seem that China is indefensible from the Allied perspective, at least with traditional tactics. The hope was that stacking limits would solve the problem but apparently not. I wonder what a mod that provided more auto supply would do to alter the situation. Might be an interesting test.


(in reply to Lokasenna)
Post #: 437
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 5:53:22 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Lokasenna

"Insane amounts of supply" is relative. Japan can afford to spend (say) 5,000 per day in China because it's literally right next door, and the VP gains justify the expenditure because of what it does to the Chinese. 5,000 supply per day for the Chinese, on the other hand, is an enormous usage.

Yeah, 5000 is an insane number for the Chinese.

(in reply to Lokasenna)
Post #: 438
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 5:58:26 PM   


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It does seem that China is indefensible from the Allied perspective, at least with traditional tactics. The hope was that stacking limits would solve the problem but apparently not. I wonder what a mod that provided more auto supply would do to alter the situation. Might be an interesting test.

In my (very limited) experience with SL I think it might actually hurt the Chinese more then it helps!

(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 439
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 6:00:09 PM   


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PS. Sorry for not answering PMs or updating the AAR lately. Still trying to catch up with life after being on the road for 2 weeks! Should be back on track tomorrow (I hope)!

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 440
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 6:40:48 PM   

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From: Winnipeg, MB
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It does seem that China is indefensible from the Allied perspective, at least with traditional tactics. The hope was that stacking limits would solve the problem but apparently not. I wonder what a mod that provided more auto supply would do to alter the situation. Might be an interesting test.

IRL I'm sure the Chinese got food and clothing supply from their own people in the area - say 200 miles.
I'm also sure they dug tank traps and felled trees to interfere with tanks, so the armour steamroller was not quite so effective. Not sure if the AI reduces the effective AV of tanks when
in +2 and +3 terrain.
In other words, I agree that the current settings make things too easy for Japan.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 441
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/26/2014 7:37:31 PM   


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IRL I'm sure the Chinese got food and clothing supply from their own people in the area - say 200 miles.
I'm also sure they dug tank traps and felled trees to interfere with tanks, so the armour steamroller was not quite so effective. Not sure if the AI reduces the effective AV of tanks when
in +2 and +3 terrain.
In other words, I agree that the current settings make things too easy for Japan.

Not complaining though. I knew what I was getting into and I knew for certain Tom would conquer China before 42 was up. If I can survive AV it will probably be a better game in the end.

The main problem is and have always been to survive AV. But the "issue" may have to be looked at from a VP perspective. With the relative ease which China can be conquered it might make AV too "easy" for an accomplished Japanese player to achieve. Only way to find out is playing numerous PBEMs and see what happens.

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 442
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/27/2014 5:43:19 AM   


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Crisis in OZ!

Need some advice on how to handle this. Another very clever move by Tom! I was pretty shocked to find there are virtually NO AA units in OZ. Loads of Arty and CD guns. But no AA units. All AA is embedded in the LCUs. And its pretty pitiful whats there. 6-10 Lewis AA machine guns per ID and thats it. So trying to deter this with AA fire will probably work.

That leaves only Fighters. I have fighters in place. Actually almost 150 of them. Problem is pilots. They are crap at this stage. The ones in OZ are EXP 30-35 and 35-40 in Air. The Squadrons are US army though so I can probably do a bit of switching and get some half decent pilots in them.

I also have some DBs and Wirraways trained in NavB. The Wirraways are actually pretty decently trained with 50 in NavB.

Other ideas are very welcome. I certainly can´t afford to lose 100 VPs per day. How long can he stay around? He has Noumea and with some AKEs he can probably rearm sorties there. I have to fight this somehow.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 443
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/27/2014 11:42:09 AM   

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Eh, you need better search. Mr. Kane keeps surprising you...I guess you don't need me telling you that.

I think trying to hit the carriers you will simply throw away your pilots and planes, better to focus on swarming him with subs, and defending the industry with planes. At least they will be parachuting out over friendly territory.

Brisbane will get hit tomorrow, and I wouldn't put it past Mr. Kane to sweep there heavily first.

Grin and bear it.

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 444
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/27/2014 12:06:01 PM   


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Eh, you need better search. Mr. Kane keeps surprising you...I guess you don't need me telling you that.

I think trying to hit the carriers you will simply throw away your pilots and planes, better to focus on swarming him with subs, and defending the industry with planes. At least they will be parachuting out over friendly territory.

Brisbane will get hit tomorrow, and I wouldn't put it past Mr. Kane to sweep there heavily first.

Grin and bear it.

Nothing wrong with the search. I detected him 5 turns ago. He has been sitting there since then. I hunkered down at Sydney expecting a port attack at the shipping there followed up by a landing at Bundaberg(?). He has a BB TF sitting 6 hexes due east of the base. Its just North of the screen border.

I´ll try to do something with my fighters. Problem is I can´t cover all the bases and he can switch between Sydney, Brisbane and Newcastle. He keeps driving me nuts.

