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RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues?

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RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/17/2015 4:35:58 PM   

Posts: 14
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[UPDATED DB pre-436]


ALL Mirage 2000D
— SPIRALE CDM consist in 2 LCI (Internal Cartridge Ejector) of 1*8 flares each, 1 LLE (ECLAIR Flare Ejector) of 6*8 flares, 1 LLC (Spine Flare Ejector) of 6*8 flares, for a total of 112 flares.

ALL Mirage 2000N, D
— Rubis FLIR nav pod has never been used outside trial and testing campaigns. Not part of the inventory. Crews rely only on the Antilope 5TC for terrain following ops.

ALL Rafale B, C, M
— 1700L fuel tanks does not exist in the Rafale's inventory. Fuel tanks available are : RPL 701, 1250L supersonic fuel tank, and RPL 751, 2000L fuel tank.
— Suggesting modification of loadouts 9263 & 17309 with standard 2000L fuel tanks
— Suggesting modification of loadouts 11074 & 17310 with supersonic 1250L fuel tanks
— All remaining 1700L fuel tanks shall be replaced by 2000L fuel tanks

#12, 20 — Mirage 2000-5F
— R.550-2 MAGIC II Mk2 not in the inventory anymore. Fully replaced by MICA IR.

Remark to Jan's suggested modification concerning #71 — Mirage 2000C (not effective yet)
— SPIRALE ICD (112 chaffs) shouldn't be deleted. It is removable and shall be used in wartime engagements.

Changes for clarification purposes only:
#1005, #175, #1116 — Mirage 2000-5 (respectively Qatar, Taiwan, Greece)
— #1005 should be renamed Mirage 2000-5EDA
— #175 should be renamed Mirage 2000-5Ei
— #1116 should be renamed Mirage 2000-5EG

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:31:00 PM >

(in reply to ClaudeJ)
Post #: 1411
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/17/2015 4:41:08 PM   


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Post #: 1412
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/17/2015 5:24:55 PM   

Posts: 1213
Joined: 3/8/2006
From: Belgique
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[UPDATED DB pre-436]


Mirage 2000C
Remark to Jan's suggested modification concerning #71 — Mirage 2000C (not effective yet)
— SPIRALE ICD (112 chaffs) shouldn't be deleted. It is removable and shall be used in wartime engagements.

Interesting. Could you please post a picture showing the "SPIRALE ICD" on an operational Mirage 2000C?

As far as I know, they are protruding at the Karman type wing root and are very visible on the N, D (as illustrated below) and -5 but the C airframe have not been adapted, nor the cockpit wired, to fit them (that's why the Armée de l'Air have developed the "Eclair M" that is mounted instead of the brake chute if need be).

To make sure we are one the same page, the "SPIRALE ICD" is named "Internal chaff dispenser tube (ICDs)" on that MBDA's illustration:

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:30:46 PM >

(in reply to F4U7Corsair)
Post #: 1413
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/17/2015 5:42:36 PM   

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This is kind of annoying because I cannot post links as my registration is too fresh.
As for the 2000C, all RDI can mount the ICD, afaik. You can find a pic on the English wiki page of the 2000, the first one, showing a 2000C during Allied Force. The cockpit has been adapted with the installation of a small box panel on the left glare-shield, allowing the pilot to manually or semi manually releasing chaff and flares.
As for the 2000-5F, all of them can mount the ICD, and they usually always do (for a simple reason : the -5F were updated RDI from the S5 batch).

You have to distinguish two cases where the ICD are not mounted : the first is when, as you said, the airframe is not adapted, and this is true for the very first 2000 (the RDM). In that case, the trailing edge Karman is curved, as you show in your Mirage 2000 post on the previous page.
The other case is when the aircraft can mount the ICD but they are not installed : in that case, the trailing edge Karman is straight.

