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RE: 1944 October 26

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RE: 1944 October 26 - 1/26/2016 3:07:06 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
An APA convoy is being dispatched to Iwo Jima to pick up PacAO the minute that Daito Shoto is captured so minimum time will elapse til the first attack at Naha.


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3571
RE: 1944 October 26 - 1/26/2016 10:39:42 AM   


Posts: 253
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Those Lang Son zombies look like they might last a while. At least considering the track record of some other zombies you killed recently

About palembang, do you actually need all that fuel now, this late in the game? Because of its position relatively close to the front. Or are you already set with fuel stocks elsewhere?

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3572
RE: 1944 October 26 - 1/26/2016 11:20:21 AM   

Posts: 1277
Joined: 4/12/2012
From: Bedlington, Northumberland, UK
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ORIGINAL: Drakanel

Those Lang Son zombies look like they might last a while. At least considering the track record of some other zombies you killed recently

About palembang, do you actually need all that fuel now, this late in the game? Because of its position relatively close to the front. Or are you already set with fuel stocks elsewhere?

Allied HQ in my game which is almost the same timing as this one has had long discussions with itself about whether we need to capture a lot of these places at the moment, expending effort and lives when we can sit and wait for them to get weaker and weaker before rolling in with some food supplies for what's left. The counter argument from the 'blood and guts' faction is get the place cleaned up and restored to the good guys and move the troops elsewhere. Each location requires the same discussion - some are more useful than others, some are useful simply because they are no longer of any use to the Imperials. Palembang comes into the 'isolated so stop the effort' category - Miri, Balikpapan, Tarakan, Medan etc supply all we need really. I currently have 32K of Imperials sitting there behind their entrenchments waiting for us to storm it...... That's a lot of units that cannot be used elsewhere.

I like self governing prison camps, I have a few others round the map. Hainan is one. Its rather similar to the effect in the War Between the States (*other names for the conflict are available) where an area called Kirby Smithdom existed after the fall of Vicksburg.



An unplanned dynasty: Roger Neilson, Roger Neilson 11, Roger Neilson 3 previous posts 898+1515 + 1126 = 3539.....Finally completed my game which started the day WITP:AE was released

(in reply to Drakanel)
Post #: 3573
RE: 1944 October 26 - 1/26/2016 1:50:53 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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ORIGINAL: Roger Neilson 3


ORIGINAL: Drakanel

Those Lang Son zombies look like they might last a while. At least considering the track record of some other zombies you killed recently

About palembang, do you actually need all that fuel now, this late in the game? Because of its position relatively close to the front. Or are you already set with fuel stocks elsewhere?

Allied HQ in my game which is almost the same timing as this one has had long discussions with itself about whether we need to capture a lot of these places at the moment, expending effort and lives when we can sit and wait for them to get weaker and weaker before rolling in with some food supplies for what's left. The counter argument from the 'blood and guts' faction is get the place cleaned up and restored to the good guys and move the troops elsewhere. Each location requires the same discussion - some are more useful than others, some are useful simply because they are no longer of any use to the Imperials. Palembang comes into the 'isolated so stop the effort' category - Miri, Balikpapan, Tarakan, Medan etc supply all we need really. I currently have 32K of Imperials sitting there behind their entrenchments waiting for us to storm it...... That's a lot of units that cannot be used elsewhere.

I like self governing prison camps, I have a few others round the map. Hainan is one. Its rather similar to the effect in the War Between the States (*other names for the conflict are available) where an area called Kirby Smithdom existed after the fall of Vicksburg.


That's exactly the decision process I've gone through. Even for Singapore, which has quite different numbers due to its value in various ways (points, 51,000 tons repair shipyard, transit of warships, major port on the rail net for dumping supplies from Asia/Cape Town/Aden).

In the case of Singapore taking it as quickly as possible makes the most sense. There is a substantial force pushing down the peninsula and an even larger contingent of infantry and artillery to join it for storming Singapore itself. There are small forces (as in Bns, depleted Rgts) to deal with pockets left along the way) and of course some support units.

Java and environs has been invested entirely by smaller units (Coys, Bns, Rgts), including 105 mm artillery that helped slowly reduce Ternate. Support units are building the port at Soerabaja to assist the 16,000 tons repair shipyard and will build airbases as far east as time allows so support the drive on Singapore.

Sumatra is being reduced by two divisions and one Bde. A Bn and Rgt now on Borneo are preparing for Oosthaven to speed things up. Palembang appears to have >14,000 troops and the forces assigned should be beyond any margin of safety.

Some small forces are preparing for the Philippines, and many of the small forces in the DEI now will move that that theater. The divisions on Sumatra will move to the main offensives in China/toward Japan, as will almost all the forces in Malaya. The Philippines campaign will be another slow, concurrent cleanup.

I agree the pocket in Lang Son could last a while, so I am taking steps to reduce them quickly while getting on with the main offensive. For one thing, they will not be allowed to move off the road!


(in reply to RogerJNeilson)
Post #: 3574
RE: 1944 October 26 - 1/26/2016 9:44:37 PM   

Posts: 1277
Joined: 4/12/2012
From: Bedlington, Northumberland, UK
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Will be interesting to see what you need to do to take Singers....

I will watch as much as I can, though a lot depends on my wifi at our holiday hotels.



An unplanned dynasty: Roger Neilson, Roger Neilson 11, Roger Neilson 3 previous posts 898+1515 + 1126 = 3539.....Finally completed my game which started the day WITP:AE was released

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3575
RE: 1944 October 26 - 1/26/2016 9:49:52 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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Turn rate is a bit slow and Singers is a little ways off. I originally figured we could get there by Dec 31, '44 and now I am wondering how much closer to Dec 1, '44.


