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RE: ...not to be outdone...

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> After Action Reports >> RE: ...not to be outdone... Page: <<   < prev  62 63 [64] 65 66   next >   >>
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RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/4/2016 1:22:29 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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ORIGINAL: obvert

Nice work.

When you list the ground results you often list casualties which leaves the reader unclear as to how this affects both sides.

Is it possible to give a listing in squads instead of casualties? your command...

Here is the Ground Result the Naval Bombardments had a higher proportion on destroyed squads.

Looks like a 'last stand' moment coming. He is moving troops from the west hex into Sabang. These are practically all support troops. Will take me two days before I can land a weighted attack.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 4/4/2016 1:24:28 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1891
Lines - 4/4/2016 5:21:41 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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Evidentally Dan is too busy writing on his AAR to get a turn over to me. He thought I was at work so didn't do a quick flip of the turn. Am now headed out to have lunch so nothing for a bit.

If Dan is coming for the Marshalls, he will be surprised at the decision I made there starting about four months ago. As the battle was in full force in Sumatra and then in the Aleutians, I made a positive decision to tighten the defensive ring in the east. Japan slowly pulled troops back and relocated them as well as added a bunch of CD to the western side of the Marshalls. My defensive line is now Eniwetok--Ponape--Ocean--Lunga with nearly every major base from there west filled to maximum hex allowance.

Don't get me wrong, there are troops in the Eastern Marshalls but they are mainly Base Forces designed to allow my airpower to deliver some serious punches. Tarawa--Makin--Wotje--and Kwajalein are designated as speed bumps requiring troops to make costly assault landings to slow down the movement. I am holding back most of my aircraft for two days since I figure he will move his CVs forward to crush my planes. Not gonna play that game. There will be two concentrations of planes and their range will be set to only 3-4 so they hit only stuff closing in on them. Never tried anything like this so we'll see what happens.

If all goes well, I shall make him expend his bombardment ammo on his primary targets so he doesn't have that for the bases I have CD on. Additionally, there are a dozen SS I have kept back at Truk who are now released to raise havoc behind his invasion force. Dan made a monstrous error with Sumatra in landing in a wide enough sweep of bases. He corrected that in the Aleutians so I expect landings ranging from Maleolap--Kwajalein--Ailinglaplap--Tarawa. He'll grab the lowest fruit and then decide whether or not to continue on with his landings. My initial guess is that he won't even hit my real line until he's consolidated the eastern portion. My recon showed about 6-8 TF approaching and I expect there are a lot more. Its all guess work...

The loss of the far eastern central Pacific is no danger to the Empire. The Western Aleutians is. I shall keep the operational half of KB present there and continue to major fight up there. When my upgrades are complete the entire KB will reform and defend the Western Aleutians for the time being. With Sabang about to go then I shall free up a HUGE number of troops and nearly the entire surface portion of the Kaigun. They shall be available for action and counter-landings up in the North or over ground taken by the Allies in this upcoming move. This is the long game I am thinking about presently for late-1943.

Here is a screen shot of my Defensive Line:

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 4/4/2016 5:56:06 PM >


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Post #: 1892
RE: Lines - 4/4/2016 5:24:42 PM   
John 3rd

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From: La Salle, Colorado
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His turn just arrived but I am going out for lunch so nothing for a couple of hours.


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Post #: 1893
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/4/2016 8:25:09 PM   

Posts: 4552
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ORIGINAL: John 3rd


ORIGINAL: obvert

Nice work.

When you list the ground results you often list casualties which leaves the reader unclear as to how this affects both sides.

Is it possible to give a listing in squads instead of casualties? your command...

Here is the Ground Result the Naval Bombardments had a higher proportion on destroyed squads.

Looks like a 'last stand' moment coming. He is moving troops from the west hex into Sabang. These are practically all support troops. Will take me two days before I can land a weighted attack.

And the HQ bonus!!!

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Post #: 1894
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/4/2016 9:50:45 PM   

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And the HQ bonus!!!

You don't know how many years of beating, I mean talking, to John about this to get him to do so. Command HQs are very important when attacking.


(in reply to Yaab)
Post #: 1895
...into the parlor... - 4/4/2016 10:14:18 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Here he comes...

