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Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youutube?

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Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youutube? - 2/24/2015 4:35:31 AM   


Posts: 37
Joined: 10/29/2014
Status: offline
I've always wondered why there are so few youtubers making LPs or AARs of this game? There are two battles played by pewpewpewchew and Steve Sills excellent tutorials that's about it. Why does it not have nearly as many videos as say War in the Pacific or War in the East
Post #: 1
RE: Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youu... - 2/24/2015 7:44:04 AM   

Posts: 2426
Joined: 10/15/2006
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Why not create a Let's Play series on You Tube yourself? If you build it... they will come...

Best wishes,


I love the smell of TOAW in the morning...

(in reply to rustinpeace91)
Post #: 2
RE: Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youu... - 2/24/2015 7:10:56 PM   
golden delicious

Posts: 5575
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From: London, Surrey, United Kingdom
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A video of me playing TOAW would be... really dull.

Ben opens his turn, moves the map to the bit of the front he was worrying about earlier that day. Stares at it for a bit. Cycles through some stacks. Yep, that armoured division really isn't there any more. Scrolls over to some other areas of the front.

After about five minutes, maybe I move a unit. I wouldn't want to watch that. Instead I write traditional AARs where I talk about what happened, what I'm doing, and what is likely to happen next, accompanied by screenshots.

< Message edited by golden delicious -- 2/24/2015 8:12:21 PM >


"What did you read at university?"
"War Studies"
"War? Huh. What is it good for?"
"Absolutely nothing."

(in reply to shunwick)
Post #: 3
RE: Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youu... - 2/24/2015 8:13:41 PM   

Posts: 9511
Joined: 5/3/2007
From: east coast, usa
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I'm with the Golden Apple on this one, there is no way I am going to watch an hour long YouTuber of somebody else playing a couple turns of TOAW. My time would be much better wasted playing it myself. Maybe some other folks are different for some reason. I did give it a chance, I tried watching pewpew's videos. To me it was like watching planes fly overhead.

(in reply to golden delicious)
Post #: 4
RE: Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youu... - 2/24/2015 8:35:27 PM   
golden delicious

Posts: 5575
Joined: 9/5/2000
From: London, Surrey, United Kingdom
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One could do a talked-over video as a tutorial, but I really do need all my brain power to play PBM games intelligently. Trying to do a video AAR at the same time would be problematic.


"What did you read at university?"
"War Studies"
"War? Huh. What is it good for?"
"Absolutely nothing."

(in reply to sPzAbt653)
Post #: 5
RE: Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youu... - 2/27/2015 1:59:05 AM   

Posts: 41
Joined: 8/15/2007
From: Milano, Italy
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I agree that a real time TOAW let's play would be too boring.
But someone willing to try might just register himself playing, cut the video to show only the relevant parts and describe it's strategy.

It would be something like a more extended written AAR, where you can actually see the game mechanics in action.

Although I must admit that it's not so much straightforward as hitting the record button and start talking, we need a real youtuber for that

(in reply to golden delicious)
Post #: 6
RE: Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youu... - 1/13/2016 2:37:48 AM   

Posts: 19
Joined: 4/30/2014
From: Woodstock ON, Canada
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Not if you are creative enough. Actual play through would not work but a detailed overview outlining your strategy and attacks. You can use other software like snag-it to show force movements. It could even draw in the 2nd guessers who can comment on bad tactics which is who you want. Negative press is good press. Traffic is everything. Just don't have thin skin like shunskin said build and they will come.

(in reply to Sker)
Post #: 7
RE: Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youu... - 1/26/2016 5:31:37 PM   


Posts: 157
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Because in fact TOAW has terrible overloaded interface, thats looks especially stupid at vids. Yeah, it is relaxing and sometimes helps to feel this slowly atmosphere but is so boring at overall. So most folks rightly thinks that TOAW vids simply will dont draw enough attention and are huge wast of time. =)

< Message edited by spec111 -- 1/26/2016 6:35:10 PM >


(in reply to ckacres)
Post #: 8
RE: Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youu... - 1/29/2016 9:45:59 AM   

Posts: 341
Joined: 4/6/2010
From: Wieluñ, Poland
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ORIGINAL: spec111

Because in fact TOAW has terrible overloaded interface, thats looks especially stupid at vids. Yeah, it is relaxing and sometimes helps to feel this slowly atmosphere but is so boring at overall. So most folks rightly thinks that TOAW vids simply will dont draw enough attention and are huge wast of time. =)

Here, hear!He wrote "terribly overloaded interface". Sweet bejesus, that means when I look at the landscape it is terribly overloaded with the sight.

I mean, have your opinion any way it is, but I just couldn't have helped myself. Did I miss anything in that "terribly overloaded interface"? "In fact", of course.

< Message edited by burroughs -- 1/29/2016 10:48:26 AM >


"-What if one doesn't make it?
-Then we know he was no good for SpetsNaz. ..."
V. Suvorov, "Spetsnaz;the Story behind the Soviet SAS"

...No escape from Passchendaele .../ God Dethroned, "Passiondale"

(in reply to spec111)
Post #: 9
RE: Why are there so few LPs and AARs of TOAIII on youu... - 2/6/2016 5:01:15 PM   

Posts: 464
Joined: 10/3/2014
Status: offline
I actually enjoyed this one:


It got me inspired to look further into this game for possible purchase.


Man schlägt jemanden mit der Faust und nicht mit gespreizten Fingern !

(in reply to Sensei.Tokugawa)
Post #: 10
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