< Message edited by F4U7Corsair -- 2/17/2015 6:51:47 PM >

(in reply to ClaudeJ)
Post #: 1414
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/17/2015 5:55:29 PM   

Posts: 1213
Joined: 3/8/2006
From: Belgique
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[UPDATED DB pre-436]



This is kind of annoying because I cannot post links as my registration is too fresh.
As for the 2000C, all RDI can mount the ICD, afaik. You can find a pic on the English wiki page of the 2000, the first one, showing a 2000C during Allied Force. The cockpit has been adapted with the installation of a small box on the left glare-shield.
As for the 2000-5F, all of them can mount the ICD, and they usually always do.

You have to distinguish two cases where the ICD are not mounted : the first is when, as you said, the airframe is not adapted, and this is true for the very first 2000 (the RDM). In that case, the Karman is curvy, as you show in your Mirage 2000 post on the previous page.
The other case is when the aircraft can mount the ICD but they are not installed : in that case, the Karman is straight.

Good catch!

Well, then it could stay on the "#71 - Mirage 2000C -- France (Air Force), 1996" but as the pic shown, it wasn't there in 1991 so I believe the ICD should still be removed from the "#2079 - Mirage 2000C -- France (Air Force), 1989".


ALL Mirage 2000D
— SPIRALE CDM consist in 2 LCI (Internal Cartridge Ejector) of 1*8 flares each, 1 LLE (ECLAIR Flare Ejector) of 6*8 flares, 1 LLC (Spine Flare Ejector) of 6*8 flares, for a total of 112 flares.

Could you please confirm it was operational on the Diesel?

I've only found the below pictures in "Dans le repaire du mirage 2000D" de Alexandre Paringaux et Frédéric Lert. It's obviously a training loadout, could even be a testbed (Marc Scheffler doesn't mention it for example).

By the way, if you are on C6:


Changes for clarification purposes only:
#1005, #175, #1116 — Mirage 2000-5 (respectively Qatar, Taiwan, Greece)
— #175 should be renamed Mirage 2000-5Ei

I second that

It's great to have another fana around!

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:31:20 PM >

(in reply to F4U7Corsair)
Post #: 1415
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/17/2015 6:36:18 PM   

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[UPDATED DB pre-436]

I'm on C6 (under the nick _12F_Corsair), I have seen that topic when it was published and was searching for it now, thanks ;)

So, let's try recap this mess :
— pre R2: 112 chaff (LPI) and 16 flares (LCI) - AdA-designed ECLAIR mounted in Bosnia, bringing up flare cap. to 64 (from Matériels de l'Armée de l'Air, 2000D)
— post R2: 112 chaff (LPI) and 64 flares (LCI, LLC) - ECLAIR-M not seen on operational aircraft on R2 standard aircraft yet, but mountable (would bring up flare cap. to 112).
— RDM: ??
— RDI (#71): 112 chaff (LPI) and 16 flares (LCI)
— 112 chaff (LPI) and 16 flares (LCI), with the ability to mount the ECLAIR-M as seen during Harmattan, bringing up the flare capacity to 64 flares
— pre K2-4C: 112 chaff (LPI) and 16 flares (LCI)
— from K2-4C standard, ability to mount the ECLAIR-M, bringing flare capacity to 64 (source: Les Matériels de l'Armée de l'Air 2000N)

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:31:33 PM >

(in reply to ClaudeJ)
Post #: 1416
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/18/2015 10:03:04 AM   


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Ok so I tested 1.07 RC 1 and realy like it

OODA loops for Russian Navy and Army air defence looks generally correct (actually ± 2-3 seconds deviations in some cases)

but there is three DB entry with big mistakes in case of OODA

1.#1645 - SAM Bn/2 (SA-8b Gecko Mod-1 [9K33M3 Osa-AK])
citation from Osa manual(1991) page 249 :
"Missiles to prepare for the launch can be put automatically or manually, in such a way that the meeting with target of first rocket was on the far boundary of the affected area.
Automatic activation of missiles in the preparation is carried out with an automatic upon receipt of the PSA signal "Caution".
Manually enabling missiles to prepare made to ensure the fire at targets suddenly appeared by pressing button "SPK BRT VKL"
Time to prepare missiles for launch is 10-12 seconds"
full manual in russian :

so reaction time for OSA-AK is 10-12s

in game this is:
50 seconds (Novice Proficiency Level)
37,5 seconds (Cadet)
30 seconds (Regular)
25 seconds (Veteran)
20 seconds (Ace)