Aircraft at Roi Namur and Kwajalein are set to a short 4 and 3 hexes. Want to cover Wotje and Ailinglaplap. Lets see if this works.

There is some stuff approaching Baker as well but I don't care about that presently.

Attachment (1)


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1896
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/4/2016 10:15:16 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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ORIGINAL: ny59giants


And the HQ bonus!!!

You don't know how many years of beating, I mean talking, to John about this to get him to do so. Command HQs are very important when attacking.

SEE---I can be taught!

He has moved the 1st marines into Sabang. GREAT! Won't help.

Order a full attack on the hex the 1st Marines vacated.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1897
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/4/2016 10:47:03 PM   

Posts: 14050
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From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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Thanks for the numbers CR post above. You're on the brink there. Just be patient until your troops really recover. There isn't really a hurry now.

As for the CentPac area, I like your consideration to move into a stronger position in a tighter defensive perimeter. It's still tough to take defended atolls, so he may stumble at one or two of them. Cent Pac is tough to move through in stacking limits games. I found that out the hard way. Almost every base is small.

The one thing I'd hesitate on is counter-invasions in these kinds of places, the Aleutians and CentPac. Those are too easy for the Allies to hurt you on and no reason to do it. Let him come to you.

If you want to counter invade somewhere I'd advise prepping troops for the next bases he might take, have them ready to go, and go in almost immediately after his invasion forces leave drop a few divisions on before he has the SIGINT to know what you're up to. It's too easy to predict months in advance otherwise.


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 1898
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/5/2016 1:17:27 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Good thoughts.

I have three ID prepping for Adak presently and a 4th for the next door base of Ulak. Don't know if we'll go or not but it is a good thought.

There will soon be NINE highly experienced ID available for use once I grab Sabang. Figure a couple will be used to liquidate the remaining hex but that won't take long.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1899
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/5/2016 3:29:47 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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I think my tactics has my opponent confused or perplexed. He is HESITATING. This allows me to move in over 125 Transports (Tina and Topsy) and start shifting some things around. Gives me more time to set the aerial defense as well. Don't know how much it will help but... We'll see how long he takes. I'll wager he takes a little nibble first to see what happens.

Buy out a Brigade from Shanghai and send it to Ponape in 18 Kn APs. Two reinforcement convoys leave Tokyo (one fast at 18 Kn and the other slow at 12 Kn).

Am really taking my time for the hoped for final punch at Sabang. Running in two more Bombardments as well as opening up with 5 Artillery Regiments that just arrived. Everyone will go in after that...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1900
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/5/2016 4:10:24 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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Don't know if we're going to get a morning turn in or not. Dan just got back from teaching and I work in a little under two hours. We'll give it a try.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1901
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/5/2016 5:29:21 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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Oh, well. No turn and am headed to work. Will do one tonight. This should allow Dan more time to get some dastardly commentary from his AAR following!


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1902
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/6/2016 12:20:57 AM   

Posts: 2506
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From: The Coastal Elite
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Did you want some dastardly commentary as well?

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Post #: 1903
RE: ...not to be outdone... - 4/6/2016 8:25:18 AM   
John 3rd

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Did you want some dastardly commentary as well?

As much as I can get!


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1904
"Send us MORE Malines!" - 4/6/2016 8:37:49 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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June 30, 1943

The Allied Task Forces move oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh so tentatively into the Marshalls.

At Maleolap BBs Revenge and Oklahoma, a CA, a CL, and CLAA unload their entire stock of heavy shells onto the atoll. It is a waste of Ammunition. There is nothing there but a few damaged aircraft who couldn't redeploy the previous day. Nice to get these two used without import. Japanese gunnery is quite good, however, Revenge is hit 17 times and is definitely damaged while Oklahoma takes 6 shells. It isn't much but NICE!

The joke occurs at Majuro where a tiny garrison of troops finds a fast TF unloading a portion of a Para marine unit. The entire unit is wiped out in a 1-99 assault. Scratch 190 troops. Am certain they were not prepped for this target. The Japanese radio operator on the atoll broadcasts in the clear "Send us more MALINES!" There immortal words help to stir 100 million souls as it is played over and over by Tokyo Rose. Course these intrepid boys won't hold against any form of REAL assault but it is funny nonetheless.

