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Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (A) vs. Q-Ball (J)

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Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (A) v... - 9/6/2014 2:02:01 AM   


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From: Southern California
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Brad (Q-Ball) has graciously allowed me to be his next victim in a PEBM. It’s my first why not taken on an experienced player in a DaIronBabes-C with stacking limits and PDU-off? We’ll likely play relatively slowly, which works to my benefit.

I’ve “only” played 500 turns against the AI over about 2 years of real time. Only in WITP-AE would someone with 500 turns under his belt be considered a raw rookie. But it’s true; I’m amazed about how little I know about the game.

It could get ugly.
Post #: 1
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/6/2014 2:07:41 AM   


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Dec 7, 1941

Air attack on Pearl Harbor and Manila. Landings at Kota Bhura and Vigan.

PH: Broad but not deep damage. Only BB Pennsylvania sunk, but all other BBs hit numerous times but all should survive if this is a one-day attack. No other ship was sunk. No attack on the airfield and so the Pearl Harbor search and air defenses are still intact. Dodged the bullet here.

Manila: Only 2 subs and an xAK sunk.

TFs are moving though South China Sea toward Malaya, including one that appears headed for Mersing (rules are for no first-day Mersing landing). Of particular note: Zeros from Kaga-1 defended one of these TFs from my land-based bombers. The possible presence of the Kaga will complicate matters here.

Other TFs are moving towards the PI and possibly Manado.

Given the relatively light damage at PH and Manila, I count myself as lucky on this first day of the war.

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 2
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/6/2014 2:34:48 AM   
Mike McCreery

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At least you chose the allies :]

Patience is your virtue. Try to conserve your ships and armies until mid 42 to early 43. Then it is time to go on the offensive.


(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 3
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/6/2014 3:11:17 AM   


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Patience, yes. I sent my big Dec 8 turn to Brad and instantly wondered, "Did I forget to....?" and "boy, that was a poor idea to ....".

(in reply to Mike McCreery)
Post #: 4
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/6/2014 3:17:26 AM   

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Good luck.  Try and keep your CVs.

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 5
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/6/2014 4:19:25 AM   


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Thanks, DOCUP.

(in reply to DOCUP)
Post #: 6
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/6/2014 5:55:56 AM   


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Good luck Panjack. First 6-8 months are really depressing...but they will pass.

Make sure not to lose any CVs. And try not to lose any AP/AKs as they convert to APA/AKAs which are pure gold. Run for the hills in China. Find x3 terrain and hunker down. Don´t try anything aggressive with the Chinese. Might looks like your are bathing in AV but its an illusion. Don´t worry if you lose China because you will if Brad wants it and have done his homework.

Oh, and read loads of AARs.

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 7
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/6/2014 11:33:12 AM   

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Good Luck. Mass and Protect your CVs. Start prepping for small counter attacks on day one and launch them if you located the KB and you can get in and out while is away!


(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 8
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/6/2014 2:34:41 PM   

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Save your PBYs from tempting early torpedo attacks against invasion fleets and use them to search, search and oh yeah search.

(in reply to rook749)
Post #: 9
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/6/2014 6:42:26 PM   


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Thanks for your support! And, advice. I take it CVs are kinda important in this game? ;>

December 8, 1941

No disasters. Landings at Tarawa and a large invasion TF off of San Fernando, PI. The San Fernando invasion TF has 37 xAKs. Does that suggest a larger-than-average focus on the PI? That seems like a lot of ships.

Malaya: I had moved SAGs off Mersing to meet what appeared to be an invasion TF headed that way. This TF has now met up with 3 others and is 4 hexes directly east of Mersing.

Among the ships reported sighted in these TFs are 3 CAs, some DDs, and a bunch of transports, but that can’t be right for such an important landing. More big ships must be included. I assume the CV Kaga (which has been active nearby) might be in one of those 4 FTs (misidentified as a CA) or is lurking around nearby. The whole area is heavily searched (night and day) so the information I have is about as good as is possible.

