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Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo vs. A/I)

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Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo vs. A/I) - 3/12/2016 2:14:30 PM   

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Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo vs. A/I)

Later this year, as Lead Coder for the Campaign Series, it's on my to-do list to review and revamp the games' A/I. To begin with, I want to select a small-map, mid Complexity scenario where one side is static, and defending, while the attacking side has a good mix of mobile and static combined arms. I then intend to teach (code) the A/I to do better, both sides. Learning from that experience, I will then generalize my discoveries, and code, to apply as widely to other situations and scenarios as best I can.

For this DAR, I have decided to play the scenario Blunder at Tel Fakhar, Tel_Faher_1967.scn. From the Scenario List section of the Game Manual (p. 132):

This scenario is listed as SIDE A (not H2H), so it suits my requirements well. For the initial play-through, and for this DAR, I will play the attacking Israeli Side A, with the A/I playing the defending Syrian Side B.

For more background, read the Wikipedia article Tel Faher. So as to preserve the element of surprise, I myself have not read the linked-to Wikipedia article, nor have I otherwise read up on this Six Day War battle, much less played it before. In the course of my extended A/I studies, I do foresee playing this scenario many times over, and to watch the A/I play it automatedly. I intend to know this scenario like the back of my hand. It had better be good! (The scenario, I mean. )

(I have another reason to playtest. I am coming off an intense month and a half period of coding new features into the game (none of which will make their appearance in this scenario, however). I need to personally vet the new code. Hopefully I won't come to grief in the course of this playtest!)

From the in-game Scenario Information, it says the scenario is 15 day turns long (1-15[d]), Visibility is generally 6 (1-15[6]; note also that I am playing with the Variable Visibility optional rule toggled ON), the Weather is Light Fog. Scenario author is Jason Petho.

Here is the opening situation (with Options > Hex Outlines toggled ON, also Display > Hex Contours toggled ON), and with the Israeli first-turn reinforcements already entered on map (at hex 35,24 on the map's south edge):

Note the two Objective hexes, one (Tel Aziziat) worth 200 VPs, and the other (Tel Fakhar) worth 250 VPs. The Victory conditions for this scenario are:

  • Major Defeat - 200
  • Minor Defeat - 300
  • Minor Victory - 450
  • Major Victory - 600

    Assuming more or less equal casualties (in terms of VPs), both sides, to avoid Major Defeat I will need to take at least one of the Objective hexes. To achieve Minor Victory, I will need to take both. To achieve Major Victory, I will need to take both, and to kill a lot of the enemy.

    This being the Golan Heights, there is some elevated terrain. Here is the same scene, showing elevations (Display > Map Elevations (hot key '.') toggled ON, Options > Hex Outlines toggled OFF, Display > Units Off toggled ON):

    My (Israeli) initial forces are (from the Status > Strength Dialog):

    The Israeli units to the west -- artillery, HQs & transports -- are all Fixed.

    I am expecting a steady stream of reinforcements, also arriving at map's center south edge (from the Reinforce > Schedule Dialog):

    I have four rounds of Smoke, and zero Air Power. The ground forces will have to do the job without aid of the Flyboys.

    I have opted to play with all Optional Rules toggled ON.

    Let's go!

    < Message edited by berto -- 5/14/2016 3:22:13 PM >


    Campaign Series Legion
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  • Post #: 1
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 3:59:43 PM   

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    TURN #1

    My plan was to scout ahead with my Shermans, then bring up the halftracks, unloading passengers (infantry, mortars) behind the orchard (hexes 37,19 & 38,18, within the large yellow circle, my intended staging area):

    Then advance to Tel Fakhar under cover of the orchards and forest from the southeast.

    Instead -- surprise! -- a hidden Syrian AT Gun at hex 39,19 (green circle) opportunity fired at the advancing tanks (magenta circle). A miss! I was lucky.

    So much for my plan. Obviously the Syrians are prepared. Already I have a fight on my hands. I have some clearing out to do. The halftracks will have to offload passengers farther away from Tel Fakhar than I would like.


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
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    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 4:36:25 PM   

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    TURN #1

    With the first platoon of Shermans (upper turquoise circle, following screenshot), I direct fired back at the Syrian ATGs, disrupting them.

