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RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and 0s (J), vs. Rio Bravo as the Green 1s and 0s (A)

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RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/3/2016 9:03:00 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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Here is my Build Chart for anyone interested and can understand it.

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El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 511
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/3/2016 3:51:50 PM   

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ORIGINAL: el lobo

Another great discussion. I am truly grateful to be the beneficiary of all this fine information.

I am R&Ding Ki-45 KAId Nick and the J1N1-S Irving. I am not R&Ding the Myrt but have it on my build list. The Ki-46-III KAI Dinah was not on my build list but I added it with notation to do further research. Maybe I'll do the same with the Frances. I am R&Ding the Ki-102b Randy FB but not the 102c NF. I think I will do as Pax does and put the FB on night cap. I did not realize the the Randy has so many problems getting stuff. Need more research on that.

This is a case where I would suggest you read Lowpe's thoughts as well as mine quite carefully add evaluate your game situation in the correct context. If you make strategic changes in your NF plan at this point, do so carefully and gradually. You are already in Q3Y42 ... that's fairly late to be making strategic RnD changes.
If you think you are leaning to my thoughts, then I would simply suggest that you put more fighter groups (ones with armor) on night CAP duty. Pair them with Irvings and watch the results. You can then form your own opinion on the matter and make adjustments in your next game to your RnD strategy.

Again, note my key statement: the AI does a ton of night bombing once it starts. Its kinda funny, it won't do any for while and then it starts. Once it starts it just seems to really go for it. I mean I have turns where 1/3 of all allied bombing missions are night missions, and this will go on for months and months .... most PBEM games have HR's that would not allow this. AI doesn't play with HR's. :)
Your game doesn't seem to look like that. You may have enough NF groups to cover what you need. In which case putting fighter groups to NF duty doesn't make good sense ... my position is the opposite; I don't have near enough air groups to meet the threat that my AI opponent presents.



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 512
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/3/2016 4:19:18 PM   

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Nothing wrong with your RnD, all of your aircraft are good choices. Me? You know I do this differently. ;)
For PDU ON I research far fewer models. I build many of the same models that everyone else does for the same reasons that they do. I simply don't RnD most of them.

So for the IJA fighters, I might RnD Oscar and Frank. Then I will also build the Tojo and late Tony as they arrive, but no RnD on them. I actually HATE the IJA fighter line because all of the 3rd Gen IJA fighters have a significant defect in them:

Ki-83 - 2E
Ki-93 - 2E, slow
Ki-94 - weak armament
Ki-119 - SLOW
Ki-202 - weak armament, short range
Ki-201 - 2E

So, I end having to choose between using a 2E fighter (Ki-83/Ki-202) or a 1E with not great armament (Ki-94). Yuck.
Compare these to the Shinden ...



(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 513
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/3/2016 5:19:20 PM   

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Most of the late war fighters you'll never get to use if the Allies are playing well. So I would now pick those with a solid R & D line such as J2M, N1K, Tony/Ki-100, and Ki-84. The Ki-83 is awesome and gettable, since it comes slightly earlier, as is the J7W. The A7M is a must.

Other than that, don't waste your supply on them unless you wipe the Allied CVs in late 42 and know he's going to be taking a bit longer to come to you with the B-29s.

For NF check the groups and lines that are possible. I would make anything and everything, but concentrate on Irving and Nick Id. Build some of the A6M NF as they are 1E and cheaper and you have tons of those engines by the end. They die but stop some of the bombing too. The Dinah and Judy and Myrt die a lot, but do intercept. I actually like the Frances NF because of its durability.


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 514
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/3/2016 6:43:28 PM   

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There are only 22 squadrons that convert to NF. And some of them withdraw!

If your game goes into night bombing, which is likely if you have a stiff daytime defense and a good perimeter come 44 and 45, then you will need every one of those squadrons as a NF.

In 43 anything within 20 hexes or so is extremely vulnerable to 4Es at night and putting day fighters on night duty is no answer. Closer than 20 hexes is even worse, when those 4Es carry full bomb loads.

To get those squadrons you need Nick,Dinah and Irving. Irving is first, but small sized. You want to add Nicks quickly.

If you wait and don't r&d them, you will be behind the curve and have an impossible time protecting your runways in 1943 ceding the air war to the Allies. Your best bet then is to use a 10% CAP with Glens and Petes. 1 plane will usually intercept, but not close but it still disrupts the bombers aim. You will need play of AA.