I have 4 CL, 7 DD, and PoW and Repulse between these TFs and Mersing. None has experienced any battle damage. I guess the best grouping of these ships would be two TFs: (1) a TF with the 4 CL and 3DD along with (2) a TF with PoW, Repulse, and 4 DD. I want to have a battle during daylight and so the tentative plan is to set the PoW TF to “remain on station” at Mersing (so implicit 0 reaction distance, right?) and the CL TF set to patrol Mersing and with a reaction distance of 1.

Ideally, early in the morning the CLs react east and engage some of the invading ships, the ships protecting the invasion TF expend ammo and, I hope, get side tracked or otherwise discombobulated. Then later in the day the PoW TF does battle just offshore Mersing. The Japanese will be defeated and Singapore is allowed to survive for a couple of weeks longer! Or, more likely, the PoW, Repulse, and 3 CLs are heavily damaged if not sunk but a couple of J BBs and CAs are heavily dented and must spend time in the garage getting new fenders and other body work. Something between these two outcomes would be nice.

I’ll set all local fighters to LRCAP over the PoW TF and have all available torpedo bombers set to navel attack. Minelayers are headed to Mersing, but unfortunately Kates from the Kaga sunk the CM heading that way.

Is the above a reasonable plan of action?

(in reply to Bif1961)
Post #: 10
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/8/2014 12:45:53 PM   


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December 9

Flummoxed by the sync bug. I tend to be disorganized, and the emergence of the sync bug threw me for a loop and, oh my!, I forgot to check one of my CV TFs which might now be approaching dangerous waters.

In any case...

The anticipated battle off Mersing didn't happen. The sightings that had 4 TFs seemingly headed for Mersing (inline with Mersing, most headed due west, and 4 hexes away) were misleading. As far as I can tell, some of the TFs veered off toward Kuantan; perhaps Q-Ball set me up to defend Mersing to he could land unopposed at Kuatan. If so, it worked.

But the good news is that, so far as I can tell, no Mersing landing is imminent and the retreat of units down toward Singapore is going well. Also, a bunch of J bombers were shot down attacking Force Z. The combination of Allied fighters LRCATing over Force Z and the massive AA capabilities of the British ships worked out well (helped, certainly, by luck).

Force Z did its job (as its mere existence held off an early Mersing landing) and it is, as I write, still completely untouched. Of course, the Japanese BBs and CAs in the area are also untouched. Only small warships have been involved in sea battles so far in this conflict.

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 11
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/8/2014 10:35:11 PM   

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Thanks for your support! And, advice. I take it CVs are kinda important in this game? ;>

December 8, 1941

No disasters. Landings at Tarawa and a large invasion TF off of San Fernando, PI. The San Fernando invasion TF has 37 xAKs. Does that suggest a larger-than-average focus on the PI? That seems like a lot of ships.

Malaya: I had moved SAGs off Mersing to meet what appeared to be an invasion TF headed that way. This TF has now met up with 3 others and is 4 hexes directly east of Mersing.

Among the ships reported sighted in these TFs are 3 CAs, some DDs, and a bunch of transports, but that can’t be right for such an important landing. More big ships must be included. I assume the CV Kaga (which has been active nearby) might be in one of those 4 FTs (misidentified as a CA) or is lurking around nearby. The whole area is heavily searched (night and day) so the information I have is about as good as is possible.

I have 4 CL, 7 DD, and PoW and Repulse between these TFs and Mersing. None has experienced any battle damage. I guess the best grouping of these ships would be two TFs: (1) a TF with the 4 CL and 3DD along with (2) a TF with PoW, Repulse, and 4 DD. I want to have a battle during daylight and so the tentative plan is to set the PoW TF to “remain on station” at Mersing (so implicit 0 reaction distance, right?) and the CL TF set to patrol Mersing and with a reaction distance of 1.

