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RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game.

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RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/24/2014 10:40:03 PM   

Posts: 850
Joined: 7/5/2009
Status: offline
It's the most engrossing and best game I've ever played (at least since SPI's War in the East counter-based game that my teenage self played against my father in the 1970's). But it is one helluva commitment and can be distressing when the die rolls go against you. After Midway, a Signals Intelligence operator overheard the Kaigun declaring "we're done with this ridiculous vampire squid of a USN carrier force...."


The most advanced nations are always those who navigate the most -
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 -1882)

(in reply to zuluhour)
Post #: 151
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/24/2014 10:50:33 PM   


Posts: 10398
Joined: 6/28/2006
From: Near Portland, OR
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ORIGINAL: wdolson

I suspect he left the forum. He hasn't logged on since his "I quit" message.

I never like to see anyone leave in a huff, but this game is not for everyone. He may have been getting frustrated with the pace before he quit and losing the CV battle was just the last straw.

I tried introducing a friend who was very into WW II to the original WitP and he just got overwhelmed and quit after about an hour. I couldn't get him to even consider a second look. His favorite game is flying an air combat simulator. He plays little else.



ORIGINAL: m10bob
That's a shame Bill.....with all the game has to offer..Maybe your friend is just into tactical games rather than Strategic??
Too...we all know how intricately detailed this game is..I have NEVER played a game of WITP without feeling I failed to give orders to at least one unit on every single turn.........

He is more tactically minded than strategic.

I'm the same way you are. Turns without much going on are opportunities to deal with those back burner management issues you have been putting off.



WitP AE - Test team lead, programmer

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 152
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/25/2014 4:50:10 AM   
Mac Linehan


Posts: 1484
Joined: 12/19/2004
From: Denver Colorado
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ORIGINAL: Cannonfodder

I think this game teaches you to let go at times.. Sure, there is always something left to do but some things, much like real life, can wait... and life will go on

CF - very well put. That is exactly what I am trying to learn to do. I love the micromanagement, but pay the price in the time it takes me to do a turn (campaign game). There is progress, I am down to two to three hours if I don't mess around (read or look up various concepts or subjects on the forum).

AE is a phenomenal game. I do (and have been) taking a break by playing something else; but AE always pulls me back.

This past week, while waiting for the weekend (when Life Begins), I have spent time considering how to slow down the Japanese advance in the DEI (mid Jan 42, Scn 50). Will do a turn tomorrow morning after walking the dogs.

This is a great thread - very informative and entertaining.



LAV-25 2147

(in reply to KenchiSulla)
Post #: 153
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/25/2014 9:43:12 AM   


Posts: 1238
Joined: 12/15/2012
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< Message edited by chemkid -- 4/25/2018 8:19:46 AM >

(in reply to zuluhour)
Post #: 154
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/25/2014 11:54:07 AM   

Posts: 2082
Joined: 11/5/2009
From: Clifton Park, NY
Status: offline
Well WitP:AE is a good strategy game and yes it does require a lot of micromanagements though. If you were in real war situations back then, you will be sitting down trying to figure things out as a leader.

I love it, just want to finish my maps first before I attempt to go back in there.

< Message edited by RisingSun -- 10/25/2014 12:55:06 PM >


(in reply to chemkid)
Post #: 155
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/25/2014 1:33:00 PM   

Posts: 947
Joined: 7/14/2014
From: North Carolina
Status: offline

Friends, forumites, countrymen, lend me your ears;
chazz came to abandon WIPAE, not to praise it;
The evil that some video games do lives after them,
The good is oft interred with their bones,
So let it be with WIPAE… The noble chazz
Hath told you WIPAE was a time vampire:
If it were so, is it a grievous fault?
Yet chazz says it is a time vampire;
And, sure, he is an honorable man.
I speak not to disprove what chazz spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all do love WIPAE, not without cause:
What cause can withhold you then to speak for it?
To go off topic?
O judgement! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason…. Bear with me;
My heart is with WIPAE,
And I must pause till it come back to me.

To play, or not to play: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous carrier fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of task force troubles,
And by opposing - end them?
To sink and then to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand dive bomber shocks that flesh is heir to,
’tis a consummation devoutly to be wish’d?