Using fighters at night, from my experience not Pax's, is to lose them over and over again to the bombers guns with only the occasional success. This is gone into at great depth in my AAR with Tiemanj,several threads in the war room, etc.

Read Obvert vs Joc to see what happens to Japan at night if you fall behind the NF curve.

Late war planes are really tough to get, and probably impossible if the Allies do a halfway decent job. But you should be able to get Frank, Jack, George, Tony plus a very strong effort on Sam. Oscar IV are decent too, very close to an A6M8.

Of those it takes Frank or Sam to stop the Jugs sweeps.

< Message edited by Lowpe -- 4/3/2016 6:45:11 PM >

(in reply to obvert)
Post #: 515
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/4/2016 9:25:03 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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This is a case where I would suggest you read Lowpe's thoughts as well as mine quite carefully add evaluate your game situation in the correct context. If you make strategic changes in your NF plan at this point, do so carefully and gradually.

Pax, not a change in strategy. Back in Post 219, Apr '42, I already had these two model NF R&Ding.

I am sorry that I am not making myself clear.

When I said that I might use a FB on night CAP, I meant that I will adapt to use what I have at the time. If all I have are FB at the time night CAP is needed, then that is what I will use. Just like now. I have four Ki-45 KAIa Nick groups flying night CAP because that is the best I can do at this moment. I don't know if Rio is going to night bomb but I want to be as ready as I can if he does. (These bases also have Nicks flying day CAP.)

< Message edited by el lobo -- 4/4/2016 9:41:05 AM >


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 516
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/4/2016 9:26:51 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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Nothing wrong with your RnD, all of your aircraft are good choices. Me? You know I do this differently. ;)

Thank you. Yes I know you do.

I am walking the line between your minimalist strategy, Lowpe's pragmatic pbem strategy, and little nuggets I pick-up along the way.

I have not intentionally deviated to much from your suggestions really. If it were not for your input I would probably R&Ding everything Japan has.


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 517
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/4/2016 9:30:21 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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ORIGINAL: obvert

Most of the late war fighters you'll never get to use if the Allies are playing well. So I would now pick those with a solid R & D line such as J2M, N1K, Tony/Ki-100, and Ki-84. The Ki-83 is awesome and gettable, since it comes slightly earlier, as is the J7W. The A7M is a must.

Other than that, don't waste your supply on them unless you wipe the Allied CVs in late 42 and know he's going to be taking a bit longer to come to you with the B-29s.

For NF check the groups and lines that are possible. I would make anything and everything, but concentrate on Irving and Nick Id. Build some of the A6M NF as they are 1E and cheaper and you have tons of those engines by the end. They die but stop some of the bombing too. The Dinah and Judy and Myrt die a lot, but do intercept. I actually like the Frances NF because of its durability.

Hay obvert.

I have the Ki-83 on my list. I crossed it out, but at the time I did that it was just to remind me not to R&D it, but I did not remove it. I was afraid of the two engine malus, so you can blame Pax for my not R&Ding it.

MrKane also liked this plane so given the opportunity and resources I will R&D it.

Thanks for the input.


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to obvert)
Post #: 518
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/4/2016 9:33:21 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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There are only 22 squadrons that convert to NF. And some of them withdraw!

If your game goes into night bombing, which is likely if you have a stiff daytime defense and a good perimeter come 44 and 45, then you will need every one of those squadrons as a NF.

In 43 anything within 20 hexes or so is extremely vulnerable to 4Es at night and putting day fighters on night duty is no answer. Closer than 20 hexes is even worse, when those 4Es carry full bomb loads.

To get those squadrons you need Nick,Dinah and Irving. Irving is first, but small sized. You want to add Nicks quickly.

If you wait and don't r&d them, you will be behind the curve and have an impossible time protecting your runways in 1943 ceding the air war to the Allies. Your best bet then is to use a 10% CAP with Glens and Petes. 1 plane will usually intercept, but not close but it still disrupts the bombers aim. You will need play of AA.

Using fighters at night, from my experience not Pax's, is to lose them over and over again to the bombers guns with only the occasional success. This is gone into at great depth in my AAR with Tiemanj,several threads in the war room, etc.

Read Obvert vs Joc to see what happens to Japan at night if you fall behind the NF curve.

Late war planes are really tough to get, and probably impossible if the Allies do a halfway decent job. But you should be able to get Frank, Jack, George, Tony plus a very strong effort on Sam. Oscar IV are decent too, very close to an A6M8.