Ideally, early in the morning the CLs react east and engage some of the invading ships, the ships protecting the invasion TF expend ammo and, I hope, get side tracked or otherwise discombobulated. Then later in the day the PoW TF does battle just offshore Mersing. The Japanese will be defeated and Singapore is allowed to survive for a couple of weeks longer! Or, more likely, the PoW, Repulse, and 3 CLs are heavily damaged if not sunk but a couple of J BBs and CAs are heavily dented and must spend time in the garage getting new fenders and other body work. Something between these two outcomes would be nice.

I’ll set all local fighters to LRCAP over the PoW TF and have all available torpedo bombers set to navel attack. Minelayers are headed to Mersing, but unfortunately Kates from the Kaga sunk the CM heading that way.

Is the above a reasonable plan of action?

Re: the Force Z react: - setting "remain on station" simply means it is not to return to port immediately. The "React distance" setting overrides the "Remain On Station". The other thing that overrides R-O-S is the threat tolerance. If it is normal and there is too high a threat of air strikes or enemy SCTFs, the TF will return to port. Change threat tolerance to "Absolute" if doing what you order is critical.
You were lucky with the air attack on Force Z - the AA is usually not enough to hold off the Nells and Betties - the CAP did that. He will add escorting fighters next time and your ships will be in trouble. He is also likely to move carriers to block your retreat to the south.

You may have been fooled by the movement algorithm that made it look like those TFs were headed to Mersing. Because of the way the hexes are laid out, horizontal and diagonal movement can be in a straight line but vertical movement requires the TF to zig-zag. So the algorithm always starts with the vertical movement first, and when it reaches a point where the rest of the path to target is direct horizontal or diagonal it switches to that. TFs coming out of Hainan or Formosa would zig-zag at an angle toward Mersing until they got on the line horizontal to their real target - Kuantan.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 12
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/9/2014 3:10:48 AM   


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December 10

Many thanks for your comments. Through experience I might eventually learn to better read what the info on the map.

Your prediction was right: the Kaga moved to cut the Force Z off but I sent F-Z sailing rapidly away to the south. It was just getting too dangerous around Mersing with all the LBA and the CV Kaga. Unfortunately, a Japanese sub put two torpedoes into the PoW as it moved away. But the damage is relatively slight.

I'm taking frightful losses on the ground in China and in the air around Singapore. In Malaya I seem to be running out of fighters and torpedo bombers, which have failed to score a single hit on a Japanese ship. And the slaughter of innocents fleeing PI has been beyond belief. Adding those sunk by subs, so far I've lost 4 TK, 1 AP, 5 xAP, 9 xAK, and 15 xAKL.

This didn't happen against the AI!

Good news, though: A group of 4 Allied DDs came across a bunch of lightly-escorted transports near Miri and, after the shooting was over, 1300 Japanese casualties were reported. And then air groups flying off the Lexington (following up on intel that an invasion force was headed toward Tarawa) claimed a total of 9 bomb hits spread over two CLs at that island. I expect those CLs were up to no good.

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 13
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/9/2014 5:15:04 AM   


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Sadly it will get a lot worse before it gets any better!

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 14
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/9/2014 5:41:55 AM   

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Thanks for your support! And, advice. I take it CVs are kinda important in this game? ;>

December 8, 1941

No disasters. Landings at Tarawa and a large invasion TF off of San Fernando, PI. The San Fernando invasion TF has 37 xAKs. Does that suggest a larger-than-average focus on the PI? That seems like a lot of ships.

Malaya: I had moved SAGs off Mersing to meet what appeared to be an invasion TF headed that way. This TF has now met up with 3 others and is 4 hexes directly east of Mersing.

Among the ships reported sighted in these TFs are 3 CAs, some DDs, and a bunch of transports, but that can’t be right for such an important landing. More big ships must be included. I assume the CV Kaga (which has been active nearby) might be in one of those 4 FTs (misidentified as a CA) or is lurking around nearby. The whole area is heavily searched (night and day) so the information I have is about as good as is possible.