(in reply to RogerJNeilson)
Post #: 3576
RE: 1944 October 24 - 1/26/2016 11:10:12 PM   

Posts: 22133
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Nice results recently for the Allies. Quite the bag of goodies you trapped at Lang Son, and Japanese LCU vp are climbing nicely for you.

Looking forward to Daito, and I hope the Japanese have lots of supply at Okinawa, but I am afraid it is a foregone conclusion there?

Are the enemy troops increasing at Okinawa? Decreasing?

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3577
RE: 1944 October 24 - 1/26/2016 11:40:13 PM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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Nice results recently for the Allies. Quite the bag of goodies you trapped at Lang Son, and Japanese LCU vp are climbing nicely for you.
Yes, happy with that and with the LCU VP moving upward. Quite a hole to get out of there with a huge mass of Chinese Army units destroyed early on.

Looking forward to Daito, and I hope the Japanese have lots of supply at Okinawa, but I am afraid it is a foregone conclusion there?
I hope so (foregone conclusion at Daito Shoto). The troops total climbed back a couple of thousand last turn, which I interpret as simply the vagaries of recon. I have Daito Shoto very isolated. Prior bombardments, plenty of bombardments available for D-day, including a goody. Wisconsin is with the convoys. When they all arrive at the jump off point, the fast BB will be reallocated into two TF of 3 each. There will be 3x Iowas in one TF, and I hope to have them available to bombard on D-Day along with whatever else bombards. I just hope they can reload from the the 2,800 ton AKE ships at Iwo Jima. Maybe I'll bring up some big AE for the occasion. I've been holding those back a little so as not to risk them before they can do at-sea replenishment of AA ammo.

Are the enemy troops increasing at Okinawa? Decreasing?
Static, so far as I can tell. I figure that Okinawa has lots of supply, but I have no indicators yet. It looks good for Daito Shoto, and gives a solid shuttle bombardment base for Naha. So, yes, I think Okinawa is a forgone conclusion provided I am careful enough in preparing for that first attack, which I consider pivotal.

< Message edited by witpqs -- 1/27/2016 12:41:32 AM >


(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 3578
RE: 1944 October 24 - 1/27/2016 1:06:21 AM   

Posts: 18046
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From: Winnipeg, MB
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The Iowa class need a 5400 ton AE to reload, or the appropriate port/naval support combo.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3579
RE: 1944 October 24 - 1/27/2016 4:13:51 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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The Iowa class need a 5400 ton AE to reload, or the appropriate port/naval support combo.

There is a couple of hundred naval support there plus the size 4 port, so maybe not needed, but I am sending them to be safe.


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 3580
1944 October 28 - 1/27/2016 4:14:50 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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1944 October 28

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Imperial Naval Bombardments
Japanese Ships Bombarding Kwangchowan

Allied Naval Bombardments:
Allied Ships Bombarding Daito Shoto

Our subs had less success than the stupid IJN subs.

Destruction wrought by the Aussies despite a massive bombardment by the IJN.

Night Naval bombardment of Kwangchowan at 73,60

Japanese Ships
DD Hamanami

Allied ground losses:
69 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

DD Hamanami firing at 7th Australian Division


Ground combat at Kwangchowan (73,60)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 23985 troops, 350 guns, 177 vehicles, Assault Value = 740

Defending force 3036 troops, 21 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 16

Allied adjusted assault: 562

Japanese adjusted defense: 8

Allied assault odds: 70 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: leaders(+), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
892 casualties reported
Squads: 91 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 12 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 13 (13 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
28 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Assaulting units:
7th Australian Division
2nd Australian Division

Defending units:
31st Ind.Mixed Regiment

Japanese Unit(s) surrounded at Kwangchowan

Hamanami is a real pain in the butt. I think we are going to send in Attack Force Z to get them. Let's see if they can stand up to Mel! Kwangchowan has built fortifications to level 1 and will continue until level 3 before switching to airfield construction. The Australian 1st Army Tank Regiment will leave Pakhoi and head directly along the coast road for the forest hex just west of Canton. If they do get there, they can move NW 1 hex and hold the forest hex just across the river from Wuchow, the intended point of crossing. Pakhoi has built to airfield size 4. Supplies are plentiful at Kunming so the attack is ordered for tomorrow.

Sumatra, and the recon of Alor Star.


Ground combat at 46,80 (near Tandjoengbalai)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 4013 troops, 49 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 111

Defending force 770 troops, 7 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 19

Allied adjusted assault: 94

Japanese adjusted defense: 5

Allied assault odds: 18 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: leaders(+), morale(-), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
290 casualties reported
Squads: 8 destroyed, 7 disabled
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 4 (1 destroyed, 3 disabled)
Units retreated 1

Allied ground losses:
28 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
72nd British Brigade

Defending units:
II./143rd Infantry Battalion


Ground combat at Alor Star (49,73)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 14805 troops, 300 guns, 323 vehicles, Assault Value = 1697

Defending force 15265 troops, 135 guns, 35 vehicles, Assault Value = 329

Japanese ground losses:
24 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
268th Motorised Brigade
Gardner's Horse Regiment
150th RAC Regiment
26th Indian Division
255th Indian Tank Brigade
18th Cavalry Regiment
3rd Carabiniers Regiment
254th Armoured Brigade
50th Tank Brigade
5th Indian Division
3rd (Special Force) Division

