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RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!)

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RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) - 11/5/2015 3:05:53 PM   


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Not sure how much time I've but I am pondering to play on in solitaire. It's just the time allotment for it that hinders me.
We've started again - me and Enrico. After few turns where he savoured the Axis and despite his claim of feeling to drive a Ferrari - he got hammered here and there, and the Chinese surrounded a large Japanese army even - we opted to get again with me as Axis; and he's trying his new improved tactics with Allies.

(in reply to Courtenay)
Post #: 241
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) - 11/6/2015 8:22:40 PM   


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Jul / Aug 1943 - Secret Allied Meeting

Stalin took his personal airplane, a grand deprivation for the VVS, but he needs it. He needs it to meet the other Bigs, Churchill and Roosevelt, in a very secret base in Dutch Harbour, in the Aleutinian Islands.
Once he reaches Magadan, a US submarine waits there for him and his selected few escorting him as personal staff.

The travel is smooth and the three gathers in the remote isle, far from prying eyes and spies.

They're not yet to plan how to split the world and establish a new Communo-Democrat order in the world, actually the beginning of the meeting is filled with resentment.

Stalin accuses the other two of not having provided yet the promised "Second Front", and bring to him the much needed relief. Stalin does not hesitate in pointing out that once his armies are finished, the Western Democrats will have so many panzers and infanterie-divisions on their beaches they'll have nowhere to land.
Also Stalin claims he has endless manpower to fuel his army with, but he lacks guns, rifles and tanks. And planes. Not to speak of ships but these are not too relevant. Apparently most of the Soviet population migrated en-mass in Siberia; and is only there waiting to be armed and equipped. (In Stalin's mind with western weapons).

The other two are less resentful, but still point out the bloodshed they suffered from attempting landings over landings to open said "Second Front", but the German resistance was too stiff.
Churchill is weeping the imminent loss of colonies such as Australia and India, and he just had to survive a motion of distrust from the Chamber of the Lords. He needs victories, and quickly.
Next he underlines how he advocated to avoid a landing in mainland Europe as long as the Germany was strong and the W.Allied not prepared. Montgomery promptly backs it up, claiming that if the W.Allies does not have a superiority of 3:1 in tanks, planes, and everything, including razors to shave soldiers and cigarettes, an invasion is out of the equation.

FDR instead points out that the Japanese Navy revealed too strong, and that his intel was wrong. But he assures that the USA production will -soon- dwarf the one of the Axis whole. And that somehow is fighter designer had to learn a bit. More reassurances coming, for the fairness of the New Deal policy by the end of this year he'll have only proper fighter produced, and scrap some flying coffee machines like the P40s.
FDR also sweetens the pill, his "Monroe Policy" with South America is bringing countless of new allies to them. (I'll make for the sake of it Germany DoW all S.America remaining countries - not that it will impact much the game); but he informs that his espionage in Europe informed that the recent Axis successed impressed a few nations, especially the Scandinavians, where the "arian myth" is taking a hold and the ascending star of Germany is earning political sympathizers.

Then they start to actually be productive, and plan around how to save the situation.
A new landing in France is excluded for the time being, and maybe not even for the next year.
Churchill's policy - to save the scarce British manpower - is more than merry to point out to Morocco, but in the end the plan goes toward Norway.

FDR says "More airbases to bomb Germany. More airpower projected. Hitler's panzers cannot swim, it will be swift and easy".
Stalin looks perplex and rebated quickly.
"My plan to dwell in Greece and lead a partisan movement has been eradicated by the pesky Italians. I've a new plan. If you execute it, I'll reveal to you my latest secret weapon." Despite the Time Machine having blown up, Stalin's scientists are top notch, and he's another surprise in his sleeve.

Stalin points to Vladivostok. His situation is desperate, and calls for desperate measures. "I've still loyalists around, I'll send message to welcome an American Expeditionary Force in the Motherland! Once Vladivostock is secured, we can get the factories there arm the population, and have a new Soviet stronghold too far from the reaches of the Panzers!" He points to Siberia, where his forces are slowly being grinded away, driving a single finger on the map to show the distance.