2. #2305 - SKR Admiral Grigorovich [Pr.1135.6M]

On this ship installed air defence system "Shtil-1"
from "ALmaz-Antey" official site:
The reaction time, sec 5-10 in russian

in game this is:
40 seconds (Novice Proficiency Level)
30 seconds (Cadet)
24 seconds (Regular)
20 seconds (Veteran)
16 seconds (Ace)

3.#2310 - SKR Admiral Sergey Gorshkov [Pr.2235.0]

for #2089 - SAM Bn (SA-25 [S-350 Vityaz])with same missiles it is
10 seconds (Novice Proficiency Level)
7,5 seconds (Cadet)
6 seconds (Regular)
5 seconds (Veteran)
4 seconds (Ace)

"Redut without Poliment " on #2308 - MPK Gremyashchy [Pr.2038.5, Improved Steregushchy] and #2306 - MPK Soobrazitelny [Pr.2038.1, Mod Steregushchy]
16 seconds (Novice Proficiency Level)
12 seconds (Cadet)
9,6 seconds (Regular)
8 seconds (Veteran)
6,4 seconds (Ace)

but for #2310 - SKR Admiral Sergey Gorshkov [Pr.2235.0] with same missiles and Poliment radar

40 seconds (Novice Proficiency Level)
30 seconds (Cadet)
24 seconds (Regular)
20 seconds (Veteran)
16 seconds (Ace)
I think this is wrong

This may not be necessarily incorrect.

My understanding of these references (very nice BTW) is that they focus on the time to prepare the missiles themselves for launch (so things like spinning up gyros, charging capacitors, run built-in tests etc. etc.). The OODA value however addresses the entire time it takes for the parent platform's combat system to transit from "initial detection" to "can issue fire order to weapon" (and all the intermediate stages; confirm target track, confirm target hostile, pass target data from search sensors to fire-control sensors, confirm target is within engagement envelope, assign target priority, assign weapons etc. etc. On a not-entirely-automated combat system this can take _a lot_).

I don't have the source handy right now, but I distinctly remember reading a couple decades back on a Greek defence magazine that while the SA-N-7 (Shtil) missile itself could be readied very rapidly for launch, the Sovremmeny's combat system had a minimum reaction time of about 1 min against sudden (not pre-announced) threats because of its very low level of automation (reportedly they were still using vertical perspex plots on the CIC at the time), and that this was judged as the chief handicap of this otherwise remarkable destroyer class.

A western analogue to Shtil, Standard SM-1MR, likewise had a very fast preparation/warm-up time (1 sec, a very large improvement over the Talos/Terrier/Tartar systems) but its actual reaction time depended on the parent platform's combat system, which ranged from bad/horrible (older Tartar ships) to OK-not-great (Perry FFGs). In comparison, early version of Aegis have a reported detection-to-fire time of just 6 secs in full-auto mode.

Not saying that these and other numbers may not need revising, but given what we know about combat system integration on western and eastern platforms, it is very reasonable that at least until very recently western platforms usually had a decisive advantage in this regard.


(in reply to Triode)
Post #: 1417
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/18/2015 4:40:56 PM   


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Well it seems there is litle clarification is needed ))

"Uragan" on 956

from "Standby" mode time of reaction - 16,5-19 sec
in this : 12 sec for ready missile and load launcher(4-5 second to "warm up" and test missiles and 7-8 sec for load launcher) + 4,5-7 sec for target data input in missile

but in real life,citation:

"Time of input target data in missile was 12 sec"
Y.N. Romanov Capt 1 rank former captain of pr.956 "Boevoi"

so in real life for pr956 "Uragans" it is something like 12sec+12sec=24 sec (19-20 sec for all missiles after first)firing cycle

"Shtil" on 11356 "Talwar"

