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Turn Guide - 12/21/2015 2:14:34 PM   
Kong Gulerod


Posts: 10
Joined: 12/17/2010
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I have another WitW newbie question that I would like to ask you all.

Do any of you have a Turn Guide of all the steps you always go through each turn?

When I started playing WitE, I found a really good turn guide written by someone on the forum. The turn guide was 20-25 standard steps that the author did during each turn. The steps were like “check the inbound/outbound list”, “check the production”, “go through air combats” etc. I was great to have a list to start out the game, and then I added some steps to it, and removed 1-2 steps, so that it fitted my style of play. I feel that there are so many changes to the dynamics of the game to reuse the WitE list. Especially the Air phase and logistic phases have changes radically, so a list to essential steps per turn would be fantastic.

Do any of you have a list that you use as a guideline each turn?


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Post #: 1
RE: Turn Guide - 12/21/2015 2:56:24 PM   


Posts: 211
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great idea!

(in reply to Kong Gulerod)
Post #: 2
RE: Turn Guide - 12/22/2015 2:04:04 PM   


Posts: 345
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I think list would be pretty much the same. You'd have to add some air steps like morale check, weather check, etc.

< Message edited by szmike -- 12/22/2015 3:04:24 PM >

(in reply to whoofe)
Post #: 3
RE: Turn Guide - 12/22/2015 2:16:01 PM   

Posts: 1249
Joined: 9/29/2012
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Ive developed a turn guide in my head that carried over and was modified for WitW.

Some of the steps repeat thru the turn as different things are done and noticed.

The Air Phase can be very dependent on actions to be taken during the ground phase.

The main thing is WHAT has the enemy done this turn and will my long term plans change.

A good overall STATUS check of all troops.

The weather this week and the prediction for the next week.

The graphs always come in handy in seeing trends over weeks.

I use the commanders report, but I dont rely on just it, I VISIT my units to see whats going on and how they are doing. Support units included.

Many other things- steps.

A natural progression from one step to the next that happens in random order and repeat thru turn.. May try to write down the progressions of actions.

< Message edited by KWG -- 12/23/2015 1:57:43 PM >


"A word was said - a mare is standing by the fence."

(in reply to szmike)
Post #: 4
RE: Turn Guide - 12/23/2015 1:38:54 AM   


Posts: 81
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This is what i like to do.

In the airphase, first i deal with my strat bombers in europe. I do this by checking if any of the worse bombers can be changed to bombers that can use incendiaries, then change them to that and tell them to bomb points in the Ruhr. I get my 8th and make them bomb oil or negative vp makers, depending on what i need. Raftac is sent off to bomb rail way points where there isnt much flak.

In italy, strategic bombing is used to blow up weaker units to break through, and tac interdicts the area. The air phase is really hard to describe because theres so many things you can do with it. But its essentially seeing if you can upgrade aircraft, moving them foward, and then bombing whats in range.

For the ground phase, first i checkthe withdrawal tab for three turnsahead and base my plans on that. I see if any units at the front near supports, then check my hqs to see if i can replace with sifferent leaders. I also check my logistics and change supply based on where units will be in the next turn.

I actually might make a video tutorial describing something like this

(in reply to KWG)
Post #: 5
RE: Turn Guide - 12/23/2015 5:43:13 PM   


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Not an expert by any means, but (for what it is worth) here is my routine:
1. Check last turns VPs for surprises - sudden rises in negative VP for whatever is on at that moment (UB or VW), or SB points, cities etc. Mentally adjust target priority list to suit. Check Interdiction levels and recon (just in case)
2. Check weather in the next couple of turns for marked changes - air weather for ADs and mud for ground ops
3. Go to the messages and skim them, then filter on supply to look for issues
4. Go to production screen. Look down the list for any a/c types where the shortage exceeds the pool, and where production is short. Change out of production types to something better if poss - unless weather is bad, I usually wont change more than 2 sqds/groups per week. If it is bad weather, or I have an air force stood down for any reason, I change more. Change 'elective' upgrades, concentrating on low morale/low availability units. Again about 2/week per type - for example the change from Spit Vs to VIII or IX is driven by my desire not to take too many sqds out of service at once. I always try to leave at least 50% of the number of aircraft in units available in pool, but this is not always possible.
5. go to units list, and filter on my chosen morale level (usually <40%). Set them to rest. Now set to my 'back on ops' threshold (usually >60%) and put them back on suitable ops (DO/NO/DN). In this way units get used until their morale falls below 40%, then they get rested until it is above 60%. I change these numbers depending on need/game status but these are my defaults at present.
6. check for any units with low availability/high fatigue and attempt to see why. Correct if possible (move them back, change type, rest etc)
7. Do air transfers to support the situation (front line moves, air effort planned, etc.)
8. Plan ADs, doing any further command changes, or transfers necessary
9 Execute air phase
10. Review Interdiction and recon
11. Look at unit health, commanders etc. Plan tactical moves. Move SUs
12. Do air supply transfers
12. execute plans
13. curse about failures
14 repeat any remaining air supply to my now rampaging armoured units.
15. tweak any flanks/pull back silly units.

And that's about it. Wrapped round this is the strategic thinking - where to invade, when etc, checking ampib prep points, putting paras on airbases and giving targets. Depends on the date etc but this is about once per month I guess (just after Husky, before Mainland or Corsica/Sardinia etc.)

I am sure I have forgotten something, but others will chip in.


I have a cunning plan, My Lord

(in reply to Hofstadter)
Post #: 6
RE: Turn Guide - 12/31/2015 2:02:20 AM   

Posts: 2800
Joined: 9/7/2004
From: Romulus, MI
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This is still a work in progress but at least it's a start:

1. Make note of prior turn events
a) Promotions/Deaths
b) New Arrivals/Withdrawals
2. Check Air Bases
a) Build Level 1 Air Bases
b) Upgrade Level 1 Air Bases to Level 2
c) Upgrade Level 2 Air Bases to Level 3
3. Check Logistics
a) Priority Railyard Repairs
b) Create New Depots
c) Check Supply Priority of Air Bases
d) Check Supply Priority of Depots
e) Check Supply Priority of HQ Units
4. Check Air Units
a) Assign Units from National Reserve
b) Upgrade/Change Aircraft
c) Air Unit transfers
5. Assign/Reassign Commanding Officers
6. Reassign Ground Units
7. Assign/Reassign Air Directives

1. Conduct ground attacks
?. Update OOB for ground units
?. Plan/Plot Amphib Invasions
?. Assign support units from HQ


PO2 US Navy (1980-1986);
USS Midway CV-41 (1981-1984)
Whidbey Island, WA (1984-1986)
Naval Reserve (1986-1992)

(in reply to Kong Gulerod)
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