Churchill objects "But the USA has to save Australia!" Though the interest of FDR is caught by Stalin's plan, he looks at the map and realizes pratically all of his HQs are in frigging England. But the political repercussions of democrat soldiers liberating a communist city ... the temptation. "Australian troops must hold their grounds in the land, and forfeit the naval battles. Keep your Indian Ocean pipeline free".

Churchill objects further "But I don't have enough ships for that! What if the Japanese Carriers show up?" FDR soothes him "I'll keep a carrier task force to press on the Japanese and keep them on their toes. Now shut up, or I cut your lend lease." That silenced Churchill at the instant.

Stalin goes on then, explaining his plan. "For unfathomable reasons, your soldiers would melt away if they were to land without a famous enough commander. But here's the trick, you land there, grab Vladivostok, and then start to ooze into Manchuria, which is Japanese. So you can bring more forces to shine under the flag of your glorious general. It's a walk in the park, I can assure you." FDR seems to think some and states "I've to seek council of King and Marshall privately, and see if this can be done." Churchill though, through his silence seems to have a small spark of joy. The Japanese surely will prioritize a new homefront than their advance in India or China.
But the logistics seem a bit overstretched.

The Big Three set the end of year 1948 as ultimate schedule to have all three of the Axis capitals in their hands.

Churchill is left to oversee the safety of the Atlantic and the strategic bombing - which he immediately starts with a big raid of thousands of bombers over Lille. (Actually destroying the factory!)
FDR speaks with King and Marshall, delegates them of Vladivostock and Norway operation respectively; and then returns to his merry life at the White House.
Stalin returns to the Motherland, establishing his new headquarters in Chita and commanding troops to form small industrial pocket of resistance; but upon his return bad news already get to him. Perm has fallen to the Germans and the Ula perimeter is shrinking, despite a valiant counterattack of the Soviets that brought to the elimination of a single German corp, the Germans have much more pushing and punishing power.

(Below, the Air Battle for Lille starting... no air side will suffer a single loss. All bombers though are cleared through. A 4 strong AA fires and rolls a 6. But the Strat-Bombers roll 10, sending the Factory to bits and pieces).

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< Message edited by Cohen -- 11/7/2015 1:07:22 AM >

(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 242
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) - 11/6/2015 9:47:53 PM   


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HOORAY. Play on.

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Post #: 243
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) - 11/7/2015 12:06:54 AM   


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That's me against myself now though!

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Post #: 244
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) - 11/7/2015 10:41:02 AM   


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Oh sorry, I didn't read between the lines properly :)

Well, better than nothing.

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Post #: 245
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Alas Again Restarting!) - 11/7/2015 3:26:06 PM   


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Jul / Aug 1943 - Norway Invasion

The US land forces smoothly seize all the relevant ports in Norway in the Atlantic, besting the feeble resistance performed by an elite sky division.

Preliminary bombardment on Oslo (sinking the whole Norway TRS) and on the ground forces of the Norway paralyzed the defence and prevents the Euro-Axis to intervene in any way except than maybe via the air.

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Post #: 246
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/25/2015 8:42:34 PM   


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Jul / Aug 1943 - Ostfront

The Germans exploited the good season to hammer and pound the "Ural Pocket", ultimately managing to split it in two portions. (And the smaller portion contains the organized remaining units, in a City-Fortress with factory and resource).

Depending how long the summer shall be, the northern portion of the "Ural Pocket" could even be erased from the war maps.

Zhuokov is watching at safe distance, aware that an intervention could prove fatal for the Soviet armoured forces kept in reserve; but as the German panzers too are slowly getting pitched into the fights for the mountains - some of them by now disrupted or unable to maneuver - he could evaluate a counterattack.

The idea though is swiftly dismissed for an amount of reasons (The turn ending, having suddenly lots of Axis planes reorganized and able to strike, and being in open plains at the mercy of the panzers which are three times the Soviets is not a pleasant though).

