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RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enhancements)

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RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/23/2016 4:44:03 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
Status: offline
Be SURE to put the pwhexe.dat file in the top level AE folder - it is NEW a

Level II Update Link 2.72!Ap7XOIkiBuUwhYgdhnbHRnhTAFX2OQ

Likely we face a legacy software issue. AE is written for Vista, and
at least one part of it refuses to work in anything later. [That is
the Scenario Editor, the SCEN page, specifically the four buttons
in the lower left. They ONLY work in Vista. I have Vista, Windows
7, 8 and 10 to play with - or did until I abandoned 8 in favor of 10
because 8 limits your system memory and is not user friendly.] I
work in Windows 7 because it requires fewer keystrokes - and I type
16 hours a day.

OneDrive is a feature of Microsoft available for ALL modern operating
systems, but pushed since Windows 8. They try to force you to use a Microsoft
email address and use that to sign on to ALL your devices! I regard that
as horrible security and use it ONLY for off site cloud storage of files
and to give players access to them. But it is NOT related to the operating
system - it is a communications service connecting you to my account in a blind
way (so you cannot sign on to my systems - or at least those set up using
the same Microsoft address). In fact, I use it with Mifune - letting him pretend
to be me - so we can send files both ways. HE has Windows 7 (I know - I sent
him his machine - which was mine - when his crashed and burned). But he can
NEVER make the installer work. In his case we think it is his ISP that is the problem.
I have one other player who has trouble with the installer 100% of the time -
no idea why?

The installer is a professional program and it does NOT care what your operating system
is. It is the Advanced Installer and you can find it and learn about it from its site.

If you have trouble I can send files directly by email. I went over to the installer
because many did not like that process - and because RHS is now too big for AOL if one
wants everything at once. But I rarely change every file - often just a few.

Always send me an email if you have a problem.

The installer has to assume something. The programmer who set it up for me assumed
you use the Matrix default AE folder. This is not likely true unless a user ONLY uses
RHS - and even then - only for Level I (so stock games and maps work). For Level II
I think a separate install is necessary, and I am not sure precisely where the files
end up. I also dislike the Windows 10 copy process, rarely use it, and am not proficient
enough to know what all your options are. In my view it requires more steps, and
I don't want to make extra keystrokes - so I don't. In fact, I have Windows 10 as an
alternative boot option - but every time I load it I only confirm why I prefer not to work
with it. I do that regularly - to insure it stays up to date.


ORIGINAL: m10bob

Hello Sid..Need to report a problem with patches.

I am using Win10 and when I get your patches, it will allow me to download them but my computer will not allow me to apply them to an existing file.
I am instead required to delete the title of the program from the "Program and Files" page within Control Panel and then it will allow me to apply the new patch on top of what should have been a "deleted" file..

On one recent patching it caused my computer to report loading RHSII had failed to load certain map panels.
When that happened, I deleted the entire RHS game from my computer and started from scratch to start all over again.
I have checked my security programs and my firewalls.
They are not the problem.
You and I both use AOL.
When I download your patches, they are coming in via "One Drive", a feature of Win10 as I understand it..

Suggestions on how to make these patches go in?

Matrixgames patches give me no problems.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 1/14/2017 4:51:44 AM >

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 121
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/23/2016 4:52:16 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
Status: offline
This is probably good procedure, but most don't need to do it. If you delete first,
when I change file names for any reason, you won't be collecting legacy files no longer used.
And it is a general truism that a clean install should always work. It just takes time
and is a hassle.



Isn't it working as designed? I am on Win XP and have to first delete the previous RHS version and then install the new one. I use Revo Uninstaller for deleting the previous version.

(in reply to Yaab)
Post #: 122
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/23/2016 4:53:30 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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The Advanced Installer is designed to do what you say. But for some reason it isn't doing that
in this instance. You might try to learn about it from their FAQ.


ORIGINAL: m10bob



Isn't it working as designed? I am on Win XP and have to first delete the previous RHS version and then install the new one. I use Revo Uninstaller for deleting the previous version.

I am used to "patches" which simply go to the game directory, then download right into the correct game folder. Ergo the term "patch".

If we are supposed to remove the prior game to install the new "patch", this is a new and different way to apply "patches".Indeed, if this is what is expected now, of course I can adjust, just a strange way to run the railroad.

Either way, I am grateful for RHS and all it brings to the game.

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 123
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/24/2016 2:50:42 PM   

Posts: 5521
Joined: 4/1/2004
From: The Zone™
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: m10bob

Either way, I am grateful for RHS and all it brings to the game.

+ 1000

And let's not forget the unfair huge amounts of vitriol some forumites made you [Sid] swallow Luckily you ignored all those critics and kept your business [RHS] moving

< Message edited by TulliusDetritus -- 5/24/2016 2:52:52 PM >


a nu cheeki breeki iv damke

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 124
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/24/2016 5:23:12 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: TulliusDetritus


ORIGINAL: m10bob

Either way, I am grateful for RHS and all it brings to the game.

+ 1000

And let's not forget the unfair huge amounts of vitriol some forumites made you [Sid] swallow Luckily you ignored all those critics and kept your business [RHS] moving

Some of those "forumites" from a few years back are no longer with us.


