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RE: COG Mods

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RE: COG Mods - 2/2/2006 11:25:17 PM   

Posts: 11927
Joined: 3/23/2005
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It's just a text file. It's not a trivial task to find Tyrolia though. I can't think of an easy way to do it, offhand.

(in reply to BohemondAJE)
Post #: 61
RE: COG Mods - 2/3/2006 5:17:15 PM   


Posts: 366
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greetings everyone,

Eric, i have a mod just finished, however i don't have playtest it at this time yet, i was planning to make it public, here, however i have changed the files directly from /CoG/Data folder for the Standard Campaign (1805) at this time i have no problem, given the fact that i have two folders, one with the 1.2.18 files and another with my mod files (12 files at all), when i go to play can exchange these two versions and i think the game works and allow this without give problems, i only want to achieve permission from you, if it is possible to make a zip file with the two folders, one with my mod and another with the files from 1.2.18 as a sentry backup for the people that can like to give a try to my mod, here is the list of the modified files...
"CmdName#"... 1,2,5,6,7,8)
(given some commanders in these files are moved to "commndr.txt")

thanks in advance,

and with best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 62
RE: COG Mods - 2/3/2006 5:28:59 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
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From: Vermont, USA
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That should be fine. FYI, we can post mods in the Members' Club as well, if you need a place to host it online.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 63
RE: COG Mods - 2/3/2006 5:37:51 PM   


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Murat, what does your mod change?

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 64
RE: COG Mods - 2/3/2006 7:40:17 PM   

Posts: 11927
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without give problems, i only want to achieve permission from you, if it is possible to make a zip file with the two folders, one with my mod and another with the files from 1.2.18 as a sentry backup for the people that can like to give a try to my mod, here is the list of the modified files...

Please feel free to make such a zip file.

What sorts of things did you change in this mod?

(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 65
RE: COG Mods - 2/3/2006 10:18:37 PM   


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Greetings, first, thanks for the fast reply and allow to share my mod, i have changed very much things on the files, maybe this can be a start to give explanation to my mod, i think it will not like to all people, it is difficult but maybe someone can find fun to play it

the basis premise is a "what if" situation at where all nations have prepared for war for many years before 1805, also in the initial deployment france has been given more power
because in strategic napoleonic wargames (in example, Boardgame "empires in arms"), well, in these games the more strong faction will face most of the players when they have some experience against it, i have reinforced all nations to a very good proficiency force, in the main armies, no unit start not attached to a corps, i think this give a bonus to iniciative, almost sure about that, on the other hand, have allowed more high limit to units in a corps to the other nations, as the main operational strength is the given capacity to move the most troops together in a army, added generals in the start deployment to all nations, some nations receive more generals at reach turn 16th (1.3 years from start)

well, there goes the numbers
(not taken in count privateer, garrison and merchant units,
but numers include container units)
124 generals are available
France start with 218 units (27 guards units)
Britain start with 102 units (04 guards units) (added a mediterranean fleet)
Sweden start with 49 units (03 guards units)
Prussia start with 67 units (04 guards units)
Austria start with 126 units (10 guards units)
Russia start with 160 units (10 guards units)
turkey start with 115 units (not have guards, some janissaries and some regular cav)
spain start with 76 units (do not have guards)
total is 913 field units, plus 124 generals, 1037 units.
almost all the map start conquered and divided between the major powers.
(except for corsica and sardinia)
no major power start at war with any other major power.
i have stablish a short of "national economic proficiency", this make some nations more efficient than others)...
france, britain and sweden are 1ª class proficiency
russia, austria and prussia are 2ª class proficiency
spain and turkey are 3ª class proficiency
only two factors are modified from this premise...
Money income by province and food income by province
(very much of the provinces are modified in these two fields on "euprov2.txt" file,
taken in count it initial nation and this nation given "economic proficiency")
1ª class - Money Income.- 30, Food Income.- 16
2ª class - Money Income.- 25, Food Income.- 14
3ª class - Money Income.- 20, Food Income.- 12
explanation.- this allow for huge armies on field and to maintain them, also gives another way to "shape" major powers on the period and his overall proficiency. the impact of the player is much higher given the power to field more troops.
Base Morale has been upgraded, at base for two reasons, it allow troops to stay for more time in battle before retreat, so battles are more decivise overall whatever be the result.
the other reason are that i have changed the "defense multiplier" and troops with low morale can rout at very easy pace. for minors i use the old morale, not 1.2.18, so, in example you will find Bavaria at 5.0 morale, not 4.0 as it is in 1.2.18, this is almost needed given the base morale i have stablished for major nations, here goes it...