Germany already shifted two whole corps to the Western Front, making it harder and harder for the Allies to land in France. (Remember though by now I'll give all the time the game grants to the Allies to get to Berlin, Rome and Tokyo!).

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Post #: 247
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/25/2015 8:50:48 PM   


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Jul / Aug 1943 - Norway invasion - continued

The W.Allies prosecute smoothly the invasion of Norway, who seems to have rejected Hitler's hand, favoring the fascist ideology of Italy.

Norway ships are quickly evacuated from Oslo, once the defenders of Kristiansand are defeated: the Allies can just march to Oslo now, unopposed, and have succesfully seized all the ports already in the north, included Narvik.

A Sweden campaign is evaluated, as well as an expedition to Finland. Right now the Allies are fully aware they cannot attack France nor Spain yet, so they're to go through a peripheric strategy until their strength is not properly built up.

With the RAF poised to escort the strategic bombers over Lille, the Germans port strike the western coast of England and Wales, managing to sink an US cruiser in the port and disrupting some shipping.

(Screenshot belongs to here - just editing the post on as the turn goes on)

The USA retaliates quickly with the first bombing raid in history on Germany proper. From the new bases in Norway B17 take off, escorted by Mustangs on Hamburg - and for how the escorts deliver their protegee over the German major city, the bombers fail in inflicting meaningful damage.

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< Message edited by Cohen -- 11/25/2015 9:57:46 PM >

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Post #: 248
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/25/2015 9:53:30 PM   


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Jul / Aug - End of Turn, Destroyed Pool and other happenings (Japan)

Bear in mind many of the losses below belong to the last impulse with 2 players; which was the first of Jul / Aug 1943 - where the Euro-Axis threw into the sea one another attempt of the W.Allies to land.
The Germans have grown a bit bold there and attrited themselves on the mountains of Urals, but in the end the day they produce, the Soviets don't (well minimally).

Japan marched forth in both Australia and Calcutta.
The Indian defences are really thin now, a single GARR sitting in Calcutta against an amount of Japanese (2 HQ, 2 INF, 1 MIL and 2 ARTs with full "air" support, for what you can call it air support. These Japanese planes with 1-2 tactical factor!).

In Australia the Japanese used the bulk of their fleet to support the advance to the outskirts of Brisbane, wanting to secure that major naval base exploiting the impotence of the US fleet at the present that is neatly inferior to Japan Carriers + Land based.

The Allies won't see Europe for a year about with most probabilities; the big question is what to do with their forces at the present. But they do not have that huge mass in England right now.

For the Pacific - that will be the new focus for USA. To establish a long term safe economy right now is mandatory since the game will last many more years (though I am taking it veeeeery slow, and don't be surprised if at some point I just don't update this AAR anymore. I find playing against myself extremely boring, so I do it in lost time pratically) therefore to secure Australia pipeline of convoy and possibily hold India open should be a must.
Also Japan stands alone meanwhile Italy - individually the weakest target - can easily get huge assistance in terms of crack German forces and planes. Therefore Japan should be the easiest of the picks to deal with first.
Said that the "first" still need some turns for sure to shift forces and such - but in the return to base the US shifted 5 new land based FTRs that can go in the 3-4 boxes in the Pacific.
Originally placed by my opponent to go in Europe - to cover landings - it's useless to have them there when there are no troops to land with!

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< Message edited by Cohen -- 11/25/2015 11:37:07 PM >

(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 249
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 11:21:37 AM   


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Could you show us the strategic map in political mode, just so as we can see the big picture at this point?

(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 250
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 3:34:05 PM   


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Stragetic Map - as requested

The Soviets are pretty poorly set right now, preparing their last stands in the last two "printed" factory cities (or better to shield them).
The German "lines" you see are the railroad for Archangel and going down to Afghanistan.
I've made the German DoW all of S.America on purpose - assuming all the other S.America minors simply side with the USA after the conquered most of the S.America via brute force.