(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 156
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/25/2014 4:57:28 PM   

Posts: 1928
Joined: 11/24/2012
From: De Eye-lands, Mon
Status: offline



Marcus Junius Brutus and the Ghost:
B - How ill this taper burns!—Ha, who comes here? I think it is the weakness of mine eyes that shapes this monstrous apparition. It comes upon me.—Art thou any thing? Art thou some god, some angel, or some devil t hat makest my blood cold and my hair to stare?
Speak to me what thou art.
G - Thy evil spirit, Brutus.
B - Why comest thou?
G - To tell thee thou shalt see me at Philippi.
B - Well, then I shall see thee again?
G - Ay, at Philippi.
B - Why, I will see thee at Philippi, then.

Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus:
B - Even by the rule of that philosophy; By which I did blame Cato for the death which he did give himself (I know not how, but I do find it cowardly and vile, for fear of what might fall, so to prevent the time of life), arming myself with patience; to stay the providence of some high powers, that govern us below.
C - Then if we lose this battle, you are contented to be led in triumph thorough the streets of Rome?
B- No, Cassius, no. do not imagine that I’ll ever allow myself to return to Rome in chains. My mind is too great for that. But today, the work that March 15th began must end, and I don’t know if we’ll meet again. Therefore, accept my everlasting farewell. Forever and forever, farewell, Cassius! If we meet again, then we’ll smile. If not, then this parting was well done.
C - Forever and forever farewell, Brutus. If we do meet again, we’ll smile indeed. If not, ’tis true this parting was well made.



Nous n'avons pas peur! Vive la liberté! Moi aussi je suis Charlie!
Yippy Ki Yay.

(in reply to Trugrit)
Post #: 157
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/25/2014 5:12:17 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is call’d the feast of gamer's munchies.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
And rouse him at the name of GAMING.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say “To-morrow is gaming day.”
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say “These wounds I had on gaming day.”
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words-
JWilkerson,WDolson,Terminus,Andrew Brown,TheElf,Eric Rutins,etc.
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And gaming day shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in Gameland now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon this gaming day.

(With apologies to Mr Shakespeare and the fantastic St Crispians' Day speech from Henry Vth)..

< Message edited by m10bob -- 10/27/2014 2:34:25 PM >


(in reply to Trugrit)
Post #: 158
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/25/2014 5:18:02 PM   

Posts: 14507
Joined: 3/10/2007
From: Mordor Illlinois
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(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 159
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/25/2014 11:19:56 PM   

Posts: 2244
Joined: 3/12/2006
From: The Eastern Sierras
Status: offline
kill them all and let god sort out the righteous.
War is hell and it's been a hell of a week.
The sneaky Bass Turds - they came from behind me and out of the sun.
Grenades are much more fun than horseshoes.
The automatic was invented for people with poor eye-finger coordination.
It's a jungle out there.
Said Arty, "We've got the guns, the guns that go boom! No bang-bang, no rat-at-at, we make the big boom!"
Shoot, move, and communicate - it's how we stay alive out here.
We will, we will - rock you.
My, what big eyes you have! I'm wearing field glasses - stupid.




(in reply to AW1Steve)
Post #: 160
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/26/2014 12:28:01 AM   

Posts: 926
Joined: 4/12/2005
From: 519 Redwood City - BASE (Hex 218, 70)
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: wdolson

I suspect he left the forum. He hasn't logged on since his "I quit" message.

I never like to see anyone leave in a huff, but this game is not for everyone. He may have been getting frustrated with the pace before he quit and losing the CV battle was just the last straw.

I tried introducing a friend who was very into WW II to the original WitP and he just got overwhelmed and quit after about an hour. I couldn't get him to even consider a second look. His favorite game is flying an air combat simulator. He plays little else.


Maybe he was just scared of time vampires. The look scary.

...and their breath is bad.

...and they don't know what non sequitor means.

Seriously, though, it is too bad. WitP is definitely not for everyone. Kinda like advanced math classes. Room full with 30+ people at the beginning of the semester, only for five or six people to stick it out to the end. The others complain that it took too much work to figure out, I guess because they figure those who are comfortable with math never had to work their backsides off to learn it, right?


(in reply to wdolson)
Post #: 161
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/26/2014 1:40:01 AM   

Posts: 9297
Joined: 3/3/2012
From: Iowan in MD/DC
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Treetop64


ORIGINAL: wdolson

I suspect he left the forum. He hasn't logged on since his "I quit" message.

I never like to see anyone leave in a huff, but this game is not for everyone. He may have been getting frustrated with the pace before he quit and losing the CV battle was just the last straw.

