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RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod

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RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/14/2014 1:41:47 PM   

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Bloodly - I think I have an idea of what you mean about the affects of modding trade and tourism, but I don't want to miss anything so would you mind elaborating on the internal and external bit? Also, and this is very, very unfortunate; there is nothing I can do to prevent racial techs from being traded or stolen. I would at the least encourage everyone to play with tech trading off, as it's arguably easy to game in any situation. At least with stealing tech you are somewhat earning it, especially given that most really good spy races are foregoing putting points in stuff like reduced fleet maintenance. There is also the issue of not really being able to properly upgrade your stolen components which is a big part of how I set up tech.

Cap - Don't worry man, the manufactured resources (including the two I am adding) are all luxury resources. They will have no negative affects on anything. In fact, they will increase the likelihood of your empires colonies reaching their luxury bonus sooner.

I would really like to make the Tyranids more like they are in the lore but I can't think of any other way to use the tools I have to do that. I really wish I could get my hands on the source code for this game. There is so much more I could achieve.

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Post #: 451
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/14/2014 5:03:29 PM   


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In Endless Space the Craver race has a unique mechanic: every world they colonize gets so called locoust points. These locoust points give a large boost to the economy for a certain number of turns. However after some time, the boni turn into mali, which means the craver constanly have to expand and conquer or their basicaly starved out. The locoust points also don't go away and affect non-cravers who hold the planet, making them useless for everybody. Such a mechanic would be great for the Tyranids, but there's propably no way to do such a thing in DW.

By the way, is it possible to mod the robotic troops? Like changing their stats or make them use different images for each race? If yes, maybe they can be turned into titans?

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Post #: 452
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/14/2014 10:38:51 PM   


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It isn't 'scorched earth'. That employs destruction such that no one can use it.

They eat the planet and move on. The materials taken make more Tyranids. They can eat/exploit pretty much anything, and do it dammably fast. Think Borg with added planet destruct. Theoretically the planets should be turning Barren or even into Asteroid Belts. But that would be BS for multiple reasons.

I'm pretty sure eating everything on a planet means it's pretty much useless, the same outcome to bombing a planet with virus bombs.

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Post #: 453
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/14/2014 10:40:27 PM   


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Is there any way to increase chances of an AI race to bombard planets instead of invading them?

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Post #: 454
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/15/2014 1:15:33 AM   

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Japhet - There is no way to replicate anything like the locust point system in this game. Likewise, I cannot affect robotic troops in any way.

Cap - There is a way. It would be under the race policy where we can make a race more or less likely to invade or bombard, among many other things.

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Post #: 455
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/15/2014 10:52:10 AM   


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This mod pushes DW:U into new territory. And that, I think, is why the AI struggles at times. To balance things, I now restrict myself to playing "in-character". IE: no more Mr. Nice Eldar/Necron, what have you; selecting thematically-appropriate governments, no tech-trading, no stealing the legacy techs. And I expect the "winner" races like Imperium and Eldar, to naturally overpower those who historically lost out.

There's a ton of hard work and beautiful art here. It's amazing and fantastic and I am so excited by this mod!
But I just don't think the game can be bent enough to make necrons and tyranids playable with any fidelity.

Those are my 2c regarding mods. At this point the onus is on the player.

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Post #: 456
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/15/2014 5:49:22 PM   

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Couldn't agree more, Cyrtis. Though personally, I have actually lost to minor empires on numerous occasions, mostly because I usually play in character as well, and so basically just attack everyone with no regard to diplomacy.

Here's to hoping that the next distant worlds title opens up a whole new world of modding capabilities that enables races like the Tyranids and Necrons to be played as they should be.

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Post #: 457
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/18/2014 1:09:03 PM   


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New troops. Now with Dark Eldar, Kroot, Vespid, Thyrrus and Rak'Gol. At some point, I've to rescale some of the pics, so that the sizes are a little more consistent among the troops. Especially the vehicles and the space marines need to be resized.

Chaos and Eldar are not easy to do. I've some good line art for Eldar wraithlords and some gurdians, but I'm still looking for a good falcon or fire prism image. Aspect warriors are tricky too. And don't get me started about chaos. Demons are no problem and Renegade soldiers could be recoloured imperials,but Chaos Space Marines are bastards.

If everything fails, I'will reinstall dawn of war and use its army painter.

For the minor races, I think I'll redo the Interex soon. I think I found a usable centaur robot thing for them. The Quitedue already have their troops and the majority of the other races can use vanilla images.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Japhet -- 10/18/2014 2:10:16 PM >

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Post #: 458
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/18/2014 10:43:02 PM   


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Seems to me the longer a game lasts the more buggy the assistant AI gets. This is starting to annoy me.

Anyway, I think I found a minor mod bug: Warpjump Inhibiting (tier 3) is unlocked before Gravity Field Manipulation (tier 1) in HighTech research with starting tech 1.
Edit: Another bug: Colony research upgrades appear to not affect the actual modules. Playing as imperial, research is up to 120m pop per module, yet when I colonize a new planet (with an upgraded ship) the starting pop is 100m.