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Post #: 251
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 3:55:23 PM   


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Production Coming after Jul / Aug production

Top - Nov / Dec 1943

Bottom, Left - Jan / Feb 1944

Bottom, Right - March / April 1944

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Post #: 252
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 3:59:15 PM   


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Repair & Construction Pools + Reserve Pilots and O-Chits

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Post #: 253
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 4:18:40 PM   


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Other Players interrogation!

What do you want the Allies do? I'll be the "in-game" executor, but as I suck big ass playing against myself I believe an input from outside could come handy.

My current perception is that the W.Allies cannot do -anything- for a year or two in Europe proper (more probably 2 years after the recent losses).

Options could be (in my mind):

Invasion Marocco.
Invasion Sweden.
Buildkrieg and Strat-Bomb for the W.Allies.

Operation Vladivostock (USA intervention in Siberia to try to save Stalin - not so sure it's doable in logistical terms though and with the IJN being fully operational)
Australian Rescue (A plan to reinforce Australia and hold the southern part in case Brisbane is lost)
Finishing to secure the Marshalls. (Eniwetok is still Japanese)

Any idea and direction is welcome - if you feel to fill the boots of the Allied High Command.
In many cases currently it looks that they should just wait to have overwhelming advantage over someone - due to their quicker shipping over the fronts as long as there is no direct / short rail connection.

Similar to the DoWing of the South America nations by the Axis, the W.Allies will "DoW" Sweden.
Sweden is a passive Axis nation. What does this means?
The factories will produce for the Axis, but the Sweden will simply "mobilize" (as per not getting surprised).
The Sweden airplanes must be set on the map and not removed (to recycle pilots) and their Force Pool must be added in this turn to the Axis force pool.
Axis units cannot enter Sweden until W.Allies aggress them, and Sweden units cannot leave Sweden or attack out of Sweden.

< Message edited by Cohen -- 11/26/2015 6:13:33 PM >

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Post #: 254
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 6:52:46 PM   
brian brian


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I played out a solitaire game like this once.

All of the Axis started investing in CVs and factory construction. For the long-game, post 1945.

The Japanese focused on securing a defensible perimeter for the oil coming in from the Middle East (they were loaded with resources in general from adding Siberia to the above). Their goal was to prevent any oil from reaching India or Australia (held strongly by local forces and a few marooned US/UK units), allowing the RN or USN to use it as a base for raiding their interior convoy lines. Their traditional eastern perimeter against the USN was defended by similarly laying siege to Pearl Harbor and maintaining a strong naval reserve and counter-attack Marine force for any USN success at moving forward. But it was all the USN could do to hold on to Pearl as the IJN had never taken many casualties, with plenty of "super ships" leading their task forces.

Japanese offensive operations were directed at Capetown, a choke point for any Allied forces attempting to move east from the Atlantic, due to the structure of the sea zones on the map. Hata led some epic campaigns on the plains of southern Africa with support from an Italian naval force (w/ CV) at sea, NAVs from shore, and TERRs running amok all around Africa.

The Germans were able to operate a strong air-based defense of western Europe's shores - they effectively operate on interior lines in this regard, able to base at sea boundary lines (Lisbon), and shift easily in response to Allied attempts to pierce the perimeter. The Do-217K (M?) is a wicked NAV in their arsenal and the Luftwaffe could put up plenty of cannon fodder LND3 in front it. They also invaded Norway but bogged down there, unable to reach Oslo as the Germans had their original lift and then some.

By 1944 the western Allies had to abandon the idea of offensive operations and prepare for a well-armed Sea Lion. The Germans got ashore in Scotland and conquered most of it, taking Scapa and giving the ever growing Kriegsmarine enough access to the Atlantic to truly threaten US<>UK links. The Allies were able to push back from Axis coups such as a successful invasion of Liverpool and made progress in reducing the Axis hold over Scotland via adroit use of Special Forces (US Ranger counter, UK Commando). This came at a cost of weakening the south coast enough that the Germans were then able to get ashore there with all their best units and the force to take London.

