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My Sincerest Apologies

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My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 3:11:27 AM   

Posts: 3065
Joined: 6/19/2006
From: Southern Missouri
Status: offline
Late last night I made the error of injecting politics into the Matrix Forums against the wishes and rules of its owners and patrons. It wasn't the first time. I am truly sorry for doing so. I'd like to especially apologize to Robert and Loki, both valued members of the community. In hindsight, what was intended to be a fairly innocuous thread quickly veered of course and was a distraction to Matrix Games mission. I should have been aware of such a contentious subject and have only myself to blame. I'll not make that mistake again. It might be best to take leave for some time.

Again, my apologies.


< Message edited by Missouri_Rebel -- 6/25/2016 3:14:52 AM >


**Those who rob Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul
**A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have-Gerald Ford
Post #: 1
RE: My Sincerist Apologies - 6/25/2016 3:15:22 AM   

Posts: 10762
Joined: 4/20/2003
From: England
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Mo Reb not sure what went on but as far as my experience goes I think when someone has apologised then all should be forgiven when it comes to any online shenanigans. Nothing worse when one or both parties carry things on and on and on. No real damage can ever be done to anyone online nothing that couldn't be sorted out and then left in the past anyway. So I applaud you for putting out an apology in public and I for one doubt that a self imposed temp ban is needed. As for politics it's one area I stay out of when talking with wargamers as I know I'm in a camp that's not the camp the vast majority of in..

< Message edited by wodin -- 6/25/2016 3:20:45 AM >


(in reply to Missouri_Rebel)
Post #: 2
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 3:29:43 AM   

Posts: 4804
Joined: 5/8/2000
From: Jackson Tn
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Late last night I made the error of injecting politics into the Matrix Forums against the wishes and rules of its owners and patrons. It wasn't the first time. I am truly sorry for doing so. I'd like to especially apologize to Robert and Loki, both valued members of the community. In hindsight, what was intended to be a fairly innocuous thread quickly veered of course and was a distraction to Matrix Games mission. I should have been aware of such a contentious subject and have only myself to blame. I'll not make that mistake again. It might be best to take leave for some time.

Again, my apologies.


You made me laugh out loud. I for one have done the same thing, much to my realization it was TOO ;ate to change it.

Keep your head up most old -timers have suffered the same silly behavior, never let it get you f


"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast."- W.T. Sherman

(in reply to Missouri_Rebel)
Post #: 3
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 3:40:52 AM   


Posts: 6830
Joined: 7/17/2005
From: The Divided Nations of Earth
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Late last night I made the error of injecting politics into the Matrix Forums against the wishes and rules of its owners and patrons. It wasn't the first time. I am truly sorry for doing so. I'd like to especially apologize to Robert and Loki, both valued members of the community. In hindsight, what was intended to be a fairly innocuous thread quickly veered of course and was a distraction to Matrix Games mission. I should have been aware of such a contentious subject and have only myself to blame. I'll not make that mistake again. It might be best to take leave for some time.

Again, my apologies.


A very kind gesture. I would say no need to leave for "some time" but you are obviously the best judge if you need to take a short break to gather your thoughts. :)


(in reply to Missouri_Rebel)
Post #: 4
RE: My Sincerist Apologies - 6/25/2016 3:43:00 AM   

Posts: 4804
Joined: 5/8/2000
From: Jackson Tn
Status: offline



Mo Reb not sure what went on but as far as my experience goes I think when someone has apologized then all should be forgiven when it comes to any online shenanigans. Nothing worse when one or both parties carry things on and on and on. No real damage can ever be done to anyone online nothing that couldn't be sorted out and then left in the past anyway. So I applaud you for putting out an apology in public and I for one doubt that a self imposed temp ban is needed. As for politics it's one area I stay out of when talking with wargamers as I know I'm in a camp that's not the camp the vast majority of in..

We, I have an axe to grind here too. Over the 16 years I have been a member of matrix I have scratched the cheeks of many soft allowed faces of huge numbers of "know it all's". The problem with certain(HUNDRED on MATRIX) is too many do not have the the wisdom they need nor actually have. Just drop their babbling to the floor and dance, dance, dance.


"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast."- W.T. Sherman

(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 5
RE: My Sincerist Apologies - 6/25/2016 4:28:22 AM   


Posts: 6830
Joined: 7/17/2005
From: The Divided Nations of Earth
Status: offline



Mo Reb not sure what went on but as far as my experience goes I think when someone has apologised then all should be forgiven when it comes to any online shenanigans. Nothing worse when one or both parties carry things on and on and on. No real damage can ever be done to anyone online nothing that couldn't be sorted out and then left in the past anyway. So I applaud you for putting out an apology in public and I for one doubt that a self imposed temp ban is needed. As for politics it's one area I stay out of when talking with wargamers as I know I'm in a camp that's not the camp the vast majority of in..