I have 4 CL, 7 DD, and PoW and Repulse between these TFs and Mersing. None has experienced any battle damage. I guess the best grouping of these ships would be two TFs: (1) a TF with the 4 CL and 3DD along with (2) a TF with PoW, Repulse, and 4 DD. I want to have a battle during daylight and so the tentative plan is to set the PoW TF to “remain on station” at Mersing (so implicit 0 reaction distance, right?) and the CL TF set to patrol Mersing and with a reaction distance of 1.

Ideally, early in the morning the CLs react east and engage some of the invading ships, the ships protecting the invasion TF expend ammo and, I hope, get side tracked or otherwise discombobulated. Then later in the day the PoW TF does battle just offshore Mersing. The Japanese will be defeated and Singapore is allowed to survive for a couple of weeks longer! Or, more likely, the PoW, Repulse, and 3 CLs are heavily damaged if not sunk but a couple of J BBs and CAs are heavily dented and must spend time in the garage getting new fenders and other body work. Something between these two outcomes would be nice.

I’ll set all local fighters to LRCAP over the PoW TF and have all available torpedo bombers set to navel attack. Minelayers are headed to Mersing, but unfortunately Kates from the Kaga sunk the CM heading that way.

Is the above a reasonable plan of action?

Re: the Force Z react: - setting "remain on station" simply means it is not to return to port immediately. The "React distance" setting overrides the "Remain On Station". The other thing that overrides R-O-S is the threat tolerance. If it is normal and there is too high a threat of air strikes or enemy SCTFs, the TF will return to port. Change threat tolerance to "Absolute" if doing what you order is critical.
You were lucky with the air attack on Force Z - the AA is usually not enough to hold off the Nells and Betties - the CAP did that. He will add escorting fighters next time and your ships will be in trouble. He is also likely to move carriers to block your retreat to the south.

You may have been fooled by the movement algorithm that made it look like those TFs were headed to Mersing. Because of the way the hexes are laid out, horizontal and diagonal movement can be in a straight line but vertical movement requires the TF to zig-zag. So the algorithm always starts with the vertical movement first, and when it reaches a point where the rest of the path to target is direct horizontal or diagonal it switches to that. TFs coming out of Hainan or Formosa would zig-zag at an angle toward Mersing until they got on the line horizontal to their real target - Kuantan.

No - major error here! The part in bold is wrong per both several developer posts and experience. Remain on Station overrides any React distance setting. Using Remain on Station makes the React setting meaningless.

If you want a TF to hang around at a particular hex and have a React setting, use Patrol and set it for just that hex.


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 15
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/9/2014 7:24:39 AM   

Posts: 18046
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From: Winnipeg, MB
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ORIGINAL: witpqs





Thanks for your support! And, advice. I take it CVs are kinda important in this game? ;>

December 8, 1941

No disasters. Landings at Tarawa and a large invasion TF off of San Fernando, PI. The San Fernando invasion TF has 37 xAKs. Does that suggest a larger-than-average focus on the PI? That seems like a lot of ships.

Malaya: I had moved SAGs off Mersing to meet what appeared to be an invasion TF headed that way. This TF has now met up with 3 others and is 4 hexes directly east of Mersing.

Among the ships reported sighted in these TFs are 3 CAs, some DDs, and a bunch of transports, but that can’t be right for such an important landing. More big ships must be included. I assume the CV Kaga (which has been active nearby) might be in one of those 4 FTs (misidentified as a CA) or is lurking around nearby. The whole area is heavily searched (night and day) so the information I have is about as good as is possible.

I have 4 CL, 7 DD, and PoW and Repulse between these TFs and Mersing. None has experienced any battle damage. I guess the best grouping of these ships would be two TFs: (1) a TF with the 4 CL and 3DD along with (2) a TF with PoW, Repulse, and 4 DD. I want to have a battle during daylight and so the tentative plan is to set the PoW TF to “remain on station” at Mersing (so implicit 0 reaction distance, right?) and the CL TF set to patrol Mersing and with a reaction distance of 1.