(in reply to TulliusDetritus)
Post #: 125
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/24/2016 6:33:21 PM   


Posts: 184
Joined: 4/8/2016
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ORIGINAL: el cid again

In general, RHS reworks stock data and does not trust it. But this is not so true of non-major ships. It is always
true for aircraft and almost always true for land units and air groups. For minor vessels, or indeed anything,
REPORT the error and it will be fixed. About half of RHS comes from NON RHS members of the Matrix Forums - we
deliberately use any suggestion we can - and also shamelessly shed our own art in favor of better art - as
formal policy. I live in a library with extensive sources, including Dutch sources, and I do use non-English
materials when necessary. You should find the use of Dutch names and abbreviations pleasing. You will find
careful reworking of land unit orders of battle and ship minor weapons. But the case of minor vessels is an
exception and almost certainly still is generally incorrect in at least some details.

I just added art and data for the Endracht class CL for just issued Scenario 129 (level II only).
In that process I found the stock data for ship ranges was indeed incorrect in some cases. That scenario,
with a Japan arming sooner, gave more time for the Dutch to react. IRL they worried from 1931 on,
and began designing ships. We lay down the pair of CL two years sooner and also have time to complete
the van Heemskerk as designed - for scenario 129 only.

Yeah, I think it's an interesting mod. I will try to summarize the fixes here but I'm bad at being concise I'm afraid. Please check the Naval OOB thread if you want my reasoning for the values. All my sources are from the internet, so I can't vouch for their quality, remember to take it with a grain of salt.

A few Dutch vessels have exactly 30 in maneuver value which is both improbable and very low. Some of them also have whacky endurance/fuel values and very low cruise speeds (6 knots, only the Dutch vessels and SN Kommuna AS has that low while having a max speed of 10 or more). I haven't found a clear pattern for the maneuver values for really small vessels, they seem inconsistent.

Suggested values, endurance and fuel is pretty much guesses as I didn't find any sources for it (or at least any believable sources). Length and max speed only included for completions sake, but note that some sources puts Ardjoeno at 10 knots max speed rather than 15.
Merapi seems to be identical (or at least functionally identical) to Merbaboe, Soemenep is an alternative class that's used in DBB (coastal minelayer).
(Some of the RHS scenarios put a "RNN" infront of the class name, some don't.)
Length (m) - max speed - cruise speed - fuel - endurance - maneuver - ship name
56         - 12        - 8            - 180  - 3070      - 43       - Small Gvt Mar (Bellatrix)
59,75      - 12        - 8            - 235  - 3550      - 40       - Med Gvt Mar (Fomalhaut)
41,9       - 14        - 8            - 30   - 1200      - 67       - A class
22,25      - 10        - 8            - 15   - 625       - 71       - Merbaboe
31         - 12        - 10           - 33   - 1300      - 71       - Alor
34         - 12        - 10           - 43   - 1700      - 70       - Djember
26,65      - 15        - 12           - 13   - 535       - 73       - Ardjoeno
22,7       - 10        - 8            - 13   - 545       - 71       - Ardjoeno (alternative)
70,5       - 15        - 12           - 275  - 4040      - 51       - Arend
38         - 10        - 8            - 45   - 1500      - 53       - Soemenep

Armament issues:
Admiralen Batch I and Batch II should have two single 120 mm forward and two single 120 aft, not one twin forward and one twin aft.
Secondary weapons on Batch I and Batch II should be switched around. Batch I has Batch II's right now and vice versa. After switching the 4cm Hazemeyer should probably be changed to a 2pdr, they should definitely be singles rather than twins. A more pedantic, but the Brownings and 2pdrs should be half to the left, half to the right, not all center as they are right now.

Most Dutch ships with a the 75mm SA No. 4 AA should have a 7,5cm/40 Krupp or Bofors single purpose gun (naval gun). Some ships with the 7,5 cm Krupp/Bofors gun might have upgraded to British 12 pdrs later. Potentially only Admiralen destroyers, Van Oranje and maybe Soerabaja had DP/AA 75 mm guns (7,5 cm/55 No.7 to No.9 Bofors or Siderius).

Gouvernmentsmarine ships should probably only have 3,7 cm guns, although exactly what gun that is I don't know (3,7 cm/20 Gericke or Hotchkiss revolver guns?) or a single 7,5 cm/40 Krupp/Bofors gun. No AA at all, not even MGs.
Small Gvt Mar: 2 x 3,7 cm
Med Gvt Mar: 1 x 7,5 cm/40

I don't have good details about for the guns as such though (shell weight/range), would need to do more digging for that. The 3,7 cm guns are probably quite useless in game terms though and less effective than even MGs.

Original plans for the P17 motor launch has it with 20 mm guns and not MGs, but that's a minor point. It might have been difficult to get 20 mm guns in the DEI during that time.

The rest is uncertain, but here is potentially some other armament changes:
A Class: no change (2 x 12,7 mm)
Alor: 2 x 37 mm, 2 x 7,7 mm
Merbaboe: 2 x 7,7 mm
Djember: 1 x 12,7 mm
Ardjoeno: 2 x 7,7 mm
Soemenemp: same as DBB (2 x 12,7 mm)

Unrelated to the Dutch vessels.