I tried introducing a friend who was very into WW II to the original WitP and he just got overwhelmed and quit after about an hour. I couldn't get him to even consider a second look. His favorite game is flying an air combat simulator. He plays little else.


Maybe he was just scared of time vampires. The look scary.

...and their breath is bad.

...and they don't know what non sequitor means.

Seriously, though, it is too bad. WitP is definitely not for everyone. Kinda like advanced math classes. Room full with 30+ people at the beginning of the semester, only for five or six people to stick it out to the end. The others complain that it took too much work to figure out, I guess because they figure those who are comfortable with math never had to work their backsides off to learn it, right?

I didn't .

(in reply to Treetop64)
Post #: 162
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/26/2014 11:18:25 AM   

Posts: 947
Joined: 7/14/2014
From: North Carolina
Status: offline

You win.
Not only are you scary smart but you are very literate as well.

In the future, I’ll have to remember that you are just too smart
For me to match wits against.

Here is another departure scene not as famous as Shakespeare:

Leaving WITPAE behind:


(in reply to Symon)
Post #: 163
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/27/2014 5:59:46 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Jorge_Stanbury

Looking for Sympathy?
You’ve Come to the Wrong Place.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to Jorge_Stanbury)
Post #: 164
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/27/2014 3:38:12 PM   


Posts: 288
Joined: 3/13/2010
From: Bremen, Germany
Status: offline
Or to quote the great "World of war" series: "If you look for sympathy, look in a dictionary between **** and syphilis"

< Message edited by Banzan -- 10/27/2014 4:38:52 PM >

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 165
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/27/2014 10:52:26 PM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: General Patton


ORIGINAL: geofflambert

There was a historical battle (forget which one) where the Enterprise was operating with another CV (in the same hex in game terms) but was hidden by a squall when the attack came and the other CV took all of it.

Midway, I think....GP

No, it was during the Solomns campaigns. Santa Cruz I think. There was a thread not too long ago where this was discussed. I can't recall the name of it or anything, my memory is lame these days.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to btd64)
Post #: 166
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 12:29:55 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline


You guys kill me!

Someone posts about hating the game because he lost a CV group, and within a day, y'all are discussing the archeology of computers.

It reminds me of a line I once read:

"I hate Wikipedia! Yesterday I used it to look up the history of Tammany Hall, and a half hour later I'm sitting in front of my computer thinking, "Why the hell am I reading up on the origins of Swedish Death Metal music…'"

He obviously left, so we might as well take it wherever.

Edit: For brain to keyboard disconnect.

< Message edited by rustysi -- 10/28/2014 1:33:11 AM >


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to AFIntel)
Post #: 167
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 12:31:49 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: CrackSabbath

Back in the day my pappy told me you can find sympathy in the dictionary between s**t and syphilis.

I was gonna bring this up, but I already made a post that someone else had made. I figured I'd just keep reading, and here it is.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to CrackSabbath)
Post #: 168
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 12:39:23 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline



Friends, forumites, countrymen, lend me your ears;
chazz came to abandon WIPAE, not to praise it;
The evil that some video games do lives after them,
The good is oft interred with their bones,
So let it be with WIPAE… The noble chazz
Hath told you WIPAE was a time vampire:
If it were so, is it a grievous fault?
Yet chazz says it is a time vampire;
And, sure, he is an honorable man.
I speak not to disprove what chazz spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all do love WIPAE, not without cause:
What cause can withhold you then to speak for it?
To go off topic?
O judgement! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason…. Bear with me;
My heart is with WIPAE,
And I must pause till it come back to me.

To play, or not to play: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous carrier fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of task force troubles,
And by opposing - end them?
To sink and then to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand dive bomber shocks that flesh is heir to,
’tis a consummation devoutly to be wish’d?


Classic... pun intended.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to Trugrit)
Post #: 169
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 12:53:29 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline
And the rest of you guys too, with your quotes and parodies.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 170
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 12:56:09 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline
Seriously though, the game is a time vampire... so!!! I have my own love/hate relationship with it. I doubt though, that unlike my ex-wife, I'll ever divorce it.

< Message edited by rustysi -- 10/28/2014 11:15:57 PM >


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 171
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 1:02:48 AM   


Posts: 3916
Joined: 2/26/2007
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I'm just getting starting with it. Bout time too, being I bought it when it came out.....


If the Earth was flat, cats would of knocked everything off of it long ago.