Ideally, early in the morning the CLs react east and engage some of the invading ships, the ships protecting the invasion TF expend ammo and, I hope, get side tracked or otherwise discombobulated. Then later in the day the PoW TF does battle just offshore Mersing. The Japanese will be defeated and Singapore is allowed to survive for a couple of weeks longer! Or, more likely, the PoW, Repulse, and 3 CLs are heavily damaged if not sunk but a couple of J BBs and CAs are heavily dented and must spend time in the garage getting new fenders and other body work. Something between these two outcomes would be nice.

I’ll set all local fighters to LRCAP over the PoW TF and have all available torpedo bombers set to navel attack. Minelayers are headed to Mersing, but unfortunately Kates from the Kaga sunk the CM heading that way.

Is the above a reasonable plan of action?

Re: the Force Z react: - setting "remain on station" simply means it is not to return to port immediately. The "React distance" setting overrides the "Remain On Station". The other thing that overrides R-O-S is the threat tolerance. If it is normal and there is too high a threat of air strikes or enemy SCTFs, the TF will return to port. Change threat tolerance to "Absolute" if doing what you order is critical.
You were lucky with the air attack on Force Z - the AA is usually not enough to hold off the Nells and Betties - the CAP did that. He will add escorting fighters next time and your ships will be in trouble. He is also likely to move carriers to block your retreat to the south.

You may have been fooled by the movement algorithm that made it look like those TFs were headed to Mersing. Because of the way the hexes are laid out, horizontal and diagonal movement can be in a straight line but vertical movement requires the TF to zig-zag. So the algorithm always starts with the vertical movement first, and when it reaches a point where the rest of the path to target is direct horizontal or diagonal it switches to that. TFs coming out of Hainan or Formosa would zig-zag at an angle toward Mersing until they got on the line horizontal to their real target - Kuantan.

No - major error here! The part in bold is wrong per both several developer posts and experience. Remain on Station overrides any React distance setting. Using Remain on Station makes the React setting meaningless.

If you want a TF to hang around at a particular hex and have a React setting, use Patrol and set it for just that hex.

Dang! Just when I thought I had that part figured out! Thanks for straightening me out witpqs! I must have seen react happen with patrolling ships and assumed they were just set to remain on station. So many details .... so few brain cells.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 16
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/10/2014 5:30:02 AM   


Posts: 401
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From: Southern California
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December 11, 1941

Japan is unstoppable: landing seemingly everywhere, sinking transport after transport, and crushing any LCUs that get in its way. Fighter sweeps over everywhere fighters could sweep have lead me to pull back to safer airbases waiting a bit before I try to defend these bases again.

I am, however, able to move units down Malaya into Singapore and Chinese LCUs are moving promptly to defensive positions with good terrain. Two AVG air units have moved into China to help out. Japanese units seem to be moving toward Changsha from two directions but I hope to have enough units on good defensive terrain led by almost competent leaders to hold the Japanese back.

My first major goof: I overlooked a CL TF hanging out at Singkawang. The brown TF icon blended in too well into the brown/green landmass. The result: 27 Kates from the Kaga dropped lots of bombs on my CLs, but luckily only 3 hit. All ships should survive if they are able to flee the area.

And a bit of luck: CVs sailing through the northern Gilberts make two air attacks on Jaluit resulting in one sunk transport and heavily damaging five others, with about 900 casualties. But, Q-Ball informed me that my CVs got dangerously close to some torpedo bombers located in Roi-Namur. I assumed the Marshalls would have some bad guys but, not having played Japan or looked at the Japanese side before our game, had to guess about where and what Japanese were in the area. I will undoubtedly eventually pay the price for guessing wrong; but I dodged the bullet in this case. Better lucky than good!