Defending units:
11th/A Division
15th Garrison Unit
2nd INA Gandhi Regiment
112th Infantry Regiment
3rd Raiding Regiment
15th Ind Engineer Regiment
63rd Inf Group Brigade
104th/C Division
34th Field Const Co
13th Field Construction Battalion
29th Army
3rd Naval Construction Battalion
7th Field Construction Battalion
18th Field Construction Battalion
89th JAAF AF Bn
15th Army
11th/C Division


The Bde will pursue. One more day for the last bit of infantry to arrive at Alor Star, so no bombardment tomorrow and a full attack the day after. One TF at Singapore shows 2x CA + 1x CS. It is possible that the capture of Alor Star will be a trigger of some sort for an exodus of capable warships from Singapore. The RN carriers are leaving Victoria Point for a journey around Sumatra to a point just NW of Padang. That will put them 7 hexes from Singapore and give the opportunity to ruin a surface TFs day without permitting a counter strike.

The carriers will have about 26 hexes to travel so they might arrive after Alor Star is ours. In keeping with AE tradition, I am considering a little mask of the red herring. Or whatever it's called. Maybe I will have the armour attack while the three infantry divisions only bombard? My hope is that would show the full strength of forces present in the combat report (note in the report above how only the division bombarding is shown in the troops-guns-vehicles tallies) and give the impression that the defenders had held out brilliantly. The point is it would buy us the extra day or two to get the carriers into position to make their strike before the IJN TF spooks. What do you think?

Forces remaining at Lang Son will attack tomorrow.


Ground combat at Lang Son (70,56)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 2628 troops, 237 guns, 220 vehicles, Assault Value = 2437

Defending force 32082 troops, 289 guns, 74 vehicles, Assault Value = 564

Japanese ground losses:
232 casualties reported
Squads: 11 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
Guns lost 9 (6 destroyed, 3 disabled)

Assaulting units:
96th Chinese Division
I Corps Engr Grp
1st Australian Division
22nd Australian Brigade
27th Australian Brigade
36th Chinese Division
96th Infantry Division
8th New Chinese Corps
5th Australian Division
3rd New Chinese Corps
II Aus Corps Engineer Battalion
9th Australian Division
12th Indian Heavy AA Regiment
251st Field Artillery Battalion
417th Base Group
2/1st Med Regiment
163rd Light AA Regiment
134th (East Ang) Regiment
57th Australian Lt AA Regiment
2/9th Field Regiment
2nd Medium Regiment
85th Medium Regiment
1st Medium Regiment
2/11th Field Regiment
87th Medium Regiment
312th Base Group
18th SP Field Artillery Regiment

Defending units:
59th Infantry Brigade
27th Division
58th Infantry Regiment
37th Division
34th/A Division
3rd Mobile AA Battalion
8th Recon Regiment
1st Mortar Battalion
15th Tank Regiment
11th Ind. Field Artillery Battalion
2nd Ind. Field Artillery Regiment
31st Mountain Gun Regiment


The air strikes and bombardment are delivering good results and we are going to keep the pressure on. All of the armor has moved out, all of the AA and infantry doing so should make it out tomorrow.

Tomorrow two of the Coys at Denpasar attack; the third still has too many disabled squads.

Despite lots of ASW present and making effective attacks, Wichita takes a bad hit.

Sub attack near Daito Shoto at 97,69

Japanese Ships
SS I-37, hits 20, heavy damage

Allied Ships
CVE St. Lo
DE Mitchell
DE Greiner
DD Sampson
DD Doyle
DD Thompson

SS I-37 launches 6 torpedoes at CVE St. Lo
DD Sampson attacking submerged sub ....
DD Doyle fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Thompson fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Sampson attacking submerged sub ....
DD Doyle attacking submerged sub ....
DD Thompson attacking submerged sub ....
DD Sampson attacking submerged sub ....
DD Sampson is out of ASW ammo
DD Sampson is out of ASW ammo
DD Doyle fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Thompson attacking submerged sub ....
DD Sampson fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Thompson fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Thompson fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub

Sub attack near Daito Shoto at 97,69

Japanese Ships
SS I-39, hits 9

Allied Ships
CA Wichita, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Philip

SS I-39 launches 6 torpedoes at CA Wichita
DD Philip attacking submerged sub ....
DD Philip fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Philip fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Philip attacking submerged sub ....
DD Philip attacking submerged sub ....
DD Philip is out of ASW ammo
DD Philip is out of ASW ammo
DD Philip is out of ASW ammo
Escort abandons search for sub


Oddly, Wichita separated without a DD to escort her. She's been redirected to Guam and a DE will race out from there to meet her. AFAIK there is only a sub 2 hexes behind her and she is not spotted and should be safe. The bombing of our positions at Naha has resumed. The strikes are much smaller but they are elevating disruption and producing disabled squads. Our side attacked shipping near Naha.

Morning Air attack on TF, near Naha at 94,66

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 73 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 29 minutes

Allied aircraft
F6F-5 Hellcat x 17
SBD-3 Dauntless x 2

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
DD Yunagi

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Naha at 94,66

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Allied aircraft
F6F-5 Hellcat x 17
SBD-3 Dauntless x 2

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
DD Shiranui

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb GP Bomb


Good bombardment of Daito Shoto.

Night Naval bombardment of Daito Shoto at 98,69

Allied Ships
CA Prome
CA Baltimore

Japanese ground losses:
174 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

OS2U-3 Kingfisher acting as spotter for CA Prome
CA Prome firing at 30th Field Artillery Regiment
SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CA Baltimore
CA Baltimore firing at 37th Ind.Mixed Brigade


The assault convoys have been reorganized into their final formations. All assault convoys have been allocated DD, DE, and mine sweeping assets and are on their way to the location 1 hex SW of Daito Shoto. Prowled by IJN submarines, it is also heavily patrolled by ASW TFs. Two large (5,400) AE are on the way from Guam to Iwo Jima. They will be replaced by three of the same from Manus.

