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Joined: 10/4/2004 From: Argleton Status: offline
1944 May 14 The Empire captured: The Allies captured: There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at: There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at: Our subs got an xAK, but one was hit for 97% flotation damage and might not make it back. Quiet in China. There are some indications that more units from the Chungking area are heading toward the front lines in the mountains. Raids ordered on Pegu in place of Moulmein scrubbed due to weather. Allied bombardments. quote:
Allied Ships Bombarding Ternate Allied Ships Bombarding Babar Allied Ships Bombarding Chichi-jima Allied Ships Bombarding enemy troops at Manado Allied Ships Bombarding Pagan The Empire got feisty in the Java Sea. We probably fended off a bombardment, but it's hard to say if the battlewagons merely came to play with seaborne defenders instead. We lost 2x PT boats and two more are damaged. Two of our destroyers are damaged enough to be swapped out when the flotilla rearms at Kendari. Our torpedo bombers all making it home might give the IJN second thoughts about next time. quote:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night Time Surface Combat, near Kalao at 66,110, Range 8,000 Yards Japanese Ships BB Kongo, Shell hits 1 BB Haruna DD Niizuki DD Akebono, Shell hits 1 Allied Ships DD Bagley, Shell hits 2 DD Mugford DD Ralph Talbot, Shell hits 1, on fire DD Maury, Shell hits 4, on fire Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 53% moonlight: 11,000 yards Range closes to 24,000 yards... Range closes to 18,000 yards... Range closes to 12,000 yards... Range closes to 8,000 yards... CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 8,000 yards CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 8,000 yards BB Haruna engages DD Ralph Talbot at 8,000 yards BB Kongo engages DD Ralph Talbot at 8,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Ralph Talbot at 8,000 yards Range closes to 4,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Maury at 4,000 yards BB Kongo engages DD Maury at 4,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Ralph Talbot at 4,000 yards DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Niizuki at 4,000 yards Range closes to 2,000 yards DD Maury engages DD Niizuki at 2,000 yards BB Kongo engages DD Maury at 2,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Bagley at 2,000 yards DD Maury engages DD Niizuki at 2,000 yards Range increases to 5,000 yards DD Niizuki engages DD Maury at 5,000 yards DD Maury engages BB Kongo at 5,000 yards DD Ralph Talbot engages DD Akebono at 5,000 yards DD Bagley engages DD Akebono at 5,000 yards Range increases to 9,000 yards BB Haruna engages DD Ralph Talbot at 9,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Ralph Talbot at 9,000 yards DD Akebono engages DD Ralph Talbot at 9,000 yards DD Niizuki engages DD Ralph Talbot at 9,000 yards Range increases to 14,000 yards BB Haruna engages DD Ralph Talbot at 14,000 yards BB Kongo engages DD Maury at 14,000 yards DD Niizuki engages DD Mugford at 14,000 yards DD Bagley engages DD Niizuki at 14,000 yards Task forces break off... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night Time Surface Combat, near Kalao at 66,110, Range 9,000 Yards Japanese Ships BB Kongo BB Haruna DD Niizuki DD Akebono Allied Ships PT-120, Shell hits 1 PT-121 PT-122, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage PT-123 PT-124 PT-125 PT-126 PT-127 PT-128 PT-129, Shell hits 3, on fire PT-130, Shell hits 1, and is sunk PT-131, Shell hits 1, and is sunk Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 42% moonlight: 11,000 yards Range closes to 24,000 yards... Range closes to 18,000 yards... Range closes to 12,000 yards... CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 12,000 yards Range closes to 9,000 yards... CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 9,000 yards Goolsby, L.A. gains tactical advantage Range closes to 7,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-131 at 7,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-131 at 7,000 yards DD Niizuki engages PT-128 at 7,000 yards Range increases to 8,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-131 at 8,000 yards DD Niizuki engages PT-131 at 8,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-124 at 8,000 yards Range closes to 7,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-131 at 7,000 yards DD Niizuki engages PT-130 at 7,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-131 at 7,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-128 at 7,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-127 at 7,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-124 at 7,000 yards Range increases to 10,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-131 at 10,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-130 at 10,000 yards DD Akebono engages PT-131 at 10,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-128 at 10,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-125 at 10,000 yards DD Niizuki engages PT-121 at 10,000 yards Goolsby, L.A. orders Allied TF to disengage Range increases to 12,000 yards PT-131 sunk by BB Haruna at 