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Joined: 10/20/2012 From: Utlima Thule Status: offline
Logic to air organisation. One thing I tried to do was to allocate air types so that I potentially optimised the number of AD I could set and that it simply made sense. So for example, recon planes that can only use low level cameras I moved out of the strat airforces. By the time I'd finished, I had the following rough outline: Fighter Command – convert a number of squadrons to bombers, put all low level recon (Mustang 1) planes here, keep about 5 squadrons of NF Bomber Command – 12 squadrons of NF (all the Beaufighters, plus Mosquitos), 4 recon, all the LB (apart from the Mitchells and Bostons that start in Tac Air). Operationally split into 3 groups, a Lancaster heavy force to bomb Germany (with attached recon wing), a Lancaster light force to bomb Germany (again with attached recon). The Lancasters have incendiaries, the others some sort of conventional bomb. Halifaxes plus others will bomb infrastructure in France (start at night, shift over to day if it is safe). Coastal Command – allow it to conserve planes so not set any AD for now. Routine patrols will do, Tac Air – convert almost all the FB-F to FB-B. For now keep most of the Typhoons rested (avoid losses and replacements will be used in the Med). 8 Airforce – 12 squadrons of B-17s; 7 of B-24/25, 5 recon and 4 escorts. The later I'll convert to longer range planes asap. Idea here is that the B-17s are used in two groups for bombing in Germany, the B-24/5 will either help with this or bomb railyards and ports. 9 Airforce – 1 squadron fighters, 2 of recon (low level from 8 Air). In the Med, at the start keep the OOB as it is. I'll re-arrange over time. Goal again is to make the best use of the AD capacity so a lot of recon planes will end up in the Malta command. Plans. Playing the AI, I've gambled with a minimal invasion of Sicily. Here I'm taking no chances so its almost 100% of Husky. On turn 1 the air war is purely aimed at Sicily. Elements of Strat Air are given tactical jobs, especially to bomb airfields. Others will hit ports on the island. Tac Air is deployed to protect the landings and Coastal Air to protect the invasion flotilla. In northern Europe, I decide to gamble on a single massive set of raids by 8 Airforce at Danzig. My logic to this is that I'll want to hit it at some stage, this turn I'm redeploying my short range fighters in any case (and next I'll start converting). The lighter bomber group, with some escorts, goes for Emden and another group will hit Lille. Bomber Command is going to try night raids on Berlin, Bremen and the Ruhr. In France, Cherbourg is the chosen target. Outcomes Heavy air losses with 651 shot down and 933 damaged but the axis suffered too with 255 lost. The Fighter Command sweeps triggered quite a lot battles and losses were pretty much equal. Bomber Command had light losses but was pretty ineffective. Following this I've decided to avoid flak heavy targets for a while and go for smaller cities – there are a lot of these and some have 8-10 manpower. 8 Air took eye watering losses with 111 lost over Danzig but left the U-Boat factories in ruins. In Sicily, the attacks worked well, doing useful damage for few losses, but then avoided places like Messina and Reggio Calabria. Apart from 8 Air, I was pleased enough about that. Even managed to inflict losses on the Bf-109G and FW-190 (playing the Soviets in WiTE I have come to really dislike both these fighter types). Relatively high Typhoon losses added to my view that its a waste to use them in France at this stage of the war. Anyway, final stage is to set up the invasion. I'd cancelled the British paradrop and one British landing, otherwise this is in full force.