A B-29-25 group arrived at US East Coast.


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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3581
RE: 1944 October 28 - 1/27/2016 4:15:19 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Malay Peninsula & Sumatra.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3582
RE: 1944 October 28 - 1/27/2016 4:15:53 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Java Sea.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3583
RE: 1944 October 28 - 1/27/2016 4:16:29 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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Okinawa. There is a DD/APD TF just west of Naha that appears to be heading to Naha.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3584
RE: 1944 October 28 - 1/27/2016 4:16:53 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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Wichita. Crikey!

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3585
RE: 1944 October 28 - 1/27/2016 10:46:29 AM   


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ORIGINAL: witpqs
The Bde will pursue. One more day for the last bit of infantry to arrive at Alor Star, so no bombardment tomorrow and a full attack the day after. One TF at Singapore shows 2x CA + 1x CS. It is possible that the capture of Alor Star will be a trigger of some sort for an exodus of capable warships from Singapore. The RN carriers are leaving Victoria Point for a journey around Sumatra to a point just NW of Padang. That will put them 7 hexes from Singapore and give the opportunity to ruin a surface TFs day without permitting a counter strike.

The carriers will have about 26 hexes to travel so they might arrive after Alor Star is ours. In keeping with AE tradition, I am considering a little mask of the red herring. Or whatever it's called. Maybe I will have the armour attack while the three infantry divisions only bombard? My hope is that would show the full strength of forces present in the combat report (note in the report above how only the division bombarding is shown in the troops-guns-vehicles tallies) and give the impression that the defenders had held out brilliantly. The point is it would buy us the extra day or two to get the carriers into position to make their strike before the IJN TF spooks. What do you think?

I don't think I would try that ploy. If he really is afraid of you taking Alor Star, he will simply leave tomorrow, no matter what. Also, if I were your opponent, I would simply consider the situation as shown by recon. I'd flee the moment I perceive a hole in the defenses, whether or not the troops are close to Singapore.

As far as I am concerned, he must think one of these two:
1 - He wants to save the ships. If he sees a hole in the net around Singapore, he will try to bolt. Alor Star is no closer to Singapore than Singkawangs and Kuching, so I don't see how the fall of Alor Star is going to change that. It's not like it would be a closer airbase. He will flee once he sees a possibility...
2 - He has determined that those ships will not be saved and so he plans to use them, if possible, to intercept any kind of convoy he might recon.

Given these 2 possibilities I would not delay the attack on Alor Star. It should not matter. However you might try to catch these ships by showing bait. Stage a fake small amphibious landing somewhere he can recon, but far away enough that he can't kill them immediately, hoping that he will stick around to kill these possible targets.

Whether or not that works is up for debate :P

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3586
RE: 1944 October 26 - 1/27/2016 12:28:59 PM   
Ian R


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From: Cammeraygal Country
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ORIGINAL: Roger Neilson 3

I like self governing prison camps, I have a few others round the map. Hainan is one. Its rather similar to the effect in the War Between the States ...


Some things have been the same since 1992

The prospect of regenerated IJA units absorbing replacements is a double edged sword.


"I am Alfred"

(in reply to RogerJNeilson)
Post #: 3587
RE: 1944 October 28 - 1/27/2016 4:15:39 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Drakanel


ORIGINAL: witpqs
The Bde will pursue. One more day for the last bit of infantry to arrive at Alor Star, so no bombardment tomorrow and a full attack the day after. One TF at Singapore shows 2x CA + 1x CS. It is possible that the capture of Alor Star will be a trigger of some sort for an exodus of capable warships from Singapore. The RN carriers are leaving Victoria Point for a journey around Sumatra to a point just NW of Padang. That will put them 7 hexes from Singapore and give the opportunity to ruin a surface TFs day without permitting a counter strike.

The carriers will have about 26 hexes to travel so they might arrive after Alor Star is ours. In keeping with AE tradition, I am considering a little mask of the red herring. Or whatever it's called. Maybe I will have the armour attack while the three infantry divisions only bombard? My hope is that would show the full strength of forces present in the combat report (note in the report above how only the division bombarding is shown in the troops-guns-vehicles tallies) and give the impression that the defenders had held out brilliantly. The point is it would buy us the extra day or two to get the carriers into position to make their strike before the IJN TF spooks. What do you think?

I don't think I would try that ploy. If he really is afraid of you taking Alor Star, he will simply leave tomorrow, no matter what. Also, if I were your opponent, I would simply consider the situation as shown by recon. I'd flee the moment I perceive a hole in the defenses, whether or not the troops are close to Singapore.

As far as I am concerned, he must think one of these two:
1 - He wants to save the ships. If he sees a hole in the net around Singapore, he will try to bolt. Alor Star is no closer to Singapore than Singkawangs and Kuching, so I don't see how the fall of Alor Star is going to change that. It's not like it would be a closer airbase. He will flee once he sees a possibility...
2 - He has determined that those ships will not be saved and so he plans to use them, if possible, to intercept any kind of convoy he might recon.

Given these 2 possibilities I would not delay the attack on Alor Star. It should not matter. However you might try to catch these ships by showing bait. Stage a fake small amphibious landing somewhere he can recon, but far away enough that he can't kill them immediately, hoping that he will stick around to kill these possible targets.