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 445
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/27/2014 1:02:17 PM   

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If you can, put some BFs on the closest inland bases to the threatened area and operate aircraft from there. They will be
safe from BB bombardment.
It is strange that his SCTF is sitting around waiting- either for an Amphib force to come up for a landing in Oz or to
shield a landing further east in SOPAC from any interference from Oz. But subs love TFs that sit still ...


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 446
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/27/2014 2:20:44 PM   

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ORIGINAL: JocMeister
Nothing wrong with the search. I detected him 5 turns ago. He has been sitting there since then. I hunkered down at Sydney expecting a port attack at the shipping there followed up by a landing at Bundaberg(?). He has a BB TF sitting 6 hexes due east of the base. Its just North of the screen border.

Staying put and being spotted! Something is up!

Time to sortie the Pearl Battleships! Find a flaw in his naval search and bombard Sendai or Ustonomyia! Or at least threaten it, so that Mr. Kane has to pull some things in off the front lines. Grab Wake back.

Find a volunteer xak and run in 5000 supply in somewhere...China? PI? I can't remember what all is gone...

Drop mines in his shipping areas with subs...

Use some torp carrying Cats on 2000 foot attacks against those carriers...mix in a high altitude bombing run with 4es.

Where are all your carriers?

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 447
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/27/2014 4:19:34 PM   

Posts: 9297
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ORIGINAL: JocMeister
Nothing wrong with the search. I detected him 5 turns ago. He has been sitting there since then. I hunkered down at Sydney expecting a port attack at the shipping there followed up by a landing at Bundaberg(?). He has a BB TF sitting 6 hexes due east of the base. Its just North of the screen border.

Staying put and being spotted! Something is up!

Time to sortie the Pearl Battleships! Find a flaw in his naval search and bombard Sendai or Ustonomyia! Or at least threaten it, so that Mr. Kane has to pull some things in off the front lines. Grab Wake back.

Find a volunteer xak and run in 5000 supply in somewhere...China? PI? I can't remember what all is gone...

Drop mines in his shipping areas with subs...

Use some torp carrying Cats on 2000 foot attacks against those carriers...mix in a high altitude bombing run with 4es.

Where are all your carriers?

Hopefully far away.

Just turn off repairs at Sydney. He'll run out of points to grab. He is probably trying to get 500 to 1000 permanent VPs and maybe try to destroy your RepSY with fires. Not much you can do at this stage other than suicide runs on the CVs.

Go looking for poop with your CVs off Hokkaido .

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 448
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/27/2014 4:26:10 PM   

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Time to sortie the Pearl Battleships! Find a flaw in his naval search and bombard Sendai or Ustonomyia! Or at least threaten it, so that Mr. Kane has to pull some things in off the front lines. Grab Wake back.

Drop mines in his shipping areas with subs...

Couldn't agree more. You have many areas of the map where you can do little except take the beating he gives you. However you have assets to use and he has places that cannot be searched/defended hardly at all. Use those old, slow BBs and some good front line cruisers.
His search assets are stretched tight especially if he is using them out of Noumea to search as his search perimeter is now much larger than Japan can hope to search at this point of the war. You know where most of his CVs are and most surface assets as well. Hit back.
You will need: 4 Bombardment TFs consisting of 2 BB and some escorts each. One each for Paramushiro Jima, Kushiro (resource), Toyohara (resource), Shikuka (oil). One heavy SCTF with 4 CA and 4 DD to "protect" the BB TFs, One light SCTF with one CA, several CL and a few DD to attack shipping, One amphib group with a rgt to take Paramushiro Jima. One AO/AE group- a big one to refuel your surface forces after a 4 day high speed run. Possibly a follow up amphib to keep Parmushiro-Jima.

Step One- send in a lot of subs- for recon really since the torps do not work. S-Boats are good if you have them close by.

Next of the Op make sure you own Attu or Shemya (sorry do not know your map) and place AOs and AE (AV if possible for Cats) capable of rearming BBs.

Next a series of high speed runs. Bombard Parmushiro-Jima and invade it on the next phase. Retire the TF to the nearest friendly port and then return it to battle if needed.

A day behind, the three other BTFs move toward their objectives as well as the anti-shipping groups and protecting CAs.

If your CVs are near Pearl, cover the BTF, especially the one set for Kushiro with LRCAP. That far north Japan has a lot of trouble using torpedo carrying a/c at this stage of the war. Pretty much Ominato is the only option as base sizing is a problem.

Bombard and run away.

It is fairly low risk in my opinion and he will never feel safe up there again. Never. Last game my opp did this in a limited scale and despite using the best assets I had, his SCTF was never sighted until it was too late. It never came close to being attacked. It is simply too early in the war for Japan to protect that area.


Sometimes things said in Nitwit sound very different in English.

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 449
RE: Return of the Sheep! - 7/27/2014 4:28:53 PM   


Posts: 8262
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Thanks guys. I have to make sure I get the turn off to Tom. I´ll try to make a post after that!

(in reply to offenseman)
Post #: 450
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