+1 Well said.


(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 6
RE: My Sincerist Apologies - 6/25/2016 4:55:23 AM   


Posts: 2757
Joined: 9/13/2009
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Not sure what went on politically Mo Reb, but I have always respected your opinions on the wargaming scene.

It is not very often that one asks for forgiveness or gets it in this world, but it is an awesome tonic, in both our public and personal lives. Particularly, when they are sincere, as you have proven to be.

Now, let's talk about Hillary, can we?

(in reply to GaryChildress)
Post #: 7
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 5:02:21 AM   

Posts: 41353
Joined: 2/2/2008
From: England
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Late last night I made the error of injecting politics into the Matrix Forums against the wishes and rules of its owners and patrons. It wasn't the first time. I am truly sorry for doing so. I'd like to especially apologize to Robert and Loki, both valued members of the community. In hindsight, what was intended to be a fairly innocuous thread quickly veered of course and was a distraction to Matrix Games mission. I should have been aware of such a contentious subject and have only myself to blame. I'll not make that mistake again. It might be best to take leave for some time.

Again, my apologies.


MoReb - a) apology accepted of course b) please reconsider leaving the forum - even for a while - as your presence will be missed on the forum.

One thing I would like to clarify though. I did send you a personal apology over my part in getting the Future of Wargaming thread closed. I sent a PM to someone in the WITP-AE thread recently and he said he didn't get it - although ultimately he found it in his spam folder. Maybe mine to you went there? I don't know. But I definitely sent it as I felt that an apology was required, especially since you and I have always got on - I sent similar (with an appeal to have the thread re-opened) to the mods. I know Zakblood was one and so he can confirm (both sent 1st June according to my copies).

We've all done things in the heat of the moment that we shouldn't, but you've been man enough to apologise, so lets forget it and move on. Please.

Edit: As Loki says below, if you want to PM to discuss, happy to take further.

< Message edited by warspite1 -- 6/25/2016 7:29:51 AM >


England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805

(in reply to Missouri_Rebel)
Post #: 8
RE: My Sincerist Apologies - 6/25/2016 5:57:25 AM   


Posts: 6830
Joined: 7/17/2005
From: The Divided Nations of Earth
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: parusski



Mo Reb not sure what went on but as far as my experience goes I think when someone has apologized then all should be forgiven when it comes to any online shenanigans. Nothing worse when one or both parties carry things on and on and on. No real damage can ever be done to anyone online nothing that couldn't be sorted out and then left in the past anyway. So I applaud you for putting out an apology in public and I for one doubt that a self imposed temp ban is needed. As for politics it's one area I stay out of when talking with wargamers as I know I'm in a camp that's not the camp the vast majority of in..

We, I have an axe to grind here too. Over the 16 years I have been a member of matrix I have scratched the cheeks of many soft allowed faces of huge numbers of "know it all's". The problem with certain(HUNDRED on MATRIX) is too many do not have the the wisdom they need nor actually have. Just drop their babbling to the floor and dance, dance, dance.

Wish I had wisdom. If you do, more power to you. As far as I'm concerned s/he who possesses it can be the first to complain about those who don't.

< Message edited by Gary Childress -- 6/25/2016 6:04:23 AM >


(in reply to parusski)
Post #: 9
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 6:58:04 AM   

Posts: 10920
Joined: 10/20/2012
From: Utlima Thule
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Late last night I made the error of injecting politics into the Matrix Forums against the wishes and rules of its owners and patrons. It wasn't the first time. I am truly sorry for doing so. I'd like to especially apologize to Robert and Loki, both valued members of the community. In hindsight, what was intended to be a fairly innocuous thread quickly veered of course and was a distraction to Matrix Games mission. I should have been aware of such a contentious subject and have only myself to blame. I'll not make that mistake again. It might be best to take leave for some time.

Again, my apologies.


Eric thank you for that. And don't leave the forum.

A particular problem with your thread was the topic is an instance where the political becomes the intensely personal (pm me if you want to discuss this, I'll be happy to explain what I mean) and that is always a volatile mix.



(in reply to Missouri_Rebel)
Post #: 10
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 11:49:12 AM   


Posts: 7087
Joined: 3/7/2010
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Here is a real apology

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 11
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 1:01:24 PM   


Posts: 3630
Joined: 6/23/2011
From: Portugal
Status: offline
No need to leave Missouri_Rebel.
Once I was aware of the thread I deleted immediately, obviously.
I honestly was a little surprised that it was you the original poster, as I've seen before you edit your own post when you think they are too political.
I believe initially you've thought that it would be an innocuous thread... wrong judgement. It happens to everyone, although most will never go back and recognize that they were wrong.
Please don't leave the community.