Whether or not that works is up for debate :P


Not sure when I will see the next turn, but as of last turn there was no movement indicator shown at Alor Star.

Kuching is 10 hexes from Singapore, Alor Atar 11 hexes. The difference might just be that he knows I can rail in all kinds of air and other support to Alor Star. As for the net outside of Singapore, I am doing my best to keep him from seeing it at all. The closest destroyer group sometimes gets a search hit, but the other two and the CL group do not. I'm sure he sees some of the subs too, but there are lots and were sent out at various times, so as to rotate replenishment.

I'm not keen on the bail idea because I am using pretty well the minimum forces I consider prudent on the Pacific Ocean side. On the Indian Ocean side, the Strait of Malacca is dangerous for my own ships due to increased chance of contacting mines, subs, and surface intercepts finding their mark. Trying to balance the risk/reward.

The carriers had just refueled, so part of the first day is lost, so I am guessing a journey of 4 days total before they can strike. On land I am hoping to hit the defenders hard enough that the armour alone can retreat them from the hex below Alor Star into Georgetown. Then try to trap them there and destroy them in place to reduce the 'rolling stack' of defenders.


(in reply to Drakanel)
Post #: 3588
1944 October 29 - 1/28/2016 12:42:07 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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1944 October 29

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Imperial Naval Bombardments
Japanese Ships Bombarding Kwangchowan
Japanese Ships Bombarding enemy troops at Naha

Allied Naval Bombardments:
Allied Ships Bombarding Daito Shoto

Our subs missed in all their attacks but that won't happen every day.

Kunming went poorly.


Ground combat at Kunming (69,48)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 38993 troops, 257 guns, 87 vehicles, Assault Value = 1097

Defending force 17400 troops, 120 guns, 92 vehicles, Assault Value = 551

Allied adjusted assault: 721

Japanese adjusted defense: 1240

Allied assault odds: 1 to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
234 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 25 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Allied ground losses:
3264 casualties reported
Squads: 106 destroyed, 75 disabled
Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 23 disabled
Engineers: 12 destroyed, 22 disabled
Guns lost 38 (14 destroyed, 24 disabled)
Vehicles lost 5 (3 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Assaulting units:
6th Australian Division
46th Chinese Corps
54th Chinese Corps
11th Group Army
102nd RAF Base Force
Z' Force
22nd Artillery Regiment

Defending units:
12th Tank Regiment
55th Infantry Brigade
64th Infantry Brigade
32nd/B Division
52nd Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion


The Australian division now has many disabled squads and 45% disruption. They are shifting into reserve to recover. The supply(-) for the Imperials is still a good sign. Kwangchowan was bombarded again.

Night Naval bombardment of Kwangchowan at 73,60

Japanese Ships
E No.11
E No.5

Allied ground losses:
14 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

E No.11 firing at 2nd Australian Division
E No.5 firing at 2nd Australian Division


Fortifications should reach level 2 tomorrow.

We attack tomorrow at Alor Star!

Lang Son was also a tough battle, making ground combat on the continent a loss for the day.


Ground combat at Lang Son (70,56)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 61029 troops, 673 guns, 429 vehicles, Assault Value = 1719

Defending force 31871 troops, 287 guns, 74 vehicles, Assault Value = 571

Allied adjusted assault: 1056

Japanese adjusted defense: 557

Allied assault odds: 1 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
698 casualties reported
Squads: 8 destroyed, 166 disabled
Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 22 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Guns lost 30 (6 destroyed, 24 disabled)
Vehicles lost 10 (8 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
2004 casualties reported
Squads: 22 destroyed, 179 disabled
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 18 disabled
Engineers: 9 destroyed, 67 disabled
Guns lost 26 (5 destroyed, 21 disabled)
Vehicles lost 15 (2 destroyed, 13 disabled)

Assaulting units:
27th Australian Brigade
XI Corps Engr Grp
I Corps Engr Grp
36th Chinese Division
8th New Chinese Corps
22nd Australian Brigade
II Aus Corps Engineer Battalion
96th Chinese Division
3rd New Chinese Corps
9th Australian Division
14th RAAF M/W Sqn
417th Base Group
85th Medium Regiment
87th Medium Regiment
2nd Medium Regiment
48th Light AA Regiment
2/1st Med Regiment
251st Field Artillery Battalion
312th Base Group
2/11th Field Regiment
134th (East Ang) Regiment
2/9th Field Regiment
1st Medium Regiment
18th SP Field Artillery Regiment

Defending units:
58th Infantry Regiment
37th Division
27th Division
59th Infantry Brigade
34th/A Division
8th Recon Regiment
3rd Mobile AA Battalion
1st Mortar Battalion
15th Tank Regiment
2nd Ind. Field Artillery Regiment
11th Ind. Field Artillery Battalion
31st Mountain Gun Regiment


The artillery units will continue bombarding and all air assets will maintain their attention. We did, at least, improve the odds with that casualty ratio. I just don't want too many successes like that one!

Denpasar has been secured.


Ground combat at Denpasar (58,108)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 588 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 33

Defending force 100 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3

Allied adjusted assault: 9

Japanese adjusted defense: 1

Allied assault odds: 9 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), leaders(-), disruption(-)
Attacker: fatigue(-)

Japanese ground losses:
40 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
2/2nd Ind Coy
2/1st Ind Coy
2/8th Ind Coy

Defending units:
1st Indpt SNLF Coy


1st Indpt SNLF Coy Wiped Out at Denpasar by attrition!!!

Our first unit has arrived at an abandoned Cheribon and will take control of it tomorrow. Recon indicates that Kalidjati is also empty, as is Tjilatjap.