    A second platoon of Shermans (lower turquoise circle) advanced, also directed fired at the ATGs, and disrupted them again (but giving no added benefit).

    Cautiously, under cover of orchards, halftracks moved up and offloaded passengers just south and east of that second platoon of Shermans.

    No more surprises, no more hidden units suddenly revealing themselves, no more opportunity fire from those Syrian ATGs or anything else. The Syrians have shot their wad this phase, yes?

    Emboldened, a second platoon of halftracks charged up the road, offloaded their passengers, who then scurried up the road from there.

    Then ...

    BAM! Surprise again: The disrupted Syrian ATGs (green circle) sprang back to life and opportunity fired at the shocked Israeli armoured rifle platoon (red circle), scoring 1 SP hit and disrupting them.

    Ouch! These Syrians are no patsies. I'm in for a tough time of it!


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 3
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 5:03:01 PM   

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    TURN #1

    Near the entry hex, just to the left of the road, I offloaded a 60mm Mortar, then plotted its indirect fire at the ATG (to take effect next turn). I also brought up the 1st (HQ) Platoon of Beth Company, 12th Barak Infantry Battalion to the east of the road, at the orchard, to support the Shermans there.

    At the far west, I directed the Israeli howitzers and mortars to shower shells on and around Tel Aziziat. (Except for the howitzer, Tel Fakhar is out of range.)

    The situation at the end of Turn 1, first Side A (Israeli) phase:


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
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    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 6:06:19 PM   

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    TURN #1

    The Side B (Syrian) phase.

    The Syrian ATGs at hex 39,19 (green circle, screenshot following) direct fired at the Shermans at hex 36,20 (red circle), scoring 1 SP hit, and disrupting them.

    The ATGs -- disrupted, remember? -- a while later direct fired a second time, forcing the Shermans to retreat.

    Meanwhile, down slope to the northwest, a platoon of Syrian desert infantry direct fired at the Israeli infantry on road, but without effect.

    That's pretty much how Turn 1 ended.

    I'm already -13 VPs in the hole. My lead infantry and tank platoons are both wounded, and disrupted. This is already not going well.

    As Turn 2 opened, the long-range Israeli artillery file predictably -- because without Israeli spotters nearby -- scattered around Tel Aziziat, but the scatter wasn't too bad. Artillery fire directed at the Syrian ATGs disrupted them again, if they hadn't remained disrupted.


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 5
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 6:15:25 PM   

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    I've played this, curious to see how your plans work compared to mine. You played this before?


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    (in reply to berto)
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    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 6:33:55 PM   

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    Nope. Never played this one before.


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    (in reply to budd)
    Post #: 7
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 7:55:18 PM   

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    TURN #2

    Going into Turn 2, not much action, no firing, just bringing up reinforcements, and careful maneuvering out of Syrian LOS.

    The situation at the end of Turn 2, first Side A (Israeli) phase:

    Beth Company redeploys east of the road (turquoise circle). Aleph Company enters on map and deploys west of the road (green circle). The battalion rear echelon is due to arrive next turn.

    Mortars of both A & B Company are safely sited near map's edge, just northwest of their entry hex (blue circle). I am directing their fire at the nearest target, the entrenched Syrian infantry at hex 34,19 (middle magenta circle).

    The Israeli howitzer I have ordered to fire at the entrenched Syrian ATGs and infantry at hex 39,19 (right magenta circle). Too far away from the action, the remaining Israeli 120mm Tampellas will continue to soften up Tel Aziziat (large left magenta circle).

    < Message edited by berto -- 3/12/2016 10:45:57 PM >


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
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    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 8:08:13 PM   

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    120mm Tampellas. What are those? Let see what the Unit Viewer shows:


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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 9
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 8:32:36 PM   

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    TURN #2

    Israeli artillery fire everywhere fell harmlessly. (As far as I know. It's possible it caused damage around Tel Aziziat.)

    The Syrians direct fired at the nearest Israelis, but equally without effect.

    The Syrian desert infantry platoon at hex 39,19 left their enTRenchments and withdrew somewhere to the northwest (to within the yellow circle). The Syrian ATGs at hex 39,19 remain disrupted.