The SC-453 110' and the Admirable (both USN ships) stand out quite a bit due to their very low fuel consumption. The SC-453 gets ~83,3 nm/fuel while the Admirable gets ~60,7 nm/fuel. That's very high, especially considering their size. Even small (20 ton) ships tops out at around 50 nm/fuel of the ships I've looked at in DBB-C. RHS is a bit different in that a few more ships join them, such as SN BO-2 SC with ~66,6 nm/fuel and RTN Bangrachan with 90 nm/fuel. I'm not saying it's wrong, but the general line seems to be that you cap out at around 40 nm/fuel (and at that level you mostly have small boats; Fairmile B, Elco 80ft, LCS, Higgins 78 ft etc.) in the database.

Super minor point:
Thronycroft HDML should probably be spelled Thornycroft HDML

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 126
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/25/2016 6:07:52 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
Status: offline
These items generally seem likely to be correct. I have great data on weapons, so that isn't a problem.
It is hull size, speed, range and fuel which are harder to get. But often US vessels (see your last point)
were deliberately exaggerated in range - so they can get somewhere (since we cannot load them on ships as IRL)
I suppose. I know the Dutch DD had singles - and so if shown as twins, someone was not paying attention in the
data entry process. The editor has a way to update all ships once I modify a class - so this will be easy
to implement. So thanks. I am quite pleased with the many detail changes to Dutch locations, land units,
aircraft and air units - and to added naval units. It will be nice to have the inherited naval units look right
as well. The big problem with AE is sheer size of the data set: one cannot look at every record even in a decade.
So we look where pointed.

The problem of maneuverability is complicated. One must start with size - and that itself is difficult. While
ALL naval vessels are ALWAYS rated in terms of load displacements, by all navies, most references, and almost all
game data is in terms of either standard displacement (for warships) or gross tonnage (for merchant ships). Both
of these are legal terms ALMOST UNRELATED to ship actual displacement! So one must first figure out how much
the ship displaces? Then one needs to figure out is power and other hull characteristics. Maneuverability is
related to both speed and to ability to turn. [Thus an Alaska is a lousy ship because it cannot turn well, in
spite of being fast. According to her captain. Some battleships of greater size can turn in less than half her
radius.] One can estimate maneuverability by comparing similar hull types, with similar speeds, and similar
displacements, and then adjust for the degree of variation in size, speed, etc. But it is always a guess in the
end - unless one builds a model very carefully and measures.


ORIGINAL: cardas


ORIGINAL: el cid again

Yeah, I think it's an interesting mod. I will try to summarize the fixes here but I'm bad at being concise I'm afraid. Please check the Naval OOB thread if you want my reasoning for the values. All my sources are from the internet, so I can't vouch for their quality, remember to take it with a grain of salt.

A few Dutch vessels have exactly 30 in maneuver value which is both improbable and very low. Some of them also have whacky endurance/fuel values and very low cruise speeds (6 knots, only the Dutch vessels and SN Kommuna AS has that low while having a max speed of 10 or more). I haven't found a clear pattern for the maneuver values for really small vessels, they seem inconsistent.

Suggested values, endurance and fuel is pretty much guesses as I didn't find any sources for it (or at least any believable sources). Length and max speed only included for completions sake, but note that some sources puts Ardjoeno at 10 knots max speed rather than 15.
Merapi seems to be identical (or at least functionally identical) to Merbaboe, Soemenep is an alternative class that's used in DBB (coastal minelayer).
(Some of the RHS scenarios put a "RNN" infront of the class name, some don't.)
Length (m) - max speed - cruise speed - fuel - endurance - maneuver - ship name
56         - 12        - 8            - 180  - 3070      - 43       - Small Gvt Mar (Bellatrix)
59,75      - 12        - 8            - 235  - 3550      - 40       - Med Gvt Mar (Fomalhaut)
41,9       - 14        - 8            - 30   - 1200      - 67       - A class
22,25      - 10        - 8            - 15   - 625       - 71       - Merbaboe
31         - 12        - 10           - 33   - 1300      - 71       - Alor
34         - 12        - 10           - 43   - 1700      - 70       - Djember
26,65      - 15        - 12           - 13   - 535       - 73       - Ardjoeno
22,7       - 10        - 8            - 13   - 545       - 71       - Ardjoeno (alternative)
70,5       - 15        - 12           - 275  - 4040      - 51       - Arend
38         - 10        - 8            - 45   - 1500      - 53       - Soemenep

Armament issues:
Admiralen Batch I and Batch II should have two single 120 mm forward and two single 120 aft, not one twin forward and one twin aft.
Secondary weapons on Batch I and Batch II should be switched around. Batch I has Batch II's right now and vice versa. After switching the 4cm Hazemeyer should probably be changed to a 2pdr, they should definitely be singles rather than twins. A more pedantic, but the Brownings and 2pdrs should be half to the left, half to the right, not all center as they are right now.

Most Dutch ships with a the 75mm SA No. 4 AA should have a 7,5cm/40 Krupp or Bofors single purpose gun (naval gun). Some ships with the 7,5 cm Krupp/Bofors gun might have upgraded to British 12 pdrs later. Potentially only Admiralen destroyers, Van Oranje and maybe Soerabaja had DP/AA 75 mm guns (7,5 cm/55 No.7 to No.9 Bofors or Siderius).