Of those it takes Frank or Sam to stop the Jugs sweeps.

Lowpe, again, please accept my apologizes for not making myself clear.

I am doing NFs.

Of the three “musts” you mentioned in your previous post, I have been R&Ding two of since at least Apr '42, probably earlier.. I will build other model NFs but I will have to wait until they come on their own. I just do not have the resources to R&D them all at this time.

Please read my response to Pax above.

< Message edited by el lobo -- 4/4/2016 9:47:33 AM >


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 519
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/4/2016 10:09:18 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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PRODUCTION Sep 1, 1942 Turn 269

Oil is down and fuel up because I turned-on the refinery at Rangoon to pump-up fuel there.

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El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 520
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/4/2016 2:28:39 PM   

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I think part of the confusion is that when we say "RnD something" it means a minimum of 3x30 factories on it an maybe more. 1x30 RnD isn't RnD, that's just prepping a factory to build it when it arrives.

When I RnD Frank, that is a minimum of 6x30 factories on Frank beginning Dec 7, 1941. When repaired, those will advance Frank 1 month every 19 days. On average it will get you Frank in mid-43.
This strategy means you can only research a very few models, particularly with Realistic RnD. These 6 factories would then move to Ki-83 or Ki-94 (whatever your 3rd Gen fighter will be) to finish off the game.

< Message edited by PaxMondo -- 4/4/2016 2:33:55 PM >



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 521
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/4/2016 3:06:34 PM   

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I still wouldn't use Nick FBs at Night...too valuable a plane to suffer horrible losses to enemy bombers. Especially if Petes/Glens fit the bill.

If you have to put them at an altitude where they fly but never have enough time to close to minimize losses but still disrupt the bombers.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 522
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/4/2016 3:07:29 PM   

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I think part of the confusion is that when we say "RnD something" it means a minimum of 3x30 factories on it an maybe more. 1x30 RnD isn't RnD, that's just prepping a factory to build it when it arrives.

Ooopsies. Thanks for the clarification, helps immensely.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 523
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/5/2016 7:52:32 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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I think part of the confusion is that when we say "RnD something" it means a minimum of 3x30 factories on it an maybe more. 1x30 RnD isn't RnD, that's just prepping a factory to build it when it arrives.

When I RnD Frank, that is a minimum of 6x30 factories on Frank beginning Dec 7, 1941. When repaired, those will advance Frank 1 month every 19 days. On average it will get you Frank in mid-43.
This strategy means you can only research a very few models, particularly with Realistic RnD. These 6 factories would then move to Ki-83 or Ki-94 (whatever your 3rd Gen fighter will be) to finish off the game.

I have been told that the Manual is out of date re the Development Point production.

Using the “old math” will have you developing one Development Point at each of your six locations each day (plus the possibility of six more points for the month, but lets skip that part.)

100 Development Points to advance one month /6 = 16.6 days to advance your Franks one month.

Obviously different from your number. Can you up-date me?



El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 524
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/5/2016 8:04:28 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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I still wouldn't use Nick FBs at Night...too valuable a plane to suffer horrible losses to enemy bombers. Especially if Petes/Glens fit the bill.

I have seen you do this in your AAR but I did not realize that it was SOP. I will give it a try. Should be interesting.


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 525
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/5/2016 1:47:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: el lobo



I think part of the confusion is that when we say "RnD something" it means a minimum of 3x30 factories on it an maybe more. 1x30 RnD isn't RnD, that's just prepping a factory to build it when it arrives.

When I RnD Frank, that is a minimum of 6x30 factories on Frank beginning Dec 7, 1941. When repaired, those will advance Frank 1 month every 19 days. On average it will get you Frank in mid-43.
This strategy means you can only research a very few models, particularly with Realistic RnD. These 6 factories would then move to Ki-83 or Ki-94 (whatever your 3rd Gen fighter will be) to finish off the game.

I have been told that the Manual is out of date re the Development Point production.

Using the “old math” will have you developing one Development Point at each of your six locations each day (plus the possibility of six more points for the month, but lets skip that part.)

100 Development Points to advance one month /6 = 16.6 days to advance your Franks one month.

Obviously different from your number. Can you up-date me?


No, my typing wrong ... 17 days, not 19.



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 526
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/5/2016 2:31:13 PM   

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ORIGINAL: el lobo



I still wouldn't use Nick FBs at Night...too valuable a plane to suffer horrible losses to enemy bombers. Especially if Petes/Glens fit the bill.