"Shtil" on 11356 more advanced anti-air defence complex than "Uragan" on 956

here is good video about his real work:

so,from this video, time for load same 12 sec but from command "fire" to launch of missile (interval for input data in missile) there is 7 seconds ("Sigma" FCS seems working realy good)

not impressive if compare to "theoretical" 4,5 sec of "Uragan"
but if compare "real" 12 sec of "Uragan" to "real" 7 sec of "Shtil" it is good improvement

So for "Shtil" it is:

12 sec for ready missile and load launcher(4-5 second to "warm up" and test missiles and 7-8 sec for load launcher)
+ 7 sec for load target data in missile
= 19 sec (14 sec for all missiles after first) firing cycle

"Shtil-1" on 11356M (aka #2305 - SKR Admiral Grigorovich [Pr.1135.6M] in database)
fire control systems of Russian 11356 are practicly the same as on Indian "Talwars"
only diferences is launcher, for 11356M it is 3S90E.1 VLS

as you can see on this picture of almost ready "Grigorovich" and there is no "arm-launcher":

"Shtil-1" VLS

So, there is no need to move missiles somewhere to launch
purely theoreticaly firing cycle for "Shtil-1" looks like 4-5 second to "warm up" and test missiles + 7 sec for load target data in missile = 11-12 sec
which is in general matches information from "Almaz-Antey" site about 5-10 sec reaction time

most funny thing in Database , "Talwar" with "arm-launcher" OODA looks like:
16 seconds (Novice Proficiency Level)
12 seconds (Cadet)
9,6 seconds (Regular)
8 seconds (Veteran)
6,4 seconds (Ace)

and for 11356M with VLS it is like :
40 seconds (Novice Proficiency Level)
30 seconds (Cadet)
24 seconds (Regular)
20 seconds (Veteran)
16 seconds (Ace)

did you seriosly think "arm-launcher" 3S90 have higher ROF and shorter time of reaction than 3S90E.1 VLS?

How i see Proficiency system in "CMANO"

there is "technical" capabilities of system so as example time of reaction 10 second
"Ace" can achieve this ,but for "Veteran" it is 10 second + some n modifier and so on
If system highly automated differences between "Veteran" and "Novice" modifiers should be smaller
If system doesn't have automatization at all it should be really big gap between "Veteran" and "Novice"
also proficiency should have an impact on probability of hit

as example let look at "Kirov" S-300F trials
"S-300F in 1982, came on the final stage of state tests. The bulk of the test, of course, took place in the Black Sea, but, of course, take into account the shooting and flyby conducted on NF(firing at high altitude targets in OECM environments can be made only in NF). Chairman of the Government Commission for acceptance tarkr "Kirov" Admiral Bondarenko GA, as Vice Commander of the Navy for military training in some cases just announced regiment of naval aviation combat alarm and thus provide loitering in the air up to 30-40 aircraft simultaneously. Of course, such conditions in the Black Sea could not be.
In fact, the complex was conceived as part of the continued protection of naval forces in the common air defense system, but in those years the emphasis was on reflection attacks low-flying targets, so the first shooting TARKR "Kirov" was carried out on the target RM-15, flying at an altitude of 300 meters. In the south, were crews already had experience shooting with such targets. Practically they kept on lock on boat launches target missile during takeoff and move lock on to missile after launch. In the North experienced crew were not, therefore, acting on a tip of "industry" sailors was not as nimble and missed the target (they just have not been able to tear lock on from boat launched it). Knocked it with complex "OSA-M". Admiral Bondarenko, having learned about the reason for missing the target, said that from now on the ship and his team will work as in combat. Subsequently, no one but the admiral and the captain did not know from which direction, and what the target will be launched. Just play alarm and solve simple task - to shoot down everything that appeared in the air. After some fuss in the first shooting in personnel gained confidence and it is proposed by Admiral regime, led to the fact that almost the entire volume of firing at the final stage of tests was carried out for 12 days.
August 25, 1983, has made the last shooting at the test program, the ship returned to Severomorsk. Admiral played alarm, staff flee to action stations. It turned out that the Deputy. Commander in chief of combat training of its reserve decided to give another target RM-15M. The boat shot out of the coast of the Kola Peninsula, and in the sea, on which the ship was going, it was not less than 5 points. I was on the bridge, and I was not myself when opened hatches launcher and wave at this time covered the fire deck. The rocket passed without comment, and then everything went normally. People grumbled: "Well, who still have to knock?" More shooting was not."