Odd stuff here in that Dan is hardly using his planes to recon the atolls.

Something will pop tomorrow. Guaranteed. He is leading by one hex with his CVs. In a totally cheating move, I fly in small detachments of Judys and set them to Naval Attack Range--1. Maybe they can get a little lucky.

Expect my main bases to get hit soon. Roi Namur and Kwajalein must LOOK formidable with each having 5-7 units showing on recon (if he has even reconned them) but they are paper tigers. Lots of planes for a strike or two but that is about it. Have all 125 Transports flying in troops to Ailinglaplap, Wotje, and Roi Namur to stiffen resistance slightly. WANT him to make assault landings with these troops. The longer it takes the stronger I become and more fuel and sorties he uses.

Sabang's Days are numbered. I am noticing far less AA fire. Could the Allies FINALLY be running out of supplies? Lordy---I HOPE so... It is hit this day by 2 BC and 3 CA doing solid work.

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 4/6/2016 8:38:53 AM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1905
RE: "Send us MORE Malines!" - 4/6/2016 10:36:41 AM   

Posts: 14050
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From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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ORIGINAL: John 3rd

June 30, 1943

The joke occurs at Majuro where a tiny garrison of troops finds a fast TF unloading a portion of a Para marine unit. The entire unit is wiped out in a 1-99 assault. Scratch 190 troops. Am certain they were not prepped for this target. The Japanese radio operator on the atoll broadcasts in the clear "Send us more MALINES!" There immortal words help to stir 100 million souls as it is played over and over by Tokyo Rose. Course these intrepid boys won't hold against any form of REAL assault but it is funny nonetheless.

Seems like he's checking what you have there. Best recon he can get. A good tactic.


Odd stuff here in that Dan is hardly using his planes to recon the atolls.

Something will pop tomorrow. Guaranteed. He is leading by one hex with his CVs. In a totally cheating move, I fly in small detachments of Judys and set them to Naval Attack Range--1. Maybe they can get a little lucky.

Why range 1? Are you sending them from a base you think will be hit? You can set to range 0 and it'll only attack at that base. Jakes work well in this role as they can fly from dots (and based in port, which is less damage prone from bombardments) as well, and if set to 1k can go in unmolested often. Judys will be more susceptible to bombardments and also have to fly at 10k, which makes them less likely to miss CAP. Judys are fast, so could get through something though.

Another tactic can be to put some Jakes on a place like Ailuck or Makin and add a few flown in air support and supplies. Then aim for the flank edges or rear on whichever side the CVs are not.


Expect my main bases to get hit soon. Roi Namur and Kwajalein must LOOK formidable with each having 5-7 units showing on recon (if he has even reconned them) but they are paper tigers. Lots of planes for a strike or two but that is about it. Have all 125 Transports flying in troops to Ailinglaplap, Wotje, and Roi Namur to stiffen resistance slightly. WANT him to make assault landings with these troops. The longer it takes the stronger I become and more fuel and sorties he uses.

A CAP trap might be more useful than a strike here. Make him fly to you, over your base with radar, and strike at a few low point ships while a strong CAP is present. He has to keep planes on 7 hex strike to watch for KB.

< Message edited by obvert -- 4/6/2016 10:54:00 AM >


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 1906
RE: "Send us MORE Malines!" - 4/6/2016 5:03:15 PM   
Capt. Harlock

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There immortal words help to stir 100 million souls as it is played over and over by Tokyo Rose.

Minor nit-pick: the population of Japan during WWII was approximately 77 million.


Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men, between brothers?

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Post #: 1907
RE: "Send us MORE Malines!" - 4/6/2016 5:43:04 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock


There immortal words help to stir 100 million souls as it is played over and over by Tokyo Rose.

Minor nit-pick: the population of Japan during WWII was approximately 77 million.

I believe he is referring to the famous wartime slogans, "One hundred million hearts beating as one," or "One hundred million with one spirit." Both were very common themes in wartime Japanese propaganda.