Also, what's the keystroke to access component details in the research screen? I accidentally got it to pop up once but couldn't recreate it, and I would like to see some of the material reqs.

And finally, could I maybe ask for a 4th trait for the emperor? Any trait at all? That slot always ends up with Labor Oriented in my games, and that just seems like the wrong trait for him...

< Message edited by Capshades -- 10/19/2014 1:48:39 AM >

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Post #: 459
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/19/2014 8:14:46 AM   


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Assuming I wanted to throw in those manufactured resources into baseline Distant Worlds(Or any other mod). Can I just copy/paste and change the first number, or is more work required?

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Post #: 460
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/19/2014 7:09:15 PM   

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Thanks for the great work Japhet. If you are on steam you should freind me, perhaps we can play some multiplayer Dawn of War at some point. I picked up all 4 titles recently as it was on sale and I missed it.

Cap - I will take a look at that first bug. With the second, if the colony ship was built before the upgrade was researched then you will have to retrofit it. Barring that it's probably some other bug which cannot be affected on my end. Also, theres this: . Agreed about the Emporer, I will change it to something more fitting.

Bloodly - Copy/paste, change the numbers, and add an image for those resources in the resource image folder. If you make your own image make sure the background is the same color as all the other ones, it's not quite black so you may have to use the color copy thing to get it right. Also, here's this from the upcoming release:

23, Consumer Goods, 23, 3.0, 2, 0, N, N, 0, 2200, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.4, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 0, 2, 0.25, 0.4, 1.0, 0, 3, 0.25, 0.3, 0.6, 0, 4, 0.25, 0.2, 0.5, 0, 5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.5,

24, Industrial Goods, 24, 2.0, 2, 0, N, N, 0, 2200, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.4, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 0, 2, 0.25, 0.4, 1.0, 0, 3, 0.25, 0.3, 0.6, 0, 4, 0.25, 0.2, 0.5, 0, 5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.5,

25, Medical Goods, 25, 5.0, 2, 0, N, N, 0, 2200, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.4, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 0, 2, 0.25, 0.4, 1.0, 0, 3, 0.25, 0.3, 0.6, 0, 4, 0.25, 0.2, 0.5, 0, 5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.5,

26, Military Goods, 26, 4.0, 2, 0, N, N, 0, 2200, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.4, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 0, 2, 0.25, 0.4, 1.0, 0, 3, 0.25, 0.3, 0.6, 0, 4, 0.25, 0.2, 0.5, 0, 5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.5,

Admittedly, I was inspired by the Supreme Ruler series of games when making those. If you like really in-depth global strategy type games I suggest checking them out.

(in reply to Bloodly)
Post #: 461
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/20/2014 4:02:46 AM   


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The colony ships were built well after the research was completed. I'll restart the game and try testing it again.

However I pulled up that materials list, it's not listed on that wiki, the game manual, or is easily found on google. I should have taken a screenshot of it...

And I loved the old supreme ruler series, though I disliked how unstable the economy was for SR:Cold War. The modern age mod was the best though.

Here's the bug:

< Message edited by Capshades -- 10/20/2014 11:54:18 PM >

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Post #: 462
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/20/2014 10:43:09 PM   


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Thanks for the great work Japhet. If you are on steam you should freind me, perhaps we can play some multiplayer Dawn of War at some point. I picked up all 4 titles recently as it was on sale and I missed it.

Sure, I'd like to. Make sure to take look at the Ultimate Apocalypse mod and/or the Titanium Wars mod, they enhance the vanilla game greatly.

I just finished the Eldar. Take your pick, whatever craftworld you like the most. I think Iyanden turned out best. Now, all what's left is chaos...

Attachment (1)

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Post #: 463
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/21/2014 2:04:28 PM   


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Played around with the Dammed. They have potential, but it highlights something of an issue with the base game. Despite having Spy Camps everywhere, despite them having +50% better odds of getting new spies...they hardly ever got new spies. Which leads to inevitable question: "Sure 50%....50% of what, though?"

< Message edited by Bloodly -- 10/21/2014 3:34:26 PM >

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Post #: 464
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/22/2014 12:17:44 AM   


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I confirmed the colony ship issue. They're also only taking 100m population when being constructed.

< Message edited by Capshades -- 10/22/2014 1:17:51 AM >

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Post #: 465
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/22/2014 12:51:39 AM   


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And finally, could I maybe ask for a 4th trait for the emperor? Any trait at all? That slot always ends up with Labor Oriented in my games, and that just seems like the wrong trait for him...

Is it actually possible to give a character a 4th trait by modding the text file? Everytime I try this, I get a huge error message.

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Post #: 466
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/22/2014 6:29:34 AM   


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Auretians. Very good research hampered by a double-whammy. Not only do they have -50% colony income(So they basically go bankrupt immediately and can never crawl out), but Technocratic, for some reason, penalises happiness empire-wide by -65%, in addition to the listed -10%. The modifier is 'Our poor choice of government is damaging our empire, slowing poulation growth, development, and research'. What's more funny/sad is I found 'Chaotic' but can't switch.

