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Joined: 6/21/2006 Status: offline
OK finished, its possible the scoring needs looking at? I managed an average after the Seawolf sank the majority of the main CVBG including the carrier. However at game end it went to a minor defeat once I'd got the amphibious landing to trigger. Not so sure why as I didn't lose anything since. Its possible one of those successes scores against me in effect. Seawolf did the damage to most subs and the CVBG, the island itself took a pounding from all available SSM types. The enemy subs worked well, on a couple they were loitering as I crossed a ridge line so at shallow water. You do run out of ammo, the Lightnings in particular not having sufficient Amraam, that is probably fair enough though and I perhaps shouldn't have gone air to air with them. The odd remaining thoughts I had..... The Lianing formation I suspect needs some thought, its massively spread out so the ships don't support each other well, more importantly you can easily get in with a sub. I didn't detect any helicopters trying to pinpoint my sub either so if some are available for strike missions that might be handy? They do probably need to be closer in though, I found I could attack with relative impunity on this particular group. I did at one stage consider a strike on the mainland, but its all single unit airfields. Can't recall if the orders mention that you can't attack the mainland, so that might already be covered. The CV group did behave slightly oddly, in essence it steamed south at speed, got to the group of island then reversed course, it then kept repeating that. It might need a closer patrol area as it didn't really threaten me as such. The main threat tended to be the obsolete subs, one got an LCS and several successfully got in annoying SSM strikes. There's probably a bomber strike forming up at game end, but the VC triggers before it sets off mind. By then I'd luckily won the air war, although that's a long struggle. I thought the patrols tended to work, especially those coming to the East of the island group itself. Although there are various adjustments that I think would make it slightly harder for the player side, the vast majority of this looked to be working.