But story do not end here

"Whatever it was, all project documents was sent to Defense Minister Marshal of the Soviet Union DF Ustinov to represent to the country's leadership. And he did not believe the successful completion of trials and ordered the entire program firings repeat. If you mention that rocket 5V55R while cost about 300 thousand rubles, the Air Defense Forces - main customers of missiles - howled. Navy only with ammunition of existed at the time the ships completely took away eighteen months production, but there is also the absence of any savings.
Order of the Minister to challenge no one, but again only a reflection of the attack six targets RM-6. DF Ustinov did not believe a successful outcome and ordered to transfer to NF entered into operation RKR "Slava" (Project 1164), and conduct a series of joint shooting. As a result, all of the additional firing 96 missiles had been spent. Observers from all regulatory authorities carefully watched, that only Navy sailors working on stations. The result of each shooting to report to the Minister of Defense, other ministers with bated breath followed the events in the north. Our department for this shooting did not go, URAV Department of the Navy was represented by department of training. All shooting gave 100% success rate. Only after receiving such brilliant results, the minister finally signed the documents and submitted them to court. In addition, without waiting for full registration of adopting it urgently recommended to apply for the award of the Lenin Prize for the development. I have not heard that anyone else for two weeks before the release of the decision to award the Lenin Prize so quickly agreed this question. But, nevertheless, the prize was awarded before the complex was adopted."

So this is what i can called a "Ace" crew that can operates at edge of ship technical capabilities! 96 missiles ! 100% success rate!

but is it difficult to manage such system?

"In the air defense forces, each school trained officers to work in a particular sector. Coming into account, the lieutenant, sitting in a chair in front of such a serious instrument as S-300 system,they get up out of it, receiving the rank of lieutenant colonel and served in that position for minimum about two years.
And this is not a whim of developers, because in order to completely feed all the channels of the system is necessary to accurately press in a row 72 (seventy two) button. That is, you have to be Gilels or Rachmaninoff on the remote control. And imagine the conditions of the battle, when you are shooting at, and must maintain absolute calm, not to lose. Maybe not quite calm, but certainly not only a mental automatism, but muscular when hands doing it by themselfs."

And what result will looks like when you send "Novice" crew to operate such system

"Not so in the Navy. While there were tests, officers did not touch. All their actions are having such a great experience firings, including in OECM environments, have been worked out to automaticity. No nervous breakdowns - calm, confident. Tests of basic and additional finished. After their completion, start moving, as commanders of the groups and battery commanders maximum lieutenant and it was time to translate them into higher positions.
The following year, the field operators were hardly prepared people. All shooting combat training plans have been Failed with glitter. The success rate - zero. Education had to start anew, and industry begin to rush throughout the fleet."

Zero success,total failure for "Novice" crew

from "Historical Sketches of Captain 1st Rank Vladimir Kirillovich Pechatnikov" (former officer from Office of missile and artillery weapons of the Navy)

So,this is my wall of text.What do you think about it Sunburn?

< Message edited by Triode -- 2/18/2015 8:36:27 PM >

(in reply to Dimitris)
Post #: 1418
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/18/2015 4:49:23 PM   


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sorry for double posting

< Message edited by Triode -- 2/18/2015 5:50:39 PM >

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Post #: 1419
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/19/2015 12:26:47 AM   


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[UPDATED DB pre-436]

The Griffin missile (LCS) has a problem with its range. Currently set to 0.2NM. Correct range for surface mode should be longer (maybe 2.5nm?)

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:32:25 PM >

(in reply to Triode)
Post #: 1420
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/19/2015 3:55:56 PM   
Vici Supreme


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Only a bunch of cosmetic changes for the DB. I may have posted some of these already but I guess they were overlooked at some point.

DBID #1794 - Airbus A.310-304 MRTT could get the name attachment [CC-150T Polaris] (Also sometimes simplified as Polaris MRTT).

DBID #1057 - Mi-35M2 Hind has the local nickname "Caribe".