The sad thing is this game's gone really well. I was able to steal Warrior's Legacy and Stellar Economics, which really, really helped with income. Also got Exotic Engines(Ah, compressed fuel cells).

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Post #: 467
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/22/2014 10:08:56 PM   

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Cap - The tech progression bug will be fixed for the upcoming update. I'm not sure what to do about the colony thing other than scale all the upgrades and initial colony module sizes down, as it sounds like I have hit yet another undocumented limit. Will you be getting supreme ruler: ultimate? I played the hell out of SR 2010 and 2020 but I didn't like the sphere system Cold War used it it sounded like it had a lot of bugs.

Bloodly - I know exactly what you mean about the 50% of what thing...stuff like that has been hampering me for a while now, especially when it comes to what triggers the Shakturi. I will be halving or even thirding all economic bonuses and penalties, the science races are getting hit too hard and the economic races are getting way too much of a bonus on top of their unique commerce modules. I may take a different approach with government restrictions as well. It would be nice if the population of a race didn't make the decision that they should be using a government that they don't even have access too, as that is what's causing the 65% thing.

Japhet - It may not be possible to do that, I will have to take another look.

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Post #: 468
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/22/2014 11:14:07 PM   


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Oh wow, I had no clue ultimate was out already. Yes, I probably will be getting it haha. I actually liked Cold War more than 2020 because the the military AI actually worked and didn't just stop functioning if you were in a quick succession of wars, but CW's economic engine was really bad. Factory productivity was low and took way too much population...I would often end up with negative unemployment resulting in an economic freeze.

< Message edited by Capshades -- 10/23/2014 1:00:16 AM >

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Post #: 469
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/23/2014 9:07:21 AM   


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Welp, this is weird. This happened:

About 30 wars started at once. I thought it was a bit odd so I screenshot it, then my game CTD'ed two minutes later. I have no clue what happened, it was running perfectly fine before this.

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Post #: 470
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/23/2014 9:57:08 PM   

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I don't even understand how that could happen. It seems like some sort of bug for them all to suddenly declare war. The CTD was likely from all the subsequent ship/fleet movements.

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Post #: 471
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/23/2014 10:37:05 PM   


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Well, it wasn't all of them, they only declared war on half the other empires. A couple (including me) were still at peace, and there was enough time between this and the CTD to make me believe the crash wasn't resource driven. My computer is very robust, so unless the game engine itself couldn't handle it I don't think that's it.

Odd thought: does the AI build strong coalitions between empires? Like one massive coalition declaring war on the other? This wasn't a free for all, and I don't know what else could explain it...

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Post #: 472
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/27/2014 10:14:09 PM   


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Updated a few UI & ship sets and added UIs for Gretchins, Thyrrus and Q'Orl. Also, new troops for Interex, Kinebrach, Hrud, Slaught, Zoats, Space Marines, Rak'Gol and all kinds of chaos fractions. The troops come now in two variants: one with type icons like vanilla DW (only with 40K symbols) and one without any icons.

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Post #: 473
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/31/2014 6:40:59 PM   

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Cap - The AI, especially the economic races, do have a propensity for developing alliances. Sounds like they manage to create a situation akin to pre-WW 1 Europe.

All - I apologize for the lack of updates recently. I hurt my back badly about a month ago and then hurt it even worse last weekend and I have pretty much been going home and laying around with a heat pack on it. I don't think it's a slipped or ruptured disc or something but it's very uncomfortable to sit in computer chairs, especially because I'm already sitting in one all day while at work. I'm going to try to make the final release for 30k either this weekend or next. After that I will be doing the 41k version, which will mostly be the same thing with some different races and of course, the Tau.

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Post #: 474
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 10/31/2014 7:58:37 PM   


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Hope you feel better soon!

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Post #: 475
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 11/1/2014 5:42:33 PM   


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I'm sorry to hear that! I hpoe you get well soon!

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Post #: 476
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 11/1/2014 10:50:03 PM   


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I've been a total lurker in this thread, but I want to send you some get well wishes:)

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Post #: 477
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 11/2/2014 4:46:58 AM   


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World War one situation happened again in another game, but this time I didn't CTD until an hour later.

Seems even more declared war this time, but again it wasn't random, and they weren't at war with everyone.

< Message edited by Capshades -- 11/2/2014 5:47:22 AM >

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Post #: 478
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 11/17/2014 6:25:20 AM   


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Been 3 weeks...hope you're ok

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Post #: 479
RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod - 11/19/2014 3:09:40 AM   

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I am feeling a little better, though I have had some ups and downs. I have not really been up to putting in the time I should as far as releasing this update goes. I could release what I have, but it wouldn't quite work due to some tech tree changes. I'm really not sure when everything will be ready at this point. I will try to get enough done to release something that addresses the immediate issues, but I will likely leave out a fair portion of AI work that was intended to be a part of the release.

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Post #: 480
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