    The situation at the end of Turn 2, second Side B (Syrian) phase:

    Going into Turn 3: 3rd Platoon, Beth Company has undisrupted (green circle). The Shermans at hex 38,21 (turquoise circle) remain in a disrupted state, however.


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 10
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 11:22:18 PM   

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    TURN #3

    The Israeli phase, Turn 3, was much like Turn 2: No firing, instead just careful maneuvering into position for the assaults soon to come.

    The situation at the end of Turn 3, first Side A (Israeli) phase:

    The Turn 3 reinforcements -- M51 Shermans, M3 TCM-20 20mm SP AA Guns (green circle) -- deployed in support of the imminent attack on the left.

    The newly arrived M3 Mk. D - 120mm SP Mortars (turquoise circle) were ordered to fire at the entrenched Syrian ATGs on the right (as were the howitzers to the west).

    12th Battalion HQ (the turquoise bordered unit at the hot spot hex) entered the map and unloaded just to the north of the M3 Mk. D's. The turquoise hex highlights show the Battalion HQ's Command Range.

    More reinforcements are due to appear next turn and the one following at hex 29,24 (blue circle).

    I'm starting to think: Focus on one Objective hex or the other, and give up the idea of a two-pronged, balanced attack. Better to take a single Objective than fail to take them both.


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 11
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/12/2016 11:57:43 PM   

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    More thoughts: Am I being too cautious here? Time's a-wasting?


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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 12
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 12:22:56 AM   
    Jason Petho

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    Time is certainly wasting...


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    Post #: 13
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 12:23:35 AM   

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    TURN #3

    At the beginning of the Turn 3 Side B (Syrian) phase:

    Yes! Israeli artillery do the job that now the Israeli infantry won't have to.


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    (in reply to berto)
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    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 12:33:36 AM   

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    TURN #3

    The situation at the end of Turn 3, second Side B (Syrian) phase:

    At hex 39,19 (yellow circle): Despite appearances, there's no reason to believe that those Syrian ATGs have abandoned their entrenchments and skedaddled. No, they have disappeared because I have no units in place to sight them.

    Israeli infantry are too far away to snatch the entrenchments this phase at hex 34,19 (blue circle). I'll have to send in the tanks, maybe, if I want to prevent the Syrian infantry from moving right back in.

    Trouble off in the distance: Hiding behind those infantry at hex 29,17 (green circle) are some RCLRs. Tank killers lying in wait!


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    (in reply to berto)
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    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 12:34:32 AM   

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    ORIGINAL: Jason Petho

    Time is certainly wasting...

    Hmmmm ...


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to Jason Petho)
    Post #: 16
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 4:20:31 PM   

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    Quite apart from any information our spies might be feeding us (), I am thinking it's time to throw caution to the wind and lunge forward.

    But not straight ahead, towards Tel Fakhar, rather do a quick end run around to Tel Aziziat.

    There is something a bit odd about this scenario: All of those artillery assets to the west, and no ground forces in front to protect them. What is there to stop the Syrians from taking out those artillery? Maybe few if any Syrians are there? Maybe Syrians are arriving from the east and haven't taken up position around Tel Aziziat yet?

    I checked a map. It appears to me that Tel Aziziat is right on the border with Israel (pre 1967 border).

    At the outset of this DAR, I mentioned that I had not read up on the battle, that I am going into it blind. Good for gaming, but is it realistic? Would the real life Israeli commanders be so clueless about the wider context?

    Some things I've learned about Jason Petho's scenarios (of which this is one): In order to win, you need to set aside your preconceptions (which Jason cleverly feeds), to think outside the box.

    Another thing I learned from my background readings of the Arab-Israeli Wars: The IDF didn't win the Six Day War by being cautious, rather through a confident aggressiveness, desperate risk taking even.

    Is it time to roll the dice, to make a mad dash toward Tel Aziziat? Yes, I think so.

    < Message edited by berto -- 3/13/2016 5:29:35 PM >


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 17
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 5:57:31 PM   

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    TURN #4

    Turn 4 reinforcements -- a tank company of M50 Shermans, Gimel Mechanized Infantry Company -- arrive at hex 29,24 (blue circle, screenshot following) and lunge forward and to the left.

