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Joined: 3/14/2007 Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Gunner98 Comments: - you may want to mention in the brief how well NATO did against Lib & Sov Subs in the previous scenario - Same thing for air forces, i.e. an indicator of how much is left to deal with Good ideas. I will add that. quote:
- No points for USMC losses They are being counted on a different side. If you lose too many, you lose the scenario. I want the victory/fail conditions to be independent of each other, so I don't have a single "X points to win" condition. I have several "you fail" conditions, and a single "you win" condition. I hope that makes sense. quote:
- you should really turn Quick Turn Around ON for this one. That's why the Marines have Harriers and Cobras - they really shine in this role. The only other AC that would be affected would be some loadouts for the F-16s but the only ones you have that would be impacted are the M-82 loads and I think flying time will tick over the 2 hrs & 1 min anyway anyway. Also the F-104s but that's not a biggie. I thought about this but didn't want to make the rest of the aircraft overpowered. However, I like your arguments. I think you are right. quote:
- you might consider having a pair each of Harriers, Cobras, Ginas, 104x and F-16s in the air as X-CAS - its a long way from Sicily and the battel could be lost by the time the high flyers get there - and with this threat they would be on call at a moment’s notice anyway But, I'm lazy... I spent WAY more time on this than I expected due to writing a just silly-long lua script. (Look at the "retreat" action and weep.) I set the Libyan ground forces a few miles back just to deal with this. (Give the local aircraft time to arrive.) quote:
Fight in the south: Land battles are frustrating, especially ones of this size, because Command is not designed for them. But I think you can make it better by: Marines: -set them up the way you want them to fight, put them on Wpns Free and don't assign them to a mission, that way they won't go charging off into the desert I tried that and it didn't work! I spent a lot of time (and wasted a lot of it) trying to get the land battle to play out exactly as I thought out in my head. If I didn't give the Marines a mission they just sat there and never fired back. Even with weapons free! I also tried (and failed) to set the speed of the land units. They don't seem to pay any attention to the manual setting, and immediately go charging off at full speed. If you can figure out how to make this work, please share. I spent a lot of time failing and would love to see it work correctly. By the way, I don't mean this as a criticism of Command. As you pointed out, this is outside of what Command is currently designed to do. Personally, I didn't have a problem just accepting that it is what it is and the results still work out pretty well. quote:
-make sure you leave the player a reserve to deal with issues, didn't really count the units but the artillery seemed a bit light (just saying ) Because the artillery is OP! Seriously, I toned down the amount of artillery because it was just dominating everything. quote:
Libyans: -set them up the way you want them in a decent order of march -set them to Wpsn free -set up multiple missions for them to move too, based on unit objectives (ASuW Ptl works well) -set up a reserve which will be triggered (Lua) to launch if a breakthrough is made -so if you have say 4 groups advancing have Ref points behind the Marines and when the lead unit of a group reaches that point it triggers an event which commits your reserve to a mission in depth related to the specific breakthrough Sure, I could do all this, but it would take a few months... Seriously, considering the number of units involved it would take forever. It would make it a bit better, but for me the "charge forward at full speed" alone ruins the immersion. I think the results are OK, even if the crazy, free-wheeling melee is a bit unrealistic. quote:
-consider using ELINT bunkers with weapons added to represent dug in infantry - maybe not in this one as they may not have had time to dig in I was trying to get across the idea that the Marines were on the advance and only had time to form a defensive perimeter before the attack came. No time to create real defensive fortifications. Doesn't matter anyways if I can't keep the units stationary. quote:
-have events that will trigger a unit to withdraw if it takes too many casualties Already implemented! quote:
I have not tested all of this yet but it should work, and it will be in one of my scenarios shortly Please let me know if you get it working and if so, how. I tried and failed. quote:
Back to work tomorrow so will try and get some more time in on it tomorrow evening. Tx B Yeah, back to work for me too. I hope nobody expects two scenarios a week after this past week. Thanks again Gunner! Your input is fantastic. Yokes