(in reply to Capt. Harlock)
Post #: 1908
RE: "Send us MORE Malines!" - 4/7/2016 5:22:43 AM   
John 3rd

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ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock


There immortal words help to stir 100 million souls as it is played over and over by Tokyo Rose.

Minor nit-pick: the population of Japan during WWII was approximately 77 million.

I believe he is referring to the famous wartime slogans, "One hundred million hearts beating as one," or "One hundred million with one spirit." Both were very common themes in wartime Japanese propaganda.

That I am.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1909
July 43 - 4/7/2016 5:27:48 AM   
John 3rd

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Had a long-assed day at work. Worked yesterday from 9am-5pm, had a Historical Society Board of Directors Meeting that ran from 5-8pm, and went back to work until 12:30am. Went to bed and got a call a little over five hours later that the freezer was too warm. Went back work and was there from 6am-5:30pm. The freezer was a nice, round $1200 repair. GREAT! Got home, had dinner with the family and then ran the turn.

Don't have much time for update but it was fairly impressively BAD. Lost nearly 175 planes and only had one nice development that is shown in the screenshot. Dan used elements of two ID (Aussie 7th) and several Regiments (an Army and a Marine). Lost Mili and Jaluit. No big deal there and have lots of reinforcements moving to my MLR.

That is about it. Am headed for some serious sleep.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 4/7/2016 5:29:02 AM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 1910
RE: July 43 - 4/7/2016 6:23:28 AM   


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The number 100 million is special in Japanese. The Japanese don't count as Westerners do, by powers of 1000 (millions, billions, trillions, etc.). Instead, their system for large numbers is based on powers of TEN thousand. So, for example, where we would say one hundred thousand, they would say Ju-man 十万 which is "ten ten thousands".

So one hundred million is actually ten thousand times ten thousand (10 to the eighth power), which is a special number and has its own character 億 "Oku" (actually written 一億 for "one (times) one hundred million"). So in saying 100 million instead of 77 million, they were not being literal, I believe they were invoking the "specialness" of this number as a symbol of the size, strength, unity and specialness/unity of the Japanese population. Kind of cool that they could summarize that in the single character 億 "oku".

They love to do symbolic stuff like this: for example, Japan is often symbolized by the single character for "sun" and the US by the character for "rice". But that is a different pedantic lecture for another day.

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Post #: 1911
RE: July 43 - 4/7/2016 3:45:32 PM   
John 3rd

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Well...on the BRIGHT side...I got all three turns out this morning.

Thanks Dauntless.

These landings are so half-hearted. Dan is using the 7th Aust ID as his shock troops and that unit is landing by Brigades. Three other Regiments are counted (2 Army and 1 Marine). Lose Wotje but Ailinglaplap holds without issue. He'll need more troops there. No other landings presently. Have 3 DDs racing in for a swipe at Ailinglaplap so we'll see if they get lucky. Have another small STF moving to Tabitueau to try and intercept the troops convoys coming in from the east.

The 56th ID is landing at Ponape. A full CD unit is landing at Kusaie. Three reinforcement TF from China and Tokyo are 2-3 days from unloading. Once these units are present, I have little concern about him breaching my MLR.

Tokyo/Yokohoma: CVs Shokaku-Zuikaku and Hiryu-Soryu finish their upgrades and are available.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to Dauntless42)
Post #: 1912
RE: July 43 - 4/7/2016 4:13:46 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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It looks like we're about to take hex 43,71 SW of Sabang. The Allies moved the 1st Marine Division to shore up the Sabang perimeter and this hex is now ripe for the plucking. Had a Bombardment TF hit it last turn and then the Deliberate Attack scored a 1-1. Am counting on disruption this turn and have ordered a Shock Attack. If we can take that then the 2nd Tank and 10th ID can move into the hex west of Sabang. This will force Sabang to SURRENDER on the next successful attack. I would really LIKE that!

Have been ready to attack Sabang to finish it but am waiting on the outcome of this attack before ordering it.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 1913
RE: July 43 - 4/7/2016 9:44:28 PM   


Posts: 1166
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From: Tate's Hell, Florida
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A question if I may. After Sabang falls, what do you intend to do with the LCUs on Sumatra? It is mid-43. Do you intend to use these forces to:
a) evict the Allied advances in the Aleutians and Marshalls,
b) open a new area of operations to maintain the Japanese initiative,
c) use them to bolster your MLR, or
d) none of the above?