Gouvernmentsmarine ships should probably only have 3,7 cm guns, although exactly what gun that is I don't know (3,7 cm/20 Gericke or Hotchkiss revolver guns?) or a single 7,5 cm/40 Krupp/Bofors gun. No AA at all, not even MGs.
Small Gvt Mar: 2 x 3,7 cm
Med Gvt Mar: 1 x 7,5 cm/40

I don't have good details about for the guns as such though (shell weight/range), would need to do more digging for that. The 3,7 cm guns are probably quite useless in game terms though and less effective than even MGs.

Original plans for the P17 motor launch has it with 20 mm guns and not MGs, but that's a minor point. It might have been difficult to get 20 mm guns in the DEI during that time.

The rest is uncertain, but here is potentially some other armament changes:
A Class: no change (2 x 12,7 mm)
Alor: 2 x 37 mm, 2 x 7,7 mm
Merbaboe: 2 x 7,7 mm
Djember: 1 x 12,7 mm
Ardjoeno: 2 x 7,7 mm
Soemenemp: same as DBB (2 x 12,7 mm)

Unrelated to the Dutch vessels.

The SC-453 110' and the Admirable (both USN ships) stand out quite a bit due to their very low fuel consumption. The SC-453 gets ~83,3 nm/fuel while the Admirable gets ~60,7 nm/fuel. That's very high, especially considering their size. Even small (20 ton) ships tops out at around 50 nm/fuel of the ships I've looked at in DBB-C. RHS is a bit different in that a few more ships join them, such as SN BO-2 SC with ~66,6 nm/fuel and RTN Bangrachan with 90 nm/fuel. I'm not saying it's wrong, but the general line seems to be that you cap out at around 40 nm/fuel (and at that level you mostly have small boats; Fairmile B, Elco 80ft, LCS, Higgins 78 ft etc.) in the database.

Super minor point:
Thronycroft HDML should probably be spelled Thornycroft HDML


Yeah, I think it's an interesting mod. I will try to summarize the fixes here but I'm bad at being concise I'm afraid. Please check the Naval OOB thread if you want my reasoning for the values. All my sources are from the internet, so I can't vouch for their quality, remember to take it with a grain of salt. A few Dutch vessels have exactly 30 in maneuver value which is both improbable and very low. Some of them also have whacky endurance/fuel values and very low cruise speeds (6 knots, only the Dutch vessels and SN Kommuna AS has that low while having a max speed of 10 or more). I haven't found a clear pattern for the maneuver values for really small vessels, they seem inconsistent. Suggested values, endurance and fuel is pretty much guesses as I didn't find any sources for it (or at least any believable sources). Length and max speed only included for completions sake, but note that some sources puts Ardjoeno at 10 knots max speed rather than 15. Merapi seems to be identical (or at least functionally identical) to Merbaboe, Soemenep is an alternative class that's used in DBB (coastal minelayer). (Some of the RHS scenarios put a "RNN" infront of the class name, some don't.) Length (m) - max speed - cruise speed - fuel - endurance - maneuver - ship name
56 - 12 - 8 - 180 - 3070 - 43 - Small Gvt Mar (Bellatrix)
59,75 - 12 - 8 - 235 - 3550 - 40 - Med Gvt Mar (Fomalhaut)
41,9 - 14 - 8 - 30 - 1200 - 67 - A class
22,25 - 10 - 8 - 15 - 625 - 71 - Merbaboe
31 - 12 - 10 - 33 - 1300 - 71 - Alor
34 - 12 - 10 - 43 - 1700 - 70 - Djember
26,65 - 15 - 12 - 13 - 535 - 73 - Ardjoeno
22,7 - 10 - 8 - 13 - 545 - 71 - Ardjoeno (alternative)
70,5 - 15 - 12 - 275 - 4040 - 51 - Arend
38 - 10 - 8 - 45 - 1500 - 53 - Soemenep
Armament issues: Admiralen Batch I and Batch II should have two single 120 mm forward and two single 120 aft, not one twin forward and one twin aft. Secondary weapons on Batch I and Batch II should be switched around. Batch I has Batch II's right now and vice versa. After switching the 4cm Hazemeyer should probably be changed to a 2pdr, they should definitely be singles rather than twins. A more pedantic, but the Brownings and 2pdrs should be half to the left, half to the right, not all center as they are right now. Most Dutch ships with a the 75mm SA No. 4 AA should have a 7,5cm/40 Krupp or Bofors single purpose gun (naval gun). Some ships with the 7,5 cm Krupp/Bofors gun might have upgraded to British 12 pdrs later. Potentially only Admiralen destroyers, Van Oranje and maybe Soerabaja had DP/AA 75 mm guns (7,5 cm/55 No.7 to No.9 Bofors or Siderius). Gouvernmentsmarine ships should probably only have 3,7 cm guns, although exactly what gun that is I don't know (3,7 cm/20 Gericke or Hotchkiss revolver guns?) or a single 7,5 cm/40 Krupp/Bofors gun. No AA at all, not even MGs. Small Gvt Mar: 2 x 3,7 cm Med Gvt Mar: 1 x 7,5 cm/40 I don't have good details about for the guns as such though (shell weight/range), would need to do more digging for that. The 3,7 cm guns are probably quite useless in game terms though and less effective than even MGs. Original plans for the P17 motor launch has it with 20 mm guns and not MGs, but that's a minor point. It might have been difficult to get 20 mm guns in the DEI during that time. The rest is uncertain, but here is potentially some other armament changes: A Class: no change (2 x 12,7 mm) Alor: 2 x 37 mm, 2 x 7,7 mm Merbaboe: 2 x 7,7 mm Djember: 1 x 12,7 mm Ardjoeno: 2 x 7,7 mm Soemenemp: same as DBB (2 x 12,7 mm) ---- Unrelated to the Dutch vessels. Oddity: The SC-453 110' and the Admirable (both USN ships) stand out quite a bit due to their very low fuel consumption. The SC-453 gets ~83,3 nm/fuel while the Admirable gets ~60,7 nm/fuel. That's very high, especially considering their size. Even small (20 ton) ships tops out at around 50 nm/fuel of the ships I've looked at in DBB-C. RHS is a bit different in that a few more ships join them, such as SN BO-2 SC with ~66,6 nm/fuel and RTN Bangrachan with 90 nm/fuel. I'm not saying it's wrong, but the general line seems to be that you cap out at around 40 nm/fuel (and at that level you mostly have small boats; Fairmile B, Elco 80ft, LCS, Higgins 78 ft etc.) in the database. Super minor point: Thronycroft HDML should probably be spelled Thornycroft HDML

