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Bugs to kill in next patches

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Bugs to kill in next patches - 7/20/2014 9:19:00 AM   


Posts: 234
Joined: 4/23/2013
Status: offline
First I want to say thank you for new patch! I'm happy that you are still working to make this awsome game better... but...
After I lounched this new patch today I can see that there are still some bygs. Some bugs that are hard to kill ;)
1. There is a problem when I want to disband unit- it looks like disbanding givs back wrong number of man power- am I correct?
2. When I sellect my air unit I can still see with mouse arrow where are enemy's units hidden in the fog of wor.
These are small bugs but it seems that thay are immortal...

< Message edited by Lord Zimoa -- 7/21/2014 11:12:50 AM >
Post #: 1
RE: Bugs hard to kill - 7/20/2014 9:33:07 AM   

Posts: 2885
Joined: 10/15/2010
From: Fife Scotland
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: suprass81

First I want to say thank you for new patch! I'm happy that you are still working to make this awsome game better... but...
After I lounched this new patch today I can see that there are still some bygs. Some bugs that are hard to kill ;)
1. There is a problem when I want to disband unit- it looks like disbanding givs back wrong number of man power- am I correct?
2. When I sellect my air unit I can still see with mouse arrow where are enemy's units hidden in the fog of wor.
These are small bugs but it seems that thay are immortal...

Disbanding giving back wrong manpower has been picked up and fixed so that ones of the list.

The fog of war issue when selecting air units,software wiz kid will have to deal with that one.


Make it so!

(in reply to suprass81)
Post #: 2
RE: Bugs hard to kill - 7/20/2014 5:34:16 PM   


Posts: 234
Joined: 4/23/2013
Status: offline
Sorry Kirk but this bug is still alive... at last on my PC. Sorry but I can't add a picture... I've got an ask for you- just try to disband garrisono in your 1.5.1 and look how much man power game will give you back. I can recive 10 manpower back... garrison cost 6 manpower...

(in reply to kirk23)
Post #: 3
RE: Bugs hard to kill - 7/20/2014 6:55:45 PM   

Posts: 2885
Joined: 10/15/2010
From: Fife Scotland
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: suprass81

Sorry Kirk but this bug is still alive... at last on my PC. Sorry but I can't add a picture... I've got an ask for you- just try to disband garrisono in your 1.5.1 and look how much man power game will give you back. I can recive 10 manpower back... garrison cost 6 manpower...

The new 1.5.1 patch used the scripts from the previous release,I have had a vastly improved set off scripts for weeks,that are just needing play tested by more people,to iron out any issues.I'm just waiting for the powers that be to use them!

The new script as you can see,fixes the disband Manpower error.

Garrison when disbanded now returns 5 PRODUCTION POINTS & 5 MANPOWER SEE PHOTO.

NB: Garrison now only cost 5 Manpower,to compensate for the reduced Free Upkeep allowance.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by kirk23 -- 7/20/2014 8:53:33 PM >


Make it so!

(in reply to suprass81)
Post #: 4
RE: Bugs hard to kill - 7/21/2014 8:21:12 AM   


Posts: 234
Joined: 4/23/2013
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: kirk23


ORIGINAL: suprass81

Sorry Kirk but this bug is still alive... at last on my PC. Sorry but I can't add a picture... I've got an ask for you- just try to disband garrisono in your 1.5.1 and look how much man power game will give you back. I can recive 10 manpower back... garrison cost 6 manpower...

The new 1.5.1 patch used the scripts from the previous release,I have had a vastly improved set off scripts for weeks,that are just needing play tested by more people,to iron out any issues.I'm just waiting for the powers that be to use them!

The new script as you can see,fixes the disband Manpower error.

Garrison when disbanded now returns 5 PRODUCTION POINTS & 5 MANPOWER SEE PHOTO.

NB: Garrison now only cost 5 Manpower,to compensate for the reduced Free Upkeep allowance.

So... If I can understand you correct- this bug is fixed and redy in next patch- not in 1.5.1?

(in reply to kirk23)
Post #: 5
RE: Bugs hard to kill - 7/21/2014 12:28:12 PM   

Posts: 2885
Joined: 10/15/2010
From: Fife Scotland
Status: offline


Make it so!

(in reply to suprass81)
Post #: 6
RE: Bugs hard to kill - 7/21/2014 12:35:53 PM   


Posts: 234
Joined: 4/23/2013
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: kirk23


Good to read this :D

THX for the answer :D

(in reply to kirk23)
Post #: 7
RE: Bugs hard to kill - 8/6/2014 7:58:11 AM   


Posts: 269
Joined: 9/14/2004
From: Serbia
Status: offline
dutch units have wrong flag. they have flag of Yugoslavia, which didnt even exist in that time :)

(in reply to suprass81)
Post #: 8
RE: Bugs hard to kill - 8/7/2014 8:13:12 PM   


Posts: 82
Joined: 12/30/2013
From: United States
Status: offline
Don't know if this is part of the last patch (I don't think so) but I just noticed this. I was setting up an army into the production queue and happened to be looking at the tally of available production points currently available and available next turn, when I noticed the current available production points dropped by 20 (expected), but the PPs becoming available on the next turn dropped by 4 at the same time (not expected). I fiddled with the management screen a bit and realized that my maintenance costs went up by 4 when I put the unit into the queue. But that means I'm paying 16 PPs (it takes 4 turns to produce the unit) for a unit I don't have!

I shudder to think about what happens when I put a bomber (7 turns to produce) into a production queue. Maybe not such a big deal now since so many countries don't have maintenance costs to start with (except poor old Germany ), but in the next release this could be a real issue.

Is this a bug or is game functioning as designed. And if the latter, can someone explain the rationale to me?



(in reply to Milman)
Post #: 9
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