We sent a DD TF to intercept this group at Naha but they missed.

Night Naval bombardment of Naha at 95,66


The troops on shore have all signed affidavits that this was the quietest bombardment ever. Sadly the same could not be said for the air strikes today, which were very damaging. Some are back up to size in number of aircraft. Another treatment is tempting, but the Daito Shoto Transports are closing the area now.

Our ASW forces did better, reportedly sinking one sub and mauling another. Others might have been damaged. Wichita is making her way to Guam and will rendezvous with an escort tomorrow. Our own bombardment of Daito Shoto was better than usual.

Night Naval bombardment of Daito Shoto at 98,69 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

Allied Ships
CA Salt Lake City
CA Northampton

Japanese ground losses:
228 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CA Salt Lake City
CA Salt Lake City firing at Daito-jima Naval Guard Unit
Daito-jima Naval Guard Unit firing at CA Salt Lake City
OS2U-3 Kingfisher acting as spotter for CA Northampton
CA Northampton firing at 36th Ind.Mixed Brigade


The old battleships will be on station tomorrow and begin bombarding the day after, one day before D-Day. No Daito Shoto convoys are known to be sighted by the enemy.


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RE: 1944 October 29 - 1/28/2016 12:42:35 AM   

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RE: 1944 October 29 - 1/28/2016 12:42:57 AM   

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Java Sea.

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RE: 1944 October 29 - 1/28/2016 12:43:23 AM   

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Post #: 3592
1944 October 30 - 1/29/2016 7:11:36 PM   

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1944 October 30

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:
Cheribon is occupied by the Allies

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Imperial Naval Bombardments
Japanese Ships Bombarding Kwangchowan
Japanese Ships Bombarding enemy troops at Nago
Japanese Ships Bombarding enemy troops at Nago

Allied Naval Bombardments:
Allied Ships Bombarding Daito Shoto

Our subs had several battles and one got hurt. Enemy subs fared worse with at least one getting hurt very badly.

Kwangchowan hit again.

Night Naval bombardment of Kwangchowan at 73,60

Japanese Ships
DD Hamanami

Allied ground losses:
Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)

DD Hamanami firing at 7th Australian Division


Fortifications are now at level 2. Some of our valiant Australian FB were intercepted by LRCAP over the mountains in China. In turn, a raid without escort on our armored column was destroyed to the last plane. See air losses. We now have 8x P-47 groups at Pakhoi to cover the armor.

First attack at Alor Star went well.


Ground combat at Alor Star (49,73)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 55297 troops, 828 guns, 2002 vehicles, Assault Value = 2060

Defending force 15239 troops, 134 guns, 35 vehicles, Assault Value = 323

Allied adjusted assault: 1157

Japanese adjusted defense: 271

Allied assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 3)

Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), preparation(-)
fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1430 casualties reported
Squads: 29 destroyed, 36 disabled
Non Combat: 26 destroyed, 21 disabled
Engineers: 20 destroyed, 17 disabled
Guns lost 23 (9 destroyed, 14 disabled)
Vehicles lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
1012 casualties reported
Squads: 14 destroyed, 105 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 34 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 32 disabled
Guns lost 32 (2 destroyed, 30 disabled)
Vehicles lost 48 (4 destroyed, 44 disabled)

Assaulting units:
255th Indian Tank Brigade
20th Indian Division
150th RAC Regiment
268th Motorised Brigade
26th Indian Division
18th Cavalry Regiment
254th Armoured Brigade
Gardner's Horse Regiment
3rd Carabiniers Regiment
50th Tank Brigade
5th Indian Division
3rd (Special Force) Division

Defending units:
112th Infantry Regiment
15th Ind Engineer Regiment
15th Garrison Unit
2nd INA Gandhi Regiment
63rd Inf Group Brigade
11th/A Division
3rd Raiding Regiment
104th/C Division
3rd Naval Construction Battalion
18th Field Construction Battalion
7th Field Construction Battalion
13th Field Construction Battalion
29th Army
15th Army
34th Field Const Co
89th JAAF AF Bn
11th/C Division


As suspected this position is well fortified, intended as a major speed bump. Our troops need to rest a day at least, then probably a shock attack. Seeing the supply(-) is sort of expected, as I figure that supply is being horded in Singapore. Rawlings' carriers are not spotted, about 150 nm SW of Sabang. They will arrive on station maybe in two days, certainly in three. One or more Imperial units are moving out of Kota Bharu to the SW, I assume on the rail line.

Lang Son is going well enough for us that the two IJA relief forces are now seen moving back toward their own lines!


Ground combat at Lang Son (70,56)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3738 troops, 346 guns, 312 vehicles, Assault Value = 1538

Defending force 30338 troops, 280 guns, 66 vehicles, Assault Value = 448

Japanese ground losses:
158 casualties reported
Squads: 9 destroyed, 14 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 6 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)
Vehicles lost 3 (2 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Assaulting units:
36th Chinese Division
8th New Chinese Corps
3rd New Chinese Corps
II Aus Corps Engineer Battalion
96th Chinese Division
22nd Australian Brigade
XI Corps Engr Grp
27th Australian Brigade
I Corps Engr Grp
9th Australian Division
14th RAAF M/W Sqn
109th Anti Tank Regiment
134th (East Ang) Regiment
48th Light AA Regiment
87th Medium Regiment
1st Medium Regiment
2/11th Field Regiment
2/9th Field Regiment
85th Medium Regiment
251st Field Artillery Battalion
312th Base Group
8th Mahratta AT Gun Regiment
2/1st Med Regiment
IV Indian Corps
417th Base Group
2nd Medium Regiment
18th SP Field Artillery Regiment
122nd British AT Gun Regiment

Defending units:
37th Division
58th Infantry Regiment
59th Infantry Brigade
27th Division
34th/A Division
1st Mortar Battalion
3rd Mobile AA Battalion
15th Tank Regiment
8th Recon Regiment
2nd Ind. Field Artillery Regiment
11th Ind. Field Artillery Battalion
31st Mountain Gun Regiment


The Imperial retrograde might be a product of our armored spearhead's movement to bypass Nanning. The assigned assault units at Lang Son still need to recover disruption, so another day or possibly two. The various regiment sized units moving to close hex sides will probably arrive before the last hold outs are cleaned up, because that will still take a while.