DBID #2393 - Mi-26T2 Halo has the local nickname "Pemon" or "Pemón".

DBID #2223 - Mi-17V5 Hip H (of the Venezuelan Army only) has the local nickname "Panare".

DBID #654 - NH90 NFH of the German Navy should be designated NH90 NTH [Sea Lion]. There's also a note that Germany acquires 30 units but actually it's 18 now.

(If you're looking for how legitimate the names for the Venezuelan Mi's are, simply google some pictures. They write the names on the helos.)


< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:34:54 PM >


(in reply to RoccoNZ)
Post #: 1421
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/19/2015 9:24:19 PM   


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Small request for a scenario I am working on, is it possible to get some kind of special forces loadout for the CV-22? (id #296).

Right now it has two forms of cargo and Search and Rescue but I think Special Operations Command uses them for lots of cloak and dagger stuff too?

Not exactly sure how many but I am seeing mention of 18 here:

The CV-22 variant would travel 500 nautical miles at or below 500 feet above ground level, locate a small landing zone, infiltrate and exfiltrate a team of 18 special operations forces, and return to base.

Anyone else have good info on the CV-22? I'm also seeing a CV-22B designation floating around but it's all a bit vague (thats AFSOC for you I guess)


< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:38:23 PM >


My Scenarios and Tutorials for Command

(Scenarios focus on air-warfare :) )

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Post #: 1422
RE: Stickied thread for minor database issues? - 2/20/2015 4:10:36 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Tomcat84

Small request for a scenario I am working on, is it possible to get some kind of special forces loadout for the CV-22? (id #296).

Anyone else have good info on the CV-22? I'm also seeing a CV-22B designation floating around but it's all a bit vague (thats AFSOC for you I guess)

Some links that may help...

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:38:40 PM >

(in reply to Tomcat84)
Post #: 1423
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/20/2015 1:23:59 PM   

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[UPDATED DB pre-436]


ORIGINAL: mikmyk

Logged up until this point.

Sorry about the Brimstone II issue. Have readded to our work list.

Thanks again Jan for the detailed request.


Hi Mike,

I can see you've updated the Tornado and Typhoon FGR.4 to carry this weapon, please can you also update the UK's F-35B to carry this weapon. It's effectively replaced the original Brimstone.


< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:39:57 PM >

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 1424
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/21/2015 3:22:22 PM   


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I think I found some data which is switched around by accident:

Super Etendard Agave Radar Range: 85 nm
Super Etendard M Anemone Radar Range: 40 nm

shouldnt this be the other way around?

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:42:41 PM >

(in reply to ojms)
Post #: 1425
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/23/2015 6:09:48 PM   


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Currently in database warheads of #109 - SS-N-19 Shipwreck [P-700 Granit],#219 - AS-14 Kedge [Kh-29T]and #2193 - AS-14 Kedge [Kh-29L] is simple HE warheads this is wrong

from site of FGUP FNPC "Altai" (manufacturer of these warheads)
#109 - SS-N-19 Shipwreck [P-700 Granit]
#219 - AS-14 Kedge [Kh-29T]and #2193 - AS-14 Kedge [Kh-29L]
both are high-explosive penetrating warhead accordind to FGUP FNPC "Altai"

also accordind to FGUP FNPC "Altai" #1365 - SS-N-2a Styx [P-15],#1364 - SS-N-2b Styx [P-15U],#1477 - SS-N-2c Improved Styx [P-15M],#1597 - SS-N-2d Improved Styx [P-20M]
have high-explosive cumulative warhead

source: anti-ship missiles warheads in russian aviation missiles warheads in russian

can you please make necessary changes in database

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:46:06 PM >

(in reply to Grondoval)
Post #: 1426
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/24/2015 3:05:02 PM   


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#519 Paveway IV:
In the DB, this bomb is noted as "INS /w GPS navigation", and can engage any land targets but only with GPS guidance. However, the Paveway IV actually has an additional SALH tracker, that should improve its capability against moving land targets as well as enable it to attack naval targets.