Still, I want to be "prudently bold" in my response to the Japanese onslaught so that Q-Ball can't just assume I'll not risk my carriers in any situation.

I've got myself a bit of a problem in the South China Sea: I have far too many warships, CAs and CLs, kinda surrounded by Japanese carriers: the Kaga near Mersing, some smaller carriers in the northern part of the SCS, and perhaps one small carrier, or more, at Jolo. I'm hoping that some of these carriers, and lots of Japanese warships in the area, are running low of bombs and ammo. Unfortunately, I have to assume the bigger ships (BBs and CAs) still have their larger guns still fresh and shiny ready to sink my ships. My ships have most of their ammo but are running a bit low on fuel and so must soon exit the area.

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 17
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/10/2014 12:01:43 PM   

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Still, I want to be "prudently bold" in my response to the Japanese onslaught so that Q-Ball can't just assume I'll not risk my carriers in any situation.

You have the key right there, you need to use your fleet including the CV's in such a manner and often enough he understand there is no free lunch but not lose them. As I am learning much harder to do then to type.....


(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 18
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/10/2014 1:16:00 PM   

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From: Winnipeg, MB
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December 11, 1941

Japan is unstoppable: landing seemingly everywhere, sinking transport after transport, and crushing any LCUs that get in its way. Fighter sweeps over everywhere fighters could sweep have lead me to pull back to safer airbases waiting a bit before I try to defend these bases again.

I am, however, able to move units down Malaya into Singapore and Chinese LCUs are moving promptly to defensive positions with good terrain. Two AVG air units have moved into China to help out. Japanese units seem to be moving toward Changsha from two directions but I hope to have enough units on good defensive terrain led by almost competent leaders to hold the Japanese back.

My first major goof: I overlooked a CL TF hanging out at Singkawang. The brown TF icon blended in too well into the brown/green landmass. The result: 27 Kates from the Kaga dropped lots of bombs on my CLs, but luckily only 3 hit. All ships should survive if they are able to flee the area.

And a bit of luck: CVs sailing through the northern Gilberts make two air attacks on Jaluit resulting in one sunk transport and heavily damaging five others, with about 900 casualties. But, Q-Ball informed me that my CVs got dangerously close to some torpedo bombers located in Roi-Namur. I assumed the Marshalls would have some bad guys but, not having played Japan or looked at the Japanese side before our game, had to guess about where and what Japanese were in the area. I will undoubtedly eventually pay the price for guessing wrong; but I dodged the bullet in this case. Better lucky than good!

Still, I want to be "prudently bold" in my response to the Japanese onslaught so that Q-Ball can't just assume I'll not risk my carriers in any situation.

I've got myself a bit of a problem in the South China Sea: I have far too many warships, CAs and CLs, kinda surrounded by Japanese carriers: the Kaga near Mersing, some smaller carriers in the northern part of the SCS, and perhaps one small carrier, or more, at Jolo. I'm hoping that some of these carriers, and lots of Japanese warships in the area, are running low of bombs and ammo. Unfortunately, I have to assume the bigger ships (BBs and CAs) still have their larger guns still fresh and shiny ready to sink my ships. My ships have most of their ammo but are running a bit low on fuel and so must soon exit the area.

Use the AVG in China sparingly - it uses lots of supply if you keep it in the air every day, and if you remain at the same base all the time he will sweep and bomb it to wipe out the AVG. You need to hop around, including going back to India to replenish/upgrade. Also try to operate from bases that have rail links further back. That is the ONLY way you can move damaged aircraft from a base he has closed by bombing.

Your CVs in the Marshalls were not completely vulnerable - those TBs likely had no fighter escort that could reach you and you do have some good fighter pilots on your CVs.

Don't count on the Japanese CVs running out of bombs quickly - they have greater capacity that the equivalent Allied CV. You may have to just sprint past them. If fuel is too low for a two-day sprint, get some expendable merchantmen with nearly full tanks along their path and refuel at sea, or use tankers at a small base (less likely to be reconned).