Cheribon was seized without a fight. B-24s destroyed an ACM at Batavia. It looks like the only major (4 to 5k) troop concentrations left on Java are at Bandoeng and Batavia. They will each be isolated and destroyed one at a time.

Another good bombardment of Daito Shoto.

Night Naval bombardment of Daito Shoto at 98,69

Allied Ships
CA Astoria
CA Portland

Japanese ground losses:
77 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CA Astoria
CA Astoria firing at 30th Field Artillery Regiment
SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CA Portland
CA Portland firing at 37th Ind.Mixed Brigade


Tonight two old BB TF (1x BB each) and one CL TF (2x CL) will bombard, as tomorrow is D-1. All convoys will be at the jump off point tomorrow, one hex SW of Daito Shoto.

Our troops at Naha are getting hammered. Supplies are now short, although mountainous, and disruption is up. AV is 2,744. The commitment at Daito Shoto prevents relief for a few days. We are loading a second LST convoy with supply for Naha (another is already standing by in the Philippine Sea). Nago received more entertainment fireworks courtesy of the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Naval bombardment of Nago at 95,65

Japanese Ships
DD Matsu
DD Amagiri
DD Umigiri
DD Kiyoshimo

DD Amagiri firing at 77th Infantry Division
DD Umigiri firing at 5th Marine Division
DD Kiyoshimo firing at 77th Infantry Division

Naval bombardment of Nago at 95,65

Japanese Ships
E No.63
E No.47
E No.39
E No.31
E No.23
E No.10

E No.63 firing at 77th Infantry Division
E No.47 firing at 77th Infantry Division
E No.39 firing at 77th Infantry Division
E No.31 firing at 5th Marine Division
E No.23 firing at 77th Infantry Division
E No.10 firing at 5th Marine Division


But the bombardments were conducted during daylight hours, preventing our troops from enjoying the show. I think this is some kind of bizarre psychological warfare. All commands will be alerted.

Two damaged CA are entering dry dock at Pearl Harbor. Fast BB Alabama has finished repairs and upgrade at Bremerton and will make haste to Guam. A group of 11x CVE is leaving Guam to replace some of those on station and free them to return to Pearl Harbor for upgrades. Wichita picked up her escort and, with all minor flooding repaired, will head directly to Pearl Harbor instead of stopping at Guam.


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Post #: 3593
RE: 1944 October 30 - 1/29/2016 7:12:15 PM   

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Malay Peninsula & Sumatra.

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RE: 1944 October 30 - 1/29/2016 7:12:39 PM   

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Java Sea.

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RE: 1944 October 30 - 1/29/2016 7:13:11 PM   

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RE: 1944 October 30 - 1/29/2016 7:13:35 PM   

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Recent ship losses.

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Post #: 3597
RE: 1944 October 30 - 1/29/2016 7:13:57 PM   

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Today's air losses.

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Post #: 3598
1944 October 31 - 1/30/2016 6:47:58 AM   

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1944 October 31

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Imperial Naval Bombardments
Japanese Ships Bombarding Kwangchowan
Japanese Ships Bombarding Kwangchowan

Allied Naval Bombardments:
Allied Ships Bombarding Daito Shoto
Allied Ships Bombarding Daito Shoto
Allied Ships Bombarding Daito Shoto

Our subs got an xAK and had several other battles. The IJN subs did much better...

Kwangchowan again.

Night Naval bombardment of Kwangchowan at 73,60

Japanese Ships
E No.11
E No.5

Allied ground losses:
20 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

E No.11 firing at 7th Australian Division
E No.5 firing at 7th Australian Division

Night Naval bombardment of Kwangchowan at 73,60


Our Chinese Airforce B-25D groups were ambushed over Kunming by the Franks and took a serious beating. They will switch to hitting Lang Son where they are well protected. Our fighters ranged over Kwangchowan and mauled Imperial bombers without escort. See air losses below.

More rest is needed at Alor Star. Rawlings will be on station tomorrow and hopefully attack TFs at Singapore. Sweeps will be made over Singapore by P-38s and Thunderbolts. There is only 1 fighter seen at Singapore but I have reason to believe that others might be operating nearby and covering Singapore.

Lang Son is starting to crack even in between ground assaults.