(in reply to cardas)
Post #: 127
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/25/2016 2:04:56 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline
Sid...I know it is a priority for you already, however I hope to see your release for the file which will make the off-map ports work.
Aden/Abedan in particular.

You have made Port Stanley useful in the game for the first time!

BTW, for folks researching the DEI and its' military...there is actually quite a bit to be seen on Youtube!

< Message edited by m10bob -- 5/25/2016 2:17:10 PM >


(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 128
RE: RHS Level II Comprehensive Update 2.21 (Technical -... - 5/26/2016 7:13:01 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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Be SURE to put the pwhexe.dat file in the top level AE folder - it is NEW a

RHS Level II Update 2.221 Link!33899&authkey=!AEms6pC46mkIZq4&ithint=file%2cmsi

This update has two major and a few minor focuses.

First of all, as usual, I reviewed more USN LSTs and we are now into the 700 range.
There won't be much more of this before we are done.

Second, by request, I began a review of minor RNN vessels. I did not get very far,
because I focused on a total re-do of the destroyer force. This is important enough
I took the time to copy it into Level I RHS, which will release tomorrow. All historical
RNN destroyers were revised, and several new devices were added because of them.
Some of these devices will gradually work into many Allied vessels: Twin and
Quad 40 mm Bofors, Twin 20 mm Orlikons. For scenario 129, with the added
time for building Dutch ships, I did the Tjerk Hiddes class AS PLANNED, rather
than as completed. All four vessels join the force in the NEI. For these ships
I created an entirely new 4.7 inch gun with a 71 pound shell. It is also a DP gun,
unlike the SP guns on earlier RNN DD. That is because it is the gun designed
for the ship - not something I made up.

Third, I have continued to work on the "invisible" map support files, with a view
to making vessels in the Arctic region behave better. We picked up two more
working ports in terms of "wintering over" - one each in Siberia and Canada. We
got rid of records which failed to work for ten other ports - so they now look
like normal hexes in terms of the map support files. There will be one more round
of this before we have a completely developed set of support files which I can
use to generate later seasons from. This is slow work because I must test,
then copy the result into numbers of scenarios. This work is level II only.

Fourth, Peking is now a River port. Although the Grand Canal no longer goes
all the way downtown (since the late 19th Century), it does actually enter the
city's SE sector, where it ends today. So now it is a minor port, with two
minor vessels present at game start. The river to Tientsin is now navigable (again
in Level II).

Fifth, there were some imperfections where the Russians enter the map, North
of Krasnyoarsk. These were problems in pwhexe.dat terms, and they now match
the new map art I created in that area.

Sixth, there may be new art (I am unsure). So copy art files over to your AE Art folder.

You MUST copy the pwhexe.dat, pwzlink.dat and pwzone.dat files into the top level folder. These need to be in sync for the map system to work. And they need to
sync with the location file. There are new class, device, location, ship and leader (H)
files, at least. They may be new aircraft, group and pilot files (I am unsure and
copied them in for safety).

< Message edited by el cid again -- 5/28/2016 1:36:58 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 129
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/26/2016 7:15:09 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
Joined: 10/10/2005
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IF you have all the files in sync, these have been working for some time.
You need same release location, pwhexe.dat, pwzlink.dat and pwzone.dat files
for them to work. Any same day release will work fine. There is a new set
just above - new link.


ORIGINAL: m10bob

Sid...I know it is a priority for you already, however I hope to see your release for the file which will make the off-map ports work.
Aden/Abedan in particular.

You have made Port Stanley useful in the game for the first time!

BTW, for folks researching the DEI and its' military...there is actually quite a bit to be seen on Youtube!

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 130
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/26/2016 4:52:56 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline
Which folder do these belong in?..I have them in my scenario folder and the main RHS folder.

pwhexe.dat, pwzlink.dat and pwzone.dat files

< Message edited by m10bob -- 5/26/2016 4:56:24 PM >


(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 131
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/26/2016 5:01:59 PM   

Posts: 9973
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From: Mass. USA. now in Lancaster, OHIO
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The .dat files you mentioned go into the top level AE folder....GP


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"Do everything you ask of those you command"....Gen. George S. Patton

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 132
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/26/2016 5:20:57 PM   

Posts: 8622
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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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Thank you General.