Being a somewhat conservative JFB, I would opt for option c at this stage of the war and use the KB and a few freed up ID as a ready reserve to blunt the next major Allied advance. I would be interested to know what your thoughts are for this game.

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Post #: 1914
RE: July 43 - 4/7/2016 11:04:38 PM   

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It gets really hard being offensive as Japan as the game progresses.

Allied intel is really good. Doesn't mean you can't pick your targets, just very difficult.

(in reply to pws1225)
Post #: 1915
RE: July 43 - 4/7/2016 11:35:32 PM   
John 3rd

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Very good questions. When this happens (Sabang Surrenders) I will have NINE Infantry Divisions, multiple Base Forces, HQ Units, and scads of Engineers available.

My initial planning is to do a combination of A and C:

A. Offensive: Two ID at Medan are already prepping for Adak. Another is prepping for next door Ulak. Would like to make him FIGHT up here and occupy him until WINTER sets in up North.
C. Will pull another three ID for bolstering the line. My intention is to take the Fortesses that the marshalls already are and make them--dare I say--inpregnable.

Have leave at least three ID in the DEI to bloster that in case he tries again. Am pretty certain he will do that.

Also need to use those engineers and work on thickening the defensive belt of bases: Babeldoap, Mindanao, etc...

As to Allied Intel--it sure didn't help him in Sumatra or Burma. I WANT him to know I am coming up North. This should serve to divert him OR allow me to get another solid land victory.

I can lose the whole eastern edge of the Marshalls without it becoming a real threat. He needs to deal with Tarawa and Tabitueau or they will be a real thorn in his side. I have three Task Forces of Transports and Freighters heading to Noumea, Koumac, and Eg=fate to pull the last of those troops and supplies. They shall be moved to the southern shoulder of his offensive.

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 4/7/2016 11:37:18 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 1916
RE: July 43 - 4/8/2016 12:12:44 AM   


Posts: 57
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Something ate my post, but in essence: great job in Sumatra, but even with the inevitable victory thats three straight invasions from your opponent where you've been flat footed to a great extent. What do you plan to do to prevent that happening again, because even with the imminent loss of 150k troops your opponent had just launched two nearly simultaneous successful invasions, and the pace is only going to increase.

< Message edited by savelius2 -- 4/8/2016 12:14:28 AM >

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 1917
RE: July 43 - 4/8/2016 1:52:23 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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I'm playing Japan--RIGHT? Doesn't that mean I get screwed no matter what??!!

The areas he has landed in have progressed as far as they were ALLOWED to. I withdrew from the eastern Aleutians everything but a few units. Same said for the eastern Marshalls. I've been constricting my perimeter purposefully. The biggest missed guess on my part was this Marshall's move. It APPEARED that the Aleutians move was his big draw away from Sabang. Once contained, I felt safe to pull back more then half of the Kido Butai for upgrade. THAT was a mistake on my part.

Ship are coming back quickly and I need them. Planning is underway on some different ideas but I need to see just how far he intends to go with this current operation.

Running a new turn now...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to savelius2)
Post #: 1918
RE: July 43 - 4/8/2016 2:51:15 AM   


Posts: 402
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reading both sides, therefore no comment at all (very interesting, btw).
Just a question: Did you repair the oil?
IMHO, your weakness is fuel and supply in 44 and later (there was a reason for going to war...)

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Post #: 1919
RE: July 43 - 4/8/2016 2:53:12 AM   

Posts: 22133
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Gee, I don't get it.

I think you are about to pull off an epic coup in Sabang. All those divisions wiped out. JFB dream!

The KB is intact, and half upgraded.

Your perimeter is strengthening.

You pulled off another coup in Burma recently.

I am worried about 2 things:

1. Grinding down the Allied Airplanes (you haven't really mentioned much lately). Arrival of Jugs & Hellcats.

2. Increased effectiveness of regards naval attacks and defending Allied bases.

But I think you are really in the cat birds seat right now.

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Post #: 1920
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