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Joined: 10/4/2004 From: Argleton Status: offline
1944 September 12 The Empire captured: The Allies captured: There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at: There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at: Imperial Naval Bombardments Allied Naval Bombardments: Allied Ships Bombarding Ternate Allied Ships Bombarding Cotabato Allied Ships Bombarding Ternate Our subs scuffled with the IJN CA sortie. quote:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASW attack near Lingga at 51,87 Japanese Ships CA Suzuya Allied Ships SS Guavina SS Guavina launches 4 torpedoes at CA Suzuya Guavina bottoming out .... Sub escapes detection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub attack near Serasan at 56,86 Japanese Ships CA Mikuma Allied Ships SS Picuda SS Picuda launches 4 torpedoes at CA Mikuma Picuda bottoming out .... Sub escapes detection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guavina's aim was thrown off when Suzuya tried to ram her. Picuda attacked after the surface battle. Quiet in China. Continued movement near Chiang Mai. On the peninsula, the armour will take until the new year to move one hex to Surat Thani, but the infantry has made it there already. They will attack tomorrow. We finally have good recon at Sabang, showing 2 units, 3,540 troops, 22 guns, and 4 AFV. The last Chinese Army unit sea lifted to Victoria Point has made it to the rail line at Chumphon. That leaves only the units operating near Chiang Mai. Imperial sweeps and air strikes on our troops at Hanoi. Due to the strat move screwup air support is still a couple of days away so most CAP was from long range. Our own strikes finally flew against Kiungshan port and sank many LB. The SSX were nowhere to be found. The port itself is heavily damaged. The 4EB closed Samah airfield. Our bombers at Quinhon and Hue will stand down, except for the B-24J groups will which train. Meanwhile, in the South China Sea... quote:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Time Surface Combat, near Kuching at 58,87, Range 24,000 Yards Japanese Ships CA Mikuma, Shell hits 2 CA Suzuya, Shell hits 18, on fire CA Furutaka, Shell hits 3 Allied Ships CL St. Louis, Shell hits 1 CL Cleveland CL Mobile, Shell hits 5 DD DeHaven DD Dyson, Shell hits 1 DD Foote, Shell hits 2, heavy fires DD Radford, Shell hits 1, on fire Maximum visibility in Clear Conditions: 30,000 yards CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 30,000 yards CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 30,000 yards Range closes to 24,000 yards... CA Suzuya engages DD Radford at 24,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Dyson at 24,000 yards Range closes to 19,000 yards CL Cleveland engages CA Suzuya at 19,000 yards CA Suzuya engages CL St. Louis at 19,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Radford at 19,000 yards Range closes to 15,000 yards CL Mobile engages CA Suzuya at 15,000 yards CL Cleveland engages CA Suzuya at 15,000 yards CA Suzuya engages CL St. Louis at 15,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Radford at 15,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Foote at 15,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD DeHaven at 15,000 yards Range closes to 9,000 yards CL Mobile engages CA Furutaka at 9,000 yards CL Mobile engages CA Suzuya at 9,000 yards CL Mobile engages CA Mikuma at 9,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Radford at 9,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Foote at 9,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Dyson at 9,000 yards DD DeHaven engages CA Suzuya at 9,000 yards Range increases to 12,000 yards CA Furutaka engages CL Mobile at 12,000 yards CA Suzuya engages CL Cleveland at 12,000 yards CA Mikuma engages CL Mobile at 12,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Radford at 12,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Foote at 12,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Dyson at 12,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD DeHaven at 12,000 yards Range increases to 14,000 yards CL Mobile engages CA Furutaka at 14,000 yards CL Mobile engages CA Suzuya at 14,000 yards CA Suzuya engages CL St. Louis at 14,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Radford at 14,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Foote at 14,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Dyson at 14,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD DeHaven at 14,000 yards Range increases to 17,000 yards CA Furutaka engages CL Mobile at 17,000 yards CA Suzuya engages CL Cleveland at 17,000 yards CL St. Louis engages CA Suzuya at 17,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Radford at 17,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD DeHaven at 17,000 yards Range increases to 21,000 yards CA Furutaka engages CL Mobile at 21,000 yards CA Suzuya engages CL Mobile at 21,000 yards CA Mikuma engages CL Mobile at 21,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Foote at 21,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Dyson at 21,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD DeHaven at 21,000 yards Range increases to 25,000 yards CA Suzuya engages CL Mobile at 25,000 yards CA Suzuya engages CL Mobile at 25,000 yards CL St. Louis engages CA Suzuya at 25,000 yards CA Suzuya engages DD Radford at 25,000 yards Range increases to 29,000 yards Task forces break off... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning Air attack on TF, near Terempa at 54,85 Weather in hex: Heavy rain Raid detected at 54 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet. Estimated time to target is 20 minutes Allied aircraft A-24B Banshee x 3 P-39D Airacobra x 8 Allied aircraft losses A-24B Banshee: 3 damaged Japanese Ships CA Mikuma Aircraft Attacking: 3 x A-24B Banshee releasing from 4000' Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Terempa at 54,85 Weather in hex: Severe storms Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet. Estimated time to target is 9 minutes Allied aircraft Beaufighter Ic x 18 Allied aircraft losses Beaufighter Ic: 1 damaged Beaufighter Ic: 1 destroyed by flak Japanese Ships CA Mikuma, Shell hits 8, Bomb hits 1 CA Furutaka Aircraft Attacking: 17 x Beaufighter Ic bombing from 100 feet Naval Attack: 2 x 250 lb SAP Bomb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Terempa at 54,85 Weather in hex: Severe storms Raid detected at 44 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet. Estimated time to target is 16 minutes Allied aircraft A-24B Banshee x 3 P-39D Airacobra x 17 Allied aircraft losses A-24B Banshee: 1 damaged Japanese Ships CA Suzuya, on fire Aircraft Attacking: 3 x A-24B Banshee releasing from 3000' Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have three DD heading to Saigon for yard time. The three CL (with one DD escort) will head to Pearl Harbor to get back up to snuff, but they avoided serious damage. The CL armor stood up well. The USA dive bombers, despite being highly trained in naval attack and experienced could not get hits through the heavy weather. The low flying Beaufighters did, but their ordnance is a bit small for heavy cruiser armour. The heavies were probably trying to get at a landing craft convoy that was just leaving Kuching after dropping off support troops. They will be back, and Burke's Fletchers will be on patrol. Singkawang and Ternate. quote:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night Naval bombardment of Ternate at 78,102 Allied Ships CA Boston CA Northampton Japanese ground losses: 190 casualties reported Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled Non Combat: 9 destroyed, 17 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled Airbase hits 1 Airbase supply hits 1 Runway hits 4 Port hits 1 Port supply hits 2 SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CA Boston CA Boston firing at Ternate CA Northampton firing at Ternate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night Naval bombardment of Ternate at 78,102 Allied Ships BB Oklahoma Japanese ground losses: 268 casualties reported Squads: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled Non Combat: 15 destroyed, 10 disabled Engineers: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled Airbase hits 2 Runway hits 5 Port hits 3 BB Oklahoma firing at Ternate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground combat at Singkawang (56,88) Allied Deliberate attack Attacking force 3469 troops, 48 guns, 16 vehicles, Assault Value = 113 Defending force 1262 troops, 10 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 8 Allied adjusted assault: 47 Japanese adjusted defense: 15 Allied assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 3) Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 2 Combat modifiers Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), preparation(-), morale(-) experience(-) Attacker: leaders(-) Japanese ground losses: 42 casualties reported Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled Assaulting units: 147th(Sep) Infantry Regiment Defending units: 21th JNAF AF Unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground combat at Ternate (78,102) Allied Deliberate attack Attacking force 4479 troops, 178 guns, 101 vehicles, Assault Value = 108 Defending force 4687 troops, 28 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 88 Allied adjusted assault: 42 Japanese adjusted defense: 16 Allied assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 5) Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 4 Combat modifiers Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), fatigue(-) experience(-), supply(-) Attacker: Japanese ground losses: 144 casualties reported Squads: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 0 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled Allied ground losses: 10 casualties reported Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled Assaulting units: 31st Infantry Regiment 205th Field Artillery Battalion 147th Field Artillery Battalion 148th Field Artillery Battalion 260th Field Artillery Battalion 131st Field Artillery Battalion 134th Field Artillery Battalion Defending units: 12th Garrison Unit 11th Special Base Force 2nd JNAF AF Unit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both attacks will continue tomorrow. This was the first dent in the fortifications at Ternate. The massive troop shuffle between New Guinea and the Marianas continues but there is now light at the end of the tunnel. A train? Some of the CVE withdrawing to prepare for the Okinawa operation are lightly spotted in the Celebes Sea. Indochina. Some units en route to Hanoi are passing through Vinh, but other stacks can be seen on the roads and rails.
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