    In the center, Aleph Company approach the enTRenchments at hex 34,19 (right magenta circle). They direct fire at the Syrian infantry platoon in the Rough terrain, scoring 1 SP hit, and forcing it to retreat to the orchards just beyond (yellow circle).

    On the right, Beth Company closes in on the entrenched Syrian ATGs at hex 39,19 (red circle). Direct fire destroys 1 SP of ATGs -- Syrian first blood in this scenario.

    Zero Israeli losses this phase.

    The situation at the end of Turn 4, first Side A (Israeli) phase:

    The Israeli 60mm Mortars at hex 34,23 (green circle) direct their fire at the enTRenchments just to the north (middle magenta circle), just in case any Syrian units attempt to slip back in.

    The M3 MK. D at hex 35,24 (turquoise circle) target the Syrian ATGs at hex 39,19 (red circle). I could have fired the 60mm Mortars also at the ATGs, but they are far enough distant that their firepower would be more than halved.

    The remaining long-range Israeli artillery targets the enTRenched Syrian infantry at hex 25,18. With luck, those infantry will be blown away, clearing the way up the road to Tel Aziziat.

    The last of the Israeli reinforcements -- M50 Shermans & co. -- are due to arrive next turn at hex 29,24 (blue circle). Towards Tel Aziziat they too will go.



    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 18
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 6:23:51 PM   

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    TURN #4

    At the beginning of the Turn 4 Side B (Syrian) phase:

    Yes again! Israeli artillery get the job done.

    Although I wish the Syrians had retreated to the northeast rather than the northwest. OTOH, easy SP pickings for the advancing Israeli tanks?


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    (in reply to berto)
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    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 6:29:32 PM   

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    TURN #4

    The situation at the end of Turn 4, second Side B (Syrian) phase:

    Syrian infantry at hex 29,18 (green circle) direct fire at the Israelis, scoring 1 SP hit, and forcing their retreat (red circle).

    The Syrian ATGs (turquoise circle) direct fire twice at the Israeli infantry just to their south. Two swings, two misses. The ATGs are disrupted (again due to earlier artillery fire). Time for a close assault!


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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 20
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 7:36:26 PM   

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    TURN #5

    Yes! The close assault succeeds! Good-bye to those pesky ATGs!


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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 21
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 7:43:01 PM   

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    TURN #5

    The wide swing around the Syrian right proceeds. My hunch was correct: There don't seem to be many Syrians in this sector. I bring up Shermans, halftracks, unload passengers, then ...

    D@mn! A hidden Syrian RCLR unit at Tel Aziziat (turquoise circle) blows away my halftracks (red circle)!

    Still, not too bad. The halftracks were empty. It could have been worse, I could have lost both halftracks and passengers.


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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 22
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 8:11:47 PM   

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    TURN #5

    I bring up still more tanks and halftracks, and successfully unload another mechanized infantry platoon in the safety of the downslope west of Tel Aziziat.

    On the right, with the ATGs out of the picture, tanks and infantry approach the orchards south of Zaoura.

    Turn 5 reinforcements arrive -- more Shermans, a battalion HQ, a mortar unit -- and head off to support the left. (That's it. No more Israeli reinforcements after this.)

    The situation at the end of Turn 5, first Side A (Israeli) phase:

    Wow! Isn't that dramatically different! Compare with the situation last turn, even more so the situation at Turn 3.

    And get this: In Total Point Loss, the two sides are now even (6 SP losses, 28 Total Point Loss, Israel; vs. 7 SP losses, 28 Total Point Loss, Syria).

    In the latest screenshot, I have moved up entrucked artillery pieces (green circles) that were increasingly to totally out of range.

    The battalion HQs (turquoise circles; also on trucks) are advancing forward too.

    For the M3 Mk. D mobile 120mm SP Mortars, I had toggled ON Save AP's for Firing. At their destination hex, I target the Syrian ATGs newly revealed at hex 39,15 (right magenta circle).

    With the rest of my long-range artillery, I pinpoint target Tel Aziziat (left magenta circle). I will destroy the RCLRs there with my artillery if I can. With forces nearby now able to performing spotting functions, there shouldn't be any scatter.