Russia was sort of holding out in the 'stans and along the Trans-Siberian. But their stored oil was steadily dwindling as the Germans managed to kill their INF/GARR production about as fast as it deployed on the map, and their spearheads continued to advance towards the last half-dozen Soviet cities and railed factories. Once the oil reserve ran out they would be down to less than 6 BP / turn facing superior forces on each axis of Axis advance.

The game bogged down completely in 1945 with the Japanese approaching Dakar, port-hopping along the African coast, and the UK sinking under the weight of 3 land units in almost every hex. Lines were stagnated in the Midlands factory belt with each side only able to take a hex via an Offensive Chit. The last Allied hope was a successful A-Bomb strike on the massed Kriegsmarine but at that point I grew weary of the exercise.

I figured by 1946 the Euro Axis would be able to win the upper hand in the Atlantic enough that it would be pointless to try and get resources to the UK factories, already a dodgy proposition in 1945. And eventually be able to wrest England from the Allies but with a final similar struggle in northern Ireland. But even with an enlarged CV fleet and a powerhouse economy, I thought it would be fairly difficult for them to make it on-shore in North America as then the USN would have the advantages of interior lines

(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 255
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 7:04:34 PM   
brian brian


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In your game I think the Allies should continue to operate historically. Use USA production to generate local air superiority in the north and invade Denmark. (Don't drag Sweden into this but even if you did this would likely only make the Axis stronger at this point). Just use Denmark as a base for strategic bombing of deep German targets as probably neither side would be able to break through the Schleswig-Holstein bottleneck. Though it will be difficult for the Allies to even reach that border, that close to Axis reinforcement cities.

Simultaneously I would try and return to Europe via the NW Africa front and threaten the Axis oil holdings in the Middle East via securing the Indian Ocean, if you still can. Maximizing production at every Allied factory hex will be critical.

(in reply to brian brian)
Post #: 256
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 7:11:40 PM   


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Sept / Oct 1943 - Pacific War

Time to allow some info flow for the Pacific War.

With the opening of Septeber / October the Japanese set their eyes on Brisbane, and decided to go for it. Heavily.
The IJN screwed the staying in stand-by to react to the USA and moved in the Coral Sea. The US this turn received 4 brand new Essex carriers, loaded with modern planes but they were parked in the US mainland, having just got their paint dry!

Also the Japanese performed minor raids and a port attack on Pago Pago that was still lacking air cover (which is coming in the form of 2 P38 that were coming from US - but originally deployed for Europe by my former opponent). The CV Ranger was disrupted.

But the US took their chance and and the 4 new Essex took the sea and went to the Solomons, along with the other carrier force and escorts from the Hawaii. There, a single cruiser of Japan was patrolling the zone and screamed the alarm.
Japan fighters bravely choosed to scramble along NAVs - getting all in the 2 Box. Better to be in a large group than to be scattered on isolated bases! (The Japanese Cruiser is at the 2 box too - and the US all went to the 2 and 1 box. But with the IJN carriers off in the Coral Sea they did not feared much).

On top of that the naval search roll were respectively 1 and 8. The starting +2/-2 air fight turned into a +6/-2 for the US - that promptly shot down the best Zero (6 air factor) and the Japanese opted to leave the cruiser to its own fate (you can imagine which is, with 12 carriers flying planes at once)

IJN loses a measly cruiser that won't be scrapped but rebuilt, simply because its 2nd cycle is free and is a good token for losses!

Also as the Japan got submarines trying to raid convoys, they went it to fight as USA moved in escorts. Japan lost a submarine and got another damaged.

For now the US flag is victorious in the Pacific.

But now the Japan turn comes - and they'll start to encroach on Brisbane with more forces and full aereo-naval support.
On the other hand some reinforcements for Australia could be diverted to keep safe the Solomon perimter.