(in reply to btd64)
Post #: 133
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/26/2016 6:44:51 PM   

Posts: 9973
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Your welcome....GP


Intel i7 4.3GHz 10th Gen,16GB Ram,Nvidia GeForce MX330

AKA General Patton

WPO,WITP,WITPAE-Mod Designer/Tester
DWU-Beta Tester
TOAW4-Alpha/Beta Tester

"Do everything you ask of those you command"....Gen. George S. Patton

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 134
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/26/2016 8:06:19 PM   

Posts: 8622
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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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Yep, that was my error..I take it the rivers in India are not working yet?


(in reply to btd64)
Post #: 135
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/26/2016 8:52:17 PM   

Posts: 9973
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From: Mass. USA. now in Lancaster, OHIO
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Just ran a test in India using the DL Sid posted above, Post 128, and the rivers that are suppose to work are working. The Ganges anyway. I don't know if any other rivers are suppose to. There are no ports on the others....GP


Intel i7 4.3GHz 10th Gen,16GB Ram,Nvidia GeForce MX330

AKA General Patton

WPO,WITP,WITPAE-Mod Designer/Tester
DWU-Beta Tester
TOAW4-Alpha/Beta Tester

"Do everything you ask of those you command"....Gen. George S. Patton

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 136
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/26/2016 9:47:49 PM   
el cid again


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What is critical is that what I call the "map support files" be in the TOP LEVEL
AE folder:


The location file, at least as important to make the map work, needs to be in the AE SCEN folder.

You were correct to ask: it isn't just having the files, it is having them where they must be
that matters. I should not have assumed that was clear.


ORIGINAL: m10bob

Which folder do these belong in?..I have them in my scenario folder and the main RHS folder.

pwhexe.dat, pwzlink.dat and pwzone.dat files

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 137
RE: RHS Level II Rivers in India - 5/26/2016 9:53:59 PM   
el cid again


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It is unclear what you mean here? Rivers in India DO work fine. However, if
you are a legacy RHS player, they do NOT work as fine as they did early on in RHS
Level I. This is because of material submitted by a professional developer -
and an extensive study. While the rivers on the map flow far to the North, they
are not navigable all that way. That matter is complicated by the crude AE
system - barges in fact CAN navigate much farther than ships can - but in AE
I must worry about big troopships on navigable rivers - so it requires compromises
in what to do with some hexes. But halfway up the Ganges valley - and all the
way to the end of the Bhramaputra - navigation is possible. The one exception
is the Indus - along the map edge. It is barely navigable, but only to very
shallow draft vessels. I didn't want a Japanese invasion by major task forces
in the rear - so I have never made it navigable very far along. If you are sure
you have the right pwhexe.dat file, report WHERE you have problems with navigation?
It is possible there is a miscoded hex-side stopping you and I can fix that.


ORIGINAL: m10bob

Yep, that was my error..I take it the rivers in India are not working yet?

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 138
RE: RHS Level II Rivers in India - 5/27/2016 1:46:45 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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I checked the rivers in India and China and they ARE funcional!(Hooray)..Not all rivers are on the "roadmap" so the player will need to determine which rivers are navigable, (to date).

Very good inclusion to the game (IMHO) and lends more realism for those who like to manage their supply pools.
Sid, is there a list of your supply sinks?

< Message edited by m10bob -- 5/27/2016 1:58:12 PM >


(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 139
RE: RHS Level II Rivers in India - 5/27/2016 2:22:03 PM   

Posts: 4552
Joined: 11/8/2011
From: Poland
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Sorry, but I still can sail the biggest xAKs from Calcutta to Ledo in RHS Level I. Have tonnage or class limits been implemented in RHS Level II?

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 140
RE: RHS Level II Rivers in India - 5/27/2016 2:37:02 PM   
el cid again


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The Ganges-Bhramaputra river system was then the primary logistical LOC of India. It
is vital even if no enemy tries for India. It also is a path for enemy invasion forces,
and can result in very interesting riverine campaigns. But its PRIMARY utility is
for Allied logistics: you can move troops, supplies, resources and oil faster by river.
This is particularly true before the RR is upgraded and the first bridge is built across
the Bhramaputra. The large oilfield in the Ledo hex cannot export much down the long,
secondary RR and secondary road system - and benefits in particular the player who uses
small river tankers - again before the Bengal and Assam RR is upgraded mid-war.


ORIGINAL: m10bob

I checked the rivers in India and China and they ARE funcional!(Hooray)..Not all rivers are on the "roadmap" so the player will need to determine which rivers are navigable, (to date).

Very good inclusion to the game (IMHO) and lends more realism for those who like to manage their supply pools.
Sid, is there a list of your supply sinks?

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 141
RE: RHS Level II Rivers in India - 5/27/2016 2:40:30 PM   
el cid again


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Unfortunately, there is nothing I can get at to affect things of this sort. It seems 'shallow draft'
has a very peculiar meaning to code - and 'shallow' it isn't. In my view, restriction should be based
on tonnage. Alternatively, perhaps, restrict by type - and NOT allow AKs (or TKs) at all - only AKLs
and other smaller vessels - on river systems. But PLAYERS may exercise restraint - nothing prevents
you from realistic choices - and it can be a house rule. In fact, the primary RHS House Rule is
'never do anything a historical commander would not do' - IMHO that means never send a ship where in fact
it could not go. In particular, do not conduct carrier flight operations in a river! But RHS only presents
players with options - we don't control player choices.