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 19
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/10/2014 5:20:48 PM   


Posts: 401
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From: Southern California
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Rook749: You're right: the THEORY of what to do with CVs early is straightforward, the actual practice is much harder. My main problem is my relative lack of skill in reading the tea leaves (of intelligence) so to have some idea of where the KB is hanging out.

BBFanboy: Very good suggestions about AVG. It looks like, given movements of Japanese carriers last turn, that I have an opening to have my SAG "trapped" in the South China Sea run away, but I'm playing with the idea of having them try to cause some trouble first.

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 20
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/10/2014 11:02:23 PM   

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From: Winnipeg, MB
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Rook749: You're right: the THEORY of what to do with CVs early is straightforward, the actual practice is much harder. My main problem is my relative lack of skill in reading the tea leaves (of intelligence) so to have some idea of where the KB is hanging out.

BBFanboy: Very good suggestions about AVG. It looks like, given movements of Japanese carriers last turn, that I have an opening to have my SAG "trapped" in the South China Sea run away, but I'm playing with the idea of having them try to cause some trouble first.

I like watching the Allies raise a ruckus, but make sure the potential gains are worth the ships you are risking. He is conquering bases in the Philippines, Borneo and Malaya where he will soon base Patrol Planes and Torpedo Bombers. It will become harder and harder to escape the
South China Sea.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 21
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/10/2014 11:30:31 PM   


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My compromise was to send a couple of DDs into harm's way in the South China Sea (hoping they will have a better chance of dodging bombs and torpedoes than CL and CA), and telling the larger ships to double speed away from hostile waters. The larger ships might still be exposed to air attack one more day.

Other than doing a bit of harm through carrier strikes in the Gilberts and southern Marshalls, I've accomplished little of note. And a landing at Mersing now calls into question whether all units bopping down Malaya will get to Singapore in time before the RR is cut off.

I now see that rather than putting my focus on stopping an early invasion at Mersing and trying to do damage to landings in the PI and northern Borneo, I should have moved aggressively to stop landings at Singkawang and Jolo where, I now understand, Japan's goal is to establish airbases with HQa (and torpedoes). Once this is done, Japan controls a large part of the area now in dispute.

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 22
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/11/2014 3:15:37 PM   


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December 13, 1941

The bad news: Japan’s expansion has been rapid and unstoppable. But you knew that.

The good news: two small DD TFs operating in the South China Sea caused some harm to transport TFs, sinking a couple of xAKs and damaging a number of others. Over 600 causalities were reported for Japan. Although these TFs survived 4 different attacks from the air without suffering a scratch, they have clearly used up their luck…and ammo…and the time has come to extract them from the area. I hope they survive.

Additionally, my carrier search planes came across an AMC east of the New Hebrides, clearly with bad intentions as regards my shipping, and the follow-up visit by Dauntless dive bombers did enough damage to the ship that it will be out of operation for some time and it might even sink.

My TF of CA and CL that was surrounded by Japanese carriers in the South China Sea was able to successfully extract itself from this bad situation. Although this TF has not shot a single shell in the week it has been at sea (!), accumulated damage, and some time moving at maximum speed, requires it get some down time in port.

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 23
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/11/2014 3:52:02 PM   

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For the 1st 6 months Force Z is worth more as a hidden deterrent than as an actual fighting force. Save it for a poorly escorted transport TF and avoid anything that might have a BB. DEI is good ambush country until Japanese bombers and recon catches up to their advances. By March 1st you must beware of Betties/Nells which by then should have range over most of DEI.

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 24
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/11/2014 8:03:59 PM   


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Pontiouspilot: why does it take so long for the Betties/Nells to show up in the DEI?

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Post #: 25
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/11/2014 8:35:47 PM   

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Pontiouspilot: why does it take so long for the Betties/Nells to show up in the DEI?