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Post #: 257
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 7:24:09 PM   


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Pacific War - Solomons

That's where the Cruiser and a 6 air factor Zero just got shot down!

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Post #: 258
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 7:55:54 PM   


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. to be edited!

< Message edited by Cohen -- 11/26/2015 10:08:15 PM >

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Post #: 259
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 9:07:25 PM   


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Pacific War - Coral Sea

The Imperial Japanese Navy in its glory - there are still 2 carriers in Japan that are brand new too and 1 light carrier (Which lacks plane).

Right now the forces at sea are quite balanced BUT the USA are sending in a lot of land based planes which will tip the balance to their favor (and they've OChits whereas Japan has not)

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Post #: 260
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/26/2015 9:25:19 PM   


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In your game I think the Allies should continue to operate historically. Use USA production to generate local air superiority in the north and invade Denmark. (Don't drag Sweden into this but even if you did this would likely only make the Axis stronger at this point). Just use Denmark as a base for strategic bombing of deep German targets as probably neither side would be able to break through the Schleswig-Holstein bottleneck. Though it will be difficult for the Allies to even reach that border, that close to Axis reinforcement cities.

Simultaneously I would try and return to Europe via the NW Africa front and threaten the Axis oil holdings in the Middle East via securing the Indian Ocean, if you still can. Maximizing production at every Allied factory hex will be critical.

Their goal in Sweden possibly is to seize some extra resources and a factory as OIL is getting pretty harsh in consumption.

I'll note down Denmark as future possibility - though a coup of hand at Copenhagen with Paras could be attempted too. But Germans have got 2 units there now.

(in reply to brian brian)
Post #: 261
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/27/2015 8:50:20 AM   


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Thanks for posting the strat map. That answers a lot of questions.

(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 262
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 11/27/2015 4:40:40 PM   

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In your game I think the Allies should continue to operate historically. Use USA production to generate local air superiority in the north and invade Denmark. (Don't drag Sweden into this but even if you did this would likely only make the Axis stronger at this point). Just use Denmark as a base for strategic bombing of deep German targets as probably neither side would be able to break through the Schleswig-Holstein bottleneck. Though it will be difficult for the Allies to even reach that border, that close to Axis reinforcement cities.

Simultaneously I would try and return to Europe via the NW Africa front and threaten the Axis oil holdings in the Middle East via securing the Indian Ocean, if you still can. Maximizing production at every Allied factory hex will be critical.

Their goal in Sweden possibly is to seize some extra resources and a factory as OIL is getting pretty harsh in consumption.

I'll note down Denmark as future possibility - though a coup of hand at Copenhagen with Paras could be attempted too. But Germans have got 2 units there now.

Sweden isn't a walk over at all. It has a fairly strong army available. I would leave them alone...



(in reply to AlbertN)
Post #: 263
RE: Cohen vs Enrico - AAR nr.4 (Solitaire from Jul Aug ... - 12/8/2015 4:35:41 PM   


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End of Sept / Oct 1943

After an amount of evaluation - the Allies will try to get the Sweden resources off Axis.
Ultimately at the moment they've the problem to protect their shipping lanes from the Axis swarm of NAV bombers; and that pratically makes an invasion of Marocco not very suitable as most of their airbases giving in to Cape St. Vincent would come from Spanish Marocco.

It would be also a logistic overstretch to ship units down there when they're already in UK and Norway.
Secondary aim is to dilute the German forces over a larger front for later - but the Soviet looming collapse would not really help. In the moment all the German forces from Russia can pour into the West the W.Allies probably would go pretty much nowhere.

In the while the combined airforces of the W.Allies managed to bomb Bruxxel factory into bits.

A German submarine raid was foiled, and it ended with 4 submarines sunk and many damaged. Much more losses for Germany than for the W.Allies on the field (that included 2 CLs) but if we add up the BPs lost due to CPs aborted or destroyed - the math evens out.

The W.Allies decide that first they need naval supremacy in order to move - and conquest Japan.

(in reply to Centuur)
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