I have seen you do this in your AAR but I did not realize that it was SOP. I will give it a try. Should be interesting.

Actually I prefer 2 squadrons of Dinah Fighters, broken into thirds to cover the airbases at night. But Glens, Petes,Alf do work too.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 527
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/7/2016 1:49:18 PM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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Pax, or anyone else familiar with the subject, (I know Pax was/is working on a Mod).

numdydar in his “Japanese Production Primer” suggests that all of Japan's R&D factories be repaired by using the editor prior to the game starting..

I would like to run some test but I am unable to find where the factories can be changed.

Anyone know if they can, and where?


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El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 528
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/7/2016 7:32:27 PM   

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FActories are on the locations tab under the base name. they are a device on the base.



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 529
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 4/8/2016 1:26:46 PM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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Thanks, found them.


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 530
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/10/2016 1:44:22 PM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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COLOMBO Month of September 1942 Turns 269 -298

I see that it has been almost a month since I last posted. It has been a slow month.

My attempts at taking Colombo have been a real disappointment.

My first attack Sep 6, '42

Ground combat at Colombo (29,48)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 30158 troops, 323 guns, 95 vehicles, Assault Value = 947

Defending force 17922 troops, 366 guns, 339 vehicles, Assault Value = 299

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2

Japanese adjusted assault: 305

Allied adjusted defense: 1027

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 3 (fort level 2)

Combat modifiers
Defender: forts(+), leaders(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
3172 casualties reported
Squads: 9 destroyed, 265 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 22 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 22 disabled
Guns lost 29 (2 destroyed, 27 disabled)
Vehicles lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
417 casualties reported
Squads: 11 destroyed, 21 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 6 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled

I thought I needed a bigger hammer so I brought in an Engineer Unit and another Division. The Engineer Unit was two days ahead of the Division so I attacked as soon as the Engineers were at the base to see what difference they would make.

My second attack Sep 25, '42

Ground combat at Colombo (29,48)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 31270 troops, 333 guns, 137 vehicles, Assault Value = 991

Defending force 17864 troops, 362 guns, 349 vehicles, Assault Value = 299

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2

Japanese adjusted assault: 272

Allied adjusted defense: 397

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 2)

Combat modifiers
Defender: leaders(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2992 casualties reported
Squads: 12 destroyed, 130 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 73 disabled
Guns lost 46 (1 destroyed, 45 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
278 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 39 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 3 disabled
Guns lost 16 (1 destroyed, 15 disabled)
Vehicles lost 6 (1 destroyed, 5 disabled)

The Division arrived.

My last attack Sep 27, '42

Ground combat at Colombo (29,48)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 41670 troops, 435 guns, 169 vehicles, Assault Value = 1278

Defending force 17683 troops, 361 guns, 350 vehicles, Assault Value = 271

Japanese adjusted assault: 339

Allied adjusted defense: 373

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 2)

Combat modifiers
Defender: leaders(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2438 casualties reported
Squads: 6 destroyed, 218 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 23 disabled
Engineers: 9 destroyed, 33 disabled
Guns lost 21 (3 destroyed, 18 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
556 casualties reported
Squads: 41 destroyed, 35 disabled
Non Combat: 10 destroyed, 39 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled
Guns lost 30 (10 destroyed, 20 disabled)
Vehicles lost 9 (1 destroyed, 8 disabled)

I am a bit more than irritated that in each case adjusted AV is so different from actual AV.

First attack: 3:1 to 1:3, second 3:1 to 1:2, third 4:1 to 1:2. Disruption ranged from one to eight and fatigue was in the teens.


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 531
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/10/2016 1:46:33 PM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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CHINA Month of September 1942 Turns 269 -298

My units south of Chungking got a little disorganized this month. I tried a couple of flanking attacks and they did not work as expected. I should be reorganized in a few turns.

Rio has been playing well. He manages to get "Pesky" units behind my lines and sometimes they are effective in cutting or slowing my supply-lines. But as I told him, this is a two way street.

This attack went well.