    On the Israeli left, I have committed a half dozen M50 & M51 Sherman platoons. If and when Tal Aziziat falls, a breakout into the Syrian rear looks increasingly possible. The front door to Tel Fakhar looks to be locked tight. So try the rear door. Why not?

    < Message edited by berto -- 3/13/2016 8:23:38 PM >


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 23
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 11:01:44 PM   

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    TURN #5

    Moving on to the Side B (Syrian) phase, much action, many Israeli losses. Let's get right to it.

    A disastrous Syrian artillery strike! Terrible bad luck. It happens.


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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 24
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 11:10:17 PM   

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    TURN #5

    Concealed Syrian infantry at hex 25,12 (turquoise circle) direct fire at their Israeli counterparts, hex 23,12 (magenta circle), disrupting them.

    Oh well, so Tel Aziziat is well defended after all. Foolish to think otherwise.


    The RCLRs at Tel Aziziat (turquoise circle) slam the Israelis (red circle), scoring 1 SP hit.

    It was a costly, careless mistake my unloading those halftracks in a clear hex northwest of Tel Aziziat. Better if I'd done it at either of the two protected yellow hexes (where in fact I did unload halftracks successfully). But I was trying to encircle Tel Aziziat. You win some, you lose some. Here I lost.


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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 25
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 11:13:48 PM   

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    TURN #5

    RCLRs (? or perhaps ATGs?) at Tel Fakhar (turquoise circle) direct fire at 2nd Platoon across the way (red circle), scoring 1 SP hit, and disrupting it.

    Not surprisingly, Tel Fakhar itself is well defended too.

    < Message edited by berto -- 3/14/2016 10:25:54 AM >


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 26
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 11:22:40 PM   

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    TURN #5

    Still more disaster on the right. The Syrian ATGs at hex 39,15 (turquoise circle) direct fire at the Israeli infantry in the orchard upslope, scoring 2 SP hits. They fire again, scoring another 1 SP hit, and force a retreat. A third direct fire forces the battered Israelis back to the Rough hex to the SE.

    Making matters worse, with that final retreat of 1st Platoon, I have lost my spotting there. Subsequently, the artillery fire I have directed against those ATGs will scatter.

    7 infantry SPs and 3 halftrack SPs lost in this Turn 5. Brutal! Is there any answer to this?


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 27
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 11:28:57 PM   

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    TURN #6

    There is.

    As Turn 6 opens, artillery fire directed at Tel Aziziat results in:

    With a subsequent Israeli artillery strike:

    Thanks and praise to the guys manning the big guns!

    < Message edited by berto -- 3/13/2016 11:29:36 PM >


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 28
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/13/2016 11:38:31 PM   

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    TURN #6

    The situation at the beginning of Turn 6, first Side A (Israeli) phase:

    I might have to commit my Shermans (the Israeli infantry being just a bit too far away), but Tal Aziziat is mine for the taking.

    I still have a real fight on my hands. I took heavy losses last turn, but they were all infantry. My tank forces are still largely intact.

    All in all, and especially with the imminent fall of Tel Aziziat, things are looking up. I do need to even the SP loss balance, though.


    Campaign Series Legion
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    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 29
    RE: Blunder at Tel Fakhar - 6/5/67 - DAR (solo v. A/I) - 3/14/2016 9:46:36 PM   

    Posts: 20708
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    TURN #6

    Tel Aziziat falls!

    The action sequence:

  • 1st Platoon, Gimel Company moves into Rough hex 24,13 (yellow circle). From there, it fires at the RCLRs at hex 25,14 (magenta circle), disrupting them, and forcing them to retreat one hex to the south.
  • In a rather risky move, but in order to divert the RCLRs away from the tanks, M3 Mk. A Halftracks move upslope to hex 24,14 (blue circle). Neither the RCLRs nor the Syrian infantry opfire. The halftracks direct fire at the RCLRs, forcing them to retreat again one more hex to the south.
  • 1st Tank Platoon advances upslope to hex 24,15 (green circle). They direct fire at the RCLRs at pointblank range, destroying the Syrian guns (red circle).
  • With the RCLR threat now eliminated, 2nd Tank Platoon races up and around the road and seizes Tal Aziziat (turquoise circle).

    First objective taken. Good job, guys!


    Campaign Series Legion
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