Posts: 63
Joined: 9/9/2014 Status: offline
Think I'll nudge this. A wargame gotta have rock,scissors, paper,terrain and logistics. The only turn-based, strategy/build wargames I know, are ATG, and the Empire series. I have not played Empire in many years, however, a scan of its' forum will show the same problems that ATG faces. AI. I wont address ATG as a player vs player, as it is a fine game in this regard. The marketing potential, tho, is as human vs ai, as I believe most players use it this way. I understand that taking the leap (work)to make that superior ai game is difficult. Then again, I believe the rewards ($} would be worth it as, it hasn't hasn't been done yet. Now, what I,m good at,Talking about things I know nothing about....Would coding for the ai be simpler where groups of units have similar orders. Air Hqs for Air superiority missions. Air hqs would contain air sfts,flak, fields, fuel and supply. They would have a radius of power. they would be assigned offensive,or defensive missions. Air units which are not assigned to the air HQ would behave as they do now, tho they may have to combat enemy air which prevailed in the air superiority combat resolution.Maybe put an end to the possibility of no interception, which seems to frustrate many players. Naval Interdiction...I would refer to the board game, Third Reich. Naval base would contain ships, search planes,fuel and supplies and would be able to intercept enemy sea units by hex and movement within a radius, rather than moving ships hex by hex. Now, those ai ships in port can do something. Note on historical gaming. Having done much of this, I find it personally, more interesting to read history than reenact it in a game. Although, if available, I will boot up a game of a battle that I am reading about at the time. Going back to play, and work on a mod for this fine game.
Having said that,that being said,that having been said,saying that,that having been said,having said all that,that said.....