12,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-128 at 12,000 yards DD Akebono engages PT-124 at 12,000 yards DD Akebono engages PT-128 at 12,000 yards DD Niizuki engages PT-122 at 12,000 yards DD Niizuki engages PT-125 at 12,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-122 at 12,000 yards Range increases to 14,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-129 at 14,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-124 at 14,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-120 at 14,000 yards DD Niizuki engages PT-130 at 14,000 yards Range closes to 12,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-130 at 12,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-128 at 12,000 yards Range closes to 10,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-130 at 10,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-129 at 10,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-128 at 10,000 yards DD Niizuki engages PT-130 at 10,000 yards Range closes to 8,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-130 at 8,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-128 at 8,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-127 at 8,000 yards Range closes to 6,000 yards PT-130 sunk by BB Haruna at 6,000 yards PT-129 engages BB Haruna at 6,000 yards Range closes to 2,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-129 at 2,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-129 at 2,000 yards DD Akebono engages PT-129 at 2,000 yards Massive explosion on PT-129 DD Niizuki engages PT-129 at 2,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-122 at 2,000 yards PT-120 engages DD Akebono at 2,000 yards Goolsby, L.A. orders Allied TF to disengage Range increases to 4,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-129 at 4,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-128 at 4,000 yards DD Akebono engages PT-129 at 4,000 yards PT-126 engages BB Kongo at 4,000 yards PT-124 engages DD Niizuki at 4,000 yards BB Kongo engages PT-121 at 4,000 yards Range increases to 11,000 yards DD Akebono engages PT-126 at 11,000 yards DD Akebono engages PT-124 at 11,000 yards BB Haruna engages PT-123 at 11,000 yards Task forces break off... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Kangean at 59,106 Weather in hex: Moderate rain Raid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet. Estimated time to target is 26 minutes Japanese aircraft N1K1-J George x 13 Allied aircraft Beaufort VIII x 12 No Japanese losses Allied aircraft losses Beaufort VIII: 5 damaged Japanese Ships BB Kongo BB Haruna Aircraft Attacking: 12 x Beaufort VIII launching torpedoes at 200 feet Naval Attack: 1 x 22.4in Mk 13 Torp. CAP engaged: S-602 Hikotai with N1K1-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling) 0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 13 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact. Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000. Time for all group planes to reach interception is 6 minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next attack at Manado tomorrow. A large base force is (slowly) unloading at the damaged port. It looks like Jesselton is being reinforced (USA 32nd ID is fully prepared). Corsairs and Mariners have flown into Basilan and air support will be flown in beginning tomorrow. Air search of the South China Sea will extend as far north as Vigan and as far south as Sambas, and to three hexes off Cam Ranh Bay. We have an AK (with escort) heading to Tawi Tawi but it has been spotted. Tomorrow will be interesting: there are now 23 bombers at Miri, and the B-29s (59 of them ready) will hit the airfield there. Lots of convoy traffic in the South China Sea near to the southern Philippines. We have SigInt of a JAAF AF Bn and a Port Unit at Tarakan, and continuous recon shows only two units there. The USA 147th Inf Rgt is 53% prepared and will begin loading now at Talaud-eilanden. The first wave will be in 22x APD and 3x fast xAKL. A large landing craft flotilla will follow with the remaining heavy equipment and more supply at a slower pace. A 4x DD TF is already being dispatched to Tawi Tawi and will provide cover to the north. Our air units on Celebes have already made the Makassar Strait unfriendly to the IJN. Air cover will be minimal but adequate to contest long range LBA. The only real threat would be the appearance of IJN carriers in the South China Sea, and we have a substantial submarine contingent there to endanger them (plus 5 more on the way from Babeldaob). BTW there are 23 fighters at Tarakan, and they probably contributed CAP to Miri during the B-29 strikes on oil production there. SigInt showing a JNAF AF Bn at Jolo couples with recon of a single unit there. The Aus Torres Strait Bn, at Sidate and 47% prepared, will move out as soon as suitable transport is available. Jolo is not critical at this point but already has a larger airfield (size 3) than Tawi Tawi and Basilan, and as an airfield with support in enemy hands right in the middle of our route of advance and future supply line, it must be either actively suppressed or captured. "5th Tank Regiment is located at 63,61." Redeploying armor to the front in Burma??
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