Ground combat at 76,47 (near Chungking)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 151252 troops, 1290 guns, 198 vehicles, Assault Value = 4918

Defending force 19385 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 671

Japanese adjusted assault: 4015

Allied adjusted defense: 223

Japanese assault odds: 18 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), op mode(-), leaders(+), disruption(-)
fatigue(-), experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
4465 casualties reported
Squads: 7 destroyed, 285 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 23 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 48 disabled

Allied ground losses:
6022 casualties reported
Squads: 477 destroyed, 131 disabled
Non Combat: 287 destroyed, 102 disabled
Engineers: 10 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 4 (4 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Units retreated 3

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by el lobo -- 5/10/2016 1:53:34 PM >


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 532
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/11/2016 7:58:52 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
PRODUCTION Oct 1, 1942 Turn 299

Here is what accelerated in Sep '42.

Tojo IIc 7/43
Oscar -4-IIb 10/42
Oscar -4-IIIa 4/44
Oscar -43-IV 12/44
Ki-100-I Tony 1/45

Ha-43 7/45
Ha-45 3/43

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El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 533
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/11/2016 8:01:09 AM   
el lobo

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From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
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Two months ago I was shipping oil from Singapore to Saigon, CRB and Haiphong. CRB started acting as a sink so I changed shipping of all oil from Singapore to Haiphong. Nothing was going into or out-of CRB. A little oil was going into Saigon via cargo ships. Oil from the SRA is going to HK.

This was working fine, in fact Haiphong had a venturi effect on CRB and oil was flowing out of CRB. Fusion was getting oil in its usual spurts and gulps.

About three weeks ago CRB and PA both started acting as sinks and very little oil is flowing to Fusan. PA is now holding 231K of oil.

Any idea as to what is happening?


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 534
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/11/2016 1:24:49 PM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline

I forgot to mention that we had our first and so far only, encounter with 4Es.

Also about that time we took Cocos Island, unopposed.

Morning Air attack on 38th Division, at 29,48 (Colombo)

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 5

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 12
B-17F Fortress x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 3 damaged
B-17F Fortress: 2 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
302 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 17 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Morning Air attack on 5th Guards Division, at 29,48 (Colombo)

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 3
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 1

Allied aircraft
B-17F Fortress x 6

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17F Fortress: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
19 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Morning Air attack on 41st Infantry Regiment, at 29,48 (Colombo)

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 4,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 2

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 9

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 2 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
68 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 535
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/11/2016 8:12:46 PM   


Posts: 2732
Joined: 9/19/2009
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: el lobo
About three weeks ago CRB and PA both started acting as sinks and very little oil is flowing to Fusan. PA is now holding 231K of oil.
Any idea as to what is happening?

Any building on the bases? Stuff flows to the largest port (largets airbase if equal ports) in some vicinity. When I setup the magic highway I usually don't try make oil/res flow from Singers cause it is pretty hard. Instead I build CRB to 7-8 port, block res transfer through Malaya rails, organize a chain of ever-bigger ports/airbases on the Haiphong/HK/Shanghai line to make stuff flow to Shanghai. And boy does it flow.
Also use "assign CV/BB to port" trick from time to time to suck fuel out of Singers

(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 536
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/12/2016 3:25:05 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
GA, no building of bases any where along the line. The only changes I made to the system is that I turned on the refineries at Rangoon for three weeks, end of Aug to mid Sep, now off. And I replaced some Adens with Yusen Ns to haul Resources/Oil from Fusan to Fukuoka.

I can't imagine that that would make any difference but perhaps.

I never did get it to flow out of Singers but it was flowing from Haiphong/HK to Fusan OK.


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to GetAssista)
Post #: 537
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/12/2016 4:41:14 AM   

Posts: 9750
Joined: 6/6/2008
Status: offline
When you did the xAK replacement, somehow, you created a hic cup in the demand. Not sure how, but the coincidence is too much. Unless some Chinese LCU managed to change a hexside control, it must have been the TF change you did ... sorry to see.

It may straighten out, but it doesn't look good. I'd start pulling from PA and see if you can get it to flow there from CRB ... not perfect, but better than shipping all the way from Singers ...



(in reply to el lobo)
Post #: 538
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/13/2016 9:36:21 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline
One definition of magic is "a mysterious quality."


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 539
RE: The Gamiest Game in Town. El Lobo as the Red 1s and... - 5/13/2016 9:39:04 AM   
el lobo

Posts: 825
Joined: 7/20/2013
From: Khon Kaen, Thailand (orig: Sacramento, CA)
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: GetAssista

block res transfer through Malaya rails,

GA, what to you mean by this?


El Lobo (J) vs Rio Bravo (A)
Rio Bravo's AAR - "The War College"

Gamey is not a game style. It is someone's definition.

(in reply to GetAssista)
Post #: 540
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