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 172
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 1:18:06 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline
Welcome aboard. Be patient, IT WILL TAKE TIME!!! If you're into it though its great fun (and at times pure frustration). I've been at it hard for about a year and a half (I'm a slow learner these days) now and I'm just about there. I started at the deep end of the pool though. Japan, GC. Learning the economy is an effort as it can be broken. That's not saying the game is broken, it just there's so many things that can go wrong if you don't know what you're doing. Trust me I broke it, but hey I learned. My current game (#4 I think), the economy is fine. The last thing I'm working on is the A/C R&D, and doing this wrong will break the economy.

Read the forum, ask questions, check the tutorials, you'll get there. Enjoy.

PS: Download the patches.

< Message edited by rustysi -- 10/28/2014 2:19:24 AM >


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to Aurelian)
Post #: 173
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 2:38:27 AM   


Posts: 3916
Joined: 2/26/2007
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Already updated:)

Yeah, I'm going to start in the deep end of the pool. I played 1 GC as the Japanese PBEM in WiTP. But somewhere along the line it just died. But I can never forget the epic save of the Akagi by sending a repair ship to meet it at some podunk harbor before it sank.

Converting those various ships looks daunting. But I'll get there. Play a few turns, screw up, start over..... Good thing I'm retired :)

< Message edited by Aurelian -- 10/28/2014 3:40:28 AM >


If the Earth was flat, cats would of knocked everything off of it long ago.

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 174
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 3:19:08 AM   

Posts: 7472
Joined: 2/21/2012
From: LI, NY
Status: offline
Yeah, wish I was retired. Can go now, but need at least a few more years to build up the bank. Anyway just remember AE is not WITP. Its a whole other animal. I played WITP too, not the same.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

Cave ab homine unius libri. Ltn Prvb

(in reply to Aurelian)
Post #: 175
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 1:39:18 PM   

Posts: 4320
Joined: 2/29/2012
From: Toronto and Lima
Status: offline
ACT V SCENE IV Another part of the field.
[ Alarum: excursions. Enter GORN and forces fighting; to him WITP-AE forum moderator ]

FORUM MODERATOR: Rescue, my Lord of Gorn, rescue, rescue!
The king, Chazz III, enacts more wonders than a man,
Daring an opposite to every danger:
His carriers are slain, and all on surface he fights,
Seeking for the AI script in the throat of death.
Rescue, fair lord, or else the day is lost!

Alarum. Enter KING CHAZZ III
KING CHAZZ III: A carrier! a carrier! my kingdom for a carrier!
FORUM MODERATOR: Withdraw, my lord; I'll help you to a carrier.
KING CHAZZ III: Slave, I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die
I think there be six AI scripts in the field;
Five have I slain to-day, instead of him.
A carrier! a carrier! my kingdom for a carrier!

< Message edited by Jorge_Stanbury -- 10/28/2014 3:26:03 PM >

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 176
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 8:44:06 PM   

Posts: 14863
Joined: 12/23/2010
From: St. Louis
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Lord Gorn: Brrraaaaaaaap (a farting sound)

< Message edited by geofflambert -- 10/28/2014 11:48:40 PM >

(in reply to Jorge_Stanbury)
Post #: 177
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/28/2014 9:58:07 PM   

Posts: 9590
Joined: 12/6/2002
From: Maryland
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"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is faint of heart to enter the kingdom of Japan." Matthew 19:24


I am the Holy Roman Emperor and am above grammar.

Sigismund of Luxemburg

(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 178
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/29/2014 6:53:08 AM   

Posts: 4776
Joined: 1/26/2003
From: Vienna, Austria
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ORIGINAL: geofflambert

Lord Gorn: Brrraaaaaaaap (a farting sound)


(in reply to geofflambert)
Post #: 179
RE: I'm done with this ridiculous time vampire of a game. - 10/29/2014 7:25:41 AM   

Posts: 6391
Joined: 1/26/2005
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: rustysi


ORIGINAL: General Patton


ORIGINAL: geofflambert

There was a historical battle (forget which one) where the Enterprise was operating with another CV (in the same hex in game terms) but was hidden by a squall when the attack came and the other CV took all of it.

Midway, I think....GP

No, it was during the Solomns campaigns. Santa Cruz I think. There was a thread not too long ago where this was discussed. I can't recall the name of it or anything, my memory is lame these days.

Coral Sea


Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum

(in reply to rustysi)
Post #: 180
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