Sorry, but I still can sail the biggest xAKs from Calcutta to Ledo in RHS Level I. Have tonnage or class limits been implemented in RHS Level II?

(in reply to Yaab)
Post #: 142
RE: RHS Level II Rivers in India - 5/27/2016 3:18:56 PM   

Posts: 4552
Joined: 11/8/2011
From: Poland
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Thanks for the tip. So house rules it is.

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 143
RE: RHS Level II Rivers in India - 5/27/2016 3:28:31 PM   
el cid again


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Note that OCEAN GOING ships are BUILT at Wuhan - and even in WITP days stock allowed ships to
navigate the lower Yangtze. Some rivers in Russia are huge - this matters in Level II -
the Yenisi (feeding Krasnyoarsk) and the Lena (feeding Yakutsk) are in particular very wide
and deep. And you cannot see across the Amur at Khabarovsk - it feels like an ocean - and
driving the bridge built since the war at that city is spooky - like a drive to nowhere. So
there are exceptions.


ORIGINAL: el cid again

Unfortunately, there is nothing I can get at to affect things of this sort. It seems 'shallow draft'
has a very peculiar meaning to code - and 'shallow' it isn't. In my view, restriction should be based
on tonnage. Alternatively, perhaps, restrict by type - and NOT allow AKs (or TKs) at all - only AKLs
and other smaller vessels - on river systems. But PLAYERS may exercise restraint - nothing prevents
you from realistic choices - and it can be a house rule. In fact, the primary RHS House Rule is
'never do anything a historical commander would not do' - IMHO that means never send a ship where in fact
it could not go. In particular, do not conduct carrier flight operations in a river! But RHS only presents
players with options - we don't control player choices.



Sorry, but I still can sail the biggest xAKs from Calcutta to Ledo in RHS Level I. Have tonnage or class limits been implemented in RHS Level II?

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 144
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/27/2016 3:33:56 PM   
el cid again


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The SC-453 class was worth reviewing - it had several problems: it had its standard vice full load
displacement, it is 3 knots faster at the top end, and its cruising speed was 3 knots lower. But its
fuel and range were reasonable: officially it had a range of 1500 nm at 12 knots (which was less than
the 15 listed). I did not find fuel, but the larger, later PC class had only 49 tons, and pro rating
for size would make 14 the value for the -453 class. And on that 49 tons you got no less than 4800 nm!
But a smaller hull is less efficient and I won't change the 18 tons rating until I get a clearer indication
of what it should be. I reviewed my naval architecture book and found it too difficult to calculate the
actual value with precision - too many unknowns to estimate.


Oddity: The SC-453 110' and the Admirable (both USN ships) stand out quite a bit due to their very low fuel consumption. The SC-453 gets ~83,3 nm/fuel while the Admirable gets ~60,7 nm/fuel. That's very high, especially considering their size. Even small (20 ton) ships tops out at around 50 nm/fuel of the ships I've looked at in DBB-C. RHS is a bit different in that a few more ships join them, such as SN BO-2 SC with ~66,6 nm/fuel and RTN Bangrachan with 90 nm/fuel. I'm not saying it's wrong, but the general line seems to be that you cap out at around 40 nm/fuel (and at that level you mostly have small boats; Fairmile B, Elco 80ft, LCS, Higgins 78 ft etc.) in the database.

(in reply to cardas)
Post #: 145
RE: RHS Level II Comprehensive Update 2.22 (Map Art, pw... - 5/28/2016 12:36:55 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
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Be SURE to put the pwhexe.dat file in the top level AE folder - it is NEW a

RHS Level II Update 2.221 Link!33899&authkey=!AEms6pC46mkIZq4&ithint=file%2cmsi

First of all, this update includes two new map panels by Mifune - both the hex
and non-hex versions of the Panama area art (which have not been updated
even for extended map systems). Here Mifune puts Recife and its approach
hexes into art for players to see. It is very nice.

Second, this is the final update for USN (and other) LSTs - every LST slot
- and all adjacent slots near the US and RN sections - is full. This is both
more LSTs than ever offered before and vastly more correct date and location
of appearance, with captains that appear on or before that date (when
there is a captain assigned), and in the right form: we have LSTs in early
and late US armament, in Air Traffic Control form, in small craft depot ship
form, in the special late war Type 3 RN form, in the early war RN form, and
in the cruise missile launching form (equipped with the Loon - a near copy of
the V-1).

Third, there is a lot of attention to detail of small matters. Adequate garrisons so
there is no penalty for not enough, a port hex on Sumatra fixed, and ALL the Arctic
ports fixed!!! [Seems you need more than just a sub map code - you must say it
is a coastal hex or a ship can't stay there! Go figure.] The US 110 foot PC got
new data for speeds and displacement - 21 knots full (up by 3) but 12 knots
cruising (down by 3). Updated scenario files include class, device, leader, location and ship files.