"master.txt" have been changed, i do have make use of "defense multiplier" variable to make a difference between troop quality, (in example, about infantry... guards have a defense multiplier of "1", infantry have "0.6" and militia have "0.4" it is hard enough, in my honest opinion as wargamer for 15 years to make a operational level game that works at tactical level, not have seen this very often, most of the time you can see a operational game at division level or a tactical game at regiment level and i think is an amazing success the system given in this game by the developers, cannot say other thing,
also is difficult to make a mod and/or a game with the number of "variables" or "facets" that taken play in this game and balance it to everyone tastes, this is my honest opinion,
so, maybe the change in the "defense multiplier" that i have applied is not the better and need some work, as usually happens, again to say that i do not have playtest my mod at this time enough to say that all works but want to make it public at this stage and with the kind permission from eric going to do it,
file uploaded will have two folders... /1.2.18/data (the main release of these files) and /murat30/data (my mod files) all to do is open the folder and select the 12 files, then copy and paste it to /Crown of Glory/Data folder, to play the mod make sure you select "standard campaign" in the "setup new game" screen, to revert, select the files from the version you haven't in use and copy, paste the 12 files to the /Crown of Glory/Data folder and all will work properly, this mod is my point of view and most fun way to play this game, i only can hope you enjoy it, but feel free to make every suggestion or report given failures, bugs or issues of playing that can arise with the mod.
i will upload it at some time from now on, but maybe it's proper location will be the members area, so i must await at this time to make it public,

with my best regards,

murat30, and thanks for your time on read this massive post.


There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 66
RE: COG Mods - 2/3/2006 10:50:33 PM   


Posts: 366
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Greetings, Erik, i think the better place for my mod are the members area, as i plan to include some files from the 1.2.18 in the download, so a public download will not be, in my honest opinion, the correct way, so, if you haven't problem i will email the zip to you and, if it is not much to request, you can then upload it to the proper area, we can simply redirect people from there and the main Crown of Glory forum to the members area to they notice the mod, will be glad if you help me in the share, i know you will be with much work, so i will await your reply here or to my mail,

and with my best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 67
RE: COG Mods - 2/4/2006 3:14:39 AM   

Posts: 233
Joined: 8/25/2004
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That is a heck of a body of work, Murat. Love to see it in action, but on behalf of us all here, thanks for giving it a go.

Now you gots to post it and we gots to play it. (Malthaussen will cringe no doubt)

(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 68
RE: COG Mods - 2/4/2006 3:19:34 AM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
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From: Vermont, USA
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Sure thing. Please e-mail it to me at and also include any "blurb" that you want me to include in the description. I may be able to post it tomorrow, if not then definitely on Monday.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to canuck64)
Post #: 69
RE: COG Mods - 2/4/2006 7:13:16 AM   


Posts: 366
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for me, modding enhance repay value and is a tool to make the scenario witch each of we think is better, it will be a pleasure to share my work, it's as another extra scenario, i have send it to Erik, make this post to warning he about it, i will warning when the mod is in the member area, thanks for the compliment and see you later,

(want to confirm somewhere the sending as electronic mail will not be the first time that give me problems)

with my best regards,


< Message edited by Murat30 -- 2/4/2006 7:23:48 AM >


There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to canuck64)
Post #: 70
RE: COG Mods - 4/11/2006 11:20:09 PM   


Posts: 2
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Hi i wanna mod too and i don't understand "Players2.text"

After color choice you have "MoneyPrice" .... to "Ore" with the number 222. what s affect ? why it s 0 for other type of ressource?

"MoneyProd" and other ressources who come after are in your reserve pool at a strating game

and after (again :)) the ressources come back (with 100 for every type)and a "Money_base". Which effect they does ?


(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 71
RE: COG Mods - 4/19/2006 5:39:38 AM   


Posts: 6722
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Is there a mod to turn off fog of war?

Thanks for any help.

(in reply to lycan)
Post #: 72
RE: COG Mods - 7/25/2006 1:32:48 PM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 6/19/2005
From: Denmark
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Hello all, is it possible to mod the starting date to say 1789?


(edit: Removed the second question as I figured it out myself)

< Message edited by Centio -- 7/25/2006 1:51:17 PM >

(in reply to gwgardner)
Post #: 73
RE: COG Mods - 3/9/2008 7:31:58 PM   


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Hello to all, im new here and also to the game, i have played a bit and would like to see if there is any mod that improves the already excelent game.

I have registered in the members area to see but as here i couldnt find anything related to CoG, can anyone explain to me where the mods are, if there are any please? Thanks in advance for your time.

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 74
RE: COG Mods - 4/9/2008 2:28:23 PM   
Southern Hunter

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Could somebody who has the alternative 'start2.txt' mentioned at the top of this thread please post it somewhere for download?



< Message edited by The Hunter -- 4/9/2008 2:30:54 PM >

(in reply to viriathu)
Post #: 75
RE: COG Mods - 11/8/2014 10:22:51 AM   

Posts: 22
Joined: 2/13/2006
From: Heidelberg
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I believe it is this one here (attached to the third post):󡭸


22e demi-brigade de ligne

(in reply to Southern Hunter)
Post #: 76
RE: COG Mods - 11/13/2014 12:25:02 PM   

Posts: 22
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From: Heidelberg
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I have "modded" the 1792 Scenario (the one with additional Prussian cavalry).

I did not add nor remove any units, nor did I change any game settings, but I altered a few unit names, changed the names of countries, provinces and cities to the "native" ones (I wasn't too consistent with this though, and I wrote many of the names without the necessary diacritics). I also included a slightly altered version of a "commanders mod" found somewhere her in the forum.

You must rename the attached 1792_Pr_S.txt into (or any other name ending with .zip), and then extract it !

Included in the ZIP file are three sheets I put together to organise my provinces and armies.

Use anything as you like, for your pleasure, and feel free to disseminate, improve, alter or discard anything as you feel like ...

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by oliver -- 1/2/2015 11:34:15 AM >


22e demi-brigade de ligne

(in reply to oliver)
Post #: 77
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