Just depends on the situation and your opponent. In my current 2 vs 2 game I had torpedo armed Betties flying from Kendari and hitting the USN fleet in the area by December 9th. If you're asking about the limiting factor, it's probably the air HQs. There are only a small handful of those available so they can't be in every place at once.


Rook749: You're right: the THEORY of what to do with CVs early is straightforward, the actual practice is much harder. My main problem is my relative lack of skill in reading the tea leaves (of intelligence) so to have some idea of where the KB is hanging out.

Indeed it is difficult and one can go through all the old AARs and see all the games that were ended based off of poorly executing this. I've always been of the opinion that CVs are just one of the many tools the Allies have and that an effective commander doesn't feel the need to use a tool just because he has it on hand. Especially with USN CVs; the risk reward ratio is generally not that great early on. Don't feel bad about leaving them in a (safe) port or in a vacant part of the ocean. If you ask me the USN was far too aggressive with their CVs early on and it was only b/c of Japanese incompetence in managing their CV fleet that they didn't pay for it; put a WitP AE veteran in a time machine and put him in charge of naval operations for the IJN and I honestly think he'd do better job. We do have more practice in fighting WWII than they did after all

(in reply to Panjack)
Post #: 26
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/11/2014 8:44:09 PM   

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Panjack - Win, lose or draw, your entries are funny, so you've got that going for you. Sometimes a hilarious recitation of disaster can make for a good AAR.

That said, far from a disaster, you are doing well, landing a few licks early is all the Allies can do. Begin thinking now what your counter-offensive plans will be, but resist the temptation to put them into action too soon. There's a lot of legwork on the Allied side to get up to a war footing, logistics is key but time is on your side.

PS - To my knowledge the Japanese can have Netties up over parts of the DEI within the first week of the war. Base + Air HQ with torps + Netty group is all you need.


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Post #: 27
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/11/2014 10:54:43 PM   

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Panjack - Win, lose or draw, your entries are funny, so you've got that going for you. Sometimes a hilarious recitation of disaster can make for a good AAR.

Even more so given the title of the AAR. Let's hope for your sake it's Japan who makes of a fool of himself rushing into a bad situation

(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 28
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/12/2014 1:11:25 AM   
Mike McCreery

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Panjack - Win, lose or draw, your entries are funny, so you've got that going for you. Sometimes a hilarious recitation of disaster can make for a good AAR.

Even more so given the title of the AAR. Let's hope for your sake it's Japan who makes of a fool of himself rushing into a bad situation

You have not yet began to despair or panic. The first ray of sunlight happens in April of 42 when the Japanese lose their amphibious assault bonus. I think in mid 42 you get some better planes. Somewhere along the way your subs start working properly. The first game is particularly difficult IMO.

Reserve your strength and pick your fights carefully and plan on turning it around in early 43.


(in reply to Sangeli)
Post #: 29
RE: Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread: Panjack (... - 9/12/2014 2:46:38 AM   


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...Indeed it is difficult and one can go through all the old AARs and see all the games that were ended based off of poorly executing this. I've always been of the opinion that CVs are just one of the many tools the Allies have and that an effective commander doesn't feel the need to use a tool just because he has it on hand. Especially with USN CVs; the risk reward ratio is generally not that great early on. Don't feel bad about leaving them in a (safe) port or in a vacant part of the ocean....

An example of this is my modest plan to transit through the Gilberts looking for opportunistic targets...what could be safer I thought...but I took a too-northern route and got with 10 hexes or so of, what my opponent tells me, was an HQa with torpedo bombers at the ready. Only bad weather apparently kept them from flying.

I thought I was taking a reasonable calculated risk, but it turns out my calculations were based upon poor knowledge about the risks involved.

But, still, I plan to make some aggressive moves with my carriers...once I learn more about the relevant risks...if only to create some excitement. Or, at least, to make Q-Ball think I will take occasionally aggressive moves so he has to take this possibility into his planning.

On the other hand, based upon your perspective I will dial it back just a notch.

(in reply to Sangeli)
Post #: 30
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