Fourth, I added devices for Twin and Quad 2 pounders and began working them
onto RN battleships. Over time, Twin and Quad guns will creep into the entire Allied
fleet, as Twins, Triples and Quads have been doing for some time for the IJN. The
effect is a REDUCTION in light AA power: multiple tubes on one mounting result
in the square root of two more rounds on target - not a strait multiple like code uses.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 5/28/2016 1:36:32 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 146
RE: RHS Level II Micro Update 2.13 (Eratta and 129 enha... - 5/28/2016 12:43:03 AM   
el cid again


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ALL off map ports verified working. We may be adding Valparaiso Chile, Durban South Africa,
and Diego Suarez, Madagascar in due course. In testing now.


ORIGINAL: m10bob

Sid...I know it is a priority for you already, however I hope to see your release for the file which will make the off-map ports work.
Aden/Abedan in particular.

You have made Port Stanley useful in the game for the first time!

BTW, for folks researching the DEI and its' military...there is actually quite a bit to be seen on Youtube!


Third, I have continued to work on the "invisible" map support files, with a view to making vessels in the Arctic region behave better. We picked up two more

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 147
RE: RHS Level II Comprehensive Update 2.221 (pwhexe.dat... - 5/28/2016 1:33:08 AM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
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RHS Level II Update 2.221 Link!33899&authkey=!AEms6pC46mkIZq4&ithint=file%2cmsi

This compiled version had a pwhexe.dat file which did not work
for three hexes. Fixed.

In a message dated 5/27/2016 3:36:49 P.M. Alaskan Daylight Time, writes:

First of all, this update includes two new map panels by Mifune - both the hex
and non-hex versions of the Panama area art (which have not been updated
even for extended map systems). Here Mifune puts Recife and its approach
hexes into art for players to see. It is very nice.

Second, this is the final update for USN (and other) LSTs - every LST slot
- and all adjacent slots near the US and RN sections - is full. This is both
more LSTs than ever offered before and vastly more correct date and location
of appearance, with captains that appear on or before that date (when
there is a captain assigned), and in the right form: we have LSTs in early
and late US armament, in Air Traffic Control form, in small craft depot ship
form, in the special late war Type 3 RN form, in the early war RN form, and
in the cruise missile launching form (equipped with the Loon - a near copy of
the V-1).

Third, there is a lot of attention to detail of small matters. Adequate garrisons so
there is no penalty for not enough, a port hex on Sumatra fixed, and ALL the Arctic
ports fixed!!! [Seems you need more than just a sub map code - you must say it
is a coastal hex or a ship can't stay there! Go figure.] The US 110 foot PC got
new data for speeds and displacement - 21 knots full (up by 3) but 12 knots
cruising (down by 3). Updated scenario files include class, device, leader, location and ship files.

Fourth, I added devices for Twin and Quad 2 pounders and began working them
onto RN battleships. Over time, Twin and Quad guns will creep into the entire Allied
fleet, as Twins, Triples and Quads have been doing for some time for the IJN. The
effect is a REDUCTION in light AA power: multiple tubes on one mounting result
in the square root of two more rounds on target - not a strait multiple like code uses.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 5/28/2016 1:36:14 AM >

(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 148
RE: RHS Level II Comprehensive Update 2.221 (pwhexe.dat... - 5/28/2016 5:18:25 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline
All is working fine..Really appreciate General Patton for telling me where those map files had to be placed!
Will Midwest USA get a port?


(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 149
RE: RHS Level II Comprehensive Update 2.221 (pwhexe.dat... - 5/28/2016 9:52:24 PM   
el cid again


Posts: 16922
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Originally, I intended I would. Note it HAS got new RR access routes -
from Ontario Canada and from the map edge in the upper Western Midwest.
My intent was to have submarines and LSTs built there show up there.
But it turns out most - possibly all - were formally commissioned in
New Orleans! [Other ships - a few AK and a few LCM at least - were built
in Texas.] So Gulf Coast works better anyway. [The system was a ship or sub
was either put on a barge and moved, or put in 'limited commission' and with
a temporary crew (maybe not military) - and only put in 'full commission'
after reaching New Orleans - with often a few days spent in some kinds of
upgrades (weapons were not very available for example). So probably not.
I am from there - and it is confusing in map terms: most vessels went
down the Ohio and/or Mississippi - but others may have moved via the Erie
Canal to the Canadian Maritimes! I tentatively think "where it reached the
ocean" is the standard to adopt, instead of "where it was built" - my original
concept. Both concepts deliver the ship to the player at the earliest possible
date at a point they get to choose what path it will take to PTO - rendering
enemy intelligence (they can look up the available date in a fresh game start)
much less useful. The Allies get to move the vessel by whatever route they want,
in the context of what is most useful to their strategy, for the maximum amount
of time. Also, reviewing records indicates large numbers of errors were made
in ship entry dates: both early and late. Also, I found an LST involved in a
famous rescue in the ATLANTIC well AFTER it appeared at Panama! Others went to
Normandy, and did not reach the PTO for a year or two - but gamers got em anyway.
Some USN were transferred to RN in ETO - and one RN type transferred to USN
in ETO before going to the PTO! Review always yields more accurate data.


ORIGINAL: m10bob

All is working fine..Really appreciate General Patton for telling me where those map files had to be placed!
Will Midwest USA get a port?

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 150
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