(in reply to Zorch)
Post #: 12
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 1:20:48 PM   

Posts: 2972
Joined: 7/4/2009
From: Tacoma
Status: offline
Moreb, all I can say is **** happens and glass houses. We all have out of character moments from time to time and all we can do is stand up, take responsibility, and try to make amends, as we know it isn't always easy with pride kicking you in the backside. I didn't see the post but have read your posts on a few different forums, from what I've read of your posts have been helpful, on point and respectful. Credibility matters.



Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Be Yourself; Everyone else is already taken" ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.

(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 13
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 1:23:14 PM   

Posts: 3639
Joined: 12/6/2004
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I'm sorry, but I fail to see any political thoughts by Mo Rebel in the post. He was giving cultural/philosophical opinion. And back in 2013 all the posters understood that. Eric, Ian, Arjuna all posted good responses. It was a discussion, and it was respectable by all parties. For God's sake even Slaakman contributed in a understandable manner. It was when this was resurrected in 2016 things went downhill. It was in no way due to you Missouri Rebel. So please stay. Your blaming yourself when you are not responsible, as I see it.

< Message edited by Zap -- 6/25/2016 1:29:39 PM >


(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 14
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 2:40:23 PM   


Posts: 1447
Joined: 11/4/2008
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Don't leave Mo Reb, We have all been there at some time. Don't sweat it, it's only a game forum.

(in reply to Zap)
Post #: 15
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 4:14:36 PM   

Posts: 1253
Joined: 9/23/2000
Status: offline
Mo Reb, don't leave and make me be the only representative of the "Show Me" state.


Jim Cobb

(in reply to vonRocko)
Post #: 16
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 5:08:40 PM   

Posts: 1148
Joined: 2/9/2007
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Late last night I made the error of injecting politics into the Matrix Forums against the wishes and rules of its owners and patrons. It wasn't the first time. I am truly sorry for doing so. I'd like to especially apologize to Robert and Loki, both valued members of the community. In hindsight, what was intended to be a fairly innocuous thread quickly veered of course and was a distraction to Matrix Games mission. I should have been aware of such a contentious subject and have only myself to blame. I'll not make that mistake again. It might be best to take leave for some time.

Again, my apologies.


As my friend David used to say, "No matter how good any of us get, none of us ever rise above human being."

Your apology has been accepted. We all make mistakes. There's no need to leave the forum.


This war is not about slavery. --Robert E. Lee

(in reply to Missouri_Rebel)
Post #: 17
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/25/2016 6:54:28 PM   

Posts: 22154
Joined: 5/3/2008
From: Sweden
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I had no involvement in this so I have no real say. But I would hate if someone felt the need to leave for a few words. We are few enough as it is.

I know Missouri_Rebel as honourable and valuable member to this community.

If you decide to take a break, and I hope not, I will pray for a swift return.

< Message edited by Orm -- 6/25/2016 6:57:01 PM >


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to Greybriar)
Post #: 18
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/26/2016 10:30:32 AM   

Posts: 3639
Joined: 12/6/2004
Status: offline



I'm sorry, but I fail to see any political thoughts by Mo Rebel in the post. He was giving cultural/philosophical opinion. And back in 2013 all the posters understood that. Eric, Ian, Arjuna all posted good responses. It was a discussion, and it was respectable by all parties. For God's sake even Slaakman contributed in a understandable manner. It was when this was resurrected in 2016 things went downhill. It was in no way due to you Missouri Rebel. So please stay. Your blaming yourself when you are not responsible, as I see it.

Looks like I was commenting on the wrong thread started by Mo Rebel. Sorry for the confusion.


(in reply to Zap)
Post #: 19
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/27/2016 2:27:20 AM   

Posts: 3065
Joined: 6/19/2006
From: Southern Missouri
Status: offline
Appreciate the support and glad to put this behind me.


**Those who rob Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul
**A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have-Gerald Ford

(in reply to Zap)
Post #: 20
RE: My Sincerest Apologies - 6/28/2016 2:23:42 PM   

Posts: 22687
Joined: 10/4/2012
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sorry Missouri_Rebel, i've been away on hols so couldn't reply before now, post was forgotten once removed so nothing to worry about either, i think everyone would agree the site is a better place with you than without you, i did report it, this one and many others tbh, but have no power to remove or comment or even judge others posts, just made a call and this time it got acted on, they don't always so i'm right as many times also as i am wrong...

(in reply to Missouri_Rebel)
Post #: 21
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