Ground combat at Lang Son (70,56)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3738 troops, 347 guns, 312 vehicles, Assault Value = 1716

Defending force 30064 troops, 277 guns, 62 vehicles, Assault Value = 439

Japanese ground losses:
224 casualties reported
Squads: 6 destroyed, 9 disabled
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Vehicles lost 6 (5 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Units destroyed 1

Assaulting units:
8th New Chinese Corps
22nd Australian Brigade
XI Corps Engr Grp
3rd New Chinese Corps
36th Chinese Division
96th Chinese Division
27th Australian Brigade
88th Chinese Division
II Aus Corps Engineer Battalion
I Corps Engr Grp
9th Australian Division
2/9th Field Regiment
1st Medium Regiment
48th Light AA Regiment
II Australian Corps
251st Field Artillery Battalion
18th SP Field Artillery Regiment
IV Indian Corps
417th Base Group
109th Anti Tank Regiment
87th Medium Regiment
312th Base Group
2/1st Med Regiment
2/11th Field Regiment
8th Mahratta AT Gun Regiment
85th Medium Regiment
14th RAAF M/W Sqn
2nd Medium Regiment
134th (East Ang) Regiment
122nd British AT Gun Regiment

Defending units:
59th Infantry Brigade
27th Division
37th Division
58th Infantry Regiment
34th/A Division
8th Recon Regiment
15th Tank Regiment
2nd Ind. Field Artillery Regiment
3rd Mobile AA Battalion
11th Ind. Field Artillery Battalion
1st Mortar Battalion
31st Mountain Gun Regiment


The assault troops in place will attack tomorrow.

Another ACM destroyed in port on Java, this one at Merak. That B-24 group is Australian, and well trained in naval bombing in addition to ground bombing. Tomorrow they will hit Oosthaven.

The IJN submarines are truly a menace and must all be destroyed.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Naha at 95,66, Range 2,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
ML G-201, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
ML G-209, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
ML G-212, Shell hits 4, and is sunk

Allied Ships
DD Black
DD Bradford
DD McKee

Reduced visibility due to Thunderstorms with 100% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Thunderstorms and 100% moonlight: 2,000 yards
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 18,000 yards...
Range closes to 12,000 yards...
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
Range closes to 6,000 yards...
Range closes to 4,000 yards...
Range closes to 2,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 2,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 2,000 yards
ML G-212 engages DD McKee at 2,000 yards
ML G-212 sunk by DD Bradford at 2,000 yards
ML G-201 sunk by DD McKee at 2,000 yards
DD Black engages ML G-209 at 2,000 yards
ML G-209 sunk by DD McKee at 2,000 yards
Combat ends with last Japanese ship sunk...

Sub attack near Daito Shoto at 97,69

Japanese Ships
SS I-32, hits 2

Allied Ships
CVE Kadashan Bay, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Sampson
DE Mitchell
DE Greiner
DD Doyle
DD Thompson

Fuel storage explosion on CVE Kadashan Bay
SS I-32 launches 4 torpedoes at CVE Kadashan Bay
DD Doyle fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Thompson fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Thompson fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Thompson fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Thompson fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Thompson fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Thompson attacking submerged sub ....
DD Thompson is out of ASW ammo
DD Thompson is out of ASW ammo
Escort abandons search for sub

Sub attack near Daito Shoto at 98,70

Japanese Ships
SS I-176, hits 10

Allied Ships
CV Bay of Bengal, Torpedo hits 1
CLAA San Juan
DD Chauncey
DD Burns
DD Torvalds
DD Sigsbee
DD Richard P. Leary

SS I-176 launches 6 torpedoes at CV Bay of Bengal
DD Torvalds attacking submerged sub ....
DD Sigsbee attacking submerged sub ....
DD Richard P. Leary fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Torvalds attacking submerged sub ....
SS I-176 eludes ASW attack from DD Torvalds
DD Sigsbee fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Torvalds attacking submerged sub ....
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds attacking submerged sub ....
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds attacking submerged sub ....
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds attacking submerged sub ....
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
DD Torvalds is out of ASW ammo
Escort abandons search for sub

Night Naval bombardment of Daito Shoto at 98,69 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

Allied Ships
CL Toungoo
CL Miami

Japanese ground losses:
323 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 16 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled

Airbase hits 4
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 19
Port hits 20
Port supply hits 7

OS2U-3 Kingfisher acting as spotter for CL Toungoo
CL Toungoo firing at Daito Shoto
SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CL Miami
CL Miami firing at 30th Special Base Force
30th Special Base Force firing at CL Miami

Night Naval bombardment of Daito Shoto at 98,69

Allied Ships
BB Oklahoma

Japanese ground losses:
225 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 11 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

OS2U-3 Kingfisher acting as spotter for BB Oklahoma
BB Oklahoma firing at 37th Ind.Mixed Brigade

Night Naval bombardment of Daito Shoto at 98,69

Allied Ships
BB New Mexico

Japanese ground losses:
121 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 4 (1 destroyed, 3 disabled)

BB New Mexico firing at 30th Special Base Force


This in the midst of many ASW TFs making attacks and scoring hits on them. Kadashan Bay has 63% flotation damage plus engine and system damage; she can only make 6 knots. Bay of Bengal has 30% flotation damage plus engine and system damage; she can make 20 knots. Her total damage is 50, and either that or 51 (I forget) stops her from conducting flight operations. Perhaps she can repair a point or two of minor flotation or engine damage, but she really needs to exit the battle area, but that won't happen right away.

All things considered, it was better that a CV and CVE got hit than two transports. All convoys have orders to land troops on Daito Shoto. The three Iowa class battleships will bombard, three old BB in separate TFs will bombard, and two CA in a TF will bombard. As many B-29s as we can muster will bomb ground positions from 10,000 ft. All CVE embarked bombers will attack ground positions.

While the supply situation at Naha looks slightly better (probably due to sharing of excess among units) the divisions are in terrible shape and AV is down to 2,692. If the Imperial scoundrels attacked right now the divisions would be relying on the armor and artillery to protect them.


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RE: 1944 October 31 - 1/30/2016 6:48:30 AM   

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