(in reply to Triode)
Post #: 1427
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/24/2015 5:46:35 PM   


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Additionally, #2259 GBU-54(V)1/B LJDAM [Mk82] and #2260 GBU-54(V)2/B LJDAM [Mk82] should also both have laser spot trackers for terminal illumination.

Scroll down:

(in reply to ckfinite)
Post #: 1428
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/25/2015 5:19:29 AM   


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[ADDED DB pre-436]

Small Database addition, the F-35A for the RAAF (Australia)

First two aircraft training with the USAF 61st Fighter squadron as of december last year
72 on order and provisions for another 28 delivery beginning in 2020

Apologies for the punctuation but doing it all correctly made the forum think I was posting links and phone numbers and crap when I am clearly not, so I had to remove bits of punctuation to the point where I now look silly for me to be able to post this message.

Check out the raaf wiki page and its attached sources, I cannot link you to currently as my registration is too fresh.

Exceptionally fine game gentlemen!, keep up the good work.

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:47:06 PM >

(in reply to ExNusquam)
Post #: 1429
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/25/2015 6:42:25 AM   

Posts: 2661
Joined: 2/14/2005
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[ADDED DB pre-436]

I second that. fiddling with a 2020 scenario had to use a US f35 for Oz squadrons

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:47:17 PM >


Formerly Goodwood

(in reply to Orca101)
Post #: 1430
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/25/2015 6:50:40 PM   


Posts: 87
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[FIXED DB pre-436]

DB Error: F/A-18E Suport Hornet Mk 63 Quickstrike {mk83] Naval Mine - Quantity of mines in load = 0

< Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 5:47:43 PM >

(in reply to goodwoodrw)
Post #: 1431
RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/25/2015 8:31:41 PM   

Posts: 1213
Joined: 3/8/2006
From: Belgique
Status: offline

Hi there,

minor request here, could you please rename:

  • #2486 - Y-8G Cub [High New 4] to "Y-8G Cub [High New 3]"
  • #3690 - Y-8T Cub [High New 3] to "Y-8T Cub [High New 4]"
  • #3683 - Y-9 Cub [High New 10, KJ-500 Rotodome] to "Y-9 Cub [High New 9 KJ-500]"




  • #3692 - Y-8ELINT Cub [High New 8]

    It could be "Y-9JB Cub [High New 8]".

    This newest member of the "High New" series was first spotted in April 2011 at CFTE (S/N 720?). Unlike Y-8W, Y-9JB is based on the new Y-9 platform powered by four WJ-6C turboprop engines with 6-blade high efficiency propellers. As an EW aircraft it features four large rectangular shaped ELINT antennas on both sides of the forward and rear fuselage. Additional antennas are installed inside fairings at the wingtips, beneath and on top of the mid-fuselage, on top of the vertical tailfin, underneath the nose as well as inside the nose/tail cone. Four blade antennas are installed on top of the wing near the wing root. An EO turret (containing FLIR/TV) is also mounted underneath the fuselage for surveillance purpose. Y-9JB has been speculated as an advanced ELINT platform similar to American EP-3. At least two High New 8 were constructed by spring 2012. The newly constructed aircraft now features two additional small vertical stabilizing fins on its tail. The first Y-9JB entered the service with PLAN in early 2013. Currently at least three are in service (S/N 9211, 9221, 9241). They have been flying routine ELINT missions over the East China Sea facing Japan.
    - Last Updated 12/12/14


    ORIGINAL: Sunburn


    ORIGINAL: Hongjian

    A few more PLAAF updates: (...)

    Y-9JB ELINT ("Sino EP-3")


    This newest member of the "High New" series was first spotted in April 2011 at CFTE (S/N 720?). Unlike Y-8W, Y-9JB is based on the new Y-9 platform powered by four WJ-6C turboprop engines with 6-blade high efficiency propellers. As an EW aircraft it features four large rectangular shaped ELINT antennas on both sides of the forward and rear fuselage. Additional antennas are installed inside fairings at the wingtips, beneath and on top of the mid-fuselage, on top of the vertical tailfin, underneath the nose as well as inside the nose/tail cone. Four blade antennas are installed on top of the wing near the wing root. An EO turret (containing FLIR/TV) is also mounted underneath the fuselage for surveillance purpose. Y-9JB has been speculated as an advanced ELINT platform similar to American EP-3. At least two High New 8 were constructed by spring 2012. The newly constructed aircraft now features two additional small vertical stabilizing fins on its tail. The first Y-9JB entered the service with PLAN in early 2013. Currently at least three are in service (S/N 9211, 9221, 9241). They have been flying routine ELINT missions over the East China Sea facing Japan.

    Thanks, we already have the KJ-500 on the queue but the Y-9JB is new. Added to the stack.

    < Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 6:01:58 PM >

    (in reply to RoccoNZ)
  • Post #: 1432
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/26/2015 2:26:56 AM   


    Posts: 377
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    F-35 is planned to carry AARGM, though the date isn't set as far as I can tell. It would be reasonably safe to put them on the 2024 US F-35As.

    (in reply to ClaudeJ)
    Post #: 1433
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/26/2015 11:44:09 PM   


    Posts: 11524
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    Added requests up until this point. Thanks!



    (in reply to ckfinite)
    Post #: 1434
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/27/2015 11:49:43 AM   


    Posts: 1952
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    [ADDED DB pre-v437]

    Saudi Typhoons now also carrying out air to ground strikes?

    Current DB only seems to have them with air to air loadouts.

    < Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 6:03:41 PM >


    My Scenarios and Tutorials for Command

    (Scenarios focus on air-warfare :) )

    (in reply to mikmykWS)
    Post #: 1435
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/27/2015 3:57:05 PM   


    Posts: 1952
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    Typhoons aka Eurofighters, not Tornadoes


    My Scenarios and Tutorials for Command

    (Scenarios focus on air-warfare :) )
    Post #: 1436
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/28/2015 7:37:18 AM   


    Posts: 216
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    [ADDED DB pre-v436]

    MiG-35 - Fulcrum-F; Mikoyan Project 1.44.

    Russia sells its latest fighter jets to India

    < Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 6:04:06 PM >

    (in reply to Tomcat84)
    Post #: 1437
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/28/2015 8:38:22 AM   


    Posts: 216
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    Type 055 Destroyer (DDG-X) Chinese new AEGIS system 12000 ton destroyer. It will lunched 2017

 (Chinese) - It started building, Dec 30, 2014

    Project 21956 - 9000 ton New Russian destroyer - replaced sovremenny and udaloy class. It will lunched 2016

    Russian Wiki pageЭскадренные_миноносцы_проекта_21956 - Severnoye Design Bureau is building this ship.

    And Russia build new nuclear powered destroyer 14000 ton 12 ships?

    The first atomic destroyer lay in St. Petersburg in 2017


    Bookmark the destroyer of the new generation of the "Leader" is scheduled
    for the end of 2017.

    Placing on the ship Severnaya Verf in St. Petersburg is scheduled for late 2017.
    Displacement of the ship is 14 thousand tons.

    Strike weapons of the "Leader" on a number of information , constitute the
    standard for new ships of the Russian Navy missiles "Onyx" and "Caliber".
    Also, the ships will have a marine anti-aircraft missile system S-500.

    Commander of the Russian Navy Admiral Viktor Chirkov told reporters
    February 20 that are now going construction work on the creation of a new
    generation destroyer, the first option is the version with the nuclear power plant.

    Russian Wiki pageПерспективный_эскадренный_миноносец_для_ВМФ_России

    < Message edited by jun5896 -- 2/28/2015 10:15:28 AM >

    (in reply to jun5896)
    Post #: 1438
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/28/2015 2:01:45 PM   


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    [ADDED DB pre-v436]

    Overhaul Kirov-Class

    Admiral Nakhimov rejoining the fleet in 2018 (Other 2 ships expect in 2020)

    < Message edited by emsoy -- 6/6/2015 6:05:27 PM >

    (in reply to jun5896)
    Post #: 1439
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 2/28/2015 3:49:38 PM   


    Posts: 11524
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    Updated existing